Advantages of CMS



Piero Tintori - TERMINALFOUR

Stephen Pope - Eduserv


• Defining Web Content Management

– What is a WCMS?

– What isn’t a WCMS?

• The key advantages of a WCMS

• Life without a WCMS

Defining Web Content Management

• Our definition:

– Software automation of the tasks involved in publishing and managing content on a website

– A system that allows users update content on a website

Defining Web Content Management

– What is also WCMS?

• Blogs – simple content management

• Wiki

• Discussion boards

– What isn’t a WCMS?

• A database on its own (no business logic)

• Unstructured files

The key advantages of a CMS

Stephen Pope


The Manual Edit ..

• Someone in the company wants an important press release put on the web site.

• Release is emailed (probably in word format) to the web team (or external company)

• Web team have to download the original page from the website / create a new page from a template then manually convert the text/formatting into HTML.

• Press release has to go live at 12 midnight so someone has to wake up and upload it at 11:59pm :¬/


• Enforce standards

• Editorial Control

– Editor final approval / Preview content in place.

– Version control – instant rollback

– nothing overwritten.


• Publishing Control

– Hide / Schedule / Expire / Archive

• Quality Control

– Compel alt tags / tidy html / check spelling

• Accountability / Paper trail


• Granular role based security

– No more ‘Pandora's Box’ – people only see what they are allowed to see.

• Delegate Responsibility

– Different people can be in charge of their own parts of the web site


– No need for everything to pass through the web team!

Content Delivery

• Scheduled Publish / Archive

• Multiple Platforms


• Multiple Languages

• Multiple Audiences (Metadata)

• Edit in place

• Publish to Staging / DR / Static

• SES URLs / Aliases

• Snapshots for FOI requirements

Rapid Development

• Separation of content from presentation

– People of all skill levels involved

– Design

– Content Migration

– Quick re-skinning

• Reusable elements such as templates and renderings (breadcrumb / nav. menus)

• Centralised Content / Documents

(extranet / intranet) / Links – Update Once


• Security / Workflow controls

• Modules - Probably been written before !


• Rapid Updates

– Common Interface

– Quick to train

– Content users in charge of their own content not web devs.

• Import / Paste from office apps

• Manage many users

• Workflow

– Distributed contributions

– Rollbacks

• Centralised document management

System Integration

• Doesn’t all have to be out of the box

– Security - Integrate with


– Documents – Sharepoint /

Central Store

– Search Engines –


– Data-Providers (XML/SQL)

– Stats

• Will always needs customisation

Open Standards

• Information freely available

• Data in XML

– Route out

– Minimise Migration

• Presentation in XSLT

– Small changes can be made by people with HTML knowledge

– Not locked into custom API for presentation


Life without a CMS

Stephen Pope


Problem Areas

• Tedious Web Management

• The Webmaster Bottleneck

– “Enterprise Cut and Paste”

• Corporate Governance

• Reuse of Content

Tedious Web Management

• Your spend most of your time making minor changes to areas that won’t even be appreciated by people

– Fixing broken links

– Restructuring Site Map

– No time to work on more interesting features and developments

The Webmaster Bottleneck

• You become the typing pool of the organisation

– “Enterprise Cut and Paste”

– Build up of frustration

• Publishers want to publish faster and have control

• Webmasters find that “Cut and paste” is boring work

– Would be publishers don’t understand the work involved

Corporate Governance

• “Extra bureaucracy to cover ourselves from complaints”

– Version control – snap shots =

Lots and lots of backup tapes!

– Who signed off what… in the absence of an audit trail who is responsible?

Reuse of Content

• If you have good content… get more value from it… reuse it

– Five websites = five times the work

– 5 Languages = five times the work excluding translation

– Different versions of the same content in different places


• WCMS will make you life easier…

• Your internal publishers will be happier…

• Your visitors will have up-to-date and consistent / accessible content…


• CMS may change your life….
