14 - Visualizing Text Objective: By the end of the lesson each student will be able to construct a pictorial representation of a main character and write 1 sentence describing that character Standard Reference: Reading Strand 2, Concept 1, PO 2. Describe characters (e.g., traits, roles, similarities) within a literary selection, heard or read. ELP Level 2: Language Strand – Standard English Conventions: Adjectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of parts of speech by: PE-3: N/A PreReq: PE-1 E-3: N/A PreReq: E-1 B-3: selecting a sensory/personality adjective (sticky, proud) to complete a given sentence. LI-3: using sensory/personality adjectives with instructional support. HI-3: using sensory/personality adjectives. Rationale for Lesson Based Upon Student Data: Visualization is a powerful comprehension strategy. At risk learner often struggle with making meaning from print and being able to “see” the story assist them. Content Standards and Objectives Teacher Behavior Presenting Instructional Content Student Behavior Activities and Materials Assessment Academic Feedback Students will give one example orally of an adjective that could describe a person. Partner the students. Refer to the grammar wall and review with the students what an adjective is. Ask the students to identify an example of an adjective that could describe a person. With a partner, the student will orally identify an adjective used to describe a person. Use the grammar wall to support the pairs. Students will tell a partner what they know about the story based Introduce the story . Explain that literary text Students will tell their partner has characters. The main character is who the what they know about the story is mostly about. Activate prior knowledge story. Require complete sententences. Students will give one example orally of an adjective that could describe a person. ____ is an adjective that could be used to describe a person. Students will tell a partner what they know about the story. on the title. by asking the students to talk with a partner about what they already know about the story. Select specific student to respond. Identify adjectives they use to describe and list on the whiteboard. The student will Introduce the concept of Visualization. explain the task, i.e. Visualization is the process where you create a draw a picture of the personal “movie” in your head when you are character (s) based on listening to a story. Explain that during the the description from the reading of this story, the teacher will not be book, to a partner. showing the pictures so that the student can create a movie in their head. Specifically in this story, they will create a picture of the character(s) and after the reading, write 1 sentence about him. Ask each partner to explain to each other the task. Students will listen to Read the story, pausing to repeat key phrase the story and respond as with the students and include TPR. Monitor directed by the teacher. students as they draw. Students will draw a picture of the character(s). Students will write 1 or 2 sentences to describe their drawing using adjectives. Students will explain the task to a partner. Students will repeat key phrases and physical responses as directed by the teacher. Students will draw a picture of the character(s). ( Paper and crayons) After reading allow the student a few minutes to Using the sentence frames on finish their drawing. Give them the following the board, each student sentence frames on the board: individually will compose a sentence describing Cucuy. ______ is ________________. (S)he has__________________. Ask the student to create one or more sentences about their picture. Require the use of complete sentences. The student will explain the task, i.e. draw a picture of the character based on the description from the book, to a partner. Students will listen to the story and respond as directed by the teacher. Students will draw a picture of the character(s). Students will write 1 or 2 sentences to describe their drawing using adjectives. Students will use the frame provided by the teacher to describe to a partner how their picture is like and different than the the character(s) in the book. Now, show the pictures of the character(s)from the book to the students. Ask them to talk with their partner to explain how the character(s) is (are) like their picture and how (s)he is different. Give them this frame to use orally: The student will highlight the adjectives in his/her sentence and read aloud the sentence to a partner. Ask the students to highlight the adjectives in their sentence and ask them to read aloud to their partner. Students will use the frame provided by the teacher to describe to a partner how their picture is like and different than the the character(s) in the book. Students will use the frame provided by the teacher to describe to a partner how their picture is like and different than the the character(s) in the book. The student will highlight the adjectives in his/her sentence and read aloud the sentence to a partner. The student will highlight the adjectives in his/her sentence and read aloud the sentence to a partner. My character is like the book because____. My the character(s)is not like the book because_____,