Career Exploration Research Project

Dear Parents,
Currently in Mrs. Johnson’s Language Arts class, the students are beginning
a “Career Exploration” unit of research. The students have recently been
introduced to numerous careers and have taken an interest survey quiz on the
computer to guide them toward a career that might be of interest to them. The
students were provided with a variety of websites (attached to this sheet) in
which they are given the opportunity at school to explore. Check out these sites
with your child at home! They are really interesting!
As of right now, the class is currently completing activities in a career
packet, learning an overview of the different clusters of careers available to
choose from. These clusters include: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Arts,
A/V Technology & Communications, Business, Management & Administration,
Architecture & Construction, Education & Training, Finance, Health Science,
Hospitality & Tourism, Human Services, Information Technology, Law, Public
Safety & Security, Transportation, Distribution & Logistics, Manufacturing,
Government & Public Administration, Science, Technology, Engineering &
Mathematics, Marketing, and Sales & Services.
TONIGHT FOR HOMEWORK, the students are to have a family member
assist them in completing the “CAREER FAMILY TREE” worksheet, which will
provide your child in knowing what types of careers his family members have.
Each student has chosen two careers of interest after researching a variety of
careers on the computer based on their abilities and interests. They will be asked
to choose one of those careers for their research paper. The research will be
completed in school. All research materials are also accessible on my teacher
Thank you for your support in learning,
Mrs. Johnson