Sources of Market Information

Information is one of the most basic ingredients of a successful marketing strategy. A
company's management information system and intranet provides decision makers
with a continuous flow of information. Information technology is profoundly affecting
global marketing activities by allowing managers to access and manipulate data to assist
in decision making. Electronic data interchange, electronic point of sale data, efficient
consumer response, customer relationship management, and data warehouses are
some of the new tools and techniques available. The global marketer must scan the world
for information about opportunities and threats and make information available via a
management information system
Formal market research – the project-specific, systematic gathering of data-is often
required before marketers make key decisions. Global market research links customers
and marketers through information gathered on a global scale. The research process
begins when marketers define the problem and set research objectives; this step may
entail assessing whether a particular market should be classified as latent or incipient. A
research plan specifies the relative amounts of qualitative and quantitative information
desired. Information is collected using either primary or secondary data sources. In
today’s wired world, the Internet has taken its place alongside more traditional channels
as an important secondary information source. In some instances, the cost of collecting
primary data may outweigh the potential benefits. Secondary sources are especially
useful for researching a market that is too small to justify a large commitment of time and
If collection of primary data can be justified on a cost-benefit basis, research can be
conducted via survey research, personal interviews, consumer panels, observation,
and focus groups. Before collecting data, researchers must determine whether a
probability sample is required. In global marketing, careful attention must be paid to
issues such as eliminating cultural bias in research, accurately translating surveys, and
ensuring data comparability in different markets. A number of techniques are available
for analyzing survey data, including factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional
scaling (MDS), and conjoint analysis. Research findings and recommendations must be
presented clearly. A final issue is how much control headquarters will have over research
and the overall management of the organization's information system. To ensure
comparability of data, the researcher should utilize both emic and etic approaches.
When researching any market, marketers must know where to go to obtain information,
what subject areas to investigate and information to look for, the different ways
information can be acquired, and the various analysis approaches that will yield
important insights and understanding. However, similar challenges are likely to present
themselves wherever the marketer goes.
It is the marketer’s good fortune that a veritable cornucopia of market information is
available on the Internet. A few keystrokes can yield literally hundreds of articles,
research findings, and Web sites that offer a wealth of information about particular
country markets.
Even so, marketers must do their homework if they are make the most of modern
First, they need to understand the importance of information technology and marketing
information systems as strategic assets. Second, they should have a general understanding
of the formal market research process. Finally, they should know how to manage the
marketing information collection system and the marketing research effort.
What is Information Technology?
The phrase information technology (IT) refers to an organization’s processes for
creating, storing, exchanging, using, and managing information.
What purpose does a MIS serve?
A management information system (MIS) provides managers and other decision
makers with a continuous flow of information about company operations. MIS is a
general term that can be used in reference to a system of hardware and software that a
company uses to manage information.
An MIS should provide a means for gathering, analyzing, classifying, storing, retrieving,
and reporting relevant data. The MIS should also cover important aspects of a company's
external environment, including customers and competitors.
One component of a firm’s MIS is a business intelligence (BI) network that helps
manages make decisions. Global competition intensifies the need for an effective MIS
and BI that is accessible throughout the company.
Unlike the public Internet, an intranet is a private network that allows authorized
company personnel or outsiders to share information electronically in a secure fashion.
Intranets allow a company’s information system to serve as a 24-hour nerve center,
enabling, Dell, and other companies to operate as real time enterprises
(RTEs). The RTE model is expected to grow in popularity as wireless Internet access
becomes more widely available.
An electronic data interchange (EDI) system allows a company’s business units to
submit orders, issue invoices, and conduct business electronically with other company
units as well as outside companies.
One of the key features of EDI is that its transaction formats are universal; thus, allowing
computer systems at different companies to speak the same language.
Poor operating results can often be traced to insufficient data and information about
events both inside and outside the company.
Define ECR.
Retailers are using efficient consumer response (ECR) to work more closely with
vendors on stock replenishment. ECR can be defined as a joint initiative by members of a
supply chain to work towards improving and optimizing aspects of the supply chain to
benefit customers.
ECR systems utilize electronic point of sale (EPOS) data gathered by checkout scanners.
EPOS, ECR, and other IT tools are also helping businesses improve their ability to target
consumers and increase loyalty.
The trend among retailers is to develop customer-focused strategies that will personalize
and differentiate the business.
What purpose does CRM serve?
A new business model that helps companies collect, store, and analyze customer data. is
customer relationship management (CRM). CRM is a philosophy that values two-way
communication between company and customer.
A company’s use of CRM can manifest itself in various ways. Some are visible to
consumers, others are not: some make extensive use of leading-edge information
technology, others do not.
One challenge is to integrate data into a complete picture of the customer and his or her
relationship to the company and its products or services. This is sometimes referred to
as a “360-degree view of the customer”.
The challenge is compounded for global marketers. Subsidiaries in different parts of the
world may use different customer data formats, and commercial CRM products may not
support all the target languages.
Define Sales Force Automation.
Sales force automation (SFA) is defined as a software system that automates routine
aspects of sales and marketing functions such as lead assignment and contact follow-up
and opportunity reporting. An SFA system can also analyze the cost of sales and the
effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Privacy issues vary widely from country to country. In the European Union, a Directive
on Data Collection has been in effect since 1998.
There are restrictions about sharing information across national borders. In 2000, the U.S.
Department of Commerce and the EU concluded a Safe Harbor agreement that
establishes principles for privacy protection for companies that wish to transfer data to
the U.S. from Europe.
The principles include:
• The purposes for which information is collected and used and the means by
which individuals can direct inquiries to the company
• An “opt out” option to prevent the disclosure of personal information to third
• An agreement that information can only be transferred to third parties which are
in compliance with Safe Harbor Principles
• Individuals must have access to information collected about them and must be
able to correct or delete inaccurate information.
Databases called data warehouses are frequently an integral part of a CRM system.
Behind the familiar interfaces, however, is specialized software capable of performing
multidimensional analysis by using sophisticated techniques such as linear programming
and regression analysis.
EDI, ECR, EPOS, SFA, CRM, and other aspects of It do not simply represent marketing
issues; they are organizational imperatives. The tasks of designing, organizing, and
implementing systems for business intelligence and information must be coordinated in a
coherent manner that contributes to the overall strategic direction of the organization.
Overall, the, the global organization has the following needs:
 An efficient, effective system that will scan and digest published sources and
technical journals in the headquarters country as well as all countries in which the
company has operations or customers.
 Daily scanning, translating, digesting, abstracting, and electronic input of
information into a market intelligence system.
 Expanding information coverage to other regions of the world.
Sources of Market Information
Headquarters executives of global companies obtain as much as two-thirds of the
information they need from personal sources.
A great deal of external information comes from executives based abroad in company
subsidiaries, affiliates, and branches.
These executives have established communication with distributors, consumers,
customers, suppliers, and government officials.
Key weakness of a domestic company: Although more attractive opportunities may be
present outside existing areas of operation, they are likely to go unnoticed by inside
sources in a domestic company because the scanning horizon tends to end at the homecountry border.
A company with limited geographical operations may be at risk because internal sources
abroad tend to scan only information about their own countries or regions.
What is Direct Sensory Perception?
Direct sensory perception provides a vital background for the information that comes
from human and documentary sources. Direct perception gets all the senses involved.
gets all the senses involved. It means seeing, felling, hearing, smelling, or tasting for
oneself to find out what is going on in a particular country.
Some information may be available from other sources but requires sensory experience to
sink in.
For example, Wal-Mart’s first stores in China stocked a number of products— extension
ladders and giant bottles of soy sauce, for example—that were inappropriate for local
customers. Joe Hatfield, Wal-Mart’s top executive for Asia, began roaming the streets of
Shenzhen in search of ideas. His observations paid off; when Wal-Mart’s giant store in
Dalian opened in April 2000, a million shoppers passed through its doors in the first
week. They snapped up products ranging from lunch boxes to pizza topped with corn and
Direct perception can also be important when a global player dominates a company’s
domestic market, case in point Microsoft’s Xbox video game system, when Microsoft
took the system “on the road” in the US.
Market research is the project-specific, systematic gathering of data.
Marketing Research is defined as “the activity that links the consumer, customer, and
public to the marketer through information.”
Global market research is the marketing research activity carried out on a global scale.
The challenge of global marketing research is to recognize and respond to the important
national differences that influence the way information can be obtained. These challenges
include: cultural, linguistic, economic, political, religious, historical, and market
Michael Czinkota and Illka Ronkainen have identified four specific environmental factors
that require international research to be conducted differently than domestic research.
 New parameters of doing business – different requirements, new ways rules are
 “Cultural megashock” may occur from new culture-based assumptions about
 Many markets lead to interacting factors – research prevents psychological
Research may have to broaden view of competitors to include competitive
pressures not present in the domestic market.
There are two ways to conduct marketing research. One is to design and implement a
study with in-house staff; the other is to use an outside market research firm. (Figure6-1).
Discussion Question #3: Outline the basic steps of the market research process.
What are the eight basic steps of global marketing research?
The process of collecting data and converting it into useful information includes basic 8
1. information requirement,
2. problem definition,
3. choosing unit of analysis,
4. examining data availability,
5. assessing the value of research,
6. research design,
7. data analysis, and
8. presenting the research findings.
Step 1: Identify the Information Requirement
Formal research is often undertaken after a problem or opportunity has been identified. A
truism of market research that a problem well defined is a problem half solved.
What are the first two questions a marketer should ask?
The first two questions a marketer should ask are:
 “What information do I need?”
 “Why do I need this information?”
Step 2: Problem Definition
Marketers must be aware of the impact that SRC and other cross-cultural assumptions
can have.
Such awareness can have positive effects:
 It can enhance management’s willingness to conduct market research in the first
 An awareness of SRC can help ensure that the research effort is designed with
minimal home-country or second-country bias.
 It can enhance management’s receptiveness to accepting research findings.
Step 3: Choose Unit of Analysis
The next step involves the need to identify what part(s) of the world the company should
be doing business and finding out as much as possible about the business environment in
the area(s) identified.
The unit of analysis may be a single country; it may be a region such as Europe or South
America, or it may be global (see Table 6-2).
Are countrywide data required for all market entry decisions?
Countrywide data are not required for all market entry decisions. Rather, a specific city,
state, or province may be the relevant unit of analysis.
Step 4: Examine Data Availability
The first task at this stage is to answer several questions regarding the availability of data.
What type of data should be gathered? Can secondary data – for example data available
in company files, a library, industry or trade journals, or online be used??
Using data that are readily available saves both money and time.
A low-cost approach to market research and data collection begins with desk research.
Secondary sources are a good place to start. Personal files, company or public libraries,
online databases, government census records, and trade associations are just a few of the
data sources that can be tapped with minimal effort.
Give some examples of secondary data sources.
The U.S. government’s most comprehensive source of world trade data is the National
Trade Data Base (NTDB), an online resource from the Department of Commerce.
Another commerce department Web site, STAT-USA/Internet (www.stat-usa-gov.) is
another excellent online source.
The Statistical Abstract of the United States is one of the annual publications issued by
the U.S. government that contains myriad facts about international markets.
Most countries compile estimates of gross national product (GNP), gross domestic
product (GDP), consumption, investment, government expenditures, and price levels.
Demographic data indicating the population size, distribution of population by age
category, and rates of population growth are also available.
Many countries have set up Web sites to help small firms find opportunities in world
The Statistical Yearbook of the United Nations, contains global data on agriculture,
mining, manufacturing, construction, energy production and consumption, internal and
external trade, railroad and air transport, wages and prices, health, housing, education,
communication infrastructure, and availability of mass communication media.
The CIA publishes World Factbook, which is revised yearly.
The Economist and Financial Times compile comprehensive surveys of regional and
country markets.
How can such data be useful?
Trends in manufacturing production indicate potential markets for companies that supply
manufacturing inputs. At the early stages of growth in a country, when per capita
incomes are low, manufacturing centers on necessities as food and beverages, textiles,
and other forms of light industry. As incomes rise, the relative importance of these
industries declines as heavy industry begins to develop.
A word of caution is in order at this point: Remember that data are compiled from
various sources, some of which may not be reliable. Even when the sources are reliable,
there is likely to be some variability from source to source.
Syndicated studies published by private research companies are another source of
secondary data and information. (www. sells
reports on a wide range of global business sectors.
Step 5: Assess Value of Research
Research requires investment of both money and managerial time, and it is necessary to
perform a cost-benefit analysis before proceeding further.
The small markets around the world pose a special problem for the researcher. The
relatively low profit potential in smaller markets justifies only modest expenditures for
marketing research.
Therefore, the global researcher must devise techniques and methods that keep
expenditures in line with the market’s profit potential.
It may also be necessary to use inexpensive survey research that sacrifices some elegance
or statistical rigor to achieve results within the constraints of the smaller market research
Step 6: Research Design
What are Primary Data?
Primary data are gathered through original research pertaining to a specific problem
when data are not available through published statistics or studies.
Global marketing guru David Arnold offers the following guidelines regarding data
• Use multiple indicators rather than a single measure.
• Individual companies should develop customized indicators specific to the
industry, product market, or business model.
• Always conduct comparative assessments in multiple markets.
• Observation of purchasing patterns and other behavior should be weighted more
heavily than reports or opinion regarding purchase intention or price sensitivity.
Next, the decision must be made to use quantitative techniques (numerical data that can
be subjected to statistical analysis) or qualitative techniques (non-numerical data).
In global market research, it is advisable for the plan to call for a mix of techniques is
typically most advisable.
For consumer products, qualitative research is especially well suited to accomplish the
following tasks:
• To provide consumer understanding
• To describe the social and cultural context of consumer behavior, including
cultural, religious, and political factors that impact decision making
• Identify core brand equity and “get under the skin” of brands
• To “mine” the consumer and identify what people really feel
Issues in Data Collection
What is the difference between Existing Markets and Potential Markets?
The research problem may be more narrowly focused on marketing issues. Existing
markets are those in which customer needs are already being served by one or more
In many countries, data about the size of existing markets-in terms of dollar volume and
unit sales – are readily available. In some countries, however, formal market research is
relatively new phenomenon and data are scarce.
In such situations, market researchers have two initial objectives:
1. To estimate the market size, the level of demand, or the rate of product purchase
or consumption.
2. To assess the company’s overall competitiveness in terms of product appeal,
price, distribution, and promotional coverage and effectiveness.
In such situations, and in countries, where such data are not available, researchers must
first estimate the market size, the level of demand, or the rate of product purchase or
Potential markets are those where no market currently exists and can be subdivided into
into latent and incipient markets.
What is a Latent Market?
A latent market is in essence, an undiscovered segment. It is a market in which demand
would materialize if an appropriate product were made available.
In latent markets, initial success is not based on a company’s competitiveness. Success
depends on the prime mover advantage – a company’s ability to uncover the opportunity
and launch a marketing program that taps the latent demand.
An incipient market is a market that will emerge if a particular economic, demographic,
political, or sociocultural trend continues.
A company is not likely to succeed if it offers a product in an incipient market before the
trends have taken root. After the trends have had a chance to unfold, the incipient market
will become latent and, later, existing.
Research Methodologies
Survey research, interviews, consumer panels, observation, and focus groups are some of
the tools used to collect primary market data.
Describe Survey Research.
Survey research utilizes questionnaires designed to elicit quantitative data (“How much
would you buy?”), qualitative responses ("Why would you buy?"), or both.
Survey research obtains data using a questionnaire distributed by mail, telephone, or in
person; a good questionnaire is simple, easy to answer and record, and obtains desired
In global marketing research, several survey and design issues arise (e.g., telephone
directory lists may not be available). It is important to remember that what is customary
in one country may be impossible in others because of infrastructure differences, cultural
barriers or other reasons.
At a deeper level, culture shapes attitudes and values in a way that directly affects
people’s willingness to respond to interviewer questions.
SRC bias can originate from the cultural background of those designing the questionnaire
 What is the difference between Back Translation and Parallel Translation?
A technique known as back translation can help increase comprehension and validity.
Back translation requires that, after a questionnaire is translated into a particular target
language, it is translated once again into the original by a different translator.
For even greater accuracy, parallel translations – two versions by different translators –
can be used as input to the back translation.
Personal interviews allow researchers to ask “why?” and then explore answers with the
respondent on a face-to-face basis.
A consumer panel is a sample of respondents whose behavior is tracked over time.
What is Observation Research?
When observation is used as a data collection method, one or more trained observers (or
a mechanical device such as a video camera) watch and record the behavior of actual or
prospective buyers.
Companies using observation as a research methodology must be sensitive to public
concerns about privacy issues. A second problem with observation is reactivity, which is
the tendency of research subjects to behave differently when they know they are under
How does a Focus Group work?
In focus group research, a trained moderator facilitates discussion of a product concept, a
brand’s image and personality, advertisement, social trend, or other topic with a group
comprised of 6 to 10 people.
The moderator can utilize a number approaches to elicit reactions and responses,
including projective techniques, visualization, and role plays.
In the projective technique, the researcher presents open ended or ambiguous stimuli to a
subject. Presumably, when verbalizing a response, the subject will “project”—that is,
reveal—his or her unconscious attitudes and biases.
Focus group research yields qualitative data that does not lend itself to statistical
projection. Such data is extremely valuable in the exploratory phase of a project and is
typically used in conjunction with data gathered via observation and other methods.
Scale Development
Market research requires assigning some type of measure, ranking, or interval to a
response. To take a simple example of measurement, a nominal scale is used to establish
the identity of a survey element. For example, male respondents could be labeled “1” and
female respondents could be labeled “2.”
A Likert scale entail placing each response in some kind of continuum, such as “strongly
agree” to “strongly disagree.”
What is Scalar Equivalence?
In a multi-country research project, it is important to have a scalar equivalence, which
means two respondents in different countries with the same value for a given variable
receive equivalent scores on the same survey item.
Even with standard data-gathering techniques, the application of a particular technique
may differ from country to country.
When collecting data, researchers generally cannot administer a survey to every possible
person in the designated group. A sample is a selected subset of a population that is
representative of the entire population.
Two types of samples are probability samples and nonprobability samples.
Which is the “better” form of sampling: Probability or Non-Probability
sampling and why?
A probability sample is generated by following statistical rules that ensure that each
member of the population under study has an equal chance of being included in the
sample. The results of a probability sample can be projected (with qualifications) to the
entire population.
The results of a nonprobability sample cannot be projected with statistical reliability.
One form of nonprobability sample is a convenience sample – researchers select people
who are easy to reach. Although data gathered in this way are not subject to statistical
inference, they may be adequate to address the problem.
To obtain a quota sample, the researcher divides the population under study into
categories; a sample is taken from each category. The term quota refers to the need to
make sure that enough people are chosen in each category to reflect the overall makeup
of the population.
Step 7: Analyzing Data
The data collected up to this point must be subjected to some form of analysis if it to be
useful to decision makers. First, the data must be prepared – the term cleaned is
sometimes used – before further analysis is possible. Questionnaires must be coded, and
some data adjustment may be required.
Data analysis continues with tabulation, that is, the arrangement of data in tabular form.
For nominally scaled variables such as “male” and “female,” a simple cross tabulation
may be performed.
If the researcher is interested in the interaction between variables, interdependence
techniques such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling (MDS)
can be used.
Factor analysis is used to transform large amounts of data into manageable units (see
Figure 6-2). Factor analysis is useful in psychographic segmentation studies.
Cluster analysis allows the researcher to group variables into clusters that maximize
within-group similarities and between-group differences.
Cluster analysis shares some characteristics of factor analysis: it does not classify
variables as dependent or independent, and it can be used in psychographic segmentation.
Cluster analysis is well suited to global marketing research because similarities and
difference can be established between local, national, and regional markets of the world.
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a technique for creating perceptual maps. MDS is
particularly useful when there are many alternatives from which to choose.
Dependence techniques assess the interdependence of two or more dependent variables
with one or more independent variables.
Conjoint analysis is a tool that researchers can use to gain insights into the combination
of attributes that will be most attractive to consumers; it is assumed that features affect
both perception and preferences.
Comparative Analysis and Market Estimation by Analogy
A common form of comparative analysis is the intracompany cross-national comparison.
For example, general market conditions in two or more countries (as measured by
income, stage of industrialization, or some other indicator) may be similar. If there is a
significant discrepancy between per capita sales of a given product in the countries, the
marketer might reasonably wonder about it and determine what actions need to be taken.
When you draw an Analogy, what are you really doing?
Drawing an analogy is simply stating a partial resemblance.
David Arnold notes that there are four possible approaches to forecasting by analogy:
1. Data is available on a comparable product in the same country.
2. Data is available on the same product in a comparable country.
3. Data is available on the same product from an independent distributor in a
neighboring country.
4. Data is available about a comparable company in the same country.
Time-series displacement is an analogy technique based on the assumption that an
analogy between markets exists in different time periods.
Step 8: Interpretation and Presentation
The report based on the market research must be useful to managers as input to the
decision-making process. It is advisable for major findings to be summarized concisely
in a memo that indicates the answer or answers to the problem first proposed in Step 1.
In the multinational company, responsibility for research is delegated to the operating
The global company delegates responsibility for research to operating subsidiaries but
retains overall responsibility and control of research as a headquarters’ function.
A key difference between single country market research and global market research is
the importance of comparability.
Simply put, comparability, means that the results can be used to make valid comparisons
between the countries covered by the research. To achieve this, the company must inject
a level of control and review of marketing research at the global level.
The research director must pay particular attention to whether data gathered is based on
emic analysis or etic analysis.
Define Emic and Etic.
Emic analysis attempts to study a culture from within, using its own system of meanings
and values. Etic analysis is “from the outside”; it is a more detached perspective that is
often used in comparative or multicountry studies.
The Marketing Information System as a Strategic Asset
The advent of the transnational enterprise means that boundaries between the firm and
the outside world are dissolving.
The boundary between marketing and other functions is also dissolving, and the
traditional notion of marketing as a distinct functional area within the firm may be giving
way to a new model.
Many global firms are creating flattened organizations with less hierarchical, less
centralized decision-making structures. Such organizations facilitate the exchange and
flow of information between departments that previously have operated as autonomous
Information intensity in the firm has an impact on perceptions of market attractiveness,
competitive position, and organizational structure.
The greater a company’s information intensity, the more the traditional product and
market boundaries shift. An example is the emergence of the “superindustry,” combining
telecommunications, computers, financial services, and retailing into an information
Today, when marketers speak of “value added”, the chances are they are not referring to
unique product features. Rather, the emphasis is on the information exchanges as part of
customer transactions, much of which cuts across traditional product lines.
1. Explain how information technology puts powerful tools in the hands of global
Electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic point of sale (EPOS), efficient
consumer response, and data warehouses are some of the new tools and
techniques available. Speed, innovation, and efficiency are some of the
imperatives driving global marketing today. The gains from responding to these
imperatives are clearly seen in Wal-Mart’s success in the retailing industry.
2. Assume that you have been asked by the president of your organization to devise a
systematic approach to scanning. The president does not want to be surprised by major
market or competitive developments. What would you recommend?
As described in the chapter, a systematic approach would begin with an audit of
reading activity. Presumably, many executives would spend some time with The
Wall Street Journal (or the Journal’s Asian or European editions) and, if
appropriate, the Financial Times, as well as specific industry or trade
publications. Beyond these “basics,” an audit should reveal whether there is
excessive overlap and duplication and whether there are coverage gaps.
Responsibility for a wide range of reading material can be spread among several
people as long as a mechanism for disseminating the information is available.
Since 1995, a wealth of company, industry, product, and country information has
become available on the Internet. The audit should determine who is engaged in
regular viewing on the Net and tracking relevant new Web sites as they are
developed and uploaded.
3. Outline the basic steps of the market research process.
The process of collecting data and converting it into useful information includes basic
8 steps:
1. information requirement,
2. problem definition,
3. choosing unit of analysis,
4. examining data availability,
5. assessing the value of research,
6. research design,
7. data analysis, and
8. presenting the research findings.
Step 1: Identify the Information Requirement
The first two questions a marketer should ask are:
 “What information do I need?”
 “Why do I need this information?”
Step 2: Problem Definition
A well defined problem is truly a half-solved problem. The tendency is to not spend
adequate time on problem definition, with the result being a defined problem that is to
vague to solve.
Step 3: Choose Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis may be a single country; it may be a region such as Europe or
South America, or it may be global.
Step 4: Examine Data Availability
Secondary data are data that were not gathered for the specific project at hand.
Personal files, company or public libraries, online databases, government census
records, and trade associations are all potential sources of secondary data. Data from
these sources already exist. However, it is cheaper than primary data and should
always be examined first.
Step 5: Assess Value of Research
Research requires investment of both money and managerial time, and it is necessary
to perform a cost-benefit analysis before proceeding further.
Step 6: Research Design
Primary data are gathered through original research pertaining to a specific problem
when data are not available through published statistics or studies.
Points to keep in mind:
 Use multiple indicators rather than a single measure.
 Individual companies should develop customized indicators specific to the
industry, product market, or business model.
 Always conduct comparative assessments in multiple markets.
 Observation of purchasing patterns and other behavior should be weighted
more heavily than reports or opinion regarding purchase intention or price
Research Methodologies
Survey research utilizes questionnaires designed to elicit quantitative data (“How
much would you buy?”), qualitative responses ("Why would you buy?"), or both.
Personal interviews allow researchers to ask “why?” and then explore answers with
the respondent on a face-to-face basis.
When observation is used as a data collection method, one or more trained observers
(or a mechanical device such as a video camera) watch and record the behavior of
actual or prospective buyers.
Step 7: Analyzing Data
First, the data must be prepared – the term “cleaned” is sometimes used – before
further analysis is possible. Questionnaires must be coded, and some data adjustment
may be required.
Step 8: Presenting the Findings
It is advisable for major findings to be summarized concisely in a memo that indicates
the answer or answers to the problem first proposed in Step 1.
Results should be clearly stated and provide a basis for managerial action.
4. What is the difference between existing, latent, and incipient demand? How might
these differences affect the design of a marketing research project?
An existing market is one in which customer needs are already being served by
one or more companies. Disposable diapers, cigarettes, automobiles, personal
computers, and machine tools are all product categories for which markets exist
and demand can be estimated with reasonable accuracy.
A latent market is one in which demand can be expected to materialize if an
appropriate product is made available at a price that is acceptable to buyers. In a
latent market, demand is zero before the product is offered. Astute segmentation
can result in latent markets being discovered.
An incipient market is one that will emerge if a particular economic, political, or
socio-cultural trend continues. China represents a huge incipient market for a
range of consumer and industrial products.
5. Describe some of the analytical techniques used by global marketers. When is it
appropriate to use each technique?
There are several industries in which demand pattern analysis can be useful for
companies targeting developing countries. For example, demand for
telecommunications services and equipment is exploding around the world,
thanks in part to privatization of industry and the reform of telecommunications
regulations. Observation of the demand pattern for communication- and
information-related products may provide companies in other industry sectors
with important cues about economic development. It is reasonable to expect that
the advent of good telephone service in a particular country will be followed by
economic growth and demand in other industries.
In China, for example, demand pattern analysis in the automobile industry could
yield important insights about an economic ripple effect that could have wide
impact. Each vehicle-assembly job creates ten additional jobs in parts
manufacturing, distribution, sales and servicing. To paraphrase the old saying
about GM, one might say, “What’s good for China’s auto industry is good for
Income elasticity measurements can provide insights into market potential for
specific regions or countries. Dominick Salvatore has pointed out that, in
developed nations, income elasticity for the food and agricultural exports of
developing nations is less than 1. This means that demand in developed nations
the agricultural exports of developing nations increases proportionately less than
the increase in income.
Analogy is a technique for making market estimates based on partial
resemblances. For example, Volkswagen executives have noted that Nigeria has
the same per capita income as China. However, if China had the same ratio of
cars to people as Nigeria, there would be 10 million cares in China today, instead
of 1.2 million.
Cluster analysis is based on statistical techniques described in the academic
literature in the 1960s and 1970s. The objective is to group individuals, countries,
etc. into clusters that are more similar to each other than to individuals or
countries in another cluster. Cluster analysis can be used to group countries in
terms of income levels, imports, and exports; the technique would be used to
group countries by marketing environments.
6. Coach has been described as “a textbook lesson on how to revitalize a brand” (see
Case 6-1). The same could be said for Burberry, the British fashion goods company
discussed in Chapter 1. Locate some articles about Burberry and read about the research
its management has conducted and the formula it used to polish the brand. Are the
approached evident at the Burberry and Coach similar? Are they competitors?
Student answers will vary, but better students will note that both Burberry and
Coach are extensively using consumer-marketing research to tighten inventory
controls at store level. Both of these retailers are also investing heavily in
inventory control procedures. These changes allow both retailers to have the right
mix of product in the right stores at the right time.
Case 6-1: Market Research Transforms Coach: The Assignment
Overview: Each year, Coach spends about $5 million on research. The value of the
research was underscored with Coach executives discovered that the company’s cosmetic
cases were enjoying surprisingly strong sales. Management understood that the
unexpected success of the cosmetics cases represented an opportunity to innovate.
1. Coach’s brand positioning can be described as “accessible luxury”.” What do you
think this term means?
The middle-class conservative woman around the world can be considered one of
Coach’s key target market. For example, every year Coach spends about $5
million on research. The company conducts personal interviews with more than
10,000 women worldwide. This knowledge identifies new and emerging market
segments for the Coach line. Take for example, the success of the Signature
collection suggested, and subsequent marketing surveys confirmed, that women
want bags that feature materials other than leather. Coach managers, and staff set
to work developing a new line of fabric and leather bags that are thinner, softer
and lighter than the company’s usual offerings.
Coach’s market research also indicated that women appreciated the conservative
styling of the signature Coach bag. The company has become particularly adept at
creating and marketing new types of handbags for various occasions.
Coach is still perceived as a “serious” brand. Coach’s primary target in China
consists of university-educated professional women in the emerging middle class
whose annual earnings are increasing substantially.
2. In light of the current global economic downturn, will Lew Frankfort’s strategy for
expanding in China need to be revised.
As described in the case, Coach has acquired its third-party distributor in China in
attempt to exercise more distribution control. Coach currently has 30 stores in
China; Frankfort’s plan calls for 50 new locations. According to company
research, Coach has a 3 percent market share and a 4 percent brand awareness in
China. By contrast,
Louis Vuitton’s market share is more than 30 percent. Coach’s primary target in
China consists of university-educated professional women in the emerging middle
class whose annual earnings are increasing substantially. These women are also
buying plasma TVs and laptop computers. “One day,” Frankfort predicts, “China
will be a bigger market than Japan for Coach. If we are able to replicate what we
did in Japan, the business will double in the next four or five years.”
However, Lew Frankfort must understand that Chinese consumers are not
Japanese consumers – products and marketing strategies must be adopted to
China not just “copied” from Japan.
3. Assess Lew Frankfort’s decision to give the go-ahead to the Poppy line.
They used marketing research extensively before they “went ahead” with the
product launch. Examples of some of the research they did was: the company
extensively tested the line first by using small group of consumers, then they test
marketed the product in their stores and in key department stores.
4. How is Coach using the Internet as a marketing tool for the Poppy launch?
They provided a Poppy link on the Coach website so that consumers could
register for prizes and a shopping spree. They were also asked to “grab your
friends” for a local party. And Coach then created marketing “buzz’ through the
power of social networking sites. Coach’s Facebook fans register some 209,000
and counting, and they all had the opportunity to buy the Poppy line at a “presale”
Case 6-2: Research Helps Whirlpool Act Local in the Global Market
Overview: Whirlpool, an American company selling home appliances, is using extensive
research methodologies to adjust to new markets around the globe. The market entry
strategy of purchasing local established companies combined with adjusting to the needs
of local market seems to be successful for Whirlpool.
1. Describe Whirlpool’s global marketing strategy. Does Whirlpool use an extension
product strategy or an adaptation product strategy?
Whirlpool’s basic market entry strategy was purchasing local established
appliance companies, merging with already existing markets. In Europe,
Whirlpool invested $3 billion total to the local market. Whirlpool became number
three on the European continent, but didn’t move beyond it to Japan, Asia, and
Latin America as was projected. To cope with resulting appliance problems in
Europe, Whirlpool used global part-sourcing strategy that helped the company to
trim down the number of suppliers by replacing sales organizations in 17 separate
countries with four regional sales offices and by reducing the number of
Whirlpool uses a product adaption strategy by emphasizing product platforms as a
means to product localized versions of its products.
2. What is the primary reason people buy and own major appliances such as a washing
machine? Is there a secondary reason as well?
Owning a washing machine is second only to a cell phone as a “aspirational”
product. Consumer research shows that consumers in different countries prefer
different types of features based on culture and lifestyle.
3. Summarize the role of market research in Whirlpool’s globalization strategy. What
different types of research methodologies does the company use? What are the
advantages of each methodology described in the case?
Market research shows that consumers in different countries consider different
features of the product to be important. This finding allows Whirlpool to apply
different research methodologies to collect the data in order to adjust to new
markets and to strengthen the U.S. market. Consumers’ opinions are important in
the United States, Europe and Latin America. Personal interviews of Brazilian
households were essential research methodologies for the development of Ideale,
the least expensive automatic washer machine.
The search for new specific needs’ products in local markets makes it easier to
adjust to developing markets. This methodology helped lead to the four-leg
machine for Brazil, grey and blue machines for China, and easily moved
machines for India.
4. What are the key lessons to be learned from Whirlpool’s experience in China?
Whirlpool jumped into the Chinese market without using extensive consumer
research methodologies such as surveys and interviews. The company’s success
was the “T-4” strategy (offering different home appliances, not just washing
machines) and emphasize on the middle-class consumers. The key lesson is that
in a country with a high rate of low-price competition it is necessary to use a
strategy aiming at quality and uniqueness, not price.
Additional Cases: “SAP: Establishing a Research Centre in China”. Kuldeep Kumar,
Maya Kumar, Markus Alsleben. HBS HKU 817.
“International Marketing Research: A Global Project Management Perspective”. Rb
Young; Robert B. Young, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi. HBS BH225.
Activity: Students should be preparing or presenting their Cultural-Economic Analysis
and Marketing Plan for their country and product as outlined in Chapter 1.
Out-Of-Class Reading: Davis, Tim R. V., and Robert B. Young, “International
Marketing Research: A Management Briefing.” Business Horizons 45, no. 2 (MarchApril 2002), pp. 31-38.
Secondary Research: Using secondary data sources have students compile a listing of
the top 20 foreign companies doing business in Russia, China, and India. How many of
these businesses are U.S. owned?
Class Project: Send students to interview personnel in nearby companies that do
business outside the home country market. (Some students may be able to interview
relatives or acquaintances). The point of the interview is to determine what sources of
information company personnel rely on and how information is disseminated to others in
the organization. Students can share their findings during class discussion.
Internet Exercise: Have students take a look at Zoomerang (
Zoomerang is a company that is becoming well known for conducting reasonably priced
market research using the Web.
Baker, Donald I. and Carol D. Terry. Internet Research, 2nd ed. Tempe, AZ: Facts on
Demand Press, 2004.
Churchill, Gilbert A. and Dawn Iacobucci. Marketing Research: Methodological
Foundations, 9th ed. Mason, OH: South-Western, 2005.
Craig, C. Samuel and Susan P. Douglas. International Marketing Research, 3rd ed. New
York: John Wiley and Sons, 2006.
Crossen, Cynthia. Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Simon & Schuster, 1994.
Douglas, Susan P. and C. Samuel Craig. International Marketing Research. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1983.
Keyes, Jessica. Infotrends: The Competitive Use of Information. New York: McGrawHill, 1993.
Krugman, Paul R. The Age of Diminished Expectations: U.S. Economic Policy in the
1990s. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1990.
Kumar, V. International Marketing Research, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice
Hall, 1999.
Lavin, Michael. International Business Information: How to Find It, How to Use It,
Westport, CT: Oryx Press, 2004.
Adler, Lee. “Managing Marketing Research in the Diversified Multinational
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Davenport, Thomas H., Michael Hammer and Tauno J. Metsisto. “How Executives Can
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(March-April 1989), pp. 130-134.
Davis, Tim R.V., and Robert B. Young. “International Marketing Research: A
Management Briefing.” Business Horizons 45, no. 2 (March-April 2002), pp. 31-38.
Doran, Kathleen Brewer. “Lessons Learned in Cross-Cultural Research of Chinese and
North American Consumers,” Journal of Business Research 25 (2002), 823-829.
Douglas, Susan P., C. Samuel Craig, and Warren J. Keegan. “Approaches to Assessing
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Columbia Journal of World Business 17, no. 3 (Fall 1982), pp. 2-30.
Ferley, Stephen, Tony Lea, and Barry Watson. “A Comparison of U.S. and Canadian
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Gilad, Benjamin. “The Role of Organized Competitive Intelligence in Corporate
Strategy.” Columbia Journal of World Business 24 (Winter 1989), pp. 29-35.
Glazer, Rashi. “Marketing in an Information-Intensive Environment: Strategic
Implications of Knowledge as an Asset.” Journal of Marketing 55 (October 1991), pp. 119.
Grunert, Klaus G., Trodsen, Torbjorn, Campous, Emilio, “Market Orientation in the
Mental Models of Decision-Makers: Two Cross-Border Value Chains”. International
Marketing Review, no. 27 (2010) .
King, W.R. and V. Sethi. “Developing Transnational Information Systems: A Case
Study.” Omega, January 1993, pp. 53-59.
Luna, David, Laura A. Peracchio, and Maria D. de Juan. “Cross-Cultural and Cognitive
Aspects of Web Site Navigation.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 30, no. 4
(2002), pp. 397-410.
Naumann, Earl, Donald W. Jackson, Jr., and William G. Wolfe. “Comparing U.S. and
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