The Odyssey

The Odyssey
What is an Epic Poem?
 A long narrative poem about a legendary
hero who in some way represents the values
of a civilization by incorporating myth,
legend, or folk tales.
 An epic is usually drawn from the oral
tradition; it can be performed or used to
educate youth in ancient Greek society.
 Set in a heroic age where virtues such as
strength and courage were highly regarded.
Traditional stories of a culture.
Meant to explain a natural
phenomenon, spiritual beliefs.
Essentially religious since they are
concerned with the relationship
between humans and the
unknown spiritual realm.
Greeks thought of Myths as reality.
The Author - Homer
 Poet
 Thought to be blind, but describes events as
a seeing person utilizing visual imagery. He
was thought to have a heightened use of his
other senses.
 A sagacious man who observed the world
 Lived around 1200 B.C.
Wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey epics about the war between the
Trojans and the Greeks which had
happened between 900 and 700 B.C.
The Illiad was the story about the last
year of the Trojan War (10 year war).
Odysseus and his men were able to
get inside the walls of Troy concealed
within the body of the Trojan horse.
The Trojan Horse
The Odyssey
The journey of Odysseus and his men
trying to get home after the Trojan War.
The entire story spans 10 years.
An epic about humans on the journey
of life overcoming temptations and
obstacles to find a place of peace and
Characteristics of a Hero
Ulysses or Odysseus is meant to
represent the epic hero in Greek
society. His character traits serve as a
role model for Greek children.
California State Standards
 3.3 Analyze interactions between main and
subordinate characters (conflicts, motivations, and
 3.4 Determine character traits through narration and
 3.12 Analyze the way in which a work of literature is
related to the issues and themes of the time period.
 2.2a Write a comprehensive essay that shows the
comparison and contrast between characters.
 2.2b Support viewpoints with accurate references to
the text.