Unit 1 Post Test: Study Guide

World Geography
Unit 1 Post Test:
Study Guide
On Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 you will be given a post test on the first unit of world
geography. The test will consist of multiple-choice and short answer questions. There will also be a
map component (in which you will be required to measure distance, find absolute location and
identify continents/oceans). Mr. Higgins strongly suggests that you study for this test using the
following handouts and notes (see Mr. Higgins webpage for copies of all handouts and notes). All of
these handouts have the definitions, instructions and other information you may need. A list of test
requirements can be found below. If you have any questions, see Mr. Higgins after school, during
study hall, lunch or before school. Good luck!
1. Define and/or identify the following terms: geography, cartographer, religion, government,
economics, cultural geography, physical geography, norm, taboo, currency, infrastructure,
urban, rural, suburban, distortion
2. Be able to identify the location of all seven continents, all four oceans, and the location of the
Equator and Prime Meridian (spelling will count).
3. Be able to identify specific examples of distortion in a map and explain why all maps contain
some distortion.
4. Be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of both maps and globes (as geographic
tools for solving problems)
5. Be knowledgeable about hemispheres. (How many are there, what are they called, be able to
identify the hemispheres in which a place is located)
6. Be able to identify the two branches of geography and categorize different concepts as either
physical or cultural.
7. Be able to explain how the physical geography of a region affects the culture of the people
that live there (Where You Live Affects How You Live).
8. Be able to differentiate between the 4 types of government that we studied in class
(monarchy, communist dictatorship, anarchy & democracy).
9. Be able to differentiate between the three economic systems that we studied in class
(capitalism, socialism, & communism)
10. Be able to give examples of cultural norms and taboos in American society
11. Be able to categorize a given place as urban, suburban or rural
12. Be able to identify the three most important elements of cultural (defend your position)