Last updated 24.06.15 September 2015 – January 2016 TRAINING TIMETABLE The following courses are those that the Childcare Partnership Training Team has scheduled to run in the Northern Childcare Partnership area between September 2015 and January 2016. These training courses are open to childcare and playcare staff, registered childminders and, for certain courses, playgroup management committees, within Northern Ireland. We are liaising with training providers to secure dates for other courses and will update the website regularly with details of future courses. Course Descriptions Designated Child Protection Officer This course is for practitioners who will be a Designated Child Protection Officer or Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer. Applicants for this course should hold a valid Safeguarding/Child Protection Certificate. The trainee will understand how to deal with a range of safeguarding issues including: - Understanding the role of the Designated Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officer - Assessment and the organisational policy and procedures regarding safeguarding - Local Health and Social Care structures, referral procedures and subsequent processes; - Exploration of values regarding child abuse and explanation of the impact of these on professional practice - Exploration of barriers to staff reporting child protection concerns and consideration of strategies to alleviate them - Record Keeping and communicating confidential and sensitive issues - Supporting staff dealing with Child Protection issues - Whistleblowing and managing allegations against staff - Working with parents when dealing with sensitive issues - Managing stress and seeking support - Ensuring Child Protection/Safeguarding is raised at each AGM. Fire Safety & Risk Assessment This course is for practitioners, in group settings, designated as a Responsible Person, who are accountable at a managerial and operational level for fire safety within the child care environment. The trainee will be informed of the new fire regulations within Northern Ireland and their impact on the Early Years/Childcare Sector. The course includes the following elements: - Who is responsible for fire safety? - Duties of the “responsible person” - Fire risk assessment - Building evacuation plans and fire safety equipment - Building work and fire safety - Arson in the workplace - Fire drills and training - Record, review and revise fire safety plans - How to introduce a fire safety policy. 1 Health & Safety, Risk Assessment and Manual Handling This course is for practitioners, in group settings, designated as a Responsible Person accountable at managerial and operation levels for health & safety, risk assessment and manual handing within the child care environment. The trainee will understand how to deal with a range of issues including: - Identify health and safety hazards and risks in a childcare setting - Describe how to carry out a risk assessment - List potential dangers to children and how to prevent them - Explain legislation relating to health and safety at work - Describe how to keep and maintain a safe, secure, and sustainable environment for children and employees in a childcare setting - Be able to describe spinal anatomy - Explain how to put biomechanics into effect when moving and handling children - Demonstrate how to carry out a risk assessment for moving and handling - Explain moving and handling legislation (MHOR, amended 2002) - Explain moving and handling techniques when working with children and babies. Level 2 Award in Food Safety (Refresher) This course is aimed at practitioners who have previously completed the Level 2 Award in Food Safety and are within 90 days of or 90 days after the date of their certificate expiring. This course is 6 hours and will bring your Food Safety Certificate up to date. To achieve an accredited certificate all participants MUST take the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Level 2 Award in Food Safety (Refresher) exam. For this, a fee of £12 should be paid to the Tutor directly on the first evening. You must also bring a copy of your current Level 2 Food Safety Certificate and photographic ID; otherwise you will not be able to complete the course. Paediatric First Aid (Full) Course This course is suitable for candidates who have not done Paediatric First Aid before or whose certificate has expired. The following will be included in the course: - Initial assessment - Resuscitation for babies up to 1 year old; children 1 to 8 years old; and people over 8 years - Choking in babies and children - Recognise the dangers in an emergency situation - Casualty management - Managing an incident - Recognise and respond to types of children’s injuries (such as fractures, bleeding, eye injuries, stings, burns and scalds, poisoning, bites, unconsciousness, shock, anaphylactic shock, electric shock and head, neck and back injuries) - Recognise and respond to childhood illnesses, including febrile convulsions, extreme heat exhaustion, extreme exposure to cold, epilepsy, asthma, eczema, diabetes and meningitis - Contents of First Aid Box - Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents - How to use an EPI Pen. Safeguarding (Full) Course This course is aimed at people who have not previously achieved a Safeguarding/Child Protection qualification or whose certificate has run out of date. The trainee will gain an understanding of how to deal with a range of safeguarding issues including: - An understanding of their role and responsibilities as a childcare worker within the child protection framework 2 - An awareness of the signs and symptoms of potential abuse and/or neglect and the potential impact on children (include scenarios) Information on the latest legislation, principles and Regional Policies and Procedures on child protection An understanding of the role of Social Services Knowledge of how to manage concerns Knowledge of how to protect themselves Knowledge of support networks Information on confidentiality data protection, and the appropriateness of sharing information in relation to a child protection concern/query A review of all Child Protection policies and procedures Reporting structures Barriers to reporting Values and how they impact on ‘reporting’ Effective and ethical record keeping An understanding of the vulnerability of children with Special Needs What not to do when a child discloses Understanding the role of the Designated Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officer. Safeguarding (Refresher) Course This course is aimed at practitioners who have previously completed the Safeguarding/Child Protection full course but are within 90 days of or 90 days after the date of their certificate expiring. This course is 3 hours and will bring your Safeguarding/Child Protection Certificate up to date. You must bring your current certificate (or a copy) with you on the first evening; otherwise you will not be able to complete the course. Child Development (0-3 Year Olds) This course is aimed at practitioners who wish to learn and understand about the key developmental milestones of children up to the age of 3. The course content will include: - How to support the young child’s learning; - The impact that the environment plays on the child’s learning - Why an understanding of child development is key to good childcare learning and development - How children learn through play - The different ages and stages of the child’s development (physical, intellectual and social/emotional development) and the child's needs at each stage - Supporting positive behaviour - Working with parents to support the child’s development - Planning to meet the developmental needs of babies and toddlers - The importance of forming effective relationships with the children in their care to ensure the child’s emotional needs are being met. Child Development (3-5 Year Olds) This course is aimed at practitioners who wish to learn and understand about the key developmental milestones of children between the ages of 3 and 5. The course content will include: - Why an understanding of child development is key to good childcare learning and development - How children learn through play - The different ages and stages of the child’s development (physical, intellectual and social/emotional development) and the child's needs at each stage - Supporting positive behaviour 3 - The physical environment and children’s learning Observing and Interacting with the Child Working with parents to support the child’s development How to create and develop an environment that encourages and enhances self-esteem. Leading and Managing in Playwork This course is aimed at practitioners involved in developing, leading and managing an effective, inclusive, Playwork environment for early years children. The course content will include: - The principles and theories underpinning Playwork practice - Developing an organisational framework for children and young people's play - Establishing and developing effective working relationships in the Playwork environment - Playwork with preschool children - Inclusive Playwork with disabled children and young people. Leading and Managing a Team within an Early Years Setting This course is aimed at senior staff involved in leading and managing teams in an early years setting. The course content will include: - Understanding key components of an effectively performing Early Years Team - Explore challenges to effective team performance - Analyse management styles and how they impact on performance of teams - Managing Change/the vision/strategic direction - Systems and processes to support a positive culture within an Early Years Team - Addressing conflict within a team. Managing Finances and Resources This course is aimed at owners and managers involved in the financial management and governance of childcare businesses. The course content will include: - Understanding financial management in own work setting - Planning and managing a budget - Evaluating financial expenditure - The importance of sustainability when using resources - Identifying needs and resources - Sharing information on needs and resources and obtaining required resources - Co-ordinating the provision of resources - Monitoring and reviewing the quality and usage of resources. Managing Performance through Professional Supervision and Appraisal This course is aimed at senior staff involved in supervising staff, appraising their performance and supporting their professional development. The course content will include: - Understanding the purpose and principles of professional supervision - Policies and Procedures/Codes of Practice - Preparing for Professional supervision - Managing performance - Setting personal work objectives - Providing advice and support to team members re CPD - Solution focused approach to address identified challenges and manage conflict - Effective recording - Evaluating own practice when conducting supervision. 4 Observation and Planning This course is aimed at practitioners who are or will be involved with supporting children’s learning and development in a pre-school setting. The course content will include: - How to support the young child’s learning - The impact that the environment plays on the child’s learning - Why an understanding of child development is key to good childcare learning and development - How children learn through play - The different ages and stages of the child’s development (physical, intellectual and social/emotional development) and the child's needs at each stage - Supporting positive behaviour - Working with parents to support the child’s development - Planning to meet the developmental needs of babies and toddlers - The importance of forming effective relationships with the children in their care to ensure the child’s emotional needs are being met. Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff This course is aimed at senior staff involved in the recruitment, selection and induction of staff. The course content will include: - Developing and reviewing Recruitment and Selection Processes and agreed Codes of practice in accordance with Northern Ireland legislation - Preparing and reviewing Job descriptions and person specifications - Establishing methods and criteria to select candidates - Communicating outcomes - Identifying supports and when it is necessary to seek specialist advice - Understanding the purpose of and the principles behind induction - Developing and managing an Induction programme - Identification of different methods that can be used to support the induction process - Support personal planning on completion of induction - Obtaining feedback to further improve the induction process. Course Safeguarding (Full) Safeguarding (Refresher) Paediatric First Aid (Full) 5 Course Duration Tutor/Provider John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy Dave Watson, 3fivetwo Training Academy 5 hours 3 hours 12 hours Course Dates Tuesdays 15th & 22nd September 2015 Wednesday, 16th September 2015 Thursdays 17th & 24th September , 1st & 8th October 2015 Time 7.00 pm 9.30 pm 7.00 pm 10.00 pm 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Venue Willowbank Business Park, Willowbank Road, Millbrook, LARNE, BT40 2SF Antrim Enterprise Agency, 58 Greystone Road, ANTRIM, BT41 1JZ Gortalowry House, 94 Church Street, COOKSTOWN BT80 8HX Closing Date for Applications Friday, 7th August 2015 Monday, 10th August 2015 Monday, 10th August 2015 Course Leading and Managing a Team within an Early Years Setting DFPF Safeguarding (Refresher) John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy Managing Performance through Professional Supervision and Appraisal Leading and Managing in Playwork DFPF NI at Play Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff DFPF Paediatric First Aid (Full) Jacqui O Kane, 3fivetwo Training Academy Safeguarding (Full) John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy Safeguarding (Full) John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy Fire Safety & Risk Assessment Paul Donaghy, 3fivetwo Training Academy Managing Finances and Resources 6 Course Dates Time Venue Closing Date for Applications 6 hours Monday, 21st September 2015 9.30 am 4.30 pm Sandel Centre, 6 Knocklynn Road, COLERAINE, BT52 1WT Tuesday, 11th August 2015 3 hours Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Willowbank Business Park, Willowbank Road, Millbrook, LARNE, BT40 2SF Tuesday, 11th August 2015 6 hours Monday, 28th September 2015 9.30 am 4.30 pm Ballyearl Arts & Leisure Centre, 585 Doagh Road, NEWTOWNABBEY, BT36 5RZ Wednesday, 12th August 2015 6 hours Tuesdays 29th September & 6 October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Meadowbank Sports Arena, Ballyronan Road, MAGHERAFELT, BT45 6EH Wednesday, 12th August 2015 6 hours Monday, 5th October 2015 9.30 am 4.30 pm Antrim Enterprise Agency, 58 Greystone Road, ANTRIM, BT41 1JZ Wednesday, 9th September 2015 12 hours Wednesdays 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm All Saints Parish Centre, 9 Cushendall Road, BALLYMENA BT43 6HA Friday, 11th September 2015 5 hours Thursdays 8th & 15th October 2015 7.00 pm 9.30 pm Carrickfergus Enterprise, 8 Meadowbank Road, CARRICKFERGUS, BT38 8YF Friday, 11th September 2015 5 hours Mondays 19th & 26th October 2015 7.00 pm 9.30 pm Acorn Business Centre, 2 Riada Avenue, BALLYMONEY, BT53 7LH Monday, 21st September 2015 3 hours Thursday, 22nd October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm 6 hours Thursday, 22nd and Tuesday, 27th October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Course Duration Tutor/Provider DFPF Causeway Enterprise Agency, Loughanhill Industrial Estate, COLERAINE, BT52 2NR Meadowbank Sports Arena, Ballyronan Road, MAGHERAFELT, BT45 6EH Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 Course Child Development (0-3 Year Olds) Health & Safety, Risk Assessment and Manual Handling Course Duration Tutor/Provider NICMA, the Childminding Association Paul Donaghy, 3fivetwo Training Academy Paediatric First Aid (Full) Seamus Donnelly, 3fivetwo Training Academy Safeguarding (Full) John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy Child Development (0-3 Year Olds) NICMA, the Childminding Association Paediatric First Aid (Full) Alan Graham, 3fivetwo Training Academy Safeguarding (Full) Kathryn Anderson, 3fivetwo Training Academy Observation and Planning Clare Devlin, Early Education Consultancy Level 2 Award in Food Safety (Refresher) Pauline McGurk, Global Horizon Skills Designated Child Protection Officer Kathryn Anderson, 3fivetwo Training Academy 7 Course Dates Time 6 hours Mondays 2nd & 9th November 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm 6 hours Tuesdays 3rd & 10th November 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm 12 hours Wednesdays & Thursdays 4th, 5th, 11th & 12th November 2015 5 hours Wednesdays 11th & 18th November 2015 6 hours 12 hours Mondays 16th & 23rd November 2015 Tuesdays & Wednesdays 17th, 18th, 24th & 25th November 2015 5 hours Tuesdays 17th & 24th November 2015 6 hours Tuesdays 17th November & 1st December 2015 4 hours Tuesdays 1st & 8th December 2015 6 hours Tuesday, 1st & Thursday, 10th December 2015 Venue Meadowbank Sports Arena, Ballyronan Road, MAGHERAFELT, BT45 6EH Carrickfergus Enterprise, 8 Meadowbank Road, CARRICKFERGUS, BT38 8YF Closing Date for Applications Monday, 5th October 2015 Tuesday, 6th October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Acorn Business Centre, 2 Riada Avenue, BALLYMONEY, BT53 7LH Tuesday, 6th October 2015 7.00 pm 9.30 pm Sheskburn House, 7 Mary Street, BALLYCASTLE, BT54 6QH Tuesday, 13th October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Antrim Enterprise Agency, 58 Greystone Road, ANTRIM, BT41 1JZ Monday, 19th October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Willowbank Business Park, Willowbank Road, Millbrook, LARNE, BT40 2SF Tuesday, 20th October 2015 7.00 pm 9.30 pm Gortalowry House, 94 Church Street, COOKSTOWN BT80 8HX Tuesday, 20th October 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Mallusk Enterprise Park, 2 Mallusk Drive, NEWTOWNABBEY, BT36 4GN Tuesday, 20th October 2015 7.00 pm 9.00 pm Causeway Enterprise Agency, Loughanhill Industrial Estate, COLERAINE, BT52 2NR Tuesday, 3rd November 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Gortalowry House, 94 Church Street, COOKSTOWN, BT80 8HX Tuesday, 3rd November 2015 Course Duration Tutor/Provider Course Dates Time Venue Closing Date for Applications Safeguarding (Refresher) John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy 3 hours Wednesday, 2nd December 2015 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Causeway Enterprise Agency, Loughanhill Industrial Estate, COLERAINE, BT52 2NR Wednesday, 4th November 2015 Level 2 Award in Food Safety (Refresher) Pauline McGurk, Global Horizon Skills 4 hours Tuesdays 12th & 19th January 2016 7.00 pm 9.00 pm Antrim Enterprise Agency, 58 Greystone Road, ANTRIM, BT41 1JZ Monday, 7th December 2015 Child Development (3-5 Year Olds) NICMA, the Childminding Association 6 hours Wednesdays 20th & 27th January 2016 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Safeguarding (Refresher) John Hunsdale, 3fivetwo Training Academy 3 hours Thursday, 11th February 2016 6.45 pm 9.45 pm Child Development (3-5 Year Olds) NICMA, the Childminding Association 6 hours Mondays 7th & 14th March 2016 7.00 pm 10.00 pm Course Causeway Enterprise Agency, Loughanhill Industrial Estate, COLERAINE, BT52 2NR Ballymena North Business and Recreation Centre, 120 Cushendall Road, BALLYMENA, BT43 6HB Gortalowry House, 94 Church Street, COOKSTOWN, BT80 8HX Monday, 14th December 2015 Wednesday, 20th January 2016 Monday, 8th February 2016 Applications must be submitted via the website: Telephone applications can no longer be accepted due to administration constraints. Please note: When applying for refresher courses, you must insert the expiry date of your current certificate on the application form; otherwise we will be unable to process your application. The tutor will need to see your current certificate on the first session of the course. Following submission of a training application: You will receive an automatic reply to confirm your application has been received. Successful applicants will be notified by email or telephone as soon as possible after the closing date for applications for each course. Please check your emails about this time. If you are unable to accept the offer of a place please notify Anita Mason (email: as soon as possible to allow her to reallocate the place to someone else. If you change your email address please notify the NCP Training Officer Anita Mason (email: ) and Claire Greer, NCP Training Administrator (email: as soon as possible. 8