Objective: To respond appropriately to oral communication A frog can hop. What other animals can move in other ways? On my signal, you will turn and talk with your partner to complete the following stem _______ can ________. Objective: To listen and respond to a poem; to recognize rhyme and rhythm in a poem We are going to read a poem today called Can You?. As we read through the poem, I want you to listen and see if you hear any words that rhyme. I will read the poem the first time and then you will read with me on the second time. Can You? Can you hop like a rabbit? Can you leap like a frog? Can you swim like a fish? Can you run like a dog? Can you fly like a bird? Can you climb like a cat? Can you sit still as a mouse? As still as that? Objective: To read high frequency words help now go the let’s up down Objective: To segment syllables in words Remember that a syllable is part of a word. We are going to look at some words today and talk about syllables. We are going to say the word, tell how many syllables we hear, and say the syllables. pancake – 2 – pan…cake marble – 2 – mar…ble winter – 2 – win…ter until – 2 – un…til birthday – 2 – birth…day zebra – 2 – ze…bra purple – 2 – pur…ple forget – 2 – for…get fantastic – 3 – fan…tas…tic December – 3 – De…cem…ber Objectives: To build and read spelling words; to spell two and three letter short vowel words and high frequency words hat had sad sat bat bag at can help now Word Building ha t had sad s ai t b at ba g Read the words in red I had a bat in my bag. I can see the map. Sam sat on my hat! I am sad. Look at Pam tap! Objective: To read high frequency words in no too Objective: To review robust vocabulary through discussing ideas •escape •fright •nearby escape to escape means to get away from someone or something (Choral response) – If you were in a very noisy place, would you want to escape? (Turn and Talk) – There are some chores we do not like to do. We would like to escape from having to do them. What chores would you like to escape from? fright If you feel fright, you are scared (Choral Response) – Some wild animals are scary. If you were in the jungle and you saw a tiger, would you run away in fright? Yes or no? (Turn and Talk) – What other wild animals would give you a fright? (Turn and Talk) – Pretend that you are going to a costume party and you want to give everyone a fright. What kind of costume would you wear? nearby If something is nearby, it is close to you (Turn and Talk) – What are some places that are far away from our school? What are some places that are nearby? (Choral Response) – If you heard thunder, what do you think is nearby? Objective: To understand word order in declarative sentences; to understand basic rules of capitalization and punctuation; to arrange words into sentences Remember that a sentence has to be in a certain order to make sense. Let’s look at these sentences to see if we can put them in order. a has The cat bear. like I cats. at me look. in van the dad sits. The bear has a cat. I like cats. Look at me! The dad sits in the van.