Assignment 6 -Toyota - Mark

Strategic Management– Dr. Mark H Mortensen
Assignment #6 – Toyota Prius (Based on HBS Case #9-706-458)
Do in your groups, please. One paper submitted for the group. As usual, put yourselves in the time
frame of the case study, don’t look at it from the point of view of 2010.
1. Why is Toyota pursuing the Prius project? What factors are important to make the project
a success?
2. Should Okuda push for an acceleration of the Prius launch?
3. If the Prius is sold for $3,000 more than a non-hybrid version of the same car, under what
circumstances would it be more economical to buy a Prius? (See Exhibit 1 for some
numbers you will need.) Numbers are needed here, not just qualitative arguments.