NWEA -- Language Arts Focus Areas

Language Arts Areas of Focus
Based on NWEA Results
First Grader: ____________________
151 & Below
Literature & Informational Texts
* Identify the main idea of a story * locate the title on the cover page
* Make a prediction from title page & cover- confirm prediction after reading
* Infer identity of an object in story based on clues presented * Share opinion about
a story using information from that story
* Make predictions about what will happen next * Infer the identity of an object in
story based on clues presented * Make predictions based on title * Draw conclusions
from informational text * Describe events & rephrase theme of the story into a short
* Make prediction about what will happen next * Make inferences from informational
texts that describe real-life, age-appropriate situations * Describe the problem &
solution in a story * Draw conclusions based on supporting details * Classifies
stories as “make-believe” or as “something that could happen” or is “real” *
Identifies the characteristics of a fairy tale * Identifies the setting, character’s
feelings, and lesson learned * Identify conflict in a reading passage * Identify
examples of rhyming words
* Draw conclusions * Make predictions for a given scenario * Identify & describe the
story setting * Infer the PURUPOSE of an informational passage * Retell the beginning,
middle & end of story * Give examples of fairy tales * Distinguishes among story
genres * Identifies the characteristics of poems * Analyze how characters are
introduced in literary texts * Identify the story theme & determine the moral * Infers
the point of view *Identifies the narrator * Identifies internal conflicts *
Determines the resolution
* Make predictions from literary & informational texts * Evaluate predictions
* Locate information * Use a Table of Contents correctly * Identifies characters &
describe their traits * Distinguishes among literary genres including fables, plays,
legends, fantasy, magazine articles, memoirs * Infer the setting of a story *
Recognize author’s use of the first person as a technique to create interest in
literary texts * Infer the point of view for a 3rd person narrative * Infer conflict
* Make predictions & inferences from informational texts * Infer the author’s
specific/main purpose for an informational passage * Interpret the mood created by the
author in informational texts * Summarize information * Classify literary texts as
folk tale, fable, myth, tall tale, science fiction, biographies, or historical fiction
* Describe the plot & development of the plot in a story * Explain how the author
introduces characters * Recognize author’s use of conflict as a technique to create
* Make predictions & inferences from complicated texts * Locate information among high
level vocabulary * Summarize directions * Summarize the plot * Analyze poems to
determine main idea * Recognize characteristic of a biography * Classify texts as
historical fiction * Analyze important events in a story plot * Explain how the author
introduces characters * Determine a character’s feelings or emotions * Identify the
point of view used * Describe conflict implied * Infer the reason behind a character’s
actions or feelings * Make inferences to determine problem/solution * Define genre *
Identify a character’s qualities * Classify an autobiography & narrative * Evaluate
the importance of given themes
211 & up
151 & Below
Vocabulary Use and Functions, and Phonics
* Choose words with same initial consonant sounds * Identify the initial
consonant digraph (sh, th, ch, wh) of words shown in picture form * Match
uppercase letters to lowercase letters
211 & up
151 & Below
* Identify words using the same ending consonant blend as a given word * Uses
consonant digraphs (sh, th, ch wh) to make meaningful words from word
fragments * Identify words that rhyme * Distinguish real from nonsense words
* Identifies nouns, verbs & adjectives
* Select the correct compound word from 2 pictures
* Choose the word with the same initial consonant blend (bl, cr) as a given
word * Identify words with the same short vowel sounds * Identify words the
rhyme * Determine the number of words in a sentence * Identify words that fit
into a given word family * Select words that will form a given contraction *
Select the beginnig of a compound word
* Choose the word with the same initial consonant sound as a given word *
Identify words with r-controlled vowels that are pronounced the same way *
Identift words with the same short & long vowel sounds * Compare number of
syllables in a word * Choose appropriate homophone to complete a sentence *
Choose the synonym for a given word * Identify antonyms * Select the correct
compound word from a sentence
* identify words with vowel sounds * Identify pairs of words that sound alike
* Identify words with r-controlled vowels that are pronounced the same way *
Identify words with the same vowel sound * Select the appropriate homophone
to complete a sentence * Choose the correct synonyms * Identify words with –
ar sound
* Recognize words using the hard g sound with similar ending sounds (gh) *
Identify words with long vowel sounds * Identify words with the same vowel
sound * Determine which word contains a given number of syllables & divide a
word into syllables * Analyze sentences to determine the specific meaning of
a homograph
* Identify words with the same vowel sound * Divide words containing a
consonant + le into syllables * Divide words containing the suffix –able or –
ible into syllables * recognize multiple meanings of homographs and analyze
sentences for correct usage * Identify pairs of words that are synonyms *
Infer the meaning of a word using context clues, then select the word that is
* Define antonym * Identify a word that is an antonym of a given word *
Select the correct contraction based on context in a sentence * Divide words
containing the prefixes re-, un-, and pre- * Choose the synonym for a given
word * Infer the meaning of a word using context clues, then select the word
that ha the same meaning
Language and Writing
* Write letters and numbers correctly and neatly * Use a finger space between words
* Write left to right, top to bottom * Identify complete sentences * Select the mark
that will punctuate a sentence
* Explain that a sentence begins with a capital letter * Recognize that the pronoun
“I” should be capitalized * Arrange words into sentences
* Distinguish among punctuation marks
cannot * Recognize that the months of
* Recognize the format of invitations
adjectives to add simple details when
of regular verbs and/or linking verbs
that can be used to end a sentence & those that
the year & days of the week should be
& friendly letters * Select appropriate
editing * Recognize plurals * Use future tense
211 & up
151 & Below
* Unscramble simple sentences * Recognize error in punctuation * Identify declarative,
interrogative, and exclamatory sentences and use correlating punctuation correctly *
Use comma in date correctly * Recognize apostrophes are used to show possession *
Recognize that proper nouns require capitalization * Recognize titles of people * Use
descriptive words to convey ideas in written compositions * Classify passages as
examples of make believe * Identify the audience of personal writing * Recognize the
purpose of thank you notes * Evaluates the quality of written instructions *
Distinguishes between main topic and supporting details * Brainstorm supporting
details for a given topic * Recognize that topic sentences often being paragraphs
* Unscramble more complex sentences * Use periods to punctuate initials *
Distinguishes among sentences that convey emotion and need an exclamation mark and
those that do not * Recognize the correct punctuation for the greeting of a personal
letter * Recognize that commas are used to delimit items in a series * Use commas to
correctly punctuate locations * Recognize appropriate placement of apostrophes in
contractions * Give examples of details in writing descriptions * Use descriptive
words to convey ideas * Identify the parts of a friendly letter * Identify content
appropriate to invitations * Recognize the format of directions * Identify sentence
order to form a paragraph * Use strong concluding sentences * Use story webs as a
prewriting strategy * Recognize topic sentences often begin paragraph * Determine
which details do no belong in a paragraph after inferring the main idea of the
* Edits for ending punctuation * Recognize appropriate punctuation and its place *
Recognize the correct placement of commas after introductory words * Use commas in
date * Use commas to short items in a series * Select the appropriate sentence to
describe feeling * Evaluate language to determine which is most appropriate to convey
imagery * Identify parts of a friendly letter
* Evaluate which topic and title would be best for expository writing * Describe
characteristics of short stories * Consider audience when selecting topic * Identify
topic sentence of a paragraph * Orders sentences logically to form clear paragraphs *
Identify supporting details & topic sentences
* Recognize correct placement of commas to delimit introductory phrases & clauses
* Recognize incorrect place of commas to separate nouns of direct address from the
rest of the sentence * Identify the purpose of a research paper * Classify writing as
descriptive * Explains sensory images in poetry * Describe the purpose of different
personal writing formats * Recognize the writing process begins with the step of
brainstorming *Interpret outlines * Use graphic organizers
* Edit for proper punctuation * Use periods to punctuate abbreviations * Recognize
correct usage of commas in direct quotations * Use commas to separate dependent clause
in compound, complex sentences * Recognize the correct use of quotations marks and
ending punctuations within the quotations marks * Describe characteristics of
descriptive writing & expository text * Give examples of narrative writing * Classify
passages as fantasy * Identify addresses using appropriate punctuations and
abbreviations * Identify suitable research questions * Identify appropriate style for
* Samples to determine the author’s purpose * Recognize transitional words and phrases
* Organize text into paragraphs with clear beginning, middle, and ending using
transitions and logical sequencing
* Choose persuasive writing as the most effective form for the given purpose
Foundational Skills
* Alphabetizes four letters
* Read simple text left to right * Give an example of an event of an event
that is real
* Alphabetized three words
* Locate author’s & illustrator’s names and explain their jobs (writes the
words/draws the pictures * Alphabetizes four words * Identify the function of
a dictionary * Identify examples of thank you notes
* Locate author’s dedication and explain purpose * Recognize the types of
information likely to be found in a newspaper * Identify the characters of
lists * Classify statements as a fact or opinion in informational text *
Locate bias in informational text * Alphabetizes five words
* Identify titles in announcements, advertisements, and newspapers *
Correctly place words in alphabetical order * Order sentences to create a
paragraph that makes sense in informational text * Identify characteristics
of dictionaries * Classify text as a journal entry * Identify the
211 & up
characteristics of letters, lists, manuals, and informational notes
* Classify statements as fact or opinion * Explain the purpose of an
* Identify and explain difference between fiction and nonfiction text * Use a
picture dictionary correctly to locate words * Order directions sequentially
* Identify characteristics of an atlas, encyclopedia, weather, reports, and
textbooks * Locate information using a table of contents * Recognize the
characteristics of glossaries
* Distinguish between examples of facts and opinions
* Locate and use a glossary in a book * Orders and paraphrases as sequence of
events in informational texts * Assesses alphabetical order of a dictionary *
Identify characteristics of thesaurus * Locate and use table of contents in a
book * Give examples of sentences in informational text that are opinions or
* Identify sequential or chronological order in informational texts *
Identify the organizational pattern of a main idea plus supporting details in
informational text * Classify a true story * Recognize characteristics of
advertisements * Classify informational text as persuasive * Identify the
characteristics of editorials * Describe how an index is organized