Individual Strengths

Individual Strengths
Nowadays, the current healthcare system is rapidly evolving to a new system structured
on a vision of health promotion, primary care, and community-based home care, entailing
hospitals as still being a core pillar of the healthcare system yet not its primary service.
These ongoing changes require a new approach to practice and patient care. Nursing care
that is strength-based is what closes the gaps and brings a smooth transformation in a
therapeutic and caring way. Individual’s strengths serve as essential components to
promote health and facilitate healing.
Being a nurse, I possess few individual strengths that make me the professional I am
today and help me get day by day while serving patients in need. One of my personal
strengths as a nurse and which I find to be fundamental is great communication skills. It
serves as a basic foundation especially when it comes to speaking and listening whether it
entails patients, families, or members of collaborative team work. As a nurse, it is
important for me to ensure that my patients are clearly understood by everyone and that
their wishes are addressed accordingly. Therefore, it is my duty to advocate for my
patients and anticipate their needs. Great communication skill is one of the advantages of
mine which helps me carry out the function of being a patient’s advocate sufficiently and in
a timely matter.
Another strength that I entail as a nurse is emotional stability. Nursing is a stressful job
where unstable, unfavorable, and traumatic situations are very common. Therefore, the
ability to accept suffering and death without letting it get personal is crucial especially
when there are so many patients awaiting and relying on your objective, non-judgmental,
accurate performance and assistance. At frequent times, empathy is what becomes a crucial
component of delivering an outstanding patient care services.
Empathy and compassion are essential strengths that I have as an individual. I’m able to
look at my patients, be sympathetic with their pain and suffering, and provide
compassionate and comforting care. When being away from home and everyday life, while
in the hospital bed, empathy and compassion is something that helps patients to feel more
comfortable and at ease while undergoing hospitalization and thus improving patient care
and satisfaction.
Another important strength that I possess as an individual and as a nurse is paying
attention to details. This strength is the most crucial at times as it can be lifesaving. A
simple mistake, a simple step missed can result in a tragedy. Paying close attention to
details plays a huge difference between life and death. As a nurse, it is one’s duty to
continuously pay close attention to details when it comes to patient care.
Problem solving skills is another essential strength that I entail as an individual. I am able
to think quickly and address problems in a timely matter to avoid an escalation to a bigger
issue or adverse outcome in patient care whether it’s physiological, social, or mental in
nature. Whether it’s dealing with emergency situation, soothing a patient, handling the
family, or dealing with staff, having a good problem solving skills has definitely helped me
at work, aimed toward the therapeutic resolution, and avoided escalation of the
potential/actual problems. Generally speaking, a respectful individual will be able to avoid
escalation of the problem.
I must acknowledge, as a registered professional nurse, being respectful to patients,
families, and colleagues serves as a fundamental tool that plays a great importance in my
career. As a nurse, I respect people and rules of the societal structures. I am mindful of
confidentiality, advocacy, personal preferences, religious and cultural beliefs and
traditions. Above all, I respect the wishes of my patients and address such in an
understanding, sensitive, and non-judgmental way.
As a nurse, I wear many hats. Being a part of the collaborative team work while taking
care of patients is not easy and at times can be very challenging. I must say that I’m proud
to be able to remain calm and collected even at times of unfavorable situations such as
emergencies and tragedies. I’m able to be a great communicator and emphasize the
patients’ needs without getting personal. I am a compassionate, flexible, and patient
individual that is able to react quick and efficient in various situations. And regardless of
how intense the job may get, I am able to pay close attention to the needs of my patients
whether it’s physical, mental, or social in nature, be a patient’s advocate, and address these
needs in a sensitive, timely, and nurturing way while respecting individuals’ differences
and believes.