FRAME THE LESSON Teacher: Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter text. 5th grade Science Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize 5.9 C- Predict the effects of changes in Click here to enter text. Resources/Materials: Science Rock - Environments; Brainpop - Humans and the Environment, Click here to enter text. Global Warming, Water Pollution, Air Pollution; Study Jams - Changes in Ecosystems Explore: Space Invaders (AIMS); Rabbit Food (AIMS) ecosystems caused by living organisms, including humans, such as the overpopulation of grazers or the building of highways. ☐X T ☐X W ☐X Th ☐X F Week 24 Teaching Points & Activities Engage: ☐X M Explain: Measuring Up - Ecosystem Changes; Space Invaders, Impacting Ecosystems, Pollution's Effect on Wildlife (AIMS) booklets Elaborate: Discovery Education - TLC Elementary School: People and the Environment - has teacher guide Semscopes AIMSClick labherebookto enter text. Measuring Up workbook Brainpop 300 green pony beads 1,800 red pony beads 6 box lids or cafeteria trays dry bag of - beans, corn, or peas dice 125 game pieces - counters, cubes, etc. paper bags scissors Evaluate: lab answers; Stemscopes - Environmental Changes quiz; Measuring Up STAAR Minitest Objective/Key Understanding: We will predict the effects of changes causedClickbylivinghereorganisms,toenter in Critical Writing Prompt: Research an endangered or extinct animal or plant. ecosystems includingtext. humans, such as the overpopulation of grazers or the building of StudentsClickherethentodescribeenter textwhat. happened in order for Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions Do you believe that economic benefits should outweigh the harm done to the highways. Clickhere to enter text. environment in these situations? Do you believe that government should enact laws to prevent the destruction of the environment? If you were a developer, how would you try to reduce the effects of your business on the environment? Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems: WhatClickcanherewe todo entertoreducetextthe. effects of humans on the Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment: I will Clickpredictheretheeffectstoenterofchangestext. in ecosystems caused by living organisms, including humans, such as the overpopulation of grazers or the building of highways. the organism to become endangered or extinct. Was something on which they were dependent taken away? Did their environment change so much that they couldn’tget the things they needed? Was the extinction or endangerment caused by human interaction? Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection) How have humans negatively affect our ecosystem Click here to enter text. What are examples of natural events that can change the environment? and what can you do to positively change our environment? Create a campaign. How does building a highway affect an area environmentally? Connect to Social Studies - The Dust Bowl Are all environmental changes negative? Oil Spills Deforestation Invasive Species Beaver Dams Migration patterns environment? What are examples of how humans can change an environment? Vocabulary: Click here to enter text. deforestation, overpopulation, grazers, invasive species, environment, impact, How are the affects of overgrazing of livestock and lumbering similar? population, carrying capacity, pollution, The Dust Bowl How are forest fires both constructive and destructive to an environment?