My Heart Journey

I would like to thank God, my loving husband, Victor, beautiful children Anthony & Mariah : my mom & dad,
sister , brothers, mother-in-law, family/relatives, Pastor, Church Family, Radical Love Family, Diamond in The
Rough Family, medical staff , Mended Hearts, The American Heart Association, Go Red For Women Passion
Committee , host of neighbors, & friends. I praise God every day for what is taking place in my life.
The purpose of the devotional is to share my personal testimony on how I face daily ( health) challenges with a
positive outlook on life.
PHOTO CREDIT: Adriana Sans:
Cover Photo: Anthony J. Goodloe.
Technical Assistant: Mariah K. Goodloe
The night before my first procedure, I spent time packing & spending time with my children.
On our way to the hospital, I did not say much. I was busy preparing for what was getting
ready to take place in my life.
My family had no idea how I felt. When we approached the front lobby of the hospital, I
asked for the clerk to send a Chaplain down for prayer. After the Chaplain prayed with us, I
released my fear and the TRANSFORMATION began to take place.
During my hospital visit, I experienced a range of emotions. I will never forget waving to my
husband as the nurse pushed the stretcher into the operating room.
The first surgery took a couple of hours. I remember waking up in ICU and my husband was
right by my side. The surgeon and medical staff kept us informed with my progress. A
couple of days after my first procedure, I developed blockage in my heart. Four days later I
received a pacemaker. We did not have time to prepare ( mentally) for the procedure.
Thank God the procedure was successful.
After my second procedure, I moved into my private room at the hospital. How did I feel the
first time I looked at the scar on my chest: shock & disbelief.
Prior to my first two procedures, I didn’t have any scars on my body, my endurance level was
I didn’t experience any breathing problems & now I’m adjusting to a “new” body and
lifestyle. It has not been easy but it’s all worth it because God has given me a second chance
& I plan to embrace my assignment/making a difference in the community.
While I was in the hospital, I “connected “ with God daily through prayer & writing in my
journal. I learn to depend on him for “everything”. I experienced high & low moments at the
hospital. How did I survive the low moments? By praying & trusting God: 100%.
It’s hard to put into words the range of emotions I experienced after three
surgical procedures but I knew within my heart that God promised never to
leave me alone: he is TRUE to his word. My sister bought me a journal &
that’s how I documented my feelings on paper: it was very helpful for my
recovery to find a way to express my feelings.
After a couple of days in the hospital, I wanted return home but it wasn’t time
, so I prayed for patience & finally on the 11th day , I was discharged.
Oh, happy day. I sat in the wheelchair and watched my husband drive our van
in front of the hospital. I was frail & weak. My husband helped get into the
van. It was so refreshing to feel the wind & to see the sunshine, trees, flowers
Imagine, not being able to go to the bathroom on your own (initially after the
first surgery) : when you could go on your own prior to surgery. Driving
without discomfort. Not being able to use a blender, permanent blockage in
your heart, using your cell phone in your right hand ONLY, being able to take
a “normal” walk in the park without any complications, sleeping at night
without an oxygen tank ( for 25 weeks) , a new valve & pace maker in your
body, permanent scars on your body due to 3 surgeries, wearing a medical
alert bracelet in public, sharing your life( intimate) thoughts with the
community, watching your family/children adjust to the changes within the
home; new lifestyle.
Despite my physical limitations, I keep hoping, praying & believing.
Returning Home.. I was afraid because I had so much to process in a short time
period. God healed me, now I face a new life, a new body & new opportunities.
Do I have doubts about my recovery? No, God healed me, now I have the
ability to face my health challenges with a positive outlook on life & the
confidence knowing that God promised never to leave me alone
My faith elevated to a “higher” level. I began writing a health blog and made
a decision to share my heart story with the community. I thank God for
providing me with the strength & courage to face & endure my daily health
challenges. I know without a doubt: God is true to his word.
One phone call from the doctor changed my life forever. Now, that God has given
me a second chance, I’m committed to share the good news about his healing
“ Turning My Pain Into Purpose”
Sharing ten coping techniques that I use to deal with my daily Health
1) Depend on God For Everything: when I was in the hospital: I cried out to God to
heal me & he did. From that point on.. I learn ( daily) how to depend on God ,
trusting him: 100%.
2) Pray: I connect with God on a daily basis. Prayer also provides strength &
3) Develop a STRONG support system: I communicate with my family & friends
on a regular basis on how I’m progressing. I share my thoughts & feelings with my
support system.
4) Give back to the Community: Despite my health challenges: I continue to share
my heart story with the community
5) Share with your family & friends: I keep the lines of communication open at
ALL times with my support system. I contacted our family, friends, church family,
school counselors regarding providing emotional & spiritual support to my
husband & children during my before , during & after my three surgeries. I thank
God my providing me with a community that cares about my well- being.
6) Create a journal: My sister , Karen, bought a journal for me while I was in the hospital & I write in it daily:
sharing my good & bad days:
I found it very helpful.
7) Join a support group to help cope with the transition.
8) Maintain “normal” Routine for your Family: I make an effort to make my children continue excelling in school ,
church & extra – curricular activities.
9) Transform your thoughts: Positive Thoughts equals Positive Results. I seek God’s face EVERY DAY & I ask him to
order my steps.
10) Focus on God & my blessings, instead of the daily ( health)
place in my life & praise God for being loyal & faithful.
challenges: I focus on the good things that are taken
Insight into my recovery period ( notes from my (health) journal ) ………..
Feb 12th-23rd: 2009 ( two surgeries: hospitalized 11 days).
My first week home: Feb 23rd: 2009 very weak, fragile.
My second week at home: March 2nd; 2009 much better than last week.
God receives all the credit for healing.
March 8th: 2009 pace maker: first re-programming: traveled to the pace maker clinic
March 16th:: 2009 I can finally walk up the steps. My best walk so far… Praise God. I can start
April 15th-18th 2: 2009. I was hospitalized . Fluid around my heart.
I cried in the midst of the storm . I’m praying to God for healing, patience, &
understanding. I seek him for deliverance, so I can fulfill my next assignment.
Dear God, Thank you for bringing me home to my loving husband, beautiful children , family
& amazing friends. I do believe: I have faith that you have all power to continue to pull me out
of the storm. I know I need to do my part: being an example: living testimony.
June 18th: 2009 : breathing problem continues.
Dear God, I pray for peace, complete healing, guidance: through the current storm in my life.
I claim the victory in advance. Thank you Lord for providing me with a strong support
system. I know you have ALL power in your hand.
August 2nd: 2009: next pacemaker reading: August 19th:
Sept 29th: 2009:pace maker issues (again): God is faithful. He promised NEVER to leave me
alone. He is true to his word.
Nov 8th 2009: My 43rd birthday. I continue to praise God through my good & bad days. The
journey has not been easy but I’ll continue to press forward/staying focused & encouraged.
HAPPY NEW YEAR: JANUARY 2010: Praising God for a New Year!!
Jan 2010: I received a pacemaker device to monitor the readings at home.
I feel pressure in my chest but I remain positive.
I’m looking forward to my new Journey/Assignment; sharing the good news of
God’s healing with the community.
Feb 15th 2010: I’m glad that I have the strength to give back to the community.
Feb 16th: Mended Hearts meeting. I joined a support group for cardiac patients &
their families.
God has been faithful in the past, present, & will be there for me ALWAYS.
Without him, I am nothing.
Dear God, I thank you for my second chance: You have proven your love over & over
April 13th 2010: I began using an inhaler for adult asthma.
June 23rd 2010: Third Surgery : Pacemaker Revision
Sept 23rd 2010: re-programming ( pace maker). Staying Positive..
Nov 2 2010: I will not be defeated: I will not let my obstacles: consume my thoughts.
I will regain my endurance. I ask, BELIEVE & receive.
February 4th 2011 :
National Wear Red Day: I delivered copies of my story to two food ministries in our community,
Travel with me through “ MY JOURNEY” ( notes for my blog)
MAY 2009
Mother’s Day , Sunday, May 9th.
I would like to thank God for giving me a second chance, a wonderful husband, beautiful children, church &
circle of friends.
I’m embracing my “new” assignment: sharing the good news about my healing..
June 16, 2010
Embracing My Assignment
Why did I decide to join Mended Hearts?
a) God has given me a second chance.
b) I feel it’s very important to share the good news about my healing with the community to help patients & their
families cope with the recovery process.
c) It’s comforting to know by speaking with the patients & their families, I’m using my gift of service: to help
d) I’m learning more about both procedures ( heart valve & pace maker) & how to take care of my body. We also
receive a
newsletter that provides: healthy living information, etc..
e) We all encourage one another.
My 1st surgery ( heart valve replacement) took place, Feb 12th, 2009, 2nd surgery (pace maker) Feb 16th 2009,
3rd surgery ( pace maker revision), took place, June 23rd, 2010.
Why do I celebrate?
a) God healed me. He continues to answer my prayers.
b) I have the strength to use my “gift of service” to help others cope with the recovery process.
c) My loving husband, beautiful children, family, Pastor & Church, Radical Love family, circle of friends
continue to support me: 100%.
Most of all, God loves me. He promised never to leave me alone.
July 8, 2010
Hello. I would like to share why my surgical procedures took place.
I was born with an abnormal heart valve. We were told a couple of years ago that I would need a
replacement. Two weeks before my ( first) surgery, I experienced shortness of breath, I knew something
didn’t feel right. I made an appointment with the doctor, a test was ordered, surgery date was scheduled ,I
contacted my family & friends and begin to pray & focus on what was getting ready to take place in my life.
Blockage occurred after the first surgery, then I received a pacemaker (second surgery). Recently (June 23rd,
2010), after a regular check-up (pace maker reading) at the doctor’s office, my third surgery (pacemaker
revision) took place the following day.
Knowledge is power.
The purpose of today’s post is stress the importance of notifying the doctor ,when something feels
“different” in your body. I made the choice to listen
July 31,
On June 23rd, 2010 my third surgery took place: pace maker revision. Breathing problems
continue ( on a daily basis), plus discomfort in my chest ( due to recent surgery) and another
exercise test will take place in August( to monitor my endurance level).
Despite my daily challenges, I choose to praise God for another day.
Why do I choose to praise?
God is true to his word.
I continue to receive support from my support system
August 8, 2010
What is a REAL friend?
A person who is…..
ALWAYS there for you
We all face challenges on a daily basis. I’m so thankful for my circle of friends. We lift up on
another through different forms of communication: phone calls, e-mails, letters, cards,
prayer, social outings etc.
Thought for Today: Please take the time to speak a kind word to someone : it will make all
the difference in the world.
August 13, 2010
On yesterday, I traveled to the hospital: Mended Hearts
program ( volunteer position): I
spoke with the patients re; story of healing plus shared news
re; MENDED HEARTS. I enjoy giving back to the community.
I hope by sharing my testimony, it will help others deal with
daily challenges.
August 21, 2010
I remember when I looked at the scar on my chest (for the first
time in the hospital), I could not find the words to describe
how I felt. My husband gave me a hug and that made all the
difference in the world. He loves me, in spite of the scar. I
thank God for my soul mate
We all face ( different) challenges.
Offering words of encouragement: place your trust in God,
transform your mind: POSITIVE thoughts and interact with
people who can lift you up to the next level.
The JOURNEY is not easy. Despite what I face, I will praise
God for another day.
August 25, 2010
August 24th: Minor Adjustments made to the pace maker in the doctor’s office.
Despite my daily challenges I face on a daily basis I count my blessings: DEVOTED husband,
BEAUTIFUL children, LOVING family & friends) & continue to trust God with my life.
August 29, 2010
I believe….
The following message is from the bottom of my heart….
I experienced allot this past week…pacemaker issues , two stress/exercise tests, chest pains..
The same God that healed me 16 months ago did not bring me this far to leave me.
I face chest discomfort, breathing issues, pacemaker issues etc…. on a daily basis.
I continue to pray for COMPLETE healing. God is able.
September 15, 2010
Hello. I hope all is well with you & your family.
Seventeen months ago, my first surgery took place.
Acceptance plays a major role in my recovery process.
Adjusting to the changes in my body: life changing experience.
I will continue to ENCOURAGE myself & others.
October 14, 2010
Never Give Up..
I look back over the past 18 months of my life:
Chest discomfort, pace maker issues, breathing issues etc …..,,
I face on a daily basis.
When I was discharged from the hospital ( February 2009), I
had two options : to allow my health condition to stop me from
fulfilling my “purpose” or keep pressing forward.
God healed me & now I’m committed to sharing my testimony
with the world.
I choose to press forward because , God is s true to his word.
Please feel free to share my message with your family & friends: Despite
whatever you may face on a daily basis: Never Give Up: Nothing is too big
for God.
November 8, 2010
Today, we celebrate my ( 44th) birthday
Since the new chapter in my life ( cardiac/pacer maker surgeries) began on
Feb 12th, 2009: I’ve learned to totally depend on God for : EVERYTHING.
My purpose in life is to share the good news about God’s healing power
and to encourage cardiac patients & their families.
November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
On Thursday, Nov 25th, families throughout the country will celebrate
When I look back of the past 20 months, I have soo much to be thankful for:
EVERY DAY , I give thanks for all of my blessings.
I thank God for his healing power, my loving husband, beautiful children,
family, Pastor, Church Family, Radical Love Family & wonderful friends
like you.
The road has not been easy but I remain POSITIVE &
I choose to trust God 100% and fulfill my purpose: serving
God receives ALL the honor & praise.
December 10, 2010
Christmas greetings from Kimberly
I’m looking forward to celebrating the birth of Christ ( the
TRUE meaning of the holidays) with my loving husband,
beautiful children, family & friends.
I’m approaching the two-year anniversary of my heart valve
surgery & first pacemaker surgery which took place : Feb 2009.
The third surgery took place: June 2010.
God has brought me through three surgeries in 22 months.
Despite my daily ( health) challenges: I praise God for keeping
me in his care.
I pray for PEACE, LOVE & JOY for everyone.
January 7, 2011
I would like to share with you one of my FAVORITE quotes
for the new year:
“Place God first, trust him 100% and surround yourself with
POSITIVE people.”
Why did I choose the quote?
Before my first surgery ( heart valve replacement), I asked for
prayer. The Hospital Chaplain prayed with us in the front
lobby of the hospital.
I PLACED GOD FIRST before any preparation for the surgery
began that morning
TRUST HIM : 100%: When the doctors explained to my
husband ( four days after the first procedure), that I will need a
pace maker to help my heart function ( due to blockage), I
made a choice to TRUST God: 100% with what was getting
ready to take place.
I thank God for providing me with a STRONG support system
people who can lift me up to next level.
February 12, 2011
Two Year Anniversary
I could have given up two years ago but I decided to trust God
100% & strive EVERY DAY to make a difference in the
My husband & I will celebrate our 18th Wedding Anniversary
in June.: true blessing
Returning home from the hospital, I reflected on how much
I’ve been through (emotionally & physically) since my three
I thank God ( every day) for healing me, providing me with a
STRONG support system. So many people are facing obstacles
(on a daily basis) without a STRONG support system.
I would like to thank my STRONG support team for all that
you do. Please feel free to reach out to a co-worker, distant
friend, neighbor, church member, stranger, etcc. God will bless
you for taking the time to care
April 3, 2011
Encouraging One Another…
A couple of days before my first surgery, I created a “ support
agenda” for my husband & children.
The agenda included a calling post.
Our family & friends received ( phone) messages re; my
progress at the hospital, I contacted my Relatives, Neighbors,
Pastor & Church Family, Teachers, School Counselors, CoWorkers, Friends etc…
I’m thankful to everyone for taking the time to reach out to my
husband & children.
We are determined to face any obstacles “together” as a family.
Please feel free to share the idea ( support agenda) with your
family & friends.
April 20, 2011
Faith, Family & Friends: The Key to My Recovery
Where do I find the strength & desire to make a difference in
the community? By leaning on God for: EVERYTHING, and
support from my wonderful support system.
My son shared the following with me ( Re: My Surgical
“Mom, at first I wondered why this happen to you, especially
since you helped so many people. Now I understand why,
because this event made you more powerful and you touch
many people by sharing your story.”
Three key points:
a)Lean on God for everything,
b) when something doesn’t “feel right” with your body ,
contact your physician,
c)When facing daily obstacles: keep a POSITIVE outlook on
life: NEVER GIVE UP.’’
God has ALL power in his hands.
May 20, 2011
Why I Choose to Trust God with My Life…
Before my 3 surgeries, my faith level was ok.. but when I made
a decision the morning of my heart valve replacement
operation to REALLY trust God: 100% with my life that’s when
the transformation began for
Why I choose to trust God with my life?
a) God is true to his word.
b) He is loyal & faithful
c) He has ALL power in his hands
d) He continues to bless me: every day
e) He is healer, comforter, provider ,etc.
Sharing Words of Encouragement: keep pressing, pushing,
hoping & BELIEVING.
June 23, 2011
Praising God for another day
A year ago, my third surgery took place: pace maker revision...
Why do I choose to praise?
a) God healed me & continues to answer my prayers.
b) I have the strength to share my heart journey.
To my family & friends: No matter what you may face on a
daily basis: keep moving forward...
November 8, 2011
Today we celebrate my birthday! ( 45 years-old).
Giving God all the honor & praise for what is taking place in
my life.
February 12, 2012
Three years ago, ( February 12th, 2009), I received a new heart
valve. Four days later, I received a pacemaker due to heart
blockage. June 23rd, 2010, my third surgery took place: pace
maker revision. I continue to experience health challenges on a
daily basis. I made a decision in the hospital to keep moving
forward despite my circumstance.
February 15, 2012
Sharing Words of Encouragement…
Recently someone asked me : “What motivates you to keep
moving forward, after everything you have been through ( 3
surgeries & daily health challenges) in three years?” My Faith
in God, loving husband, beautiful children , family & circle of
amazing friends…
March 9, 2012
I would like to share with you a few reasons why I smile……
A) Because God woke me up this morning.
B) After 37 months of recovery from 3 surgeries, I continue to
maintain a positive outlook on life.
C) Despite my most recent health challenge which occurred a
week ago, I remain encouraged.
D) God continues to send “ new” opportunities for me to share
my story of survival.
God promised never to leave me alone. He IS true to his word.
F) My loving husband, beautiful son & daughter,
family/relatives, Pastor, Church Family, Medical Staff, Radical
Love Family & wonderful circle of amazing friends, continue
to provide encouraging words.
G) I look forward to sharing more stories of “ VICTORY” with
the community,
My “Journey “ continues……
April 5, 2012
When we drove to the hospital ( 38 months ago), for my open
heart surgery, I was afraid of what was getting ready to take
place .I had allot to think about, during the drive to the
hospital : How long will I stay in the hospital, the time frame
for my recovery period, coping with the transition: new heart
valve & pace maker, etc..
I made up in my mind before the procedure, that I would
pray to God for strength & courage to face the surgery. The
hospital representative contacted the chaplain. He met us in
the front lobby of the hospital & we began praying. After the
prayer session, I’m happy to say that I was no longer
afraid. For the first time , I began trusting God with my life:
After my procedure, my friend asked me the following
question: “ What are your plans?
my response: to share the good news about God’s healing
power with the community & help cardiac patients & their
families cope with the recovery process.
Love Letter to my beautiful family…..
Victor, we met in 1982 and we married in 1993. You’re my best friend, wonderful husband
loving father and devoted son. You work hard every day to provide for our family. A.J. &
Mariah adore you. I thank God for blessing me with a wonderful soul mate. You have stood by
my side every inch of the way during my recovery from three surgeries.
Mariah and A.J., I love you with all my heart & soul. Always remember to keep God first, pray:
every day, make good choices , trust God: 100%, pursue your dreams and continue helping
others/making a difference in the community.
May God continue to keep you in the palm of his hands.
Despite my limitations( due to three surgeries) & daily health challenges, I will continue to trust God with my
life & share my heart testimony with the community.
I am a survivor.
Thanks for being part of “ MY JOURNEY”
I was born with an abnormal heart valve. We were told a
couple of years ago that I would need a replacement. Two
weeks before my (first) surgery February 12, 2009, I
experienced shortness of breath, I knew something didn’t feel
right. I made an appointment with the doctor, a test was
ordered, surgery date was scheduled, I contacted my family &
friends and begin to pray & focus on what was getting ready to
take place in my life.
Blockage occurred after the first surgery, then I received a pace
maker (second surgery), February 16th, 2009. Recently (June
23rd, 2010), after a regular check-up (pace maker reading) at the
doctor’s office, my third surgery ( pace maker revision) took
place the following day.
Before the procedure on Feb 12th, I contacted my family
members, Pastor & Church Family, employer, co-workers,
friends, neighbors, etc. My (strong) support system provided
prayers, phone calls, flowers, books, beautiful cards, hospital
visits, home visits, meals etc. It was important to provide
support for my husband & children. We discussed the surgical
procedure with our children. It was necessary to continue
providing a secure & stable environment.
The door is always open anytime for the kids to come to us
with any questions or concerns. The valve replacement surgery
was successful, then I developed blockage. The doctors
notified my husband that I would need a pace maker to help
my heart function. It was unplanned but necessary. The
second procedure took place four days after the first
procedure. We prayed with the Chaplain before the heart valve
procedure. I also received visits from the Chaplains (by my
request); throughout the time I was hospitalized: a total of
eleven days. June 23rd, 2010, I returned to the hospital:
outpatient surgery: pace maker revision.
My Faith in God, support from my husband, family, Pastor & Church
Family, medical staff, friends, neighbors, Radical Love Family, coworkers, employer, etc... continues to play a major role in the healing
process. I know that God loves me & promised never to leave me
alone. He helped me get through this time of testing. Jeremiah
30:17: “For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy
wounds, saith the Lord, because they called thee an Outcast saying,
“This is Zion, who no man seeketh after.””
Acceptance is crucial during the recovery stage. Not living in denial,
but accepting the daily challenges: occurring inside my body, coping
with breathing issues on a daily basis, living with a pace maker,
taking coumadin for the rest of my life, dealing with the discomfort
in my chest. etc…….Where does my help come from? Believing &
trusting God with my life. I know without a doubt that he is a healer.
God is also loyal & faithful. Psalm 107: 1 “O Give Thanks unto the
Lord for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” My relationship
with my husband is even stronger.
We were married in 1993 and promised to love each other
unconditionally. He continues to provide emotional, physical, mental
& spiritual support. While I was recovering he helped the kids with
their homework, made daily trips to the grocery store, irons the kid’s
clothes, worked hard every day and spent quality time with me. I
thank God for my soul mate.
When I returned home from the hospital, my son , quietly walked in
my bedroom and prayed by my side every night. It was very
important for him to thank God for healing his mother. When my
daughter, , saw the scar on my chest (incision from heart surgery), it
made her very uncomfortable. She thought I was in pain. I spoke to
the school counselor about the issue. My daughter touched the scar
& saw that I wasn’t in pain. I’m happy to say, my daughter is now
comfortable with the scar. After my surgery, our children asked about
the limitations, when I would be able to drive again, how did I feel
overall etc. We continue to keep the lines of communication open in
our home. It’s very important for our children to express their
feelings. I continue to pray for my husband & children.
We are determined to face any obstacles
“together” with God’s guidance.
Through FAITH, FAMILY, &
FRIENDS, I’m able to face each day &
know within my heart that God continues to
bless me & my family.
Everyday is a GIFT from God.
Mrs. Kimberly A. Goodloe
My Contact Information…………
( e-mail address)
( link to my website)
( link to my health blog)
( link to my you tube video)