Demographic: Participation… 1. 2. 1. Adds interes 2. Engages students 3. Provides teacher feedback 4. Provides student feedback 5. Can be used to promote Linguistic differences Proficiency in the home language (ESL) 3. Generation 4. Number of languages spoken 5. Motivation 6. Poverty 7. Personality differences (Fisher, Frey, & Rothenberg, 2008). Investigation 2 preperation 6. Can be used to control what’s happening in class 7. Can be used to balance Environmental Factors: who’s contributing in 1. Lack of participation 2. Off track working/ chatting 3. Losing classroom management when students work in small groups (Lawtie, 2004) class 8. Encourages dialogue among and between students 9. Can be used to develop important speaking skills 10. Gives students the opportunity to practice using the language (Weimer, 2011) By: Michelle Sokel Year Long Model from 1. Provide multiple speaking opportunities for students 2. Encourage daily reading, 3. Build positive selfefficacy 4. Build necessary listening skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Setting the Stage Cooperative Games Sharing Personal Stories Readers Theatre Five-Minute Skits: Just for Fun! 6. Preparing for the Biography Report 7. Holiday Performances 8. Creating a Famous Person in History Poster 9. Small-Group Sharing About the Biographies 10.Biography Reports About a famous Person 11.Learning to do Research 12.“Animal Fair” 13.Review Source Materials 14.Final Presentation to Large Audience (Alber-Morgan, Boyce, & Riley, 2007) Alber-Morgan, S. R., Boyce, J. S., & Riley, J. G. (2007, March 22). Fearless public speaking: oral presentation activities for the elementary classroom. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from FPO: Childhood-Education/160104144.html Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Rothenberg, C. (2008). Content-Area Conversations Ch. 1: Why Talk is Important in Classrooms. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from ASCD: 08035/chapters/Why-Talk-Is-Important-inClassrooms.aspx Lawtie, F. (2004, February 16). Teaching speaking skills 2 - overcoming classroom problems. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from Teaching English: eaching-speaking-skills-2-overcomingclassroom-problems Weimer, M. (2011, February 15). 10 Benefits of Getting Students to Participate in Classroom Discussions. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies From Magna Publications: ing-and-learning/10-benefits-of-gettingstudents-to-participate-in-classroomdiscussions/