KY PBIS Network: Tier 1 and Advanced Tiers Data Reporting

KY PBIS Network: Tier 1 and Advanced Tiers Data Reporting
Data Tool
Due Date
Where to Send
Tier 1 Team
TIC - Team
Collaborate at
Checklist (version
team meeting
October 31,
Coach or designee enters
results online at
SAS - Self
(version 2.0)
Classified and
Certified Staff
Jan 31st, 2015
PBIS Coach gets URL (link)
from and
sends to staff
BoQ Benchmarks of
(version 2.0)
Tier 1 Team
Members and
Coach Rate
Collaborate on
final results
March 31,
Coach or designee enters
results online at
or Coach
June 1, 2016
(or end of
Email District PBIS Coach
(Dusty) confirmation that all
SWIS data has been updated
for end of the year
Year End Data
(SWIS schools
Data Tool
Benchmark of
Advanced Tiers
(version 2.5)
Tier 2 Team
Collaborate at
team meeting
Due Date
December 15,
Where to Send
Enter in
PBIS Self-Assessment Survey
The PBIS Self-Assessment Survey (SAS), which was formerly called the Effective
Behavior Support Survey, is used by school staff for initial and annual assessment
of Positive Behavior Support systems in schools. The survey examines the status
and need for improvement of four behavior support systems: (a) school-wide
discipline systems, (b) non-classroom management systems (e.g., cafeteria,
hallway, playground), (c) classroom management systems, and (d) systems for
individual students engaging in chronic problem behaviors. Each question in the
survey relates to one of the four systems. Survey results are summarized and used
for a variety of purposes including: annual action planning; internal decisionmaking; assessment of change over time; increasing awareness of staff; and team
Who takes the survey? At least 80% of all certified and classified staff.
When do schools take the survey? The SAS survey is taken by each school
annually between March 1 and April 30.
How do schools complete the survey? This year, schools’ staff members will go to
a Website address to complete the survey. All survey information will be directly
input into the PBIS Assessment Website. Schools will be able to access their own
results on the same site at midnight following the date the assessment window is
Team Implementation Checklist
The Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) is a self-assessment completed by the
school PBIS Leadership Team. It serves as a guide in appraising the status of PBIS
start-up, team functioning, development of key components, and evaluation.
What is different about submitting the TIC this year? TICs will no longer need to
be submitted via mail or email. Instead, each school coach and administrator will
be given a Website address and a School Account number, enabling them to
complete the TIC on-line via PBIS Assessment. Schools will be able to run two
reports based on their TICs – Implementation by Feature and Overall
Who completes the TIC? The PBIS Leadership Team completes the TIC as a group.
When do PBIS Leadership Teams complete the TIC? The TIC is completed by the
team together in the fall of each year. The TIC should be completed during the
October PBIS team meeting.
How do schools complete the TIC? During the team meeting when the TIC is due,
bring a lap top computer to the meeting. Have the Coach or team recorder log onto Click the Login tab. Make sure the Respondent button is
checked and then enter the School Account number. Go to the Surveys tab and
click on Team Checklist, Complete Checklist. In the top section, select the name of
the person filling in the survey from the drop down box and the date. Answer every
item by clicking the button for Achieved, In Progress, or Not Started. (Note the tab
in each section titled More About These Items: by clicking the tab, your team can
see descriptors for each item to guide the rating process.) Click the Submit button
when your team has completed the TIC.
Benchmarks of Quality
The Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) is a research-validated measure that assesses the
development and implementation of PBIS across 10 critical elements. The BoQ is
completed annually by school PBIS Leadership Teams to assess strengths and
identify areas of need. Results are used for action planning. Minimal
implementation of Tier 1 systems is occurring when a school scores 70 out of 100.
The 10 critical elements assessed with 53 items are:
1. PBIS Team
2. Faculty commitment
3. Effective procedures for dealing with discipline
4. Data entry and analysis plan established
5. Expectation and rules developed
6. Reward/recognition program established
7. Lesson plans for teaching expectations and rules
8. Implementation plan
9. Classroom Systems
10. Evaluation
Is there a training to learn how to administer and analyze the BOQ? Yes! Several
schools that will complete the BoQ this year need to send their PBIS Coach or other
representative to a training to learn how to use and interpret the instrument. Your
school will need to send someone to BoQ training if: (1) this is your school’s first
year of PBIS implementation; (2) the person who attended training last year is no
longer in your building; or (3) you are a new PBIS Coach. Each person needing to
attend can select the date and time of the most convenient training from the KYCID
website – registration link.
Who completes the BoQ? Each member of the PBIS Leadership Team completes
the BoQ individually. The PBIS Coach, or designee, tallies and summarizes the
results. Then the PBIS Leadership Team determines final scores together.
When do PBIS Leadership Teams complete the BoQ? The BoQ is completed by
schools annually between February 1 and March 31.
How do schools submit their BoQ results? School coaches will send the Schoolwide Benchmarks of Quality: SCORING FORM (2 pages) and the Benchmarks of
Quality TEAM SUMMARY (1 or more pages) to the Area Coordinator via email. The
Area Coordinator inputs BoQ scores into PBIS Assessment.
Year End Data Report
The success of PBIS schools is measured by implementation data and outcome
data. The Year End Data Report is one measure of outcome data related to PBIS
implementation. KY PBIS Network schools will be asked to analyze and discuss
outcomes in the PBIS Year End Data Report that reflects office discipline referrals
(the Big Five – Average Referrals per Day per Month, Referrals by Problem
Behavior, Referrals by Location, Referrals by Location, Referrals by Time; and
Referrals by Student); suspensions; and expulsions.
 Schools utilizing School-wide Information Systems (SWIS) for data collection
will insure all discipline data is up to date in their SWIS accounts and share
with the team and staff the information in the End of the Year Report in Other
Reports feature on the Main Menu screen. The Administrator or Coach will
notify the KYCID Coordinator when all end of year data has been updated into
 Non-SWIS schools will complete and submit the information on the data form
sent from the KYCID office.
Benchmark of Advanced Tiers
The Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) allows school teams to self-assess the
implementation status of Tiers 2 (secondary, targeted) and 3 (tertiary, intensive)
behavior support systems within their school. The BAT is to be completed by the
team(s) involved with Tiers 2 and 3 behavior support, and reflects the consensus
(or majority) of team members. Team members should first be trained in use of the
BAT by someone familiar with the measure. The BAT can be completed by the team
as a group or by each member independently. If completed independently, the
team reconvenes to review scores on each item. Items in which there is
disagreement are discussed and the team comes to consensus on the score.
The 10 areas assessed with 56 items are:
A. Tier 1: Implementation of School-wide PBIS
Tier 2/3: Foundations
B. Commitment
C. Student Identification
D. Monitoring and Evaluation
Tier 2: Targeting Interventions
E. Support Systems
F. Main Tier 2 Strategy Implementation
G. Main Tier 2: Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation
H. Tier 3: Intensive Support Systems
I. Tier 3: Assessment and Plan Development
J. Tier 3: Monitoring and Evaluation