Rick Holden Liverpool Business School UFHRD Research Committee UFHRD Mission “To create, develop, and inform leading – edge HRD theories and practices by promoting professionally focused qualifications, co-operative research initiatives, consultancy interventions” Critics of HRD research and its status HRD is not an academic discipline (Kuchinke, 2001) HRD research must ‘up its game’ (Thorpe,2009) HRD research is barely scratching the surface (SadlerSmith, 2014) HRD research must ‘sharpen its toolkit’ (Kuchinke, forthcoming) A diversity of perspectives – unhelpful given need for a distinct identity (Poell, 2007) Will HRD survive (Short et al, 2003)? Champions of HRD research and its status The subject is healthy…both in terms of quantity of research and as driver of change vis management / work (Stewart 2005) HRD makes a contribution to the overall knowledge base of the social science ….the theme of training transfer and evaluation has been the most valuable (Jeung et al, 2011) The RAE should not be allowed to distort or minimise the value and quality of research currently being produced and published on HRD (Stewart, 2007) The Honorarium Key link to Mission Annually, since 2002-3 Small scale 32 completed projects Evaluation: Main Findings Perceived well… “a rare case of funding that is exclusively for HRD research” Impact Kick starts research Enhances research capability Outputs (Figure 3) Figure 3: Outputs directly attributable to Honorarium 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Journal Articles Book Chapters Conference Papers Reports Main Findings Perceived well… “a rare case of funding that is exclusively for HRD research” Impact Kick starts research Enhances research capability Outputs (Figure 3) Extends and sustains research beyond the specifics of Hon project (Figure 5) Figure 5: The 'Springboard' Effect 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 To a large extent No further research Main Findings Perceived well… “a rare case of funding that is exclusively for HRD research” Impact Kick starts research Enhances research capability Outputs (Figure 3) Extends and sustains research beyond the specifics of Hon project (Figure 5) Contribution to Forum Mission (Figure 7) Figure 7: Contribution to Mission of UFHRD 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Significant Irrelevant On the other hand…. Is HRD research measurable better, different, more significant than without the Honorarium ? Evaluation revealed: - a lack of collaborative work - Something of a ‘rag bag’ of projects / initiatives - Minimal attention to theory (cf RAE report re Mgt Ed and Dev) - A tendency for one-offs; little ‘building’ from one year to another - Hon researchers face a dilemma…loyalty to Forum (and its associated journals) v pressure from institutions wedded to ‘orthodox’ view of research assessment Theory / Conceptual Underpinning The Practice of HRD The Teaching and Learning of HRD 4 14 14 Table 1: The focus of Honorarium research projects On the other hand…. Is HRD research measurable better, different, more significant than without the Honorarium ? Evaluation revealed: - a lack of collaborative work - Something of a ‘rag bag’ of projects / initiatives - Minimal attention to theory (cf RAE report re Mgt Ed and Dev) - A tendency for one-offs; little ‘building’ from one year to another - Hon researchers face a dilemma…loyalty to Forum (and its associated journals) v pressure from institutions wedded to ‘orthodox’ view of research assessment Conclusions and Question The UFHRD Research Honorarium is a successful ‘cottage’ industry. It does help initiate and sustain HRD research Its impact in any national assessment is marginal Does it stick with a proven formula, albeit at ‘cottage’ industry level of impact, or seek greater influence and impact in the politics of social science research…. How might the Honorarium assist HRD research to ‘up its game’ ? Figure 6: Impact within research assessment exercises 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Significant contribution Has not featured N/A