Name __________________________________ Science Rocks and Minerals Project Directions: Make an acrostic poem for sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. The requirements for the acrostic poems are below. A checklist for each acrostic with which you will be graded is on the back. You may turn in each acrostic as you complete it, but all 3 acrostics must be completed and turned in by Tuesday, October 13th. A suggested timeline for completion is listed below. Suggested timeline for completion: 1st acrostic due Thursday, October 1st 2nd acrostic due Wednesday, October 7th 3rd acrostic due Tuesday, October 13th This assignment will be counted as a test grade. Late assignments will lose 11 points per day late. After 3 days late (Friday, October 16th), a zero will be earned. Requirements: All three acrostics must be on 8.5” by 11” paper All three acrostics must be neatly written or typed The target words will be written in color down the left side of the paper (IGNEOUS, SEDIMENTARY, METAMORPHIC) Each descriptive phrase must begin with one of the letters from the target word Each descriptive phrase chosen must be correct information and must be related to the target word Information should not be repeated You should have 3 separate acrostic poems on 3 separate pages, one for each type of rock Please sign below indicating that you understand the requirements for this assignment, you understand it is a test grade, and you understand all acrostic poems are due by Tuesday, October 13th. (Acrostics may be turned in as they are completed.) _____________________________ Student Signature _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Name __________________________________ Science Checklist for Grading: Check off each item as you complete it. IGNEOUS ROCK ACROSTIC POEM SEDIMENTARY ROCK ACROSTIC POEM METAMORPHIC ROCK ACROSTIC POEM ____ on 8.5” by 11” paper /1 ____ on 8.5” by 11” paper /1 ____ on 8.5” by 11” paper /1 ____ neatly written or typed /1 ____ neatly written or /1 ____ neatly written or /1 typed ____ on a separate page /2 with your name ____ The target word is written in color down the left side of the paper ____ Each descriptive phrase begins with one of the letters from the target word ____ Each descriptive phrase chosen has correct information and is related to the target word ____ Information is not repeated POINTS EARNED ____ on a separate page typed /2 with your name /3 /7 /7 /1 /22 ____ The target word is written in color down the left side of the paper ____ Each descriptive phrase begins with one of the letters from the target word ____ Each descriptive phrase chosen has correct information and is related to the target word ____ Information is not repeated POINTS EARNED TOTAL POINTS EARNED ________/82 ____ on a separate page /2 with your name /3 /7 /7 /1 /30 ____ The target word is written in color down the left side of the paper ____ Each descriptive phrase begins with one of the letters from the target word ____ Each descriptive phrase chosen has correct information and is related to the target word ____ Information is not repeated POINTS EARNED GRADE __________ /3 /7 /7 /1 /30