Nom________________________________Date____________Classe________ Criterion A: Grade: ________/8 Criterion C: Grade:________/8 Summative Assessment #1- Unit 3– Level 3 – My trip to Washington DC! Mon voyage à Washington DC Criterion A: Comprehending spoken and visual text: Strand i. Show understanding of messages, main ideas and supporting detail. Strand ii. Recognize basic conventions Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text Strand i. respond appropriately to spoken, written and visual text Strand iii. Use phrases to communicate ideas, feelings and information in familiar situations. Inquiry statement: Travel blogs awaken one’s curiosity and thirst for travel and experience sharing. Inquiry questions Factual: What is the purpose of travelling? Conceptual: How does travelling help us understand others’ culture and our own? Debatable: Are there 10 places in the world where one should travel to understand our world better? This SUMMATIVE has 3 tasks to complete. Start working on Task A by creating your travel blog after you come back from D.C. Due date is March 26 & March 27 . The success of your assessment is based on the quality of your blog. Task A ASSESSED AS A CHECKPOINT ON GRADE BOOK . QUALITY OF WORK AND EFFORT WILL BE COMMENTED: I create a blog about my DC trip / or another trip. I do it on Smore, Blogge, Weebly or Google slides. I include a video and a minimum of 5 pictures. I include the following information. 1. Tu es allé(e) où et quand? (Where & when did you go?) 2. Tu as voyagé comment? (How did you travel?) 3. Tu as voyagé avec qui? (With whom did you travel?) 4. Qu’est-ce que tu as vu? ( What did you see?) 5. Qu’est-ce que tu as dit? (What did you say?) 6. Tu es resté(e) où?( Where did you stay?) 7. A quelle heure tu t’es levé(e) (At what time did you get up?) 8. Qu’est-ce que tu as visité ? (What places did you visit?) 9. Tu as mangé où? Where did you go to eat? 10. Qu’est-ce que tu as mangé / bu ? What did you eat? What did you drink? 11. Quels souvenirs tu as acheté ? What souvenir did you buy and how much you paid? 12. Parle d’un moment “fou” pendant le voyage. Tell a “crazy moment” that happened during the trip. 13. Tu es resté(e) combien de temps?? How many days did you stay? 14. Qu’est-ce que tu as préféré pendant ce voyage et pourquoi? What did you like in this trip and why? 15. Qu’est-ce que tu n’as pas aimé? Pourquoi? What didn’t you like in this trip and why? 16. Qu’est-ce que tu as appris? (What did you learn? ) #17/18 Add 2 more questions of your preference and answer them TOTAL QUESTIONS : 18 Task B: Criterion A (assessed in class starting March 23/24 ) 1) 2) 3) 4) I record myself presenting my blog using Quick Time. (Homework). I watch my partner’s blog and I listen to the Quick time audio recording. I answer questions in writing based on my partner’s blog. I only use the audio recording to answer the questions. During the listening, I should not be looking at the blog anymore. (Question frame provided) 1. Il / elle est allée quand et où? Where & when did he/she go? 2. Il / elle a voyagé comment? How did he/she travel? 3. Il / elle a voyagé comment? With whom did he/she travel? 4. Il / elle a visité quels endroits? What places did he/she visit? 5. Qu’est-ce qu’il / elle a aimé? Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle n’a pas aimé? What did he/she like? & What did he/she dislike? 6. Il/elle a mangé où? Where did he/she eat and what? 7. Quest-ce qu’il / elle a acheté? What did he/she buy? 8. Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle a appris? What did he/she learn? Task C: Criterion C: My peer asks me questions about my blog (orally). I answer his/ her questions. (Teacher assessed) 1. Tu es allé(e) où et quand? Where & when did you go? 2. Tu as voyagé comment? How did you travel? 3. Tu as voyagé avec qui? With whom did you travel? 4. Tu as visité quells endroits? What places did you visit? 5. Qu’est-ce que tu as aimé ? Qu’est-ce que tu n’as pas aimé? What did you like? / What did you dislike? 6. Où as-tu mangé et qu’est-ce que tu as mangé? Where did you eat and what? 7. Qu’est-ce que tu as acheté? What did you buy? 8. Qu’est-ce que tu as appris? What did you learn? *Apply the Past tense rules to your verbs. Student’s Reflection: (Answer in English) 1. How did this trip help you understand your own culture better? 2. In your opinion, is D.C. one of the 10 places in the world that one should visit? Why? Criterion A: Comprehending spoken and visual text: Achievement level 0 1-2 Limited success Very few 3-4 Developing Sometimes 5-6 Proficient Mostly 7-8 Superior Always Level Descriptor Specific Task: Does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. i. Shows minimal understanding of messages, main ideas and supporting details ii. Has limited awareness of basic conventions i. Very little for question words, sentence structure ii. Very few details on activities, time and verbs i. Shows some understanding of messages, main ideas and supporting details ii. Has some awareness of basic conventions i. Some for question words, sentence structure i. Shows considerable understanding of messages, main ideas and supporting details ii. Has considerable awareness of basic conventions i. Most for question words, sentence structure i. Shows excellent understanding of messages, main ideas and supporting details ii. Has excellent awareness of basic conventions i. All for question words, sentence structure ii. All details on activities, time & verbs. ii. Some details on activities, time and verbs. ii. Most details on activities, time and verbs Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text Achievement level 0 1-2 Limited success Very few 3-4 Developing Sometimes 5-6 Proficient Mostly 7-8 Superior Always Level Descriptor Specific Task: Does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. i. Makes limited attempt to respond to simple short phrases or basic information in spoken, written and visual text; responses are often inappropriate ii. Interacts minimally in basic structured exchanges i. Limited responses mostly wrong i. Responds to simple short phrases and some basic information in spoken, written and visual text, though some responses may be inappropriate ii. Interacts to some degree in basic structured exchanges i. Some responses, with some mistakes i. Responds appropriately to simple short phrases and basic information in spoken, written and visual text ii. Interacts considerably in basic structured exchanges i. Answered to most, with few mistakes i. Responds in detail and appropriately to simple short phrases and basic information in spoken, written and visual text ii. Interacts confidently in basic structured exchanges i. All answered with nearly no mistake ii. Minimal information & ideas, often inappropriate ii. Some information & ideas, not always detailed ii. A lot of information & ideas, detailed & relevant Most details on activities, time and verbs. ii. Very complete information & ideas, detailed with examples