French I Midterm Review Guide

Midterm Review guide: French I
Winter 2015
The midterm will be around 125 multiple-choice questions. Besides knowing the
grammar, you will have to read short paragraphs and know how to translate.
There will be a short essay (4-5 sentences) at the end of the exam that you will have
to write as well.
Preliminary Chapter:
1. Days of week, months of year, and seasons
2. Greetings and goodbyes and courtesies
3. Numbers 0-31
4. Questions about the date, days, and seasons
5. How to write a date in French
6. Question Word quand
Chapter 1:
1. How to tell time (numbers 0-60)
2. Vocabulary from chapter 1
3. Articles: le, la, les, l’ / un, une, des
4. Adjectives and how to make them feminine and plural
5. Colors
6. Verb ETRE
7. Pronouns je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles
8. How to describe people and your school
9. Difference between cajuns and creoles
10. Questions words Qui, a quelle heure, qu’est-ce que, est-ce que, d’ou
11. Oui/non questions
Chapter 2:
1. Vocabulary from chapter 2
2. How to talk about classes and describe them
3. Making sentences plural
4. Writing short sentences about your friends and classes
5. Questions word comment
Chapter 3:
1. vocabulary from the first ½ of the chapter
2. –ER ending verbs and how to conjugate
3. know the verbs acheter, travailler, aimer, habiter, regarder, parler, etudier
4. expression Combien coute? / Combien coutent?
5. Holiday season in the French speaking countries