Global Environmental Careers – A New Book and Online Resource from Wiley Wiley are seeking contributors and supporters for a global environmental careers book, ebook and online resource at which are being developed by environmental professional Justin Taberham . The book ‘Global Environmental Careers – the Worldwide Green Jobs Resource’ will be a practical guide to increasing your chances of developing a successful career within the global environment sector, wherever you are based and want to work. Global Environmental Careers will be: A global environmental careers resource with a book/ebook and valuable online resources which will help you find your ideal green job A resource which will help to bring environmental jobs to life by explaining what different jobs involve and cover and what skills and attributes you need Easy to read with a clear, consistent format for sectors; straight to the point, concise and practical Supported by sector professionals with interviews and personal profiles Written by global environmental experts from the private, public and not for profit sectors Full of up to date personal profiles and case studies from across the global environment sector Supported by key employers in the global environment sector and university careers services Marketed directly to global education careers services, social media including green careerfocused social media groups and major employers An essential resource for anyone, from school students to those already in work but in another sector and dreaming of a more meaningful job A guide to sector trends and future employment opportunities A helpful resource and an essential reference with links to additional resources; full of tips and advice Supported by up to date online content on the website – additional content and careers sectors, additional personal profiles and a ‘website guide’ with links to key environmental careers websites and resources worldwide, ensuring that the resource is a ‘one stop shop’ for global environmental careers information The essential guide to putting you ahead of the game Ideal for those who want their career to make a difference to society and the world, either as a first career or a career change The best guide to equipping you with the tools and know-how to develop an environmental career Priced at a level suitable for individual purchase Peer reviewed and will be submitted to the Thomson-Reuters Book Citation Index Able to be made into custom made booklets for large organisations and university careers services to pass to people asking them about global environmental careers There are very few books that cover the key opportunities in and profiles of the environment sector including the UK, Europe, Asia and Pacific Rim and Africa. To bring all these into one resource is immensely valuable. As the global environment sector is maturing and changing at a rapid pace, there is a need for an up to date comprehensive resource in this area with online resources to back it up and provide updates. The ebook and its accompanying online resource will be immensely valuable in guiding people through the myriad legislation, challenges and opportunities of working in the global environment sector. Why should an organisation support the Global Environmental Careers resource? Global and national organisational profile raising Increased public awareness of organisation, its brand and corporate values Personal and professional development (CPD) for those involved Positive impact on organisational ‘image’ within and outside the environment sector ‘Give something back to the sector’ and a good news story Publish work outputs and indicate company and staff expertise and specialisms Identify and highlight organisational achievements and key projects Can benefit the recruitment and retention of staff at all levels The level of input can be minimal and unobtrusive to day to day work Rationale The global environment sector is growing rapidly, as is the scale of the issues that face the environment itself. The global population is estimated to exceed 9 billion by 2050. New patterns of consumption threaten natural resources, food and energy security and cause pollution and climate change. Policy makers and investors are responding to this in terms of supporting green technology and innovation as well as regulation and policy which moves society in a more ‘sustainable’ direction. China has announced major spending on environmental technology equivalent to more than US$500 billion. In the UK, environmental and low-carbon business now make up 8% of GDP, and have provided a third of the growth in the economy in recent years. The US accounts for nearly 40% of the global market for environmental services (water, wastewater, waste and clean-up technologies) which in 2010 had a global market valued at more than US$506 billion. In the US there were around 30,000 private sector companies and more than 80,000 public sector organisations in the sector, employing in total more than 1.6 million people. Europe has 28% of the global market, Asia 8% and Latin America 5%. The global market grew by 41% between 2000 and 2010. This truly is a global rather than a domestic market - trade within the environmental sector was estimated at US$130.6 billion in 2009. Many organisations, most notably consultancies, contractors and manufacturers, have become global in their reach, operations and headquarters. This also rings true for employment – many multinational organisations have teams of experts who work on a global basis as well as considerable numbers of local staff. This opens an opportunity for global environmental careers in a diverse range of areas of employment. This book will focus on the career paths which are best known and offer the greatest opportunity globally for those who want to develop an environmental career. Information on global environmental careers, both in print and online, is messily scattered and most is very out of date. Most information is either UK-centric or aimed at US career hunters. There are few resources available which outline in an organized and selective manner what sectors are available and how to get a job in those sectors. Many online resources are just jobs boards with no supporting information for a career hunter. Where there is careers information, it is often out of date and limited in scope. The book and website will be a ‘one stop shop’ resource that all school and university libraries and careers services should have available. Scope CHAPTER FORMAT Each sector will be covered using a standard format. This will be helpful to readers, as they will be able to get to the needed information quickly and the content will be succinct and precise. Generally, books on environmental careers tend to be very wordy and discuss irrelevant issues for a job seeker, or they miss out the most helpful information. This book will be straight to the point and present the information clearly and precisely. The book will consist of INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS and SECTOR CHAPTERS, with supporting online content. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS: • • • • Author introduction – the scope and extent of the book and its resource, explain that the book is written with global environment sector professionals and with careers professionals advice, personal views on developing an environmental career, personal attributes needed The developing global sector and the opportunities this offers; hot topics and the fastest growing sectors Introduction to green employment issues globally; employment legislation, agents, routes to being able to develop a global career; organised geographically. A considerable and valuable resource with content and links online on Career path change to an environmental career SECTOR CHAPTER FORMAT: Text boxes used to highlight key information and to make it readable • • • • • • • Sector name Sector outline – organized geographically - key stats, key employers and organisations, key job titles/names, issues and trends, sector growth areas, new and emerging work areas, trade and professional bodies Personal attributes, skills and knowledge needed – views and comments from sector professionals Tips and Advice text box – gathered from sector professionals Entry level/first job – information from people about their first jobs and advice from recruiters and careers professionals Case studies – employers Case studies – personal profiles of employees • Resources ADDITIONAL ONLINE RESOURCE: Further sectoral information at on: • • • • • • Contacts and organisations New sector information Personal profiles Technical and legal data and links on working globally Tips and advice Web links for global environmental jobs sites and careers resources organised geographically PROVISIONAL SECTOR CHAPTERS Renewables Waste Management/Recycling Fisheries Management Water Resources Management Flood Management Environmental Modelling Environmental Policy/Legislation/Regulation EIA/ESA Green Building – ISO 14,001, BREEEAM, Energy and Water Efficiency ‘Greening companies’ Agriculture and Soil Science Forestry Landscape Architecture Wilderness Guide/Outdoor Education Environmental Law Contaminated Land/Brownfield Journalism GIS/Mapping Air Quality Water Quality Wastewater Management Pipelines Civil Engineering Nature Conservation and Ecology Volunteering NGO/charities/lobbying ONLINE RESOURCES FOR BOOK Dedicated free website content at Tips and advice for job seekers in the sector Case studies and personal profiles Technical information about global employment in the environment sector Careers websites – advertising from key environment sector websites, training services, key employers etc. Readership Anyone worldwide with an interest in developing a career in the environment sector (students, undergraduates, career-changers), university careers services, school careers services, major organisations that are asked for careers information, trade and professional body organisations in the environment sector. University and school libraries. This is very much a ‘go anywhere’ title because it will prove valuable to people at all career stages. Content could be made ‘bespoke’ for larger organisations, such as international environmental and engineering consultancies, and packaged for them as a custom publication in response to their often considerable volumes of requests for careers information and openings. Proposals Proposals for contributions to the book or the website resource should be sent to: Justin Taberham