Science Understanding- Chemical sciences- SCIENCE F-6 YEAR LEVEL ELEMENT ELABORATION GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSSCURRICULA PRIORITIES Sustainability 0F Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003) sorting and grouping materials on the basis of observable properties such as colour, texture and flexibility thinking about how the materials used in buildings and shelters are suited to the local environment investigating different forms of clothing used for different activities comparing the traditional materials used for clothing from around the world 1 Everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways (ACSSU018) 2 Different materials can be combined, including by mixing, for a particular purpose (ACSSU031) 3 A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046) 4 Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; These properties can influence their use (ACSSU074) 5 Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways (ACSSU077) 6 Changes to materials can be reversible, such as melting, freezing, evaporating; or irreversible, such as burning and rusting (ACSSU095) Critical and creative predicting and comparing how the shapes of objects made from different materials can be physically changed through actions such as thinking , Literacy bending, stretching and twisting exploring how materials such as water, chocolate or play dough change when warmed or cooled Critical and creative Sustainability exploring the local environment to observe a variety of materials, thinking and describing ways in which materials are used investigating the effects of mixing materials together suggesting why different parts of everyday objects such as toys and clothes are made from different materials identifying materials such as paper that can be changed and remade or recycled into new products Critical and creative Sustainability investigating how liquids and solids respond to changes in temperature, for example water changing to ice, or melting chocolate thinking exploring how changes from solid to liquid and liquid to solid can help us recycle materials predicting the effect of heat on different materials Sustainability describing a range of common materials, such as metals or plastics, and their uses investigating a particular property across a range of materials selecting materials for uses based on their properties considering how the properties of materials affect the management of waste or can lead to pollution comparing solids and liquids by investigating differences, such as the Critical and creative thinking ability to flow or maintain shape and volume observing that gases have mass and take up space demonstrated by using balloons or bubbles exploring the way solids, liquids and gases change under different situations such as heating and cooling recognising that some materials such as foam are composite materials and cannot be easily classified as solids, liquids or gases on the basis of their observable properties recognising that substances exist in different states depending on the temperature Critical and creative Sustainability describing what happens when materials are mixed thinking investigating the solubility of common materials in water investigating the change in state caused by heating and cooling of a familiar substance investigating irreversible changes such as rusting, burning and cooking exploring how reversible changes can be used to recycle materials