CULTURE, COMMUNICATION, & INTERCULTURAL RELATIONSHIP 10TH ENCOUNTER WWW.AKURNEWS.COM Relationship? Focus – friendship and lover. What’s the difference characteristics between intercultural and intracultural relationship? Develop because of: Circumtances Proximity/ repeated contact Strong physical attraction What the role of communication? How do context (social, political, history) influence the relationship? WWW.AKURNEWS.COM BENEFIT Through relationship, people also learned a lot about each other’s different world. 1. Acquiring knowledge about the world • Cultural pattern, religion, language, history. • Relational Learning –learning that comes from a particular relationship but generalize to other contexts more compelling 2. Breaking stereotype • Stereotype that formed in mass media OPPOSITE with real life 3. Acquiring new skills • Cook, play games, WWW.AKURNEWS.COM certain skill. Challenge • Negative stereotyping • The anxiety in initial encounter – uncertainty, – afraid to look stupid, – negative expectation based on previous interaction • Extra work explaining – To ourselves: what’s the meaning makes friend with people different from me? – To each others: evaluate their behavior from different perspective – To their respective communities: asking for agreement. This may cause the termination of relationship – rejection from the mayority WWW.AKURNEWS.COM • Recognize and respect difference – walk in another person’s shoes. Friendship Friend? Friendship seen DIFFERENT in different culture related to Identity and Values. Western – voluntary (individual oriented and spontan. Chinese – long term and involve obligation QUANXI (Relationship of social connection built on shared identities; native place, kinship, same school) Term “friend” – US (close friend) VS most people (friend) Characteristics Japan – togetherness, trust, warmthrelational harmony, collectivist US – understanding, respect, sincerity honesty, individualist WWW.AKURNEWS.COM (even if it hurt sometimes) Relational Development 1. INITIAL ATTRACTION Proximity – people with whom they work, play, etc. Hollywood portrayal may different in real life Proximity may not as important in many cultures person’s background Physical Attraction It may culturally based – mass media product. Gender Stereotype – Asian men (beauty peagent, calendar model) and women (mail-order Asian brides) Similarity Similar attitudes – Cognitive Consistency (If we like ourselves, we probably will like others who share our views) Perception of similar trait –WWW.AKURNEWS.COM higher expectation in future interaction. 2. EXPLORATORY INTERACTION People try to discover more about each other in discussing non intimate topics. Different view of STRANGER. German – suspicion and not potential as friend US – disclose information in very public concern Contexts of communication reduce uncertainty 1. 2. High – emphasize on background information (US) Low – emphasize on words (Japan) WWW.AKURNEWS.COM 3. STABILITY PHASE - Get to know each other better, interaction more intense and diverse. FRIENDSHIP – share more personal and private information. Kurt Lewin – person’s self can be modeled as 3 concentric phase. a. Outer Boundary – superficial information b. Personal Information – life history, family background c. Inner Core – very personal and private information. There’s variation in these phase application. ROMANTIC US - emphasize on physical attraction, passion, love (individualist) Chinese – stressed the importance of their partner connectedness to their families (collectivist) WWW.AKURNEWS.COM GAY and LESBIAN Relationship FACT = Homosexuality has existed in every society and in every era. Same-sex friendship Straight male – look for emotional support in opposite sex Gay – seek support from same-sex friendship Opposites with straight women and lesbian who tend to seek support from same-sex friendship Role of sexuality In Heterosexual – friendship and sexual involvement ambiguous. “Men can never be friends with women.” – When Harry Met Sally Gay and Lesbian – Friendship may start with sexual involvement, but continue after the sexual involvement is terminated. There’s clear distinction between ‘friend’ and ‘lover’ incest in WWW.AKURNEWS.COM family GAY and LESBIAN Relationship Close Friendship Because Gay often suffer discrimination from their families, so the social support from friend can play important role than Straight. Nation’s Law on Same-sex Marriage US, only Vermont that recognize it. Denmark, they allowed to marry. Vietnam, married not always between the opposite sex. Switzerland, Gay couple have the same right and obligations with the heterosexual couple. France, allows same-sex couple to marry and gain inheritance The dissolution of heterosexual may delayed because of family, religious, or child custody. The homosexual relationship may terminate earlier because they’re not subject to these pressure. WWW.AKURNEWS.COM Intercultural Relationship Dialectis To avoid stereotyping = dialectic way of thinking. Dialectic tension to cover the entire relationship ►Difference – Similarities Dialectics Different in culture, same in the human experience and way of comm. Must consider these two notion AT THE SAME TIME. ►Cultural – Individual Dialectics People may different from the general cultural orientations. ►Personal – Contextual Dialectics Involve the role of context change way of communication style. ►Static – Dynamic Dialectics As we grown up, we change to different people. So, we must respond to the relationship to each other as they now. WWW.AKURNEWS.COM Communicating in Intercultural Relationship Characteristics Competence – language and cultural information Similarity – though dissimilarity may account at first, people may look for similarity beyond the cultural differences. Involvement – important to make time with the relationship. Turning points – event that moved the relationship forward or backward. “The process dealing with different expectations, different attitudes in the beginning, but at the end we were so close that we didn’t have to talk about it….. After we erased all prejudices, that we thought the other person has to be different, after we erased that by talking, we just understood each other.” WWW.AKURNEWS.COM Intercultural Dating and Marriage The reason dating with the intra and intercultural member physically The reason for NOT dating with intercultural: lack of attraction, have no opportunity, not have thought about it. There’s close relation between dating experience and social context. – People who dating inter culturally used to have diverse encounters and came from family that also had inter culturally experience it. –WWW.AKURNEWS.COM Family play big role, learned at young age. Permanent Relationship In US, women (except Black women) intermarry more than men. Rates of intermarry may low in certain groups, because contextual issue related GENDER and SOCIAL STATUS. Fewer objection to Asian American–White THAN Black–White marriage Gender stereotype make Asian women looks more attractive for White man. Major concern of couples who marry interculturally: Pressure from families and society in general Raising child Values and life habit (eating and drinking habit, gender roles, attitude regarding times, religion, etc) WWW.AKURNEWS.COM Dugan Ramano (1997) identifies 4 styles of interaction: 1. Submission – One partner submit to the other culture, abandoning others. – Rarely work in long run because people cant erase cultural background. 2. Compromise – Each partner give up some of his/ her culturally bound habit to accommodate others. People sacrifice that important to them. 3. Obliteration − Both partners deal with differences by attempting to erase their individuality culture. − Neither take the cultural patterns. 4. Consensus − Based on agreement and negotiation. − Require flexibility. WWW.AKURNEWS.COM SELESAI WWW.AKURNEWS.COM TUGAS Tantangan apa yang akan dihadapi pasangan beda budaya ketika mereka memutuskan untuk menikah? WWW.AKURNEWS.COM