WHY ARE SOME KINDS HISTORICAL AND OTHERS NOT? LAURA FRANKLIN-HALL NEW YORK UNIVERSITY APRIL 2015 SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATIONS Niger-Congo languages fundamental particles granular materials even-toed ungulates genes DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSIFICATIONS • Fine-grained or coarse-grained • Structural vs. functional • Architectonic vs. simple • Essentialist vs. non-essentialist • Historical vs. synchronic DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSIFICATIONS • Fine-grained or coarse-grained • Structural vs. functional • Architectonic vs. simple • Essentialist vs. non-essentialist • Historical vs. synchronic A full theory of classification would account for all of these differences DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSIFICATIONS • Fine-grained or coarse-grained • Structural vs. functional • Architectonic vs. simple • Essentialist vs. non-essentialist • Historical vs. synchronic My focus: to explore and rationalize this difference PLAN Step 1: Characterize synchronic vs. historical Step 2: Ask why classifications are sometimes historical and sometimes synchronic Step 3: Use the Probability-Similarity Account (PSA) to answer this question Step 4: Rationalize and defend the PSA Step 5: Consider implications for the minddependence of the natural kinds 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL Synchronic Classification Historical Classification Key property is a feature of the classified individuals grounded synchronically Key property is a historical feature of the individuals classified – usually descent via reproduction • Not exhaustive: there could be a ‘future classification’ where things are grouped in terms of what they will bring about. • Also, there are mixed cases: e.g., metamorphic rocks 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL Synchronic Classification • Bacterial species by nuclear DNA sequence • Molecules by constituent atoms plus bonding • Gaits by leg-lift patterns Historical Classification • Metazoan species by descent from a founding population • Words by sound / meaning hybrid in a language, with languages individuated by history • Cultural items by origins 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL Synchronic Classification • Bacterial species by nuclear DNA sequence • Molecules by constituent atoms plus bonding • Gaits by leg-lift patterns Historical Classification • Metazoan species by descent from a founding population • Words by sound / meaning hybrid in a language, with languages individuated by history • Cultural items by origins 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL Caffeine Synchronic Classification • Bacterial species by nuclear DNA sequence • Molecules by constituent atoms plus bonding Formula: C8H10N4O2 IUPAC ID: 1,3,7-Trimethylpurine-2,6dione • Gaits by leg-lift patterns To count as caffeine, a substance must just be made of such molecules. It’s origin can be either natural or artificial. 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL The gallop Synchronic Classification • Bacterial species by nuclear DNA sequence • Molecules by constituent atoms plus topology A four-beat gait in which all feet are briefly off the ground at the same time • Gaits by leg-lift patterns For a motion to count as a gallop, it doesn’t matter how the animal learned the process or anything else about its ontogeny. 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL Language Tree Historical Classification • Metazoan species by descent from a founding population Word in a language + (defined by origins) ‘False cognates are not instances of the ‘same word’ i.e., ‘much’ and ‘mucho’ • Words by meaning/ sound hybrid in a language, with languages individuated by history • Cultural items by origins 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL Holiday – The Day of the Dead (Dia de Muertos) Historical Classification • Metazoan species by descent from a founding population • • • • Originated in southern Mexico, from a Aztec rite. Hybridized with All Souls Day. Spread through Latin America where the ‘same holiday’ is celebrated. Similar in practice and belief to other holidays found elsewhere (e.g., the Ghost Festival in China); also involve honoring ancestors. • Words by meaning/ sound hybrid in a language, with languages individuated by history • Cultural items by origins 1: SYNCHRONIC VS. HISTORICAL Caveats 1) controversy about the ‘key property’ for some classifications. I have tried to presume the dominant view. 2) In biology, controversy about whether classifications correspond to kinds or individuals. I don’t think this difference makes a difference and will put it aside. 2: THE EXPLANATORY QUESTION Why are some categories in use by scientists historical and others synchronic? (I say ‘in use by’ because there is some sense that both historical and synchronic categories could be applied to any science. The question is which kind of category actually gets developed.) Presuming, as many naturalistic philosophers do, that the natural kinds correspond to the categories in use by mature sciences, this question also permits us to query why some natural kinds are historical and others not. 2: THE EXPLANATORY QUESTION Why are some categories in use by scientists historical and others synchronic? Obvious reply “Categories are historical in historical sciences and synchronic otherwise” No: all historical sciences that aim to account for causal change will require synchronic categories as well Biology, Linguistics and Anthropology all have synchronic categories alongside their historical ones. 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT My proposal: for any domain of individuals, scientific classifications of those individuals will be historical whenever The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) is very small They are synchronic whenever PIES is not very small 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) time 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) time 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) Case 1: not independent single event time 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) event 1 Case 2: independent event 2 time 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) event 1 Case 2: independent event 2 time N.B.: These cartoons paper over many issues, some of which will be addressed shortly… 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) PIES is high when CASE 2 is likely Synchronic kinds event 1 Case 2: independent PIES is low when CASE 2 is unlikely Historical Kinds We often judge probabilities based on frequencies, but they can come apart. event 2 time 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT Illustration: atoms Probability that similar individual atoms (e.g., elements) comes about in independent origination events is high. Thus, their kinds (the elements) are synchronic. Evidence: frequencies track probabilities and many atoms of any elements have had separate originations; some in one supernova, others in another, others via radioactive decay. 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT Illustration: atoms Probability that similar individual atoms (e.g., elements) comes about in independent origination events is high. Thus, their kinds (the elements) are synchronic. Explanation: unlike with solar systems: small variations in initial conditions for the generation of an atom can still yield identical atoms; this traces ultimately to the quantum nature of our universe (see Ghirardi 2007) 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT Illustration: organisms Probability that similar individual organisms (e.g., species) comes about independently is low. Thus, organisms are divided into historical kinds: the species. Evidence: frequencies track probabilities and famously there are no instances of strong convergence between organisms with different origins. 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT Illustration: organisms Probability that similar individual organisms (e.g., species) comes about independently is low. Thus, organisms are divided into historical kinds: the species. Explanation: Many small and undirected modifications are required to result in any given form. That these would be identical modifications in two lines is highly unlikely. 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) REACTION: SOUNDS PLAUSIBLE, BUT WHAT DETERMINES THESE PROBABILIIES? 3: THE PROBABILITYSIMILARITY ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) MY ANSWER: REACTION: SOUNDS PLAUSIBLE, BUT WHAT DETERMINES THESE PROBABILIIES? A COMBINATION OF THE CAUSAL FEATURES OF SYSTEMS AND FEATURES OF US: 1) OUR ‘GAZE’, 2) OUR NOTION OF INDEPENCENCE, 3) OUR STANDARDS FOR SIMILARITIES 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Two-part defense of the PIES standard: 1) Saves the phenomena: looks at different scientific examples, and see whether PIES tracks classification-type 1) Rationalize the principle: argue that it makes sense for practice to respect it 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Two-part defense of the PIES standard: 1) Saves the phenomena: looks at different scientific examples, and see whether PIES tracks classification-type 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT The case of biology 1. Eukaryotic Species 2. Bacterial Species 3. Plant Species 4. Kinds in Astrobiology 5. Kinds for Convergence-Lovers 6. Lamarckian Species Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 1. Eukaryotic Species CLASSIFICATION TYPE: HISTORICAL The species of an organism is most often taken to be a function of its history (phylogenetic species concept) An organism’s synchronic properties are not relevant to questions of its species membership Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Saving the Phenomena 1. Eukaryotic Species CLASSIFICATION TYPE: HISTORICAL The species of an organism is most often taken to be a function of its history (phylogenetic species concept) Mom! An organism’s synchronic properties are not relevant to questions of its species membership ‘swamp pig’ not a pig ‘’snail’-born-of-pig’ is a pig 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Saving the Phenomena 1. Eukaryotic Species EXPLANATION PIES Analysis: The probability of the evolution of any very complex package of traits, such as are found among pigs, is extreme low. (cf ‘Dollo’s law’) historical kinds 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Saving the Phenomena 2. Bacterial Species CLASSIFICATION TYPE: SYNCHRONIC The ‘official definition’ of bacterial species depends on similarity between genomes*. An organism’s history is not strictly relevant to species membership. *70% DNA molecule cross-hybridization, which occurs with approximates 95% nucleotide identity Bacterial ‘tree’ 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Saving the Phenomena 2. Bacterial Species CLASSIFICATION TYPE: SYNCHRONIC The ‘official definition’ of bacterial species depends on similarity between genomes*. Bacterial ‘tree’ staph An organism’s history is not strictly relevant to species membership. Mom! swamp E. coli and E.coli-borne-of-staph are E. coli 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 2. Bacterial Species Top: transduction Bottom: conjugation Saving the Phenomena EXPLANATION Speciation via non-reproductive gene transfer (aka Lateral Gene Transfer or LGT). This makes it comparatively easy to get the same set of traits in separate lineages 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 2. Bacterial Species Top: transduction Bottom: conjugation Saving the Phenomena EXPLANATION Speciation via non-reproductive gene transfer (aka Lateral Gene Transfer or LGT). This makes it comparatively easy to get the same set of traits in separate lineages PIES Analysis: The probability of the repeated independent emergence of a particular package of traits, such as are found among E. coli, is not extremely low synchronic kinds 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 3. Plant Species CLASSIFICATION TYPE: SYNCHRONIC Recurrent speciation in some plant species; botanists studying these species consider products to be single species with multiple origins. “The same species can actually form multiple times” “Recurrent speciation […] is the rule, not the exception” Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Saving the Phenomena 3. Plant Species EXPLANATION Hybridization PIES Analysis: Hybrid speciation increases likelihood of similar entities with ‘independent’ origins Synchronic kinds T. dubius, T. pratensis, and T. porrifolius were introduced from Europe into Eastern Washington/Idaho in the early 1900s. Two polyploid hybids, T. miscellus and T. mirus, came about many times when ranges overlapped. 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 4. Astrobiological Groupings (‘species’?) CLASSIFICATION TYPE: SYNCHRONIC Astrobiologists—unlike most others who think about the life sciences—sometimes talk of a ‘periodic table of organisms’. They don’t know just what the bins in this table will be due to the n=1 problem (i.e., our only examples of living things are from earth) But they imagine that being in a bin is grounded synchronically, not via history. Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Saving the Phenomena 4. Astrobiological Groupings (‘species’?) EXPLANATION Focus on such an enormous sample space, in concert with low standards of similarity PIES Analysis: Broad sample space makes similar organisms with independent origins less unlikely synchronic kinds 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 5. Categories among the convergence-obsessed CLASSIFICATION TYPE: SYNCHRONIC Heterodox biologists (Conway Morris and McGhee) have also tried to design ‘a periodic table of life’. Membership in a bin depends on synchronic properties, not history. Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Saving the Phenomena 5. Categories among the convergence-obsessed EXPLANATION These scientists believe that strong convergence is likely (e.g., similar forms will evolve via very different lineages). They also have in mind comparatively weak standards for similarity. PIES Analysis: Peculiar causal theory + weak standard for similarity makes PIES high synchronic kinds 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 6. Lamarckian ‘Species’ Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT DARWIN’S VIEW: LIFE’S TREE time 6. Lamarckian ‘Species’ Saving the Phenomena Chapter 4, On the Origin of Species Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 6. Lamarckian ‘Species’ LAMARCK’S VIEW: LIFE’S REEDS time present These are separatelyoriginating ‘reed-like’ lineages Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 6. Lamarckian ‘Species’ LAMARCK’S VIEW: LIFE’S REEDS present time CLASSIFICATION TYPE: SYNCHRONIC These are separatelyoriginating ‘reed-like’ lineages Similar individuals can have independent origins. When L talks about ‘species’ he is using a synchronic conception. He has a false view of origins, but he is still following the PIES principle. Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT The case of biology - RECAP 1. Eukaryotic Species HISTORICAL 2. Prokaryotic Species SYNCHRONIC 3. Plant Species SYNCHRONIC 4. Kinds in Astrobiology SYNCHRONIC 5. Kinds for convergence-lovers SYNCHRONIC 6. Lamarckian Species SYNCHRONIC Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT The Probability of the Independent Emergence of Similar things (PIES) MY ANSWER: REACTION: SOUNDS PLAUSIBLE, BUT WHAT DETERMINES THESE PROBABILIIES? A COMBINATION OF THE CAUSAL FEATURES OF SYSTEMS AND FEATURES OF US: 1) OUR ‘GAZE’, 2) OUR NOTION OF INDEPENCENCE, 3) OUR STANDARDS FOR SIMILARITIES 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 1. CAUSAL FACTS (C) 2. GAZE (G) 3. SIMILARITY STANDARDS (S) 4. INDEPENDENCE CONDITIONS (I) Saving the Phenomena Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT The case of biology - RECAP DIAGNOSIS 1. Eukaryotic Species none 2. Prokaryotic Species causal dif, demanding notion of I 3. Plant Species causal dif, demanding notion of I 4. Kinds in Astrobiology weak S, wide gaze 5. Kinds for convergence-lovers causal dif, weak S 6. Lamarckian Species causal dif 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT The case of linguistics 1. Most words 2. Sounds 3. ‘Huh?’ Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 1. Most words much (13th c.) ←< southern Middle English muchel (where “u” is actually front [y]; 12th c.) < Old English miċel ‘big’ < Proto-Germanic *mikilaz (cf. Gothic mikils) < Proto-IndoEuropean *meǵ- (cf. Greek mégas and Latin magnus, both ‘big’, and Hittite mēk ‘much’)12 Spanish mucho < *muito (cf. Portuguese muito and the Spanish adverb muy, which was truncated in unstressed position in rapid speech) < Latin multum ‘much’ < *mol-to-; the root is PIE *mel-, which appears also in Latin melior ‘better’ (> Spanish mejor) Saving the Phenomena Groupings of utterances into words has historical component Illustration: ‘false cognates’ are not considered to be instances of the same word, even though they can (in the extreme) be signs that both share sound and meaning. Explanation: arbitrariness of connection between sign and signifier makes sound-meaning combinations with independent origins unlikely 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT 2. Sounds Saving the Phenomena Individual sounds are not classified in a way that depends on history Most sounds have ‘multiple origins’ in different language systems Saving the Phenomena 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT The case of linguistics 3. ‘Huh?’ The exception proves the rule: the word ‘huh’ does have independent origins, and is not considered a ‘false cognate’ but instead a ‘universal word’. Why? Strong ‘selection pressures’ on this utterance made similarity in the face of ‘independent origins’ likely. 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Two-part defense of the PIES standard: 1) Saves the phenomena: looks at different scientific examples, and see whether PIES tracks classification-type 1) Rationalize the principle: argue that it makes sense for practice to respect it STRATEGY: point to two scientific goals accomplished by using historical categories when PIES << 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Rationalizing the Principle Use of Categories: Strong Generalizations e.g., Pandas eat bamboo, electrons have mass of 9.109 x 10-31 When PIES << the strongest possible generalizations will use historical categories When PIES ~<< (non-disjunctive) historical categories will not be as strong 4: DEFENDING THE ACCOUNT Rationalizing the Principle Use of Categories: Explanatoriness Generalization Strength only explains why historical categories are coequal with synchronic ones with PIES << not why they would be preferred. Explanatoriness goes further. Historical categories include information that accounts for similarities common to a kind: that is, that these instances have a common origin. Note: explanatoriness also accounts of which synchronic features are considered ‘key’, as in an explanatory approach to Lockean essences PLAN Step 1: Characterize synchronic vs. historical Step 2: Ask why classifications are sometimes historical and sometimes synchronic Step 3: Use the Probability-Similarity Account (PSA) to answer this question Step 4: Rationalize and defend the PSA Step 5: Consider implications for the minddependence of the natural kinds 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds on PIES picture? 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds on PIES picture? Because PIES depends both on the causal systems and features of us (gaze, similarities standards, standard for independence), facts about whether kinds are historical will not be strongly mindindependent. This speaks against a certain kind of realism. 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds Note: focus here on the ‘reality’ of their on PIES picture? status as historical or synchronic Two ways it is consistent with ‘realism’ (properly understood) 1. Promiscuous realism 2. Categorical Bottlenecks 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds on PIES picture? 1. Promiscuous realism Deny the premise, floated above, that grouping corresponding to the classifications of science are the natural kinds. Permit the natural kinds to be promiscuous, to outrun the classifications of science. Contextual features that determine what kind of classification we out to use then determine simply which kinds to focus on / find relevant, and the subjectivity of PIES will not undermine the kinds mind-independence. 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds on PIES picture? 2. Categorical Bottlenecks See Franklin-Hall, L (2015) “Natural Kinds as Categorical Bottlenecks” Phil Studies 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds on PIES picture? 2. Categorical Bottlenecks Epistemic agent space x x x x Categorization Space x x x x See Franklin-Hall, L (2015) “Natural Kinds as Categorical Bottlenecks” Phil Studies 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds on PIES picture? 2. Categorical Bottlenecks Epistemic agent space x x x x x x Categorization Space x x See Franklin-Hall, L (2015) “Natural Kinds as Categorical Bottlenecks” Phil Studies 5: MINDDEPENDENCE? Mind-dependence or ‘reality’ or natural kinds on PIES picture? 2. Categorical Bottlenecks Epistemic agent space x Eukaryotic species, elements, and molecules have the ‘bottleneck’ structure – more ‘real’ x x x x x Kinds of plants, bacteria, etc. do not Categorization Space x x See Franklin-Hall, L (2015) “Natural Kinds as Categorical Bottlenecks” Phil Studies FINAL (COUNTER?) EXAMPLE Higgs Boson PIES << But a synchronic rather than historical kind Why? Holism in classificatory principles THANKS!