Accounting Information Systems: Essential Concepts and Applications Fourth Edition by Wilkinson, Cerullo, Raval, and Wong-On-Wing Chapter 5: Computer-Based Transaction Processing Slides Authored by Somnath Bhattacharya, Ph.D. Florida Atlantic University Transaction Processing Systems A fundamental task in any AIS is to process transactions affecting the organization Transaction processing systems(Ss) involve three stages: Data entry Data and file processing Output preparation Benefits of Understanding Transaction Processing Systems Recognize limitations in currently installed Transaction Processing Systems such as: • • • • • inadequate data controls inefficient processing out-of-date files stored data that cannot be accessed quickly data that is poorly classified and coded Recommend new or improved processing approaches and storage methods Layout of Input-ProcessOutput Discussion Data Processing Model Input Online May lead to Realtime Processing Process Offline Always Batched Processing May lead to Batched Processing Periodic (Batched) Direct Updating Output Realtime (Immediate) Sequential Updating Sequential Updating after Online Data Entry Sequential Updating from Batched (Offline) Inputs Data Entry Most transactions are initiated by business events triggered by various agents or by instructions within a computer program Other transactions are initiated by the passage of time, e.g., interest accruals Computer-based systems employ an off-line or on-line approach to data entry Off-line Data Entry Off-line refers to input devices not directly connected to the computer. Examples are key-to-tape, key-to-disk, and OCR readers Data must be first captured on source documents and similar transactions are batched together Batched transactions are transcribed into machine-readable form using an off-line device Turnaround documents may be used as direct input into a system On-line Data Input On-line refers to devices that are directly and continuously connected to a computer system In on-line data entry, transaction data are entered into the computer directly as they occur Characteristics of on-line data entry may include: nonexistence of source documents (telephones, face-to-face conversations) input of data using source data automation (scanners at POS terminals) origination of data by parties external to the firm (ATM machines, telephone touch-tone based transactions) capture of data at remote sites (remote job entry or remote batch processing) Input Documents Input documents typically do the following: Authorize Subsequent Transactions Trigger Desired Actions Reflect Accountability Provide Data for Output and Reference On-line Data Entry design Four factors that can reduce the tendency for errors in on-line data entry are: • Menus that clearly define alternative actions • Dialogue prompts that display suggestions or questions to the user • Graphical user interfaces that allow a user to make selections • Preformatted screens that display formats for transaction documents. These can be associated with menu options Advantages of On-line versus Off-line Data Entry Off-line data entry offers the advantages of economy and productivity On-line data entry offers the advantages of timeliness, flexibility, and simplicity Options in Computer-Based Transaction Processing Source of Differentiation Source(s) of Transactions Focus of Transaction Data Input Approach Timing of Processing Mode of Processing Timing of Outputs Users of Information Figure 5-7 Options Main Computer Site Batches of Events Remote Off-line On-line Periodic (delayed) Sequential Immediate (real- time) Direct Spooled Immediate Currency not critical Currency critical Individual Events Data Processing Methods Batch data processing involves the processing of data in groups (or batches) of like transactions at periodic intervals. Used when transaction activity is low or periodic Real-time processing consists of processing each transaction as it arises and is captured Batch Processing Method In batch processing, transaction data are stored in a transaction file until a master-file update is performed. The storing of transaction data in a transaction file may occur either through off-line or on-line entry of data Advantages of batch processing include: processing can be done in background mode processing is only performed when needed batch processing leaves a good audit trail Disadvantages: the master-file is only as current as last processing run. If transactions are batched before entry, any errors in transaction data cannot be corrected at the time of entry. They must be corrected and reentered either through a separate run or during the next processing cycle Real-time Processing Method Real-time processing involves the processing of each transaction as it arises and is captured Data from each transaction are entered via an online device and posted directly and immediately to the affected record(s) in one or more master files Real-time processing may be interactive in that it may involve direct interactions between humans and computerized systems Real-time Processing Method Advantages of real-time processing include: This method keeps the master file more current than the batch runs Errors are caught at the time of data entry Drawbacks of real-time processing include: More complex and expensive than batch systems Harder to audit Controls and backup procedures are more elaborate in order to guard against unwarranted access and human error Document Flowcharts Flowcharts are pictorial representations of transaction processing systems that portray flows of some type A Document Flowchart emphasizes the hardcopy inputs and outputs and their flows through organizational units Auditors and accountants may use document flowcharts when analyzing a current system for weaknesses in controls and reports Common Document Flowcharting Symbols - I Punched Card Floppy Disk Keying operation Manual Operation Document Multiple copies of a specific document Connector between two points on a flowchart Journal or ledger Common Document Flowcharting Symbols - II Permanent file of documents Envelope Information flow Document flow Annotation for additional explanation Adding machine tape used for batch control A Sample Document Flowchart Requesting Department 12 Central Supplies Department A Goods Requisition Form 1 Goods Requisition Form A File System Flowcharts System Flowcharts depict the flows of data and processing steps in an AIS They use symbols that are industry conventions standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Flowcharting symbols are grouped as input-output symbols, processing symbols, storage symbols, data and information flow symbols, and miscellaneous symbols System Flowchart Symbols Input/Output Keying Operation Punch Card Can also be output. These are rarely used nowadays. Manual Input Document Also output as reports Display Used when type of media is unknown or for manual card files, ledgers, batch logs, etc. General Purpose Input-Output File System Flowcharting Symbols Processing Manual Operation Auxiliary Operation Processing Sorting Collate Also known as off-line process System Flowcharting Symbols Storage Punched Card Input/Output Punched Paper Tape Document Magnetic Tape Magnetic Disk Online Storage Off-line Storage Systems Flowcharting Symbols Connectors Start/Stop Terminal Can also be an external entity A Logic Flow On-page connector Off-page Connector Telecommunication Link System Flowcharting Symbols Miscellaneous - I Data Preparation Communication Link Termination Can also be an external entity System Flowcharting Symbols Miscellaneous - II Bridge for crossing flows Batch total any total Annotation for additional explanation Goods; e.g., inventory shipment Structure Charts A structure chart portrays the hierarchy of levels and interrelationships within a system Computer programmers use high-level structure charts to determine the overall structure of program modules required to operationalize a system Low-level structure charts, prepared during the detailed design phase, enable computer programmers to create source code sub-routines that help in the implementation of systems Source code sub-routines are frequently written in Structured English Structured English are English-like statements generated from low-level structured charts. These statements are then converted to detailed source programming code instructions A High-Level Structure Chart for a Course Registration System Class Registration Processing System Read Course Schedules Other Inputs Get Course Schedules Other Files Figure 5-11 Edit Course Schedules Process Course Schedules Update Course Schedules Other Files Output Course Schedules Other Inputs Output Registration Reports Output Course Schedules Other Reports Sequential vs. Direct Updating Sequential Updating from Batched/Online Inputs: To update a master file sequentially within a computer-based application, the processing program starts at the beginning master file record. It then reads every record in the file, changing data in each record affected by a transaction (see Figs. 5-6 and 5-7 & 5-8). Sequential Updating requires sorting of the transaction file by the master file sorting key (e.g., transactions originally sorted on transaction_no. must now be resorted by master-file customer_no.). Since all the records in a master file are read during the update, sequential updating increases the processing time significantly if only a few records are to be updated. Direct Updating: Instead of processing a batch of transactions sequentially against an entire master file, each transaction in the batch can be posted directly to the affected records. Direct Updating with batched transactions eliminates the sorting step. Direct Updating is only feasible if the master files are stored on directaccess storage. DFD Showing Batched Sequential Processing of Transactions Source Documents Origination of Transactions Batch Documents & Compute Totals Batch of Documents Batch Totals Prepare Financial Outputs Financial Statement & other Outputs Recipients of Outputs Subsidiary and General ledgers Updated Records Prepare Batch Documents for Sequential Processing Post Data to Accounting Records & Verify Batch Totals Sorted Batch of Documents Transaction Data (Journals) Figure 5-12 Enterprise Resource Planning ERP is a software with an integrated set of applications for enterprise-wide use in functional areas such as finance, accounting, human resource management, manufacturing, logistics, etc. ERP systems permit an integration of data and applications. Both financial and non-financial data can be integrated ERP systems also facilitate access to data that are within the firm but outside the ERP system Standardization of worldwide systems, consistent and accessible data, and on-line processing of data result in firm-wide data availability File Management Issues A File is a collection of related data stored together for future use All computerized applications involving transaction processing typically employ one or more files Because of their involvement with transaction processing, and auditing of such processing, accountants need to be aware of file management issues File Access - I Sequential Access: This requires each record in a file to be scanned, beginning with the first record in the file The sequential access method is inefficient for finding individual records. However, it is very effective if a large number of records in a file need to be accessed File Access - II Direct Access: This denotes any method that involves the accessing of desired records in some way other than by an exhaustive search through all the records in a file Significant methods of Direct Access include: Indexed sequential file Randomization Binary searches Linked lists Inverted lists All Direct Access methods require direct-access storage media such as magnetic disks and the use of Pointers Pointers are data elements whose values specify or “point to” the physical storage addresses where associated data are stored. In contrast to the other data elements of a record, a pointer provides direction rather than content Indexed Sequential File - I This type of file combines a sequential arrangement of records with an index that cross-references the primary key values of the records The index enables individual records to be retrieved quickly, while the file retains the benefits of sequential processing Indexed Sequential File - II Data File Index File 1 3 2 Emp. Name Pointer Albany 6 Carter 1 Finsbury 3 Goodrich 4 Jenkins 9 Petersen 8 Schneider 2 Sykes 5 Williamson 7 Binary Search Addr Emp. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 500 501 503 504 506 508 509 512 513 Name Carter Schneider Finsbury Goodrich Sykes Albany Williamson Petersen Jenkins Individual Record Retrieval Using the ISAM Method Data File Index File Product # Pointer 105010 110020 115015 Inverted list on Product # 1 7 12 Product # 1. 105010 2. 106950 3. 107000 4. 108020 5. 6. 7. 110020 8. 110410 9. 114650 10. 11. 12. 115015 13. 116000 Description Dye-12oz. Dye-16 oz. Dye-24 oz. Conc-1 gal. Conc-2 gal. Conc-4 gal. Conc-6 gal. Reagent Additive Randomization This is the access procedure in which computations are performed to generate addresses for individual records. These computational procedures are known as “Hashing Schemes.” When the records of a file are located throughout a direct access storage medium by means of a randomizing procedure, the file is described as a random file. A Hashing Scheme provides a random file with its major advantage: fast access. Hashing schemes are typically faster than the table lookup procedures required with indexed sequential files. Coding • AISs depend on coding to record, store, classify and retrieve financial data. • Computer systems most often use numeric codes or alphanumeric codes for processing accounting transactions. • Purposes of coding: uniquely identifies transactions and accounts compresses data aids in classification process conveys special meanings Coding Systems • Mnemonic Codes give visible clues concerning the objects they represent • Sequence Codes are the simplest type of coding scheme that assign numbers or letters in consecutive order • Block Codes assign a series of numbers within a sequence to entities or events having common features • Group Codes reveal two or more dimensions or facets pertaining to an object Design Considerations in Coding • Codes should serve some useful purpose • Codes should be consistent • Codes should be standardized throughout the organization • Codes should plan for future expansion Accounting Information Systems: Essential Concepts and Applications Fourth Edition by Wilkinson, Cerullo, Raval, and Wong-On-Wing Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.