Homework Choice Board Rocks and Soils Directions: Choose one box to finish per night. If you are being remediated for the rocks unit, you may not choose a soil box. If you are in the soils unit, you may only choose 2 boxes for rocks. 5. Design a poster showing the different types of rocks with descriptions OR design a poster showing the different horizons of a soil profile and describe them. 1. Write a letter to a geologist about what you have learned about rocks or soil. 2. Make a set of vocabulary flash cards. 3. Write a poem about your favorite rock type. 4. Create a “tweet” to summarize what you learned today (140 letters or less). 6. Using “ROCK CYCLE” create an acrostic poem that describes the rock cycle. 7. Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the creations of sedimentary rock and soil. 8. Using your vocabulary words, create a Kahoot to share with the class. 9. Create a PowerPoint to explain about the three types of rocks and the rock cycle. 10. Create a PowerPoint to explain the horizons of the soil profile. 11. Illustrate a book cover about rocks or soil. 12. Write a story (narrative) about the rock cycle. FREE SPACE 13. Write a story (narrative) about the soil profile. 14. Design a poster to warn rocks about weathering, erosion and deposition. 15. Write a song or rap about rocks and the rock cycle. Video yourself and show it your teacher. 16. Write a song or rap about soil. Video yourself and show it your teacher. 17. Create a comic strip about the rock cycle. 18. Create a comic strip about soil formation. 21. Write a journal entry: My day as a sedimentary rock. 22. Write a journal entry: My day as a metamorphic rock. 23. Write a journal entry: My day as an igneous rock. 24. Write a journal entry: My day as bedrock. 19. Write a short play using the three types of rocks as the main characters. 25. Write a journal entry: My day as organic material in soil. My homework: Write tonight’s date and the box of the assignment in a box. Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Date Box # Homework Choice Board Rocks and Soils