Lassiter High School

Lassiter High School
Reaching Excellence and Climbing Higher
Science Department
Spring Semester 2012
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Koester
SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT: Reach Excellence and Climb Higher (REACH)
 Students will demonstrate proficiency in the critical thinking skills of decision-making, information processing,
reasoning, and analysis at or above course standards.
 Students will demonstrate appropriate critical thinking skills in reading comprehension and written expression.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the science of zoology, the study of
the animal kingdom. Students will become aware of the world of animals and their interrelationships through the
process of evolution, develop an understanding of the significance of the diversity of life and the balance of nature, and
examine the physiological and morphological characteristics of animals that allow them to survive in their environment.
Zoology is an interactive/hands-on course in which dissection of representative animals is most important in order for
students to understand the structure of animals. Actual animals will be dissected as well as virtual dissections done
online. This lab experience leads to a better understanding of the function of the animal organ systems.
Four main areas will be covered in Zoology:
Scientific method & Scientific processes
Classification/Phylogeny (evolutionary history of a species)
Survey of the Kingdom: Animalia (Domain: Eukarya)
Invertebrate Phyla
Comparison of form and function in Invertebrates and Vertebrates
Tests and Projects ............................................................ 35%
Labs .................................................................................. 30%
Daily Work, Quizzes, Misc. .............................................. 20%
Final Exam ........................................................................ 15%
Tests: Major tests will be given every 2-4 weeks. Test days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. All students will
have one week from the original test date to make up any missed exams or to re-take any exams of his/her
choosing. After one week, no other opportunities will be given to re-take exams. Students must schedule a
make-up exam or re-take exam with the teacher. Please check the schedule on the board for days I am not
available due to meetings, conferences, etc.
Labs: Labs will be done in class and all safety rules must be followed. Failure to do so will result in lack of
participation for the lab and a grade of zero will be assigned.
Daily Work: This will incorporate homework, quizzes (announced or unannounced), and class participation. Due
dates for these assignments will be discussed at the time of the assignment. Homework must be handed in
at the beginning of class on days when it is graded in order to receive credit.
Projects: Special projects will be assigned during the semester. Some projects will be individual assignments and
some will be group work. Point values and due dates will be discussed at the time of the assignment.
Final Exam: This will be given at the end of the semester and will be comprehensive.
TEXT: The textbook that will be used is Zoology (McGraw Hill 7th edition). Supplemental materials will be provided
throughout the year in the form of Powerpoints, articles, and online websites. Such supplemental materials can be
found on the blog.
 3-ring binder(you can re-use your old yet working 3-ring binder from years past if in good condition)
 At least 4 notebook dividers
 Loose leaf college rule paper
 Black or blue-black ink pen and pencils with erasers
 1 package Colored Pencils (optional- but highly encouraged)
 2 Different colored highlighters (optional- but highly encouraged)
A student who is present and actively participates is more likely to be successful; however, if a student is absent,
he/she has one day for each day of excused absence to make up the work. (For example, a student absent 2 days
would have 2 days to make-up the work.) Students are responsible for asking their teachers for the make-up work. A
student with an unexcused absence may ask for assignments and may choose to complete them in order to keep up
with the class; however, the teacher is under no obligation to grade the work. If you are absent on the day prior to
the test (also known as the “review day”) you will be required to make-up the test on the regularly scheduled
Lab reports, projects and daily work assigned to be completed at home will be accepted with a 10 percentage point
penalty for each day the assignment is late, up to 3 days. After 3 days, work will not be accepted. Because the due
dates for these assignments are made very clear, Saturday and Sunday will count towards late days. For example, a
lab due on Friday will be accepted on Monday with a 30% penalty.
To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class when the bell rings. You will be required to
obtain a tardy pass through the late arrival system to enter the room if you arrive after the bell. School policy states
that 3 or more tardies will result in an administrative referral and appropriate consequences which may include 2 hours
of after school administrative detention and Saturday school. Further tardies will result in further administrative
referrals and actions, including ISS and loss of parking when appropriate. Realize that every class you take is just as
important as this one. Therefore, I do not write late passes to other teachers’ classes.
Anyone needing extra help, needing to make-up a test/quiz or needing to make up a lab is encouraged to visit me
before school from 7:45-8:15 or during your lunch period (prior arrangement). All make-ups must be scheduled
on the calendar on my desk. If you skip your lab make-up appointment (without letting me know of an unexpected
illness, etc.) you will receive the grade of a “zero” on your laboratory.
Cheating is considered a serious matter. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified
and the student will receive a grade of zero for the test or evaluation period, and a grade of U in conduct.
For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:
Copying anyone’s answers to questions, lab activities, study guides, classwork or homework assignments
Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author,
or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as
his or her own, i.e., plagiarism.
Looking onto another student’s paper during a test or quiz.
Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.
Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected. Be certain that individual lab reports, even
when performed as a group, are written in your own words.
Students displaying or using cell phones, Blackberries, PDA’s, or other digital communication devices during tests
and/or quizzes will be referred to administration, and will be given a zero for that test or quiz.
DIFFERENTIATION: In anticipation of student differences in interests and learning needs, I will at times differentiate
the presentation of the curriculum. This will involve flexibility in carrying out varied approaches to content, process,
and/or product.
Spring 2012
M. Dayle Koester…………………………………………………….……COURSE: Zoology
I have read and understand the academic integrity policy.
I have reviewed the class syllabus and understand the grading policy.
I am willing to be contacted by email.
I have access to the internet and will access the I-Cue parent feature (once it is available) to check on my child's
progress. I understand that teachers will make every effort to post grades within 1 week of accepting the
assignment, but that posting of grades for larger papers and projects may extend beyond the 1 week timeframe.
My child has access to a computer and a printer and will be responsible for reading and printing required materials
off the teacher blog.
Student Name: ________________________________ Class Period: _________
(Please print)
(Student's Signature)
(Parent's Signature)
Parent Contact Information:
(Parent Name(s) and Relationship(s) to Student)
(Cell Phone Number)
(Active Email)
Student Lab Safety Contract
I will:
1. Follow all instructions given by the teacher.
2. Read directions thoroughly before beginning a lab investigation.
3. Protect eyes, face, hands, and body while conducting a lab investigation.
4. Review all safety guidelines indicated in each lab before beginning.
5. Know the location of first aid and fire fighting equipment.
6. Conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times in a lab situation.
I, __________________________________, (print name) have read and agree to abide by the safety regulations as set forth
above and also any additional printed or verbal safety instructions provided by the teacher and/or district. I further agree to follow
all other written/verbal instructions given in class. If I do not follow the safety instructions, I will be removed from the lab and
receive a grade of zero on that lab. My parents will be contacted, and, depending on the severity of the infraction, an
administrative referral may be written.
Date: __________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________
for a 10 point Daily Work Assignment