Poverty Eradication through Aquaculture A Leverhulme Trust Research Grant Project Tanzania National Policy-Makers Meeting Kunduchi, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – November 2011 Poverty Eradication through Aquaculture: How to address food security issues and poverty requires solutions today. For the first time in Tanzania, this research project combined knowledge from local stakeholders, private enterprise, policy-makers, researchers, practitioners and social/economic scientists to promote best practice in community-led aquaculture development. Local communities were interviewed to understand social and economic drivers that explained people’s way of life. Their willingness to consider aquaculture as an alternative or supplementary livelihood was measured. To better understand what is needed to allow aquaculture to fulfil its potential as an income generating opportunity a policy cycle analysis was undertaken and is explained herein. National Policy Makers Meeting A national meeting led by Newcastle University and University of Dar es Salaam brought main policy-makers together to determine what is needed to support aquaculture development in Tanzania. The purpose of the meeting was to identify past and future events as a way to understand how Tanzania went from dependence on different activities like fishing with a view to planning on how growing sectors like tourism can be better managed so that local communities can benefit. Meeting participants took part in 2 exercises: 1) A historical time scan to show how past major events may shape future sector growth of aquaculture; 2) A policy cycle analysis to identify who is involved in management and policy development. The results are presented and it is hoped they will facilitate advice on priority actions to promote sustainable livelihoods. Contents: Page Historical Timeline results Historical Timeline Reflection Event Prioritisation Policy Cycle Analysis Participants Acronyms 2 3 4 5 6 6 Historical Timeline The below timeline helped policy makers better understand Tanzania’s history and changes that have occurred in relation to aquaculture as an aid to help predict future developments. Historical Timeline Reflection On completion of the timeline participants were asked to review the historical timeline and agree on major or key events which were considered turning points or times of significant developments within Tanzania, particularly in relation to aquaculture. Seven key events and developments were identified and summarised by Prof. Mgaya, University of Dar es Salaam: From To No/limited management 1960-70s Environmental and fisheries mgmt Aquaculture masked by fisheries 1970s Aquaculture recognition in policy/mgmt No/limited environmental awareness 1970-80s Increasing and effective awareness No women involved in aquaculture 1970-80s Women involved in seaweed farms Low fisheries research 1980s Fisheries research centre No proposed MPAs 1980s MPA establishment and growth Protectionist economy 1990s Neo-liberal economy Priority Actions for Aquaculture Participants were able to address the following question: What priority actions do you recommend to advance Aquaculture Development in Tanzania? The list below provides an overview of all responses given. “A new Aquaculture Policy and Act” “Human resource capacity building” “Aquaculture extension services / officers” “Hatchery services and appropriate hatchery technology “ “Research on the right species and the right market” “Provision of aquaculture technology” “Awareness raising through pilot/demonstration farms and media” “More private sector involvement” “Government popular support and commitment” “Financial support for aquaculture development” Event Prioritisation: Participants were asked to prioritise key developments on the historical timeline by placing positive or negative arrows as small dots on each event. These highlighted perceived significant impacts on major developments In Tanzania’s history. Negative perceptions included aquaculture being considered under agriculture and a lack of coordination of environmental issues particularly in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The largest positive events were advances in mariculture zoning in the 2000s and establishment of the MPRU and MPAs in the 1990s. Into the future, the most positive action identified as deserving more effort as a way to help the aquaculture sector grow was introducing enabling mechanisms for aquaculture to significantly contribute to future exports from Tanzania. Aqua. and fish. issues under Agriculture… 1960s Social Fisheries policy incl. Aqua. under Agriculture Dept No coord. of environmental issues - sectoral focus Governance Nationalisation of businesses Env. Mgmt. High poverty levels - No aquaculture Economic EAC collapse - economic woes 1970s 1980s Policy Collapse of social services/productivity Kingolwira Fish Culture centre opens Seaweed farming develops (mainland) 1990s Economic growth National Poverty Eradication Strategy Trade liberalisation - private sector involved… MPRU established 2000s Fisheries masterplan developed National Aquaculture Development Strategy More involvement of women in aquaculture Communal milkfish farming (many locations) Aquaculture Development Division Established Shrimp Monitoring Plan Mariculture Zoning Scheme in Mkuranga/BMO 2010s 2020s 2030s Aquaculture Best Practise Guidelines Mariculture Act in place Aquaculture sector contributes 50% of national… -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Negative Valuations (n) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Positive Valuations (n) 6 Policy Cycle Analysis – Which actors are involved in policy? The policy cycle analysis gave participants an opportunity to explore which organisations are involved in aquaculture policy formation, management, research and development in Tanzania. Participants identified all public and private bodies involved in formal and informal structures governing aquaculture. Explanations of the different stages of the policy cycle are explained directly underneath the groups identified below: Key to different stages of the policy cycle analysis: Data and Information Research and assessment, including social, environmental and economic at all scales Analysis and Advice Analyses that can lead to advice that is useable by decision makers, such as local groups and national committees Decision Making International and national organisations with a mandate to review advice and make decisions, such as government and NGOs Implementation Primarily national and local agencies with a mandate to put decisions into action, e.g. capacity building, new legislation or direct enforcement Review and Evaluation Similar bodies to those that are responsible for analysis and advice and that often oversee the policy cycle. Participants: Prof. Yunus D Mgaya, University of Dar es Salaam, TZ Prof. Selina Stead, Newcastle University, UK Jairos Mahenge, Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership (TCMP), Bagomoyo, TZ Sandey Nundwe, Former TCMP – Freelance Aquaculture Advisory, Dar es Salaam, TZ Ritha Mali, Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries, Dar es Salaam, TZ Mr. Jeremiah Daffa, Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership, Dar es Salaam, TZ Mr. Abdillahi I. Chande, Marine Parks and Reserves Unit, Dar es Salaam, TZ Dr. Charles Byarugaba, Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries, Dar es Salaam, TZ Dr. Matt Slater, Newcastle University, UK Acronyms: AWF CODECOZ COSTECH DASF EAC EAFFRO EAMFRO FAO Aquaculture Without Frontiers Jumuiya ya Maendeleo yq Jamii na Uhifadhi wa Mazingira Zanzibar Commission for Science and Technology Department Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries East African Community East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization East African Marine Fisheries Research Organisation Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FoA HPI ICM IFS IMS IRA IUCN MACEMP MPA MPRU NEMC REPOA SARNISSA SUA SUZA TAFIRI TCMP UDSM UNDP UNIDO USAID WAS WB WIOMSA WWF ZBR Faculty of Agriculture Health Policy Initiative Integated Coastal Management International Foundation for Science Institute of Marine Sciences Institute of Resource Assessment - UDSM International Union for Conservation of Nature Marine and Coastal Environment Management Project Marine Protected Area Marine Parks and Reserves Unit National Environment Management Council Research on Poverty Alleviation Sustainable Aquaculture Research Networks in Sub Saharan Africa Sokoine University of Agriculture State University of Zanzibar Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership University of Dar es Salaam United Nations Development Programme United Nations Industrial Development Organization US Agency for International Development World Aquaculture Society World Bank Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association World Wildlife Fund Zanzibar Archipelago Contacts: Dr. Matt Slater (matthew.slater@ncl.ac.uk) or Prof. Selina Stead (selina.stead@ncl.ac.uk)