About Us Our CORE PURPOSE is to facilitate development of scholarly and practical knowledge in records and information management. Our MISSION is to generate and provide resources for education and research to effect positive change in how people access, use and understand records and information. Our VISION is to be recognized as a leading resource for facilitating research and scholarship in records and information management. Strategic Plan Key Focus Areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Infrastructure & Operations (Christine Ardern) - We will expand our pool of volunteers to accomplish more results and develop a pool of candidates for the Board of Trustees, Committees and Task Forces. We will parse the Foundation’s administration into back-office and Executive Director roles to enhance operational performance. We will establish a technology plan and adapt user-friendly technology to provide the widest possible access to needed information in a timely manner. Scholarship (Pam Duane) - We will be an acknowledged source of financial support for graduate professionals pursuing RIM-related degrees and for RIM practitioners seeking college (undergraduate) degrees. We are committed to “seeding” the profession and to helping RIM practitioners advance in their careers. Partnerships & Relationships (Sharon Alexander-Gooding) - We will identify and actively pursue partnerships and relationships for the mutual benefit of the partners, in order to develop and facilitate the distribution of authoritative resources and provide additional funding. We will solidify relationships to create value-added partnerships, including “passthroughs” for selected projects. Revenue & Fundraising (Lisa Polisar) - We will triple our revenue/fundraising annually through signature sponsorship opportunities and grants. We will maintain a rolling roster of hot topics/projects needing funding. Marketing (Leigh Isaacs) - We will implement a marketing plan with a clear message that is understood by our target audiences. We will effectively leverage technology in our marketing efforts. We will ensure that AIEF, ARMA and our other partners and organizations share expectations and know where collaboration should occur. Research (Marti Fischer) - We will have in place a research program that addresses the needs of our defined audiences. This program will have defined areas of research, assessment criteria, and delivery mechanisms. CHAIRMAN Nicholas J. De Laurentis, CRM State Farm 219-663-8072 nick.delaurentis.gmkj@statefarm.com VICE-CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY Pamela Duane, CRM Madison Gas & Electric Company 608-252-7192 pduane@mge.com TREASURER Lisa Polisar Legal Records Manager (Ret.) 202-554-7914 lpolisar@comcast.net Sharon Alexander-Gooding University of the West Indies 1-246-417-4062 sgooding@uwichill.edu.bb Christine Ardern, CRM The Information Management Specialists 416-694-9090 cardern@sympatico.ca Stuart W. Campbell, CA Chicago State University 773-784-2748 campbellstuart@sbcglobal.net Marti Fischer, CRM, FAI Wells Fargo Bank Financial Services 916-787-3884 marti.fischer@wellsfargo.com Irene Geylyk, CRM, ermM 2plus2 Consulting Inc. 519-546-9694 igelyk.aief@gmail.com Leigh Isaacs, CIP Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP 202-339-8630 lisaacs@orrick.com Robert Williams, FAI MER Conference 312-527-1551 Robert.Williams@Cohasset.com Brian A. Moriki First Hawaiian Bank 808-844-3056 brian.moriki@fhb.com Diane K. Carlisle, CRM ARMA International 913-312-1742 diane.carlisle@armaintl.org Preston Shimer, FAI Foundation Administrator 412-221-1736 admin@armaedfoundation.org AIEF-07012012