Wuthering Heights By Emily Brontë

The Haunting of Hill House
By Shirley Jackson
Wuthering Heights
• Published in 1847
• Based partly on the Gothic tradition of the late
eighteenth century
• Style of literature featured:
• Supernatural encounters
• Crumbling ruins
• Moonless nights
• Grotesque imagery
• Mystery
• Fear
The Haunting of Hill House
• Published in 1959
• Apart of the Penguin Horror series
• Collection of novels, stories, and poems curated by Guillermo
del Toro
• Considered one of the best literary ghost stories
published during the twentieth century
• Utilizes complex relationships between:
• Mysterious events in the house
• The characters’ psyches
Main Characters
Wuthering Heights
The Haunting of Hill House
• Mr. Lockwood
• Eleanor Vance
• Mrs. Ellen Dean
• Dr. Montague
• Hindley Earnshaw
• Mrs. Montague
• Catherine Earnshaw
• Luke Sanderson
• Heathcliff
• Theodora
• Edgar Linton
• Arthur
• Isabella Linton
Main Theme
• Supernatural manifestations
• Ghosts
• Wuthering Heights
• Mr. Lockwood comes in contact with Catherine’s spirit
• Heathcliff is driven mad by Catherine’s spirit every night eventually leading to
his death
• The Haunting of Hill House
• Dr. Montague is a professional analysis of supernatural manifestations
• Wants to study a “haunted” house – Hill House
• Assembles a crew to go there based on their accounts of abnormal events
• Eleanor hears voices in her head
• Thinks Hill House is her home and she can’t leave
• Mrs. Montague and Arthur use a planchette
• Talk to spirits
• Says its “Eleanor Nellie Nell Nell”
Themes Along With Semester
• Biggest stand out
• Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven”
• Also in the Penguin Horror series
• Haunted by the loss of a loved one
• Poe
• Heathcliff
• Voices inside one’s head
• The narrator thinks there’s something at his chamber door
• Eleanor thinks she hears her mother calling her
*Adaptations have been made to all three of these literary works*
Work Cited
• http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/wuthering/context.html
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Haunting_of_Hill_House