Important Information for Class B Master License Holders

Important Information for Class B Master License Holders - Please Read!
November 18, 2014
Dear Class B COAM Master License Holders:
Time is drawing near to connect to the Central Accounting System (also known as the Class B accounting terminal
and central monitoring system). It is imperative that you take action on the following matters immediately if you
have not done so:
An upgrade to your existing (legacy) Class B COAMs is required. Be aware that any upgrades or retrofits
may take a significant amount of time to perform due to installation and parts procurement. You must choose
one of the following two options and be ready for connection:
1. Upgrade to certified SAS 6.02 protocol at a minimum.
2. Retrofit with a certified transitional device. If you choose this option, you must still upgrade to full
SAS 6.02 no later than December 31, 2016.
All electronic components that have the potential to significantly influence the operation of the Class B COAM
must be fitted with a secured compartment as described in the "Standards for the Secured Compartment"
document on the GLC Retailer website. Again, installation and parts procurement may take time.
All detailed connection standards and secure compartment
You must provide Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) documents to the Georgia Lottery Corporation so that
your share of COAM funds can be transferred to you after weekly sweeps of Locations. These forms are being
emailed to you this week and will be available on the GLC website as well as other trade organization websites.
Communicate this process to all Location License Holders with whom you do business. If they are not aware
that connections begin on January 5, 2015, you run the risk of creating a delay.
Be Ready! Any License Holder (Master or Location) that causes a delay in the connection process will face
significant fines and will be placed last on the list to be connected. Your COAMs will not be allowed to be
operated during the connection timeframe if it is determined that you caused a delay (Locations will not be
allowed to operate machines in their business if they cause the delay, and Masters will not be allowed to operate
machines in a location if they are the cause of the delay).
Please contact John Heinen, VP of COAM, or Mike Parham, Director of COAM Operations, at 404-215-5000 if
you have any questions that our website cannot answer. The Georgia Lottery Corporation is the best source for
accurate information regarding this process.
Debbie D. Alford
President and CEO