Greek Mythology daily schedule

Greek Mythology
Daily schedule - Mr. Harrell
Links to Images
• We will be doing Greek Mythology and reading The Odyssey
• If you all stay on task and work diligently, I will incorporate music of
YOUR choice (clean edits only) into my poetry lessons.
Write this in your notes and leave space
between each line. (Pg. 2-3)
• What is a Myth?
• The History of the Greek Myths
• The Elements of a Greek Myth
• How to Read a Greek Myth
• With your table partner, you will read each section and write the 3 or 4
most important parts of each section in your notes. We will go over this in
10 minutes.
What Is a Myth?
• Why do people create myths?
• What do those myths answer?
• How are most myths passed down?
History of the Greek Myths
• When did the Greek myths begin?
• Why are there many versions of those myths?
• What happened to the Greeks to change their myths?
• How do we still use Greek myths today?
Elements of the Greek Myth
• What types of characters show up in Greek myths?
• What is a Greek hero?
• What are the usual settings?
How To Read a Greek Myth
1. Where can you find the God’s names and descriptions?
2. What do you need to identify about the myth?
3. How many times should you read the myth…if you want to
pass this class?
Copy these, and leave space for notes in-between
(pg. 4-5)
• Understanding Information Stated Directly
• Descriptions
• Time Order
• Cause and Effect
• Exercises
• What is the first step in trying to understand what you are reading?
• What did we also call the descriptions of a character?
Fill in the blank: Character _______
Time Order
• What are these words examples of?
You use them in your bellwork every day, and they are on the yellow
bulletin board on the right side of the room.
Cause and Effect
• How can you make more sense of what you read? What should you
Because I cussed at my mom (cause),
she busted me upside my head (effect).
Understanding Direct Statements
• Do A & B
HW - Poetry Presentations
Stand at the front of the room and read the poem you wrote in class yesterday.
Speak loud enough for everyone to hear you.
If you were not here, you will be doing yours tomorrow.
1. Point of View
2. Theme
3. Symbol
4. Simile
5. Figurative language
6. Characterization
7. Imagery
8. Metaphor
9. Homeric simile
10. Irony
11. Repetition
12. Pun
13. Foreshadowing
14. Epithet
15. Complication
16. Description
17. Suspense
18. Protagonist
19. antagonist
20. Epic
21. Allusion
22. Epic Hero
23. Narrative Poetry
24. Epic Poetry
25. Epic Simile
26. Dramatic Irony
27. Personification
28. Extended Metaphor
29. Hyperbole
30. Archetype
31. Stanza
32. Alliteration
33. Onomatopoeia
34. Conflict
35. Epic Couplet
36. Historical Fiction
Four Ways to Find Meaning (Pg. 6-7)
• Recognizing Four Ways to Find Word Meaning
• Word Parts
• Context
• Word Origins
• The Dictionary
Recognizing Four Ways to Find Word Meaning
• How many ways will you learn to identify an unfamiliar word?
Word Parts
• What are unfamiliar words usually based upon?
• What shows you how a word is being used in a sentence?
Word Origins
• How many languages can word have developed its meaning from?
The Dictionary
• What must you use when you can’t figure out the definition of a word
using what you already know?
• Where can you find dictionaries in this classroom?
Read and answer #1-8
The Beginning of the World
The Gods and Goddesses (pg. 10-13)
You have 10 minutes to read this section. We will discuss it aloud.
The First Man (pg. 13-15)
You have 10 minutes to read this section. We will discuss it aloud.
The Gods and Goddesses
• Who were the Titans?
• How many parts was the word divided into?
• What would happen to normal humans who ate the food of the Gods?
• What was the name of Zeus’ wife? What type of person was she? Do you
know anyone like her?
• Where do the God’s meet?
• Kronos eating child
• Gods vs. Titans (GOW3)
• Atlas 1 & Atlas 2
The First Man
• How large was Prometheus?
• What was his job?
• Why did he create humans?
• What gift did humans receive?
• Why did it anger the Gods so furiously?
• Pg. 16
#1-5 as a class
#1-4 on your own
Reading / Viewing Questions
1. Who was Helen of Troy?
2. What was the battle (war) called?
3. How did Paris’ father refer to Helen’s face?
4. What drove Helen to leave her husband and travel with Paris to Troy?
5. How did Paris and Helen meet?
6. What caused the war?
7. Who is Helen’s husband?
8. What two groups of people are at war in the movie?
9. What goddess did Paris compare Helen to?
10.Who did Helen visit on the island?
11.When did Paris find out who Helen truly was?
12.What was Paris’ purpose in coming to visit Menelaus?
Helen of Troy viewing questions pg.2
13. Who did Paris have to battle to prove himself
To be a true prince?
14. Who is the King of Sparta?
15. Why did Menelaus scream at Helen’s servant and what did she tell
Menelaus about the servant?
16. What happened to Achilles?
17. What role did Odysseus have in this story?
18. Who won the war?
19. How did they win the war?
20. How long did the war last?
21. What was the real reason behind the war?
The Trojan War (pg. 60-63)
Pg. 60-61
• The Golden Apple
• Paris’ Choice
• How does Odysseus try to trick Palamedes?
Pg. 62-63
• What happened to make people believe the horse was empty?
• How does the story end, according to the textbook?
Voyage of Odysseus (pg. 66-70)
• (cyclops)
What was the name of the first island they reached?
Why was it bad that Odysseus and his men ate the lotus plant?
How did Odysseus get his men to leave the island of Lotus eaters?
What was the second island they reached named?
5. What is the name of the Cyclops who owns the cave Odysseus’ men entered?
6. Odysseus attempts to befriend the Cyclops. When does Odysseus know that hasn’t worked?
7. How many men did Polyphemus devour?
8. What two ways does Odysseus trick Polyphemus?
9. Why wouldn’t the other Cyclopes help Polyphemus?
10. In your opinion, is Odysseus a smart man? Why or why not?
Perseus Slays the Gorgon (pg. 29)
We will read this 4 page story, and then watch the film from 1981
• Why was Acrisius terrified of his grandson Perseus?
• Why was Medusa transformed into a monster?
• Why was a sea monster attacking the Ethiopian coast?
• How did Perseus and his men take out the people in the grand
• Being off task means you will answer ALL questions on pg. 33-35 in another
room while the rest of class watches the movie
• During the movie, you must answer the discussion questions
Clash of the Titans (1981) Film Study
Stop Times:
1st Block –
2nd Block –
3rd Block –
The Fall of Adam and Eve
& Pandora
- Mr. Harrell
• Pandora was the first woman in Greek mythology.
• Through her actions, evil was able to enter the world.
• Her story is similar to that of Eve from the Christian Bible.
Pandora vs. Eve (Copy Everything)
• Eve broke God’s command and,
through her sin, evil entered the world
• Adam was forced by Eve’s sin to also
break the commandment
• Consequences:
– Women viewed as evil (like Pandora and
the box)
– Men justified their domination of women
– Women felt they were born 2nd class
Pandora, The First Woman (pg. 18)
• harry = bother
1. (Copy and fill in the blanks) For her gifts, Pandora received______ from
Aphrodite________ from Hermes_________ from Apollo and ________ from
the Charities.
2. What did Prometheus think of the box Pandora was given? Why would he feel
that way?
3. What escaped from the box into the world?
4. What was the final gift left in the box?
• #1-5 on pg. 21
• Will be turned in for a grade
3rd Block
• Pay attention to differences between the book and this video
• Write them down
• Venn diagram for HW
Circe the Enchantress (pg. 73-75)
1. Point of View
2. Theme
3. Symbol
4. Simile
5. Figurative language
6. Characterization
7. Imagery
8. Metaphor
9. Homeric simile
10. Irony
11. Repetition
12. Pun
13. Foreshadowing
14. Epithet
15. Complication
16. Description
17. Suspense
18. Protagonist
19. antagonist
20. Epic
21. Allusion
22. Epic Hero
23. Narrative Poetry
24. Epic Poetry
25. Epic Simile
26. Dramatic Irony
27. Personification
28. Extended Metaphor
29. Hyperbole
30. Archetype
31. Stanza
32. Alliteration
33. Onomatopoeia
34. Conflict
35. Epic Couplet
36. Historical Fiction
Don’t Write ANYthing Yet
Ex 1: Epic
• Definition A long story about
heroes and their
• Example OR Illustration Super Mario
- OR -
Ex 2: Epic Hero
• Definition a brave and noble
character in an epic
• Example OR Illustration Master Chief
- OR -
Vocabulary Project
• Define words #2-6; write an explanation + draw an illustration for each
• This is for practice