3.07 Understand the nature of customer relationship management to


3.07 Understand the nature of customer relationship management to show its contributions to a company

Performance Indicator: Discuss the nature of customer relationship management

Define the term customer relationship management (CRM)

It is a strategic tool firms can use to leverage proprietary information to identify cross-selling opportunities, new prospects, and potential conflicts of interest or independence issues. By developing a deeper understanding of your clients--their industries, markets and relationships--through CRM, your firm can gain a sustainable competitive advantage in challenging times

Source: http://www.allbusiness.com/company-activities-management/operations/11477600-1.html#ixzz1c5DbnOf1

Strategies, processes, and policies used by businesses to build, maintain, and maximize the long-term value of customer relationships

Helps businesses to understand the respond to customers’ changing needs

Emphasizes positive meaningful, and long-term communication and interaction with customers.

Involves the collection of customer information to draw conclusions about the customer’s needs and wants as well as predict the customer’s loyalty and value in the future

Explain goals of CRM

To maximize the value and effectiveness of all customer

To provide outstanding service to customers

To maximize customer satisfaction

To attract and retain loyal customers

To cultivate and maintain positive, profitable relationships with customers

To develop individualized relationships with customers

CRM Goals continued

To gather and tract information about customer for use in business decision-making

To understand customers and their needs so that these needs can be fulfilled in a manner satisfactory to customers and businesses

To develop products that meet or exceed customer expectations

To increase business profit

To develop a competitive advantage

Describe common CRM processes

Campaign management (usually conducted by the marketing dept.)

Targeting prospective customers

Distributing promotional materials to targeted prospects

Tracking response to promotional materials

Generating leads for sales

Sales management (sometimes divided into lead management, offer management, and contract management)

Recording lead information

Qualifying leads

Prioritizing leads

Contacting leads

Making sales

Common processes continued

Service management

Providing after-sales services, such as:

Maintenance and repair services

Warranties and guarantees

Retaining customers

Complaint management

Receiving customer complaints

Resolving customer problems

Communicating customer complaints to the organization

Retaining customers

Discuss the use of customer information in


By gathering and organizing customer information, a business can better determine and fulfill its customers’ needs and wants

Customer information is also used to identify the most profitable, loyal customers. After identifying these customers, the business may provide higher, better service to these customers to maintain their loyalty and increase their profitability

Describe the nature of customer relationships in today’s society

Because customers now have so many different choices in the marketplace, they have become more selective about them they do business with. When given the choice to do business with one of two businesses that sell nearly identical products at similar prices, customers often choose to purchase from the business that offers better customer service. As a result, customers’ expectations for customer service are highter

Describe the role of customer experience management (CEM) in CRM

The business world has become increasingly focused on the customer versus the product

Many businesses have adopted customer-centric attitudes and strategies

An important component of CRM is customer experience management (CEM)

Explain the impact of organizational structure on CRM

The organization should be structured so that customers have “seamless”, easy interactions with the company.

To ensure that customer have “seamless” interactions with the company all customer information must be available in one location to all employees who require it

(usually CRM technology)

Companies with superior CRM processes are much more likely to be organized according to customer segment or group.

Role of corporate culture in CRM

For CRM to be successful, it must be supported by the corporate culture (i.e., the values, beliefs, and encouraged behaviors in an organization)

Sr. Executives must believe and demonstrate that building and maintaining customer relationships is a corporate priority

Corporate values must be understood and embraced by all employees

Employee incentives, such as prizes and bonuses, can help ensure that employees embrace CRM strategies and processes

Also, employees must be given leeway to do what is necessary to satisfy customers

The importance of formulating a CRM strategy prior to implementing CRM processes and tools

Each company should design a unique CRM strategy that directly addresses its needs, organization, and customers

An important step in developing a CRM strategy is identifying the objectives/goals of the CRM program (e.g., to increase customer retention, to improve product offerings, etc.)

Before implementing CRM processes and tools, each company must determine which members of its organization will be involved in CRM so that these individuals can be trained

CRM technology and tools should be selected after determining the company’s CRM strategy, objectives, and program participants

The relationship of CRM and business process management

CRM and business process management (BPM) work together to satisfy customers

BPM: A type of management that focuses on the design and improvement of business processes (including FRM processes) to make them as efficient and effective as possible; strives to align business processes with customers’ needs and wants

BPM ensures that CRM processes meet the needs, wants, and expectations of customers, while CRM processes can gather customer information that can be used to ensure that business processes are designed with the end user – the customer-in mind

Describe the relationship of CRM and continuous improvement

Continuous improvement: The activity of regularly updating one’s processes for better efficiency

After developing a CRM strategy and implementing CRM processes, continuous improvement must occur to ensure that:

Company values remain in line with the CRM strategy

CRM processes remain effective

Explain ways in which CRM can benefit a business

Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

More customers and customer referrals

Reduced costs

Fewer complaints

Lower employee stress levels

Increased access to customer information (for use in business decision-making)

Long-term profitability

Performance Indicator: Explain the role of ethics in CRM


Consent: (v) to be of the same mind or opinion (n) acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another; acquiescence

Integrity: the quality of following rules, even if no one is around to enforce them. Integrity includes treating people fairly, applying rules consistently, and being unbiased and unprejudiced.

Describe the importance of trust in customer/business relationships

Building Trust is the Key to Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas

Aesops Fables, two buddies (insurance salesperson and client) are traveling together in the woods, when a bear rushes out in front of them.

On instinct, the salesperson grabs a tree branch and climbs a tree, stranding the client. Ever resourceful, the client feigns death, knowing the bear won’t eat dead meat. After the bear sniffs close to the clients ear, it eventually leaves the area. As the sales person climbs down the tree, he laughingly asks the client: What did that big bad bear whisper?

The client glares, then offers: He said, never trust a friend who deserts you in a pinch. http://ezinearticles.com/?Presenting-ETHICS---Elevating-


Discuss loyalty issues in customer/business relationships

Developing and nurturing loyalty should be the marketer's primary, day-to-day concern. Doing so increases the likelihood their brand can withstand economic turmoil, competitive threats, and reasonable price increases.

Through in-store temporary price reductions or couponing, consumers are told "we'll reduce your risk if you give us a try." The problem is that, just like the price relief itself, the consumers' commitment to the brand is temporary.

Another popular strategy among marketers with significant budgets is the development of catchy marketing phrases like

"Just Do It" or "Oooops, I could have had a V8". This approach can be effective, until budgets are cut because another brand in the division is underperforming.

See the rest of the article @ http://chiefmarketer.com/crm/0106-customer-loyalty/

Describe ethical issues related to the collection of customer information

Read about ethics in CRM @ http://www.ehow.com/info_8384284_ethical-issues-crm.html

 http://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/81720consumer-loyalty-programs-what-are-your-real-statistics-

Read the Role of Loss Prevention

Some areas of risk:

Employees scanning their own loyalty card

Cards activated at the Point of Sale and scanned more than 4 times a day

Cards activated with no customer information

Situations in which employees/departments involved in CRM may be reluctant to share customer information

Ethical issues related to the sale of customer information to 3



Data that can be purchased or rented from third party vendors may include names, addresses, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, social security numbers, age information, health and medical data, and other personal or proprietary information information obtained for one purpose may be lawful, but if utilized for another purpose, may be illegal.

Consumer advocates want to give consumers the option to have to affirmatively "opt-in", i.e., sign a consent form, to permit information to be conveyed to a third party

 http://www.mmmlaw.com/media-room/publications/articles/legal-and-ethical-issues-in-obtaining-and-sharing-information1




1. Notice/awareness (core principle).Web sites must disclose their information practices before collecting data. Includes identification of collector; uses of data; other recipients of data; nature of collection (active/inactive); voluntary or required status; consequences of refusal; and steps taken to protect confidentiality, integrity, and quality of the data.

2. Choice/consent (core principle). There must be a choice regime in place allowing consumers to choose how their information will be used for secondary purposes other than supporting the transaction, including internal use and transfer to third parties.

3. Access/participation. Consumers should be able to review and contest the accuracy and

completeness of data collected about them in a timely, inexpensive process.

4. Security. Data collectors must take responsible steps to assure that consumer information is accurate and secure from unauthorized use.

5. Enforcement. There must be in place a mechanism to enforce FIP principles. This can

involve self-regulation, legislation giving consumers legal remedies for violations, or federal statutes and regulations.

 http://www.prenhall.com/behindthebook/0132304619/pdf/laudon%20MIS10_CH-04%20FINAL.pdf

The impact of poor/unethical privacy practices on customer relationships

Performance Indicator: Describe the use of technology in CRM


Client intelligence –

Cross-selling – encouraging a customer who buys one product to buy a related or complementary product

Up-selling – the seller will provide opportunities for the customer to buy related products or services. For example, “Would you like fries with that?” “How about a nice apple pie?”

Relationship mapping - A mapping that describes how to persist a relationship (association, aggregation, or composition) between two or more objects. http://www.agiledata.org/essays/mappingObjects.html

Definitions continued

Personalization – Creation of custom tailored services(such as news pages on the web or specialized newsletters) that meet the individual customer’s particular needs or preferences

Segmentation – Subdivision of a population into segments with similar characteristics, such as age, education, income

Clustering - A group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely together; a bunch

Difference between CRM technology and


CRM is a strategy (no, not software) to transform your business to be customer, not product, focused. The CRM software is just a tool that helps the company carry out this strategy. Depending on its implementation, it can help your business identify who your customers are, what they need and anticipate what could want. It allows businesses to tailor offers to their current customers, building closer relationships that make them feel valuable.

Overall, CRM can make your company more efficient and customer-friendly to capture greater market share, increase customer loyalty, and attract more customers. http://www.businessknowhow.com/marketing/crm.htm

Types of CRM tools

CRM Applications –

Email focus


InTouch CRM

Social and collaborative focus





Sales focus

Smartsheet Sales Pipeline


Sugar CRM http://smallbiztrends.com/2011/01/9-crm-apps-small-business.html

CRM tools continued



Customer information

Employee information

Create reports on buying habits and trends

Track sales and create goals for the sales team http://www.avidian.com/crm/crm-database.aspx

Data Warehouses

Data warehouse serves as the repository to collect and integrate the breadth of customer information found in operation systems as well as in external ones.

The data warehouse supports a complete view of the customers, including customer data from typical sources such as: transactional data, interaction data (solicitations, call centers), demographic and behavioral data and selfprovided profile data

Data commonly stored in a CRM system

Contact data – ability to build stronger, longer lasting relationships with customers. Know what they

“Like” on Facebook and who/what they’re following on Twitter in addition to their personal data

Demographic data – income, zip code, etc.

Transactional data - what, when, where, and how much a customer bought

Relationship data - allows customer facing employees in such areas as sales, customer support, and marketing to make quick yet informed decisions on everything from cross-selling and upselling opportunities to target marketing strategies to competitive positioning tactics.

Types of CRM software approaches

Operation CRM - provide support to front office business processes such as sales personnel, marketing and service staff

Analytical CRM - Basically it evaluates the necessary customer data for a wide variety of reasons and purposes like:

Designing and accomplishing target marketing campaigns.

• Designing and accomplish various campaigns i.e. cross selling, up selling and customer acquisition.

• Identifying customer behaviors regarding products and services i.e. product development and pricing.

• Management information system i.e. financial forecasting

Types of CRM software approaches continued

Sales Intelligence CRM - It is known as a direct sales tool, which is similar to Analytical CRM. Usually it has a variety of features like:

Cross-selling/Up-selling opportunities

• Customer drift

• Sales performance

• Customer trends

Campaign Management – contains features of both Operational and

Analytical, includes tracking, storing and analyzing campaign statistics

Collaborative CRM - Collaborative data management tools make company information available across the web http://www.ehow.com/list_6707950_types-crm-tools.html#ixzz1c5lkeLYd

Other tools include

Customer Relationship CRM – identify the best current customers and segments

Simple CRM

Social CRM – can create online ads and Twitter updates http://www.crmscorecard.com/types-of-crm.htm

CRM technology


Data consolidation & analysis – allows sales and customer services professionals comprehensive data

Customer identification & retention

– providing personalized sales offerings

Cross-selling opportunities - offer personally tailored product offerings during the service transaction

Portability - resolve customer issues on site while using the information provided by CRM technology

Improved Forecasting - can identify both short- and long-term trends in customer activity http://www.ehow.com/list_6529278_crm-technology-benefits.html


Record loss - company does not have control of the data. If there is an outage, information will be lost

Overhead – costs associated with running the software application

Training – takes away time from productivity

Increased vulnerability – if security is breached http://www.ehow.com/list_6178037_disadvantages-crm-systems.html

How CRM technology can be used to create a “single view” of the customer

Importance of

Cleansing – removing discrepancies and inconsistencies in client/customer data. Helps to improve CRM data

Standardizing - information about the customer by recognizing, comparing, matching, and reconciling customer data across disparate systems according to predefined rules

Updating data – to view customer in “real-time”
