Capstone Summer 2010 MASTER OF Instructional Science and Technology School of Information Technology and Communication Design California State University Monterey Bay Selwa Alkadhi Dr. Nancy Lockwood Language learning through context For security and logistical reasons, most of the troops named for deployment get selected not long before the actual deployment date. It becomes critical that they get their language training in the most effective and efficient teaching methods that maximize their learning in the short time available. Introducing the concept of incorporating words of different parts of speech in an additive manner in correspondence with their positions within a sentence structure according to a provided template. Students will use the template to incorporate words from the Language Survival Kits (LSK) in order to produce relatively understandable survival sentences. WHERE WHAT WHO Students learn a limited number of vocabulary. They learn how to formulate and express some simple sentences. They practice sentence structure by interchanging vocabulary of the same part of speech. They build on their new skills by adding more words one by one to the sentences they have already mastered. BIS Language Guide provides students with indispensible communication tools they need in preparation for deployment within a limited time. It teaches to construct sentences in Iraqi dialect that are immediately useful in the context where they are needed. It provides instructors with reusable templates for a variety of themes or lesson plans. It provides tools for language instructors to adapt and utilize when teaching familiarization of other languages, since the tools are not limited to Iraqi dialect. Analyze learners Evaluate and revise State objectives Require learner participation Select instructional methods, media, and materials Utilize media and materials Analyze Learners General Characteristics The number of students, grade or age level, gender, socioeconomic factors, exceptionalities, and cultural or ethnic diversity Entry Competencies The types of knowledge expected of the learners. Do the learners have the knowledge base required to enter the lesson? Learning Styles The learning style preferences of the individual students. State Objectives Statements describing what the learner will do as a result of instruction. Focus on the learner, not the teacher. Use behaviors that reflect real world concerns. Objectives are descriptions of the learning outcomes. Select Instructional Methods, Media & Material A bridge between the audience and the objectives. The instructor decides what method will primarily be used. What media will be used: photos, video multimedia, a computer? Using store bought materials, getting an outside resource to provide materials, modifying something you already have, or making your own. Utilize Media & Material Plan how to implement the available media and materials. How to incorporate them to help students meet the lesson objectives. Prepare the learners- Give the students an overview, explain how they can take this information and use it and how they will be evaluated up front. Require Learner Participation Prepare how to get each learner actively and individually involved in the lesson. All activities should provide opportunities to manipulate the information and allow time for practice during the demonstration of the skill. Evaluate and Revise Measure whether or not the lesson objectives were met. Were the media and the instruction effective? The evaluation should match the objectives. stone/AlkadhiS_Capstone/AlkadhiS_Capstone.htm U tilize Methods, Media, & Materials Plan of how you are going to implement your media and materials. For each type of media and/or materials listed under Select, modify, and design describe in detail how you are going to implement them into your lesson to help your learners meet the lesson's objective. Please write in full sentences; do this for each item. My goal is to expand the use of this project as a teaching tool for other languages especially within the DLI. The teaching method itself, and the vocabulary template can be incorporated into a variety of languages including Spanish, French, German and Russian. MY FAMILY That’s all folks!