Wednesday, August 10, 2011 Edition #2 Cathedral High School Vision Cathedral High School, a Catholic institution, will be the model for all high schools as she profoundly shapes the way students think, serve and lead. Dear Cathedral Parents, Cathedral High School Mission Cathedral, a Catholic college preparatory high school, provides to a diverse group of students opportunities for spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth through service and academic excellence. Tomorrow is the big day. We are ready to begin and are anxious to greet your teens. Classes are ready, teachers are prepared, and our biggest problems tomorrow should be situations such as opening lockers for new students and finding classes. Just a gentle reminder that we have Mass every morning at 7:00 a.m. in our Chapel, unless it is an All-School Mass day, when the Liturgy begins at 9:30 a.m. You are always welcome to join us for any of these liturgical celebrations. Also, if you have someone for whom you wish a Mass to be offered, please contact either Father Munshower at 968-7362 or or Father John Zahn (968-7456 or The Mass schedule for this week and next week are on page 2 of this email. Our lunch program has a major change for this year. If you would like to pay for your child’s lunch in advance, that service is now possible. Please see this information on pages 3 and 4 of this Parent Email. You’ve spoken and we’ve heard you! To better meet your information needs, we will be revamping the parent email that you receive on Wednesdays. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be refining the product and our goal is that you will begin receiving that piece in late September. This will mean incorporating much of what you would have received in the monthly Insight, such as month-at-a-glance calendars and good news, allowing us to retire that newsletter. You don’t need to do anything to receive the new newsletter – we’ll use the same distribution list already in place. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let Lisa Renze-Rhodes know. She can be reached at 968-7352 or via email at Use these hyperlinks to find information quickly: Advancement Announcements Athletics Band News Bookstore and Spirit Shop Cafeteria Menu Choir News College Information Congratulations Dates to Remember Mothers’ Club Prayers Service Smart Quote Theatre Tutoring Dates to Remember: August: Thurs, Aug 11 1st Day of school Spirit Shop hours 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Used Book Swap 7:15 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. Cafeteria 1 Fri, Aug 12 Opening All-School Mass – Mass Schedule Spirit Shop hours 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fri, Aug 19 PM Assembly – PM Assembly Schedule Freshman Welcoming Dance (Cathedral Freshmen only) – Commons from 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Tues, Aug 16 PLC meetings – PLC Schedule – school begins at 8:05 a.m. Thurs, Aug 18 Summer Reading Test in your child’s English class Tues, Aug 23 AM Schedule for County Thurs, Aug 25 Meet the Teacher Night – 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.; dismissal at 2:15 p.m. PowerSchool Updates Due Tues, Aug 30 PLC – PLC Schedule September Thurs, Sept 1 Fri, Sept 2 Sophomore Parent Night - sponsored by the guidance department. We review sophomore year events, explain ECA and PSAT Testing, service project and a guest speaker. Amy’s Day – Cafeteria at 6:00 - 7:15 a.m. in Cafeteria Mass Information: ~~~~~ From the Desk of the Chaplains ~ Daily Mass is offered in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. on each day. Fr. Munshower, our Chaplain, encourages members of the Cathedral Family to contact him to have a mass said in memory of a loved one. His phone number is 968-7362. The $10 mass stipend would go to a fund to help financially marginalized students here at Cathedral High School – helping those within our midst who need our help! If you are not able to pay the $10, you may still submit an intention for our daily Mass. Please contact Fr. Munshower at 968-7362 or Father Zahn (968-7456 for details and arrangements. Father also requests that, if you contract a Mass, that someone from your family tries to be in attendance on that day. Morning Masses begin at 7:00 a.m. in the Cathedral Chapel. Father John Zahn, Chaplain, will be offering Mass on Monday mornings and during the school day on a rotating basis. This will allow your children to take advantage of a daily mass during their resource periods some days. At this time, all of the Masses for the week of August 15th are available, if you have a petition for which you want a Mass offered. Thurs 8/11 St. Clare For the Cathedral Family St. Frances de Chantel – Mass will be an All-School Friday 8/12 For healing for Jay Ruchelshaus ('11) Mass from 9;30 – 11:00 a.m. Mon 8/15 Assumption of B. V. Mary Tues 8/16 St. Stephen of Hungary Wed 8/17 Weekday Mass Thurs 8/18 Weekday Mass Fri 8/19 St. John Eudes For Tim Bolger ('09), injured in an auto accident and brother of Adrienne (’05), Kevin (’09), Stephen (‘’11) and Molly (’15); (8/9) RIP Joseph Hilgenberg ('34), father of Joseph M. Hilgenberg (’64) and a WWII Vet RIP Joshua Piechocki (’05), brother of Jaclyn Piechocki (’07), grandson of Bobby Plump, and cousin of Garrett Plump (’11). RIP Francis “F” Quinn (’38) and father of Patrick Quinn ’61, Michael Quinn ’62, Timothy Quinn ’64, John Quinn ’65, Barney Quinn ’72, Elizabeth Quinn Hahn ’78, Terry Quinn ’80, Kevin Quinn ’66 (decd), and Daniel Quinn (dec’d). RIP Dee & Bob Mennel (‘46), who passed to Eternity one day apart 2 Congratulations: Our Latin III students won the Youth-Serving Category of the Servaas Award from the Indiana Landmarks Foundation. The award will be presented at their Annual Meeting on Saturday September 10 between 4:00-6:00 p.m. The Sandi Servaas Memorial Award typically recognizes achievement in three categories. The judges look for a compelling narrative that conveys how the Non-profit organization’s work has benefited its neighborhood, town or place, and documentation that substantiates the record of success. These students created a PowerPoint presentation for the Indiana Landmarks Educational website in which they described the Greek and Roman architecture of selected downtown buildings. The students who were involved with this project are: Class of 2012: Mallory Dye Pat Dimond Ryan Kelly Alliy Moyer Lauren Streiff Emma Steinken Caroline Sprunger Aly Saum Taylor Shellman Victor Demyan Connor Lemke Michael Stump Katherine Lynch Alex Lucht Erin Scaletty Brett Rueschhoff Tom French Class of 2011: LE Evans Jackson McGrath Nick Graham Luke Plummer Lou Stanley Bailey Piccione Announcements: School Lunches at Cathedral this year: All students are welcome to bring a lunch with them, or they can purchase lunch each day from the school cafeteria. In addition to being able to pay for lunch with cash, students can use With this program, students are assigned a student number within PowerSchool to allow parents the option to deposit money into a student's account to be used for lunch purchases. Checks or cash for deposit may be dropped off in the "lunch money" mailbox by the main office. BE SURE to include the student's name or ID number. Deposits may also be made with the designated cashiers at lunchtime. Parents can track purchases made with account funds or deposit money online by setting up a user name and password at There is no charge to access your student's account. If you choose to deposit money online, the site will charge a 4.9% user fee. If you deposit $100 or more, the cafeteria will credit the user fee amount to your child's balance. In an effort to speed up meal service and offer privacy and convenience, students may opt to use a four digit pin code to identify themselves and use deposited funds for meal purchases. This system offers complete privacy and use of the device is 100% optional. For information about the meal service system, visit Cathedral High School is a proud participant in the National School Lunch program. Cathedral, the USDA and the State of Indiana are equal opportunity providers and employers. 3 ~~~~~ Cathedral High School Presents GRANDPARENTS’ DAY We welcome students and their grandparents Mass: 10 a.m. *Brunch: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sunday, September 11, 2011 In the Welch Activity Center *IN AN EFFORT TO PRESERVE THE SANCTITY OF THE MASS, THOSE WHO ARRIVE FOR BRUNCH ONLY WILL NOT BE SEATED UNTIL THE SERVICE IS COMPLETED. THIS IS ONE OF OUR MOST POPULAR AND WELLATTENDED EVENTS. WE ASK THAT YOU PLEASE RSVP BY SEPT. 6 WITH NAMES OF STUDENTS AND THEIR GRANDPARENTS WHO WILL ATTEND. RSVP: Diane Szymanski, (317) 968-7313 or by Sept. 6th ~~~~~ When you receive your Blue Book (each student and each family receives one copy), please made the following additions: There will be PLCs (means late arrival – 8:05) on Tuesday, November 8 and Tuesday, March 13 Please mark your calendars or your Blue Book for these school days with special schedules. The specific daily schedules are listed in the front of your Blue Book on pages 9 – 11. Days with Special Schedules 2011 – 2012 August Fri, Aug 12 Tues, Aug 16 Fri, Aug 19 Tues, Aug 23 Thurs, Aug 25 Tues, Aug 30 Opening All-School Mass – Mass Schedule PLC meetings – PLC Schedule PM Assembly – PM Assembly Schedule AM Schedule for County Meet the Teacher Night – Early Dismissal Schedule PLC – PLC Schedule September Tues, Sept 6 County – AM Assembly Schedule 4 Thurs, Sept 8 Fri, Sept 9 Mon, Sept 12 Tues, Sept 13 Tues, Sept 20 Tues, Sept 27 Magazine Assembly – AM Assembly Schedule Spirit Assembly – Spirit Assembly Special Schedule 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony – PLC Schedule – school begins at 7:34 a.m. for everyone Cathedral’s Birthday – All-School Liturgy – Mass Schedule PLCs – PLC Schedule County – AM Assembly Schedule October Tues, Oct 4 Fri, Oct 7 Wed, Oct 12 Fri, Oct 14 Tues, Oct 18 Tues, Oct 25 Wed, Oct 26 Mon, Oct. 31 Rosary Ritual/County – AM Assembly Schedule End of Homecoming Week; Walk-a-thon Freshman Retreat; PSAT for Sophomores & Juniors; Senior College Day End of 1st Q County / Service Fair PLCs; PLC schedule Parent Conferences; Early Dismissal Schedule Magazine Free Day (if students meet their quotas) November Tues, Nov 1 Tues, Nov 8 Tues, Nov 15 Thurs, Nov 17 Tues, Nov 22 Thurs, Nov 24 Fri, Nov 25 Tues, Nov 29 Wed, Nov 30 All School Liturgy - All Saints’ Day – Mass Schedule PLCs; PLC Schedule County – AM Assembly Schedule Open House – Half-Day Schedule County – AM Assembly Schedule Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Break PLCs – PLC Schedule Advent Reconciliation – special schedule December Mon, Dec 5 Senior Mass at Cathedral at 10:00 a.m. Tues, Dec 6 County – AM Assembly Schedule Thurs, Dec 8 All School Liturgy - Immaculate Conception – Mass Schedule Tues – Fri, December 13 – 16 Sem. 1 Exams January, 2012 Mon, Jan 2 Tues, Jan 3 Fri, Jan 6 Tues, Jan 10 Fri, Jan 13 Tues, Jan 17 Tues, Jan 24 Tues, Jan 31 End of Christmas Vacation – no school End of Sem 1; Half-Day Schedule; Semester 1 has 90 days All School Liturgy - Andre Bessette – Mass Schedule County – AM Assembly Schedule Martin Luther King, Jr. Assembly – 2:45 PM – Spirit Assembly Schedule PLCs – PLC Schedule County – AM Activity Schedule National Catholic Schools Week Mass – Mass Schedule February Wed, Feb 1 Tues, Feb 7 Tues, Feb 14 Thurs, Feb 16 AM Assembly - AM Assembly Schedule – Dr. Terry Johnson PLCs – PLC Schedule County – AM Assembly Schedule Parent Conferences – Early Dismissal Schedule 5 Wed, Feb 22 Fri, Feb 24 Mon, Feb 27 Tues, Feb 28 March Tues, Mar 6 Ash Wednesday - All School Liturgy – Mass Schedule ShamrAuction Prep Day Sophomore Day of Recollection PLCs – PLC Schedule Sophomore Day of Recollection Fri, Mar 9 Tues, Mar 13 Wed, Mar 14 Tues, Mar 20 County – PM Assembly Schedule Junior Plan for College Day – Periods 1 - 5 periods End of 3Q PLCs – PLC Schedule Lenten Reconciliation – Special Schedule County – AM Activity Schedule April Tues, Apr 3 Tues, Apr 10 Tues, Apr 17 Tues, Apr 24 PLCs – PLC Schedule County – AM Assembly Schedule PLCs – PLC Schedule County – AM Assembly Schedule May Fri, May 4 All School Liturgy - Senior Send Off – Mass at 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Tues, May 8 County – AM Assembly Schedule Tues – Fri, May15 – 18 Senior Exams Fri, May 18 Irish 500 – Half Day Schedule Tues – Fri, May 22-25 Underclass Exams Fri, May 25 End of 4Q; end of sem 2; semester 2 has 95 days ~~~~~ Please be aware of two new policies for the 2011-2012 school year. STUDENT USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES ON CAMPUS Cathedral High School encourages all faculty and staff to use 21st-Century tools to teach, communicate, and bring the real world into the classroom and all facets of Cathedral life, and therefore, it is imperative that students are encouraged to have and use tools appropriate for those educational opportunities. Students may use devices including but not limited to: iPads, personal computers, iPods, and other devices that are designed to send and receive signals, so long as they do so in strict compliance with this policy. Students possess these materials at their own risk and are solely responsible for the care and well-being of those devices. Students may not use cellular telephones in any capacity anywhere on campus during the school day unless specifically and directly approved and supervised by a teacher. Unless directed otherwise by a faculty/staff member or designee, students may use the aforementioned items in the following places at any time, as long as there is no sound produced: 1. Student Life Center Commons 2. Student Life Center Patio (outdoors) 3. Media Center 6 4. Cafeteria Students may use electronic devices in classrooms, or other teacher-directed spaces, ONLY at the approval and guidance of that teacher. At no time during the school day anywhere on the campus may students: 1. Use earphones or ear buds; 2. Use any electronic devices while in hallways, gymnasiums, auditorium (and related) spaces; while moving from building to building; during any and all assemblies; At no time on the Cathedral campus may students use video/audio/photographic recording functions/applications, unless at the direction and guidance of a faculty/staff member for a specific and defined purpose. Cathedral High School’s expectation is that students will use mature judgment when using electronic devices, as defined in this policy. However, in the event of policy violations, the consequences outlined in the bluebook will be enforced. First offense: Electronic device confiscated, parents notified, one detention Second offense: Electronic device confiscated, parents notified, Saturday school Third offense: Electronic device confiscated, one day suspension Fourth offense: Student may not use or possess the electronic device for the remainder of the school year. Discipline Board will be notified. The offenses will accumulate throughout the entire school year. ~~~~~ FACULTY/STAFF USE OF INTERNET NETWORKING AND OTHER FORMS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS Cathedral High School encourages all staff to use 21st Century tools to teach, communicate, and bring the real world into the classroom. The use of technology and communication is supported for uses that promote, support, and maintain strong, appropriate relationships between staff and students. School-provided accounts that can be monitored and are supported with staff assistance are always the safest means for both students and faculty and staff to communicate electronically. To protect all parties, it is important that faculty and staff, students and parents understand the boundaries of professional decorum in the use of ever-changing online, digital learning possibilities. Faculty and staff must conduct themselves in ways that do not distract from nor disrupt the educational process and in ways that protect students, and faculty and staff members alike, from inappropriate use or the appearance of inappropriate use. Cathedral High School’s expectation is that faculty and staff will use mature, sound professional judgment in all interactions with students, parents and community members. Practical guidelines include but are not limited to: 1. Staff members should not list or follow current students (except their own children) as “friends” and “followers” or equivalent labels on personal networking accounts. 2. Staff members are required to first and primarily use school-provided accounts to create a classroom presence or site for legitimate educational and communication purposes (separate from personal sites) such as the school email, Cathedral websites and Angel. 7 3. When a non-school provided communication tool is used for legitimate educational and communication purposes, a Cathedral High School administrator must have access to, or be present within, those group dynamics. 4. All staff electronic contacts (including phone) with students (except their own children) should be through district accounts whenever possible. 5. In circumstances when a non-Cathedral account is used for interaction between faculty and staff and students, interactions should be strictly limited in scope, frequency and duration. 6. All electronic contacts (including phone) by teachers/coaches/sponsors/directors/moderators with the class/team or individual class/team members shall be for legitimate education and/or communication purposes only. 7. Postings that contain content that disrupts the educational program and damages the relationships of trust necessary between students, staff and parents are strictly prohibited. Examples include but are not limited to content that: a. is sexually provocative or flirtatious in nature; b. exhibits or advocates for use of drugs and alcohol; c. would be defined by a reasonable person as obscene, racist, or sexist; d. promotes illicit, illegal or unethical activity; e. violates the district’s affirmative action and/or bullying and harassment policies. 8. Postings that communicate confidential information to persons not authorized to receive that information are prohibited. 9. Postings that cause significant interference with the education program via any electronic means are prohibited. Legitimate Educational and Communication Purposes As used in this policy, legitimate educational purposes include: 1. Answering academic inquiries regarding homework, other classroom work or assignments; 2. Scheduling appointments for school-related conferences and/or extra help; 3. Clarifying classroom expectations and/or assignments; 4. Notifications related to classroom, club or sports schedules, safety, attendance, events, trips, assignments and/or deadlines. Personal Networking Sites Employees of Cathedral High School are role models for her students and ambassadors to the community. As such, they are expected to use good judgment when posting content or managing networking sites and pages. Absolute care must be exercised by Cathedral employees when maintaining personal sites to ensure information does not reflect poorly on the individual employee and/or Cathedral High School. Cathedral encourages employees to use privacy settings and to limit who and what content can be viewed on personal site(s). Faculty and staff should avoid accessing networking sites during school hours for purposes of personal communication. School-related communications, as outlined above, are acceptable, though prolonged use is discouraged. Acceptable Use Cathedral High School reserves the right to protect itself, its students, employees and other members of its community by monitoring employee electronic communications and activities. Employees are prohibited from engaging in illegal activities or accessing websites prohibited by the school when using school networks or 8 equipment on or off school property, during or after working time or while directly or indirectly representing the school. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination. ~~~~~ Cathedral’s Dance Team Tryouts will be held on Tuesday, August 23; Wednesday, August 24; and on Friday, August 26th. For tryouts, you must be present on each of these dates. More information will be available in next week’s Parent Email, but if you have specific questions, please feel free to contact our Dance Team Moderator, Lisa Verona, at or at 317/408-7621. ~~~~~ “Chinese Festival” Volunteers are needed for the Cathedral Information Booth at the “2011 Indianapolis Chinese Festival“ Saturday, September, September 10, 2011 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Military Park 601 West New York Street (Next to I.U.P.U.I. at New York & West St.) Available Shifts: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. To volunteer, please contact Mrs. Ramona Powell, Director of Diversity/ Assistant Director of Enrollment Management via email at or (317)968-7367. Students this is a great opportunity to get Services Hours! ~~~~~ “FIESTA INDIANAPOLIS” Volunteers are needed for the Cathedral Information Booth at “FIESTA Indianapolis” Saturday, September 17, 2011 American Legion Mall/Veterans Memorial Plaza Available Shifts: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. To volunteer, please contact Mrs. Ramona Powell, Director of Diversity/ 9 Assistant Director of Enrollment Management via email at or (317)968-7367. Students this is a great opportunity to get Services Hours! ~~~~~ INDIANAPOLIS ALL GIRLS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS 5TH ANNUAL MASS & BRUNCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2011 “Celebrating Our Legacy” Attendees of Our Lady of Grace, St. Agnes Academy, St. Mary Academy, St. John Academy, Ladywood School, and Ladywood-St. Agnes in Indianapolis are invited to our 5th annual All Girls High School Mass & brunch on Sunday, November 6th, at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church, 317 North New Jersey Street, Indianapolis, IN. Save the Date for November 6, 2011 Mass: St. Mary Catholic Church, Indianapolis Brunch: Rathskellar, $20 pp Reservations only Reservation Deadline: October 22, 2011 Contact: Wilma Peacock 317-418-8188 Celebrating 50 year graduates of the classes of 1961 ~~~~~ Please be aware that Jay Ruckelshaus (’11), one of Cathedral’s Valedictorians this past year, was injured in a swimming accident last month. If you wish to communicate with Jay, please use and then type in jayruckelshaus (one word). Jay remains hospitalized, but any cards or notes sent to his home address atto: Jay Ruckelshaus 8080 Hollybrook Ct., Indianapolis, IN 46250 Please continue to pray for Jay’s recovery. Jay Ruckleshaus & The Joseph Maley Foundation Partnership: For more information and for registration and sponsorship information, see , or contact: Vivian Maley: or Aly Ricker: ~~~~~ Parents: Note please: After August, 2010 every child in Indiana who enters grade 9-12 shall be immunized against pertussis with booster shots (TdaP) for all 11-12 year old children. This is a change in the law (410 IAC 1-1-1) as well as two additional immunization required for students in grades 6-12. They are 1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) and a second dose of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. We have added the minimum immunization requirement for your review. All shot records must be updated and current in the student file at his or her school. 10 ~~~~~ There is a rumor going around that we have changed the shoe requirement for this school year and that Uggs and Nikes will no longer be permitted. This is NOT TRUE. We have made no change in the uniform requirements for the 2012-2012 school year. The Blue Book reads: “Dress shoes or tennis shoes must be worn in school. Open toed or open heeled shoes will not be permitted. Socks must be worn at all times.” ~~~~~ The first S.A.T. prep class, especially for those taking it in October or November, will start Monday, August 22. The class will meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Room 2302 on consecutive Mondays (excepting Labor Day) through September 26. All materials will be provided. Cost is $150.00, and you may register by contacting Laurie O’Brien at No sophomores will be eligible for this class, but other prep classes will be offered throughout the year. ~~~~~ The Freshmen Welcome Dance will be Friday, Aug. 19th from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM in the Commons. Freshmen only from Cathedral are welcome to attend the end of Welcome Week Dance. There is no cost. Dress is done with Christian modesty. ~~~~~ Summer Reading Book List: Summer Reading Test will be on Thursday, August 18th in your child’s English Class. ~~~~~ Class of 2012 Senior Pictures: You received a mailing from Prestige Portraits our school’s official senior portrait photographer in early May. Please take the time to read through this information for yearbook deadlines and photo specials. You may also find the information at or call 317-829-2088. The class of 2012 senior portrait season officially begins June 1st. We have sent out our annual senior mailing and all upcoming seniors should have received it by now. Prestige Senior Portraits Customer Service Number 317-829-2088 ~~~~~ The “A Promise to Keep” program is currently looking for parent volunteers to help train and guide our student mentors. Any parent interested should contact Sylvia Brunette at ~~~~~ Theatre Information: Theatre Programs for the 2011 – 2012 school year: 11 Main Stage: Sunday, October 2 @ 1:00 and 4:00—THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA Friday, Sat., Sun., November 18, 19@7:30, Nov. 20 @3:00—GODSPELL Sun., Jan. 15@1:00 and 4:00 – ROOKIE SHOWCASE (9 ten-minute one acts) Sunday, Jan. 29 @ 1:00 and 4:00—ZOOMAN AND THE SIGN (Black History Month Benefit) Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun., April 19, 20, 21 @7:30, April 22 @ 3:00—Musical/BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Wed., 5/9, 7:00—Theatre Awards Sat., May 12, 1:00—CSz All-Stars Black Box: #1—Friday, 9/16@4:00--TBA #2—Friday, 10/21@4:00--TBA #3—Friday, 12/9@4:00--TBA #4—Friday, 1/6@4:00--TBA #5—Thursday, 5/10, 7:00—Advanced Acting/I.S. Recital THEATRE AUDITION DATES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR 2011-2012: 1. Thursday , August 18….Auditions for Children’s Play, THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA (Performances Sunday, Oct. 2 at 1:00 and 4:00). Only OPEN TO 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. Prepare a one minute monologue from a published play. You may NOT use movie monologues or random monologues from monologue books or the internet. Monologues must be memorized!!!! The directors may also ask you to read from the script. Rehearsals will begin on Mon.,Aug.22 for THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA. 2. Mon, Aug 29 (Vocals), Tues., Aug. 30 (Movement), Wed., Aug. 31 (Monologues), ….Auditions for Fall Play, GODSPELL (Performances Nov.18, 29, 20). Only OPEN TO 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. You must prepare 16 bars of vocal music, be prepared for a movement audition, and prepare a one minute monologue from a published play. You may NOT use movie monologues or random monologues from monologue books or the internet. Monologues must be memorized! You may also asked to read from the script. Rehearsals will begin on Tues., Sept. 6 for GODSPELL. 3. Tues., Sept. 13…..Auditions for Special Project/Multicultural Play, ZOOMAN AND THE SIGN……ONLY 8 ROLES ARE AVAILABLE…..Prepare a one minute memorized monologue from a published play…..Most rehearsals for ZOOMAN will be on various Sat. AMs until production at 1:00 and 4:00 on Sun., Jan. 29…..Rehearsals will start on Sat., October 1…..OPEN TO 10TH, 11TH, AND 12TH GRADES… 4. ComedySportz High School League Improv. Team will start improv. workshops on Tues., Aug. 23. They will conduct three workshops from Aug. 23 through Aug. 25.. You must attend all three workshops in order to audition for a spot on the team on Friday, August 26. 5 SPOTS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE 10 MEMBER TEAM. You must be available to travel to the downtown ComedySports Arena several times for workshops. Workshops will also be held at CHS. You must also be available to travel to various schools when the competition season begins in January. Auditions are open to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. 5. Tuesday, Nov. 22….Auditions for Freshman/Rookie Showcase (Nine 10 minute one act plays--Performances on Sun., January 15 at 12 1:00 and 4:00). AUDITIONS ONLY OPEN TO FRESHMEN AND/OR UPPERCLASSMEN WHO HAVE NEVER HAD A SPEAKING ROLE IN A CHS PRODUCTION. Monologues must be memorized!!!! You may NOT use movie monologues or random monologues from monologue books or the internet. The directors may also ask you to read from the script. Rehearsals start Mon., Nov. 28th.. 6. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 30, 31, Feb. 1……Auditions for CHS Spring Musical, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (Performances April 19, 20, 21, 21). AUDITIONS ARE OPEN TO ALL CHS STUDENTS. Prepare 16 bars of vocal music. You must use prepared pieces for your audition i.e. no “Twinkle, Twinkle”, etc. You may not use a tape or CD accompaniment. Also, NO DISNEY OR WICKED SONGS. An accompanist will be provided or you may bring your own. Prepare a one minute memorized monologue. You may NOT use movie monologues or random monologues from monologue books or the internet. There will also be a movement audition because there is some dance in the show. 7. Casting for the Black Box Series (4 SHOWS) is at the discretion of the directors. Listen/watch for announcements concerning auditions. Roles are open to all CHS students. ~~~~~ NEWS FROM THE BOOKSTORE & SPIRIT SHOP: BOOK SWAP THURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11 Do you have used books to sell? Are you looking for gently used first semester textbooks? Come to the school cafeteria on the first day of school: TOMORROW MORNING, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 7:15 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. for an opportunity to network for books! THIS IS NOT AN ORGANIZED SALE BUT SIMPLY A DESIGNATED TIME AND PLACE TO BUY AND SELL USED TEXTBOOKS AND HELP EACH OTHER OUT AS WE GET THE SCHOOL YEAR STARTED! All transactions are between the buyer and seller; bring cash and checks. Only textbooks listed on the 201112 Cathedral Master Booklist should be sold. BACK TO SCHOOL NEWS FROM THE BOOKSTORE & SPIRIT SHOP! IT’S TIME TO GET YOUR IRISH ON FOR THE 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR! Stop in and stock up on uniform apparel, Spirit Wear, Fan Wear and Fan Gear ~ UNIFORM APPAREL: Cathedral Logo Uniform short sleeve ($20) and long sleeve ($24) polos are a UNIFORM REQUIREMENT FOR EVERY STUDENT and CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED AT THE CATHEDRAL BOOKSTORE & SPIRIT SHOP! Approved uniform hoodies ($30), crews ($24), new ¼ zip pullover ($35), polar fleece ($40) and vest ($30) are also available. What Books Can I Purchase at the Spirit Shop? *All English novels assigned throughout the school year are available for purchase while supplies last – purchase early! *MLA Guide to Documentation, 8th edition for 9th and 10th graders (new $20) *MLA Guide to Documentation, 7th edition for 11th and 12th graders (used $5) *The Unofficial SAT Word Dictionary optional for English 9 Honors ($8) *Latin 1 and Latin 2 workbooks ($15) *Trigonometry notebook ($10) NEW ARRIVAL SPIRIT WEAR! *SPIRIT T-SHIRTS ($12) Great new variety of colors and designs! 13 *Football Fan Jersey ($25) – personalize with name and number for additional charge! Cathedral Football Caps, ($20) ~ *Tailgate Time: Tailgate Aprons and Cathedral Sportulas ($15)! *Fun selection of Fashion Apparel: Hoodies, pocket crews, fashion tops for HER, golf polos and wind jackets for HIM~ *Under Armour Adult and Youth Hoodies and Performance T’s! Sturdy Under Armour Backpacks ($50)! *BABY IRISH: sleepers, bibs & blankets, TODDLER t-shirts and hoodies! BACK –To-SCHOOL HOURS THIS WEEK: Thursday, August 11 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 12 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Regular School Day Hours 7:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. begin Monday, August 15 ~~~~~ Service Outreach News: The spirit of our service will be guided by Matt 25:35-36: “I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you gave to shelter. I was ill and you came to see me.” “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?” 1 John 3:17. Service is our opportunity to share a loving heart with others, and we experience the graces that our Lord puts in our path as we grow in insight and resolve. Our walk with God is strengthened and deepened. We grow in our understanding and universality that we are loved, just as all of our brothers and sisters are loved. Class Service Projects Class service projects in August become perfect service opportunities for off-season sport groups and families. Details on all of these class service projects are noted below in Service Opportunities. By supporting these projects on Wednesday, Aug 10 at Anna’s House (4:00 PM-7:30 PM), and on Saturday, Aug 13 at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen (10:30-1:30), we show a unified force of Irish love in the community. Research has shown that family service projects are bonding core actions that reinforce good decision reasoning for teenage students and help a family to “walk the talk.” Innumerable opportunities are listed below that can be developed as a family service projects. Habitat for Humanity-Get Ready For Shack City! Could there be a more vital way for us to support community needs in Indianapolis than to support low cost housing? Cathedral will help to construct our ninth Habitat for Humanity home in Indianapolis this fall. Our Habitat for Humanity chapter, led by seniors Natalie Dickman, Grace Waltz and Claire Welch, will host Shack City on September 9th as an insightful and dynamic fundraising/educational experience in homelessness and the need for low cost housing. This project helps us to raise $5,000 by our chapter to support the annual fall Habitat home that Cathedral undertakes as an important community outreach each year. Thanks always for your support of Habitat! Service Chapters and Clubs Call out meetings for clubs and chapters that perform service will be announced soon. These are fun opportunities to develop leadership and to express a compassionate heart in areas of need. These groups will include some of the following new and existing organizations: Best Buddies Make It Mine Miracle Place Habitat for Humanity Invisible Children Mentoring Magic (modeled on Big Brothers Big Sisters) Timmy Foundation Wheeler Mission Kids Against Hunger Service Hours on Power School Service hours may be viewed on Power School and are current for all 14 hours received since the start of school. There is a small button in the upper right hand corner to view the service hour detail and summary by year. For the 2011-12 academic year, service hours for seniors are due December 1, 2011 to meet their total graduation requirement. For the academic year of 2011-12, freshmen, sophomore and junior hours are due March 1, 2012. The service hours for all students will be shown on their fourth quarter report card. If the hours for this year are completed by April 1, hours earned after April 1 may be credited to the next year’s requirement. We are accepting service on a project basis as well. After Sep 1, hours will not be accepted more than sixty days after the date of service performance. Click here to go directly to service opportunities on the web and for problems with below links. Click here for the 2011-12 Service Documentation. Click here for the Service Hour Criteria. Service Opportunities Organization Service Provided (Organized first by topical interest, and date basis in the middle) Food Drives Support your local food pantries with donations. Teen Court Help assist with the jury and legal representation for cases deferred by the Marion and Johnson Cty juvenile probation departments. Click here for the introductory information and here for the schedule. Keep Indy Beautiful (KIB) Various projects. Click details here. Website Great opportunities are possible to adopt of street for trash cleanup. Obtain recycling and reuse locations here. Cathedral alum Andrew Brake class of 2000 works here and spoke at our Service Festival. Anytime 1029 Fletcher 264 7555 Horizon House Organize food and clothing drive in your neighborhood to help the homeless. Check the website for needs. Email Mrs. Halstead with your interest to help the homeless. M-F 11033 E. Washington Second Helpings Like to cook? Help re-prepare food for disadvantaged families and individuals by assisting in the cooking at Second Helpings. Must be 16 yrs of age. See website for details. Th 4-8 PM; Sat 9-1 AM 1121 Southeastern Inpls 46202 15 Date & Time Location Weekly Various locations. M-Th 5:30-7:45 Various locations: 3505 N. Wash., 777 Indiana Ave. Easter Seals Help at Parents' Night Out for special needs kids. Fridays 6-10 PM 4 locations once a month Westminster Village Adopt a resident from Westminster Village North For the Adopt a Grandparent program details, click here. Share your musical talent and serenade some lonely residents with cheerful melodies! Anytime 63rd and Sunnyside Dr Cathedral Soup Kitchen Assist in serving food to the needy. See Parish assistance schedule and Sunday shifts. Any Sunday 1350 N Penn 46202 St. Vincent De Paul PrattQuigley Food Pantry Assist in re-packing bulk foods (Wed,), client choice shopping Tu/Th/Sat, & client intake (Tu/Th/Sat) for 3,000 families each week. Parish schedule Website: 921 1401. Cathedral alum Pat Jerrell leads this organization. Wed 5-7PM Th 5-7 PM, Sat 9-1 3001 E. 30th 46218 St. Vincent De Paul Warehouse Help at the warehouse to pass out and collect furniture and household goods for relocated and disadvantaged families. Parish schedule. Website: 687 8258. Sat 8-12 1201 E. Maryland 46202 Habitat for Humanity Work in the Habitat Home Store any Saturday; pls first contact Jessica in advance 921 2121 x114. Habitat Volunteer form. Must be 14 to work in Home Store; must be 16 for builds. Cathedral alum Jennifer Coffey works here. Habitat Home Store Sat 9 AM-2 T-F 9-6 1022 E. 22nd St 46202 Art With a Heart Assist with dynamic art programs at many schools this summer. Phone 823 9555 x 11 for Kaitlin Mariutto. (ask to speak with Art With A Heart), email; Register online at website After school M-TH Various downtown and Lawrence Township locations St. Mary’s Child Center Help with at risk children ages 3-5 on early dismissal days Contact Brenta Clem at 3614864 email Website M-Th At Ft Ben and downtown Agape Therapeutic Riding Help with riding sessions. Flyer with information. Phone 317 773 7433 x 18. 16 June-Aug sessions. 24970 Mt. Pleasant Cicero IN Marion Country Humane Society Have a love for animals? Become active with the Marion County Paws and Claws club (ages 10-21), mentoring with the Pat Trainor 7929 Michigan Rd Service/Mentoring program (ages 16-18) and Summer Indianapolis, IN more. Click here for the web link and contact Opportunities 46268 Shawna Sims, Volunteer Coordinator: or 317.872.5650 x106 Brag Farmers Market The Binford Redevelopment area will be hosting their famers market each Saturday. Students can help sell and assist the Farmer’s Market needs to develop community re-development. Starts now to October 29 8 AM-noon Millersville Cafemarket If you live in the area around Cathedral, you will enjoy helping with the Millersville Cafemarket Nites. Set up and break down is needed between 4-8:30 PM at the corner of Emerson and 56th. Contact information for the event is on the website. This will take place each Thursday nite. Also if you are interested in providing intermission entertainment, contact Mr. Tom Eggers at 545 8203. Thursdays Aug 11 and on through the fall 4-8 PM Hollis Adams Foundation Square Dancing Enjoy square dancing? Enjoy an evening with adults with disabilities and bring your big heart and enthusiasm. For details, click here Thur Aug 11 7-8:30 PM ( Also Aug 25) North Central Hilltop Gym 1801 E 86th St Hollis Adams Swimming Aerobics Help with disabled adults with health swimming aerobics! Just bring your love and enthusiasm. Click here for details. Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 Aug 16 and onward Hilltop Swimming Pool North Central Campus Wed, Aug 10 4-7:30 PM 303 Elder Rd 46223 Anna’s House Trader Point Grand Prix and Hunt Derby Charity Show This is a sophomore class project. Help cook and serve spaghetti dinner. Email Mrs. Halstead with your interest in helping. We leave school on Wed at 3:30. Parent help in driving is also needed. This event benefits Riley’s Children’s Hospital. Come assist in set up, smiling hosting and food service, and break down at this Zionsville charity event which raised $30,000 for Riley’s last year. For details on the event, and your parking pass, click here. 17 Fri Aug 12 (4:30-8 PM) Sat Aug 13 (10 AM – 4 PM) Sun Aug 14 62nd and Binford Millersville Cafemarket Fall Creek and Emerson Wild Air Farms 7400 Hunt Club (9 Am-12 noon) Cathedral Soup Kitchen Food Link Serving lunch to the homeless at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen is always enlightening. This is the Jr class service project. Email Mrs. Halstead with your interest. You can either meet at school to join us as 10:30 or come directly to 1350 N. Pennsylvania. Help pass out food to needy people. Arrive around 8:30 to help until all of the food is gone. An informative video about the Food Link program can be viewed at this link. Sat Aug 13 10-1:30 PM Sat Aug 20 8:30-12 Rd Zionsville 1350 N. Pennsylvania 46202 New Wine Ministries 4501 W. 38th St 46254 Kids Against Hunger Help assemble food packets for shipment to areas world wide suffering from malnutrition. To register for an event, click here . For more information, click here. You are asked to register before you attend. Sat Aug 20 9-11 or 12-2 Hamilton County American Red Cross Branch 15325 Herriman Blvd, Noblesville Shack City Come sleep in a box on the football field and experience homelessness. This is a fun evening to support low cost housing. Bring your own box. $25 donation to Habitat for Humanity. Bands, soup line, fun, midnight vigil. Permission slip. Friday Sep 9 7 PM to 7:30 AM Cathedral High School Football Practice Field Cathedral Soup Kitchen Serving lunch to the homeless at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen is always inspiring and enlightening. This is the Jr class service project. Email Mrs. Halstead with your interest. Sat Sep 10 10-1:30 PM 1350 N. Pennsylvania 46202 Wed, Sep 14 4-7:30 PM 303 Elder Rd 46223 Sep 16-18 Fri: 4:45-9 Sat: 11:152:45 Sat 2:30-5:45 Sat 5:30-9 Sun 11:45-3 Sun 2:45-6 Military Park Indianapolis Anna’s House Irish Festival Help cook and serve spaghetti dinner. This is a sophomore class project. Email Mrs. Halstead with your interest in helping. Come help with this wonderful Irish cultural event in Indianapolis from Friday to Sunday. Your help is always welcome in the Wee Folks area or with food booths. Contact Erin O’Rourke with your interest at 314 749 5122 or email at 18 New Day (A Program for Divorced Family Healing) Ft. Harrison Hemophilia Walk Come for the training to work as a facilitator for 18 dates from Sep to May to assist in activities with children to promote healing after the stress of family divorce. There is personal insight and positive human observation and interaction skills gained from this ministry as you work with trained counselors to assist children. Training is mandatory. For more questions or a volunteer application, please contact Jennifer at 252.5518. Assist with the Hemophilia Walk either for 3 hours in the AM or in the PM, or both. Click here for contact information. You will be provided a free entrance pass. Sat, Sep 24 (8 AM-1), Tues Sep 27 (5:30-8:30) Wed Sep 28 (5:30-8:30) Sat, Sep 24 (8 AM-11 or 11-2), Second Presbyterian 7700 North Meridian Street Ft. Benjamin Harrison State Park M-F after school to 8 PM. Sat, Sun 8 AM-8 PM. 1537 N. Central Dayspring Center Help to assist in the student playroom with children. Transitional housing. 2 hr shift pls. Hamilton Cty Humane Society Help care for homeless animals. Training sessions on the first Tuesday or third Thursday. Contact Jennifer Borman at 8293669. On line application on the website under Shelter Programs/Volunteers. Anytime 1721 Pleasant Noblesville 46060 Gleaners Food Bank Assist in the packaging of food boxes, senior boxes and weekend kids back-sacks. Note westside address and expanded hours. M-Th 8-4 2nd Tu 6-8 1st and 3rd Sat 912 AM 3737 Waldemere Ave 46241 Hispanic Community Opportunities Sat 8-12 MedClinic Sat 9-11 Story Hour, 1&3rd Th. eve Eye Clinic 14598 Oakridge Rd Carmel 46032 Help continue the ministry of Lucious Sat 9-11:30 th Newsom to pass out food or 2nd Wed Wed 3:30-7 or Spaghetti dinner. Babysit on Thursday nights Thursday during ESL classes. 7:30-11 303 Elder Street, 46222 Trinity Free Clinic Anna's House Assist in translation or story hour. Requires a commitment of approx. 30 volunteer hours a yr. 19 For details about these service opportunities, this chart and other links on the Cathedral web site, click here If you have other problems with the linked documents, please proceed to the website to access links from the Service Opportunities area under On Campus/Service Outreach. Please continue to turn to the most compelling areas of need to perform your service stewardship. Thank you for supporting your class service projects with enthusiasm and compassion. Should you desire to pursue an outreach project with an agency not listed, you may also consult the list of service agencies available by clicking here. By working with diligence and interest on your service, you should find yourself achieving about four hours of service each month. The balance of 2011 and 2012 provides rich opportunities to direct helpful hands and hearts to aid our community needs. Service Reflection They say it takes a minute to serve a special person, An hour to appreciate them, A day to love them, But then an entire life to forget them. May your Cathedral service personally enrich you and your spirituality, as we seek to address challenges faced by our brothers and sisters in our immediate community and world-wide. Service hours for freshmen, sophomore and junior students for the academic year of 2011-12 are due on March 1, 2012. Seniors graduation hours for the academic year of 2011-2012 are due on December 1, 2011. Click here for the 2011-12 Service Documentation. Click here for the 2011-12 Service Documentation form. Click here for the Service Hour Criteria. Hours will not be accepted more than sixty days after the date of service performance. Please check the service criteria because neighbor help, family help and working for a business without pay is not accepted as service hours. We always encourage our students to help their families and neighbors but we do not accept these efforts as service hours. We seek to perform our service in the spirit of Matthew 25:35-36. ~~~~~ Athletics: Coach wanted: The Boys Soccer Program is looking for a Head Freshman Coach. If you know of anyone that might be interested, please have them contact Coach Paul Schroeder (; 317-968-7325) as soon as possible. Cathedral Football news: Kick off the 2011 Football season downtown at Lucas Oil Stadium with the Peyback Classic. It’s Saturday August 20th and we play Ben Davis at 7:00 pm. Tickets are currently on sale in the Athletic Office. The ticket price is $10.00 each, for age 6 to adult. Age 5 and under are admitted free. Cathedral H.S. will get $1.00 for every pre-sale ticket sold here. The ticket is good for all three games that day, with Evansville Mater Dei vs. Indian Creek at 2pm and Brebeuf Jesuit vs. Bishop Chatard at 4:30pm. Come support the Irish in the first game of the season at Lucas Oil Stadium! Go Irish! 20 Cathedral High School football players were well represented at the National Underclassmen Combine (NUC) this spring and summer. They first attended the Indiana Combine in the spring and then were invited to the Ultimate 100 Midwest this summer. From the Ultimate 100 Midwest, players were selected to attend the Top Prospect Elite Camp, which was held at the University of Oklahoma on July 23rd and 24th. For the Class of 2012, both Anthony Corsaro (TE) and Corey Babb (QB) advanced to the Top Prospect Elite Camp at the University of Oklahoma, but did not attend. For the Class of 2013, Zach Jordan (OL) and Sampson Levingston (WR) advanced to the Top Prospect Elite Camp and attended. Zach was ranked 4th coming out of the Ultimate 100 Midwest combine and one of only two offensive lineman selected from the state of Indiana. Sampson was ranked third coming out of the Midwest combine. Both did extremely well at the Top Prospect Elite camp, and we are currently waiting on the class of 2013 rankings. Zach competed against top athletes in the OL/DL showcase and went up against athletes across the country, like Jason Hatcher (DL) from Trinity Louisville, who has over 30 college offers. For the Sophomore Class of 2014, Terry McLaurin (WR) (CB) advanced out of the Ultimate 100 Midwest and was invited to the Top Prospect Elite camp in Oklahoma, although he did not attend. Congratulations to each of these football players. Lady Irish Golf: On Monday, August 8, the Irish finished 6th out of 21 teams with a team score of 327 at the Trojan Invitational at the Legends Golf Course. Molly Ward tied for 3rd with a 72. Karli LaGrotte shot a 78. On Friday, August 5, the girls golf team finished 2nd in the all Catholic tournament at Riverside golf course. Roncalli won the championship with a 299 score. The Irish followed 318. Guerin was 3rd with a 349. Molly Ward shot a 74 to finish tied for 4th. For Student-Athletes and Parents: with a Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House presents "Family, Sports, and Faith'" September 15, 2011 with Patrick McCaskey, Senior Director of the Chicago Bears Patrick McCaskey will offer his personal witness to faith as a Christian athlete, husband, father and businessman. He reveals his personal faith journey and how faith is key in the lives of many athletes, coaches, religious leaders and others he has known. This personal story looks at decades of spiritual enlightenment and life lessons - recalling with good humor and compassion those who made the cut on and off the field - plus people who left comfortable lives to serve the underserved in extraordinary ways. Hear the stories of team owners, inspirational players and extraordinary athletes who looked beyond the game - to live by faith, to serve and dedicate themselves to their Creator. Personal experiences of working with great charities and faith leaders along with growing up in an exceptional sports family are shared. Patrick McCaskey is a 36-year veteran and Senior Director of the Chicago Bears and parishioner at the Church of St. Mary in Lake Forest, IL. He is chairman of Sports Faith International, an initiative which recognizes people who are successful in sports while leading exemplary lives. He is a speaker known for his moving and humorous presentations on sports, community and faith. A high school football all-American and record-breaking track star in his youth, McCaskey competes on the masters track circuit. Patrick McCaskey and his wife, Gretchen, have three sons. Check-in will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner at 6:30 followed by the program at 7:30 pm. The program will conclude by 9:30 pm Cost is $30 per person/$20 for high school students. 21 Please register by filling out this form and mailing it to Our Lady of Fatima or register online at Please call Cheryl McSweeney at (317)545-7681 with any questions! ~~~~~ Smart Quote: Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it. - anonymous Prayers are requested: For the unemployed and under-employed; For healing for Diane Doxey, mother of incoming freshman Daniel (’15) and graduate Farah (‘09) Doxey, as she continues to recover from another surgery and additional treatments as she battles breast cancer; (8/10) For Jade Shelton (’14), who will be out the first semester of the 2011-2012 school year. She has “B-Cell Lymphoma” a type of cancer. She is doing well but will be receiving treatment for the next few months her condition. Jade would love to hear from her Cathedral family and friends! Her mailing address is 405 Fairway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46260. (8/9) For healing for Tim Bolger (’09), who was injured in an auto accident. He is the brother of Adrienne (’05), Kevin (’09), Stephen (‘11) and Molly (’15); (8/9) For healing for Ellen Holsgrefe, a relative of Susie Watson, who has been hospitalized and is quite ill; (8/1) For Sarann Rosborough, the mother of teacher Kathy Keyes, who is recovering from surgery; (8/5) For the repose of the soul of Joseph C. Hilgenberg (’34), father of Joseph M. Hilgenberg (’64) and a WWII Vet ~ may he rest in peace; (8/4) For the repose of Joshua M. Piechocki (’05), brother of Jaclyn Piechocki (’07), grandson of Bobby Plump, and cousin of Garrett Plump (’11). Please keep his family in your prayers ~ may he rest in peace; (8/3) For healing for Glorina Lewis, grandmother of Bradley (’14), Emily (’10), and Christopher (’07) Lewis, who suffered a heart attack and a triple bypass; (8/3) For the repose of the soul of Isobel Lyons, infant cousin of Susie, Nick, Jordan, and Tyler (‘14) Lyons, who was in a bad auto accident last week ~ may she rest in peace; (8/1) For Evan Wilbrant (’12), a continued good recovery from surgery; (8/1) For the repose of the soul of Dee and Bob Mennel (‘46), who passed to Eternity one day apart ~ may the rest in peace (8/1); For Doney (Don) King, uncle of teacher Susie Watson, who is in Hospice Care with a very aggressive cancer; (7/28) For the repose of the soul of Janet Fullen, a close cousin of Fred Evans (’61), ~ may she rest in peace; (8/1) For the repose of the soul of Francis B. Quinn (’38) and father of Patrick Quinn ’61, Michael Quinn ’62, Timothy Quinn ’64, John Quinn ’65, Barney Quinn ’72, Elizabeth Quinn Hahn ’78, Terry Quinn ’80, Kevin Quinn ’66 (decd), and Daniel Quinn (dec’d). His daughter Eleanor was a Ladywood graduate ~ may he rest in peace; (7/25) For the repose of the soul of Donald A. Litzelman (’35) ~ may he rest in peace; (7/25) For healing for Glendys Moosbrugger, CHS Board Member, who has been having heart difficulties recently; (7/25) For healing for Jay Ruckelshaus (’11), injured in a swimming accident. For updated information, please go to; (7/25) For the repose of the soul of Clifford Brent Stewart, who succumbed to cancer. He is the father of CHS parents Sheryl Lesem and Cindy Franz, grandfather to Elisabeth Lesem '08, Samuel Lesem '12, Emily Stewart '10, Heidi Franz '15, uncle to Debi Stewart Lyon '79; ~ may he rest in peace; (7/21) For the repose of the soul of Richard A. Gaither, the grandfather of Taylor Gaither (’13) ~ may he rest in peace (7/12), For those who are fighting cancer: For healing for Josh Fry (’14), recently diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma; (9/20) For healing for Deborah Roberts, who is battling breast cancer, and is the mother of Rachel (01), Bobby (’04), John (’07), Rose (’09) and Kathleen Roberts; (3/24) For Bill Lennon, father of teacher Lizabeth Bradshaw, who is fighting cancer; (1/4) 22 For healing of Don Stephenson (’64), suffering with pancreatic cancer, father of Leah Stephenson Roggeman, (’93), brother of Diane Stephenson Moore, (’67 St. Agnes), David (’65), Dan (’69), and Dennis (’71), uncle of Steve (’85), teacher Kim Jamell, great-uncle of Nick Jamell (’13) and Gina Jamell Snyder (’88). The family is praying for a cure, a period of prolonged remission and that the Holy Spirit envelope him and his family in an embrace of comfort, love and strength. (3/14) For healing for Grace Kelly, a 7th grade student at St. Louis de Montfort, who has been diagnosed with lymphoma; (1/10) For Lana Bates, aunt of Collin Bates (’11), who is undergoing experimental cancer treatment; (10/21) For healing for Kari Doctor, sister-in-law of Coach Mark Doctor, who is fighting liver cancer; (10/26) For healing for Karen Gilmore, mother-in-law of teacher Dawn Gilmore, who is facing her second battle with breast cancer; (10/25) For healing for Bob Matthews (‘63) who is battling cancer, husband of Jenny Matthews (former ShamrAuction director), and father of Christy (’91), Tracy (’94) and Amanda (’00); For healing for Kathy Miller, fighting breast cancer, and mother of John (’06) Miller; For a return to health for Tracy Mirro, sister of one of our faculty members, fighting cancer; For healing for Cynthia Forgey, mother of Jennifer Jarrett (’94), who has ovarian cancer; For those who serve our country: If you have someone in your family or a friend serving our country, please send this information to me at and for all who protect us – soldiers, sailors, firefighters, police forces, Meditation: Matthew 17:22-27 “The subjects are exempt.” (Matthew 17:26) Jesus’ words often have a deeper meaning than is first apparent. That’s especially true here. When asked to pay the Temple tax, Jesus makes the point that kings collect certain taxes only from foreigners, not subjects. He says that subjects—other translations have “sons”—are exempt from this tax. As the Son of God, then, he is certainly exempt from the Temple tax. But he goes on to say that all children are exempt, meaning his followers as well. He only pays the tax so as not to offend those who had not yet grasped who he was. What a marvelous truth: Children are free because they are children! The prodigal son, who came back to his father’s house after squandering everything, experienced this freedom in a deep way (Luke 15:11-31). He had become a virtual slave in another country—as we sometimes become slaves of sin. Yet when he came back home, his father treated him with all the dignity of a son. The father was so overjoyed that he forgot all the trouble his wayward son had wrought, and he welcomed him with open arms! This truth of our freedom as sons and daughters of God can cut both ways. We are even free to stray from him if we choose. We are free to experience the sting of sin and its effects. Ironically, we are even free to become enslaved to a habit of sin! Of course, we know that this is not the wisest strategy. No, real freedom is the freedom to do God’s will. It’s the freedom that “exempts” us from merely following him out of fear or obligation—the freedom to actually want to live holy lives. So why be a slave when we can be free? Why live under the burden of divine commandments when you can know the dignity of being a child of God? You are exempt! You have nothing to fear! So go ahead and enjoy your freedom. Let it fill your heart and guide your actions. You’ll end up pleasing God much more than if you were to obey out of fear and anxiety! 23 “Lord, thank you for the freedom I have to love and serve you. Give me the grace to respond joyfully to whatever you ask of me today.” Blessings, Principal Cathedral High School 24 from “The Word Among Us”