Bentec Enrollment services proposal shell ppt

Enrollment Services (Topic)
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Presented by
Benefits Technologies
Who We Are
We are one of the largest and fastest growing Benefit Enrollment Solutions Specialists in the country.
We employ nearly 100 full-time insurance professionals, and maintain working contracts with approximately 200
other highly qualified benefit enrollment specialists across the nation.
We operate from coast to coast, with corporate headquarters just outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We service over 700 active clients each year across the nation.
We provide employees with tools and resources to better understand their benefits and make informed decisions.
We are a benefit education, communication, enrollment and administration company.
Benefits Technologies
What We Offer
We offer you expertise. Our talented and seasoned professional executives represent the best and the brightest in
the industry. Many of our executive leaders have been in the voluntary benefits business since the late 1980’s, and
collectively they have over 200 years of experience.
We offer bargaining power. Our extensive market share allows us to negotiate some of the best policy pricing
available for voluntary benefit packages.
We offer an entrepreneurial spirit towards your enrollment. Our corporate mentality does not allow for a cookie
cutter approach. Each employer’s enrollment needs are thoroughly evaluated and solutions are tailored to each
unique situation. All phases of the project – including employee communication, consultation, enrollments,
administration, and data transmission – is “made to order” in intricate detail for each employer’s situation. And our
scrutiny does not stop when the enrollment ends. As we cultivate and maintain a long term partnership with each
employer, each case is re-evaluated and subjected to a total quality case study review.
We offer you options and scalability. Enrollments can be implemented using virtually any platform, including our
own proprietary web-based platform that allows agents to co-browse along with enrollees. We maintain a
enrollment service center facility in the heart of the country and have the capability to create virtual enrollment
service centers of almost any size on demand. Our custom approach allows us to efficiently service employers of all
shapes and sizes.
We offer you stability.
Benefits Technologies
We have established our organization as the intermediary between boardroom expectations and delivered results at
the workforce level.
We believe in combining state of the art technology and world class experience to individually solve our clients’ total
employee benefits concerns.
Who are we?
We are a communication, education, enrollment, and administration company
We are an innovative, forward, and fresh thinking company
We provide “employee-centric” solutions
We provide next generation benefit strategies
We are not just an enrollment company
Market Trends
Industry Statistics
of Employers are considering reducing the coverage levels of benefits offered.
That translates into 1 out of every 8 employers you deal with.
of employees expressed concern that their company intends to cut or reduce benefits in next
12 months due to the economy.
of employees consider workplace benefits to be their financial foundation.
The 2009 MetLife Study of the American Dream, MetLife, 2009.
Market Trends
Industry Statistics
of Employees have expressed greater interest in learning more information about the benefits
offered through their company.
Yet, only
of Employers suggest that this is a priority for them.
of Employees are interested in speaking with or working with a benefits advisor or counselor
of Employees are highly interested in a broader selection of voluntary benefits.
The 2009 MetLife Study of the American Dream, MetLife, 2009.
Market Trends
Industry Statistics
Employees Feel Unprepared To Face Critical Financial Situations
If a principal wage earner can no longer work because of
Cover extra costs not covered by medical insurance
In the event of premature death
In the event of spouse's/partner's premature death
Employees were asked to indicate their level of concern regarding premature death, disability, or serious illness.
The 2009 MetLife Study of the American Dream, MetLife, 2009.
Market Trends
Industry Statistics
Employees were asked to indicate agreement with the statements above.
*These questions were asked August 2008 (August data is shown).
The 2009 MetLife Study of the American Dream, MetLife, 2009.
Market Trends
Industry Statistics
Employers were asked to indicate their most important benefit strategies.
The 2009 MetLife Study of the American Dream, MetLife, 2009.
Perception is Reality
This concept holds true in the employee benefit marketplace. Whether company paid or voluntary, the value of a
benefit is only as strong as the means by which it is communicated.
The Employee Benefit Communication and Enrollment process presents an opportunity to embody the corporate
culture and provide employee’s with a thorough understanding of the benefits program.
There is no better way to create value in an employee benefits program than through a well-constructed
communication campaign.
Benefit Management
Misperception is one of the many challenges concerning employee benefit programs facing employers today.
Additional challenges can be one or a combination of any of the following:
rising costs
lack of appreciation for benefits offered and underling company funding
lack of participation
Consumer Driven Healthcare Programs (CDHP)
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
voluntary benefits
employees’ inability to totally grasp the options available
inaccurate data
dependant information
address information
beneficiary information
incomplete paper enrollment forms
time consuming data entry
bills from multiple carriers
carrier reconciliation requirements
disconnected and hard to understand benefit communication materials
Benefit Management The
Benefit Technologies Solution
Our solution incorporates a well constructed, personalized employee benefit strategy addressing the benefit
management challenges facing employers today.
To that end we have developed a Total Enrollment Solution including “best-in-class” personalized
communication campaigns, cutting edge electronic enrollment, and paperless data transfer, which
repeatedly delivers the desired results.
The 5 Phases of the Total Enrollment Solution are as follows:
Employer Consultation
Employee Education and Enrollment
Post-Communication and Data Transfer
The Total Enrollment Solution
Capability - A
Voluntary Benefits Enrollment Services
• Meet one-on-one or via the enrollment service center to educate and enroll employees in voluntary benefits
(employer-paid core benefits not included)
• Voluntary benefits will add to the overall benefit package
Capability - B (includes A)
Open Enrollment Services Core and Voluntary Benefits Integrated
• Robust pre-communication campaign centered around all benefits– active elections take electronically on all
benefits via face to face/enrollment service center/online – Robust post communication campaign
• The open enrollment service is typically funded by the voluntary benefits from capability “A”. The employer gets
the efficiencies of online enrollment but with human interaction. The Benefits Technologies model serves as a
true benefits delivery system
Capability - C (usually with A & B)
Benefits Administration Services Ongoing New Hire Processing Included
• Benefits Technologies provides a benefit administration system either managed by the client or by third party
on behalf of the client.
• Usually done on a fee basis. However, by leveraging revenue from voluntary benefits Benefits Technologies is
often able to be very price competitive. These services can act as full blown benefits administration outsourcing. Benefits Technologies can help establish a plan to get the client to “self service”.
The Total Enrollment Solution
Additional Services (A / B / C)
Additional Available Services that can be Incorporated
Employee reward and discount programs
Dependent audits
Benefit guides and other pre communication mediums
Benefit statements and other post communication mediums
Payroll alternatives
Communication services (changes in medical plans, HDHP communication (benefit driving), wellness
programs, RX programs, etc.)
Data integration with HRIS/Payroll/Vendors
Individual health programs and other non payroll deducted plans
Consolidated billing
Product procurement
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 1 - Analysis and Implementation
The right product for the right situation
Benefits Technologies. consultative approach ensures that your employees are
getting “best-in-breed” benefit programs and that you understand how the programs
help your employees.
Product Due Diligence
Comparative Analysis
Once a strategy has been determined Benefits Technologies’ account
management team will guide you through our proprietary Steps to a
Successful Implementation.
Eligibility and Billing
Electronic Data Interface
Logistics / Scheduling
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 2 - Pre-Communication
Taking benefit communications to a higher level
Benefits Technologies will work closely with the employer and benefits consultant to
design the appropriate number, type, and timing of the pre-communication pieces.
This ensures that the employees have the opportunity to learn about their benefits
and the upcoming enrollment process prior to enrollment.
The appropriate pre-communication pieces typically include a mix of the following:
Customized Memos
include Coming Soon, Enrollment Process, Important Reminder, & Last
Customized Posters
Customized E-mail Blasts
Customized Voice Broadcast
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 2 - Pre-Communication (continued)
Providing a tool to make an informed decision
The pre-communication process culminates with the customized employee benefits guide. This all encompassing guide
provides your employees with an easy to follow resource when reviewing their benefit options.
The guide includes the following:
waiting periods
plan descriptions
contact information
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 3 - Education and Enrollment
The professional benefit enrollment specialists provide the “missing link”
Through the use of our professional benefit enrollment specialists, Benefits Technologies will conduct personal face-toface meetings with each employee. This process ensures that each employee obtains a better understanding of the
benefits program and has the opportunity to ask important questions.
Experienced Benefits Enrollment Specialists receive comprehensive training on your company’s benefits
program to ensure that they can provide employees the appropriate information and guidance
All Benefit Enrollment Specialists are non-commissioned which leads to employees making informed benefits
decisions without any inappropriate “pressure”
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 3 - Education and Enrollment (continued)
The advantage of a paperless approach
All face-to-face enrollments are completed on a laptop using customized enrollment software. This state-of-the-art
enrollment system allows Benefits Technologies to build all of your benefit programs (employer paid & voluntary) into
one seamless system. Benefits Technologies system also ensures that employees see accurate rates, plan features,
and class specific benefits.
Some of the added value provided by Benefits Technologies system includes, but is not limited to the following:
Automated “Not Seen” reports
• helps us track and ensures that we don’t miss any employee interviews
“Data Scrubbing”
• updated address, beneficiary, and dependent information
Additional Important Data
• the system can be modified to capture client important information
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 3 - Education and Enrollment (continued)
Matching appropriate uses of technology with your demographics
Face to Face
• interviews conducted on laptops with State of the art security, including fingerprint technology for accessing the
• customized presentation screens with integrated Carrier and HR forms and electronic encrypted signature
enrollment service center
• 50 Station enrollment service center with automated call distribution and state of the art voice stamping
• 24 hours, 7 day a week access availability
• bilingual Representation and multi lingual translation
Web Based
• full transactional capabilities
• live “Co-Browsing” with a benefit enrollment specialists is available
The Total Enrollment Solution
Multi-Media Blending
Agent Productivity
Call Management
Business Intelligence
Management Reporting
The Total Enrollment Solution
enrollment service center Specifications (continued)
Our enrollment service center provides an evolutionary set of features that offer a wide range of business solutions and
new customer touch points to achieve competitive advantage…
Complete Call / Contact Center Solution
• inbound/outbound call management
• multi-media blending (voice,email,fax…)
• intelligent customer call routing
• external and internal call tracking
• real-time and historical reporting
• agent / supervisor productivity
• call monitoring and call recording
• unlimited extensions with “cradle-to-grave”
• single/multi-Site
The Total Enrollment Solution
enrollment service center Specifications (continued)
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 4 - Post-Enrollment Communication and Data Transfer
Providing clean and accurate data
Post-Enrollment Communication
These communication materials can provide election summaries for employees, signed confirmation statements for
employers, and help bridge the gap associated with the “hidden paycheck”.
Payroll Confirmation Statements
• includes all elected benefits and non elected benefits with employee’s encrypted signature
• provided back to employer in electronic format for record keeping purposes
Payroll Deduction Summary
• includes all elected benefits
• hard copies can be sent to employee or distributed by human resources
Total Compensation Benefit Statements
• shows the employees the full value of the employer paid programs
• hard copies can be sent to employee or distributed by human resources
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 4 - Post-Enrollment Communication and Data Transfer
Providing clean and accurate data
Customized Data Transfer
A partnership with Benefits Technologies provides you with a consolidated
benefit offering, a more informed workforce, access to state of the art
enrollment technology, and the back end data transfer to complete the
process. It is at this critical junction that all of data that was gathered
throughout the enrollment process is transferred to various parties.
electronic file transfer to payroll/HRIS
electronic file transfer to carriers/vendors
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 5 - Administration - Billing
We support your ongoing needs now and into the future
The advent of employee consumerism has bred increased benefit offerings and increased administrative
responsibilities. These additional responsibilities require time and resources. Through the use of our fully integrated
administration system, Benefits Technologies is able to deliver a streamlined, efficient, and cost effective billing solution.
dedicated billing coordinator
standard and customized deduction file maintenance
billing reconciliation
advise to pay files transmitted on a monthly basis
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 5 - Administration - Customer Service
The process for now and the future
The Benefits Technologies toll-free client contact center is completely committed to meeting the servicing needs of our
customers. Professional, friendly representatives are available to help both your company and its employees.
The services include, but are not limited to the following:
educate and assist employees with their benefits plans
provide appropriate service forms to complete requested service
trouble shoot service issues relating to all carrier partners
The Total Enrollment Solution
Phase 5 - Administration - Eligibility Management (in partnership with SHPS or other vendor)
We support your ongoing needs now and into the future
Maintaining the accuracy of your enrollment data is not limited to once a year. How will you handle new hires, what is
the process for qualified life events? In order to maintain the integrity of your data it is imperative that you commit the
time and resources to stay on top of the issues. Our dedicated staff of enrollment specialists’ and data analysts’ will
provide you with the resources. Benefits Technologies will work with you to determine your on-going needs and
customize a solution for you.
Highlights include:
integrated eligibility management
open platform with unlimited eligibility iterations
customized extracts for automatic eligibility updates
secure data transfer through 128 bit SSL encryption
secure storage with 64 bit DES encryption
A Voluntary Benefit Solution
Product Appropriateness
The evolution taking place in the employee benefits market has employers facing a big challenge:
“How can my company continue delivering a valued benefits
package without incurring additional costs?”
In an environment of higher deductibles, increasing employee cost-sharing for benefits, and little assistance for
employees to sort through it all, a solution to this dilemma seems unachievable. However, statistical data supports the
fact that when given the opportunity, employees will embrace the ability to fill “gaps” in the employer provided benefits
Employees perceive great value in the convenience of payroll deduction, the chance to obtain insurances without
medical exams, discounted rates, and ownership of their insurance policies. In addition, employees feel secure that
their employer performs due diligence on the products to be offered to employees.
Cornerstone Plans
Voluntary Permanent Life Insurance
• enables employees and their families to obtain ownership in a reliable life insurance policy for the insured’s
entire lifetime
• provides a valued compliment to any underlying employer provided basic life and/or voluntary supplemental
term life insurance program
Voluntary Disability Insurance
• protects an employee’s ability to earn an income, which is their most valuable asset
• only one third of employers provide group short-term and/or long-term disability coverage
Voluntary Critical Illness Insurance
• provides income to offset direct and indirect expenses resulting from conditions such as a heart attack, stroke,
cancer, kidney failure, organ transplant, and paralysis
• provides a lump-sum tax-free payout upon initial diagnosis of a covered illness
Voluntary Accident Insurance
• pays the insured for common injuries such as broken bones, burns, lacerations, loss of sight, loss of hearing,
loss of speech, accidental death, and more
• also pays the insured for injury related expenses such as a trip to the emergency room, ambulance ride,
hospital admission, and other unfriendly surprises
Why Benefits Technologies?
Our consultative approach ensures that your
employees are getting “best-in-breed” benefit
programs and that you understand how the
programs help your employees
Our entrepreneurial approach
result in unique solutions and
custom branding for each client
Our experienced non-commissioned benefit
enrollment specialists ensure that your
employees make educated benefit
decisions for themselves and their
Proven Process
Our state-of-the-artenrollment/communication
strategies ensure that all aspects
of your enrollment are successful
from the pre-communication
campaign through post-enrollment
wrap up
Cutting Edge
From our front end state-of-the-art enrollment system to our back end
technology/data management systems, we use customized software to
make sure that we are providing the most efficient and best
enrollment process available
System Demo
The Total Enrollment Solution
Thank you