Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR

Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR
The PDCR process (Performance Development and Contribution Review) provides an opportunity to set personal objectives aligned to University
and School plans and to review and plan development needs in support of the achievement of these objectives.
In addition to a review of established objectives and development needs, there are two specific matters that should be addressed during the
PDCR review meeting this academic year. The first is colleagues’ engagement with the new Learning and Teaching Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) Framework. The University has an aim for all academic staff to achieve professional recognition for their learning and
teaching practice over the coming two years (to July 2015). Therefore, PDCR meetings this year should be used to consider when and how staff
will achieve this recognition. The second matter is engagement with the Researcher Development Tool.
Below you will find a brief guide to using the Learning and Teaching CPD Framework and the Researcher Development Tool as part of
PDCR for 2013-14. This will also assist with MAW planning. Both of the Framework documents provide guidance on their usage and application.
A checklist to assist colleagues with PDCR is appended to this document (Page 6).
Using the Frameworks to inform PDCR
The two Frameworks are based on national frameworks which are sector owned and led. Each Framework provides information about the types
of activities, values and professional development in which academics should be engaging to maintain and develop their practice as
teachers/researchers/lecturers/academics, and should be used flexibly depending on the balance of the individual’s role.
1. In advance of the PDCR meeting
Colleagues should be directed to the two frameworks and invited to consider their practice against the expectations of the frameworks.
Many colleagues will undertake both research and learning and teaching, in which case both Frameworks are likely to be of use. For those
who primarily engage in teaching-based activity, the Learning and Teaching Framework should be used. For those who primarily engage in
research-based activity, the Researcher Development Framework should be used.
2. During the PDCR meeting
Centre for Professional Learning and Development April 2013
Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR
Objectives for the coming academic year should be agreed between the reviewer and the member of staff. These should focus on outputs
and outcomes. Development needs should also be considered. The development needs are likely to be identified from the following
Feedback from students e.g. via EvaSys regarding professional practice
Outcomes from CSQRs which have identified development needs at course or module level
Peer review
Need to achieve Professional Recognition as a result of the NTU Learning and Teaching CPD Policy
Development arising from the setting of an objective for which, to succeed in delivering the objective, the individual will require some
development (e.g. developing and leading the validation of a new course, but the individual has never done this before).
f) Identification of areas of practice that the individual considers they need to develop, arising from their review of the CPD Framework(s).
g) Changes to the PSRB requirements for curriculum design/content/delivery/assessment etc.
h) Changes arising from innovation, technological developments, developing international activity etc.
i) Opportunities arising to collaborate on/instigate research/commercial activity
j) Areas of activity which the individual is intending to/aspiring to engage with in the future for which they will need some development.
Options for achieving professional recognition of learning and teaching practice (More detailed information can be accessed via the
CPLD website here)
a. For more experienced staff
More experienced staff can make a direct application for recognition of their practice through the CLPD accredited scheme. Staff will be
offered support in the form of induction, a mentor, writing retreats, and online resources as appropriate to their needs. Some colleagues
will require none of this support and will make a direct submission at a time agreed locally through PDCR. Other colleagues, whilst being
very experienced, may require some learning and teaching professional development before they can demonstrate that they meet the
current practice standards.
b. For less experienced staff
Centre for Professional Learning and Development April 2013
Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR
Staff new to teaching, or with little experience, may benefit from attending a taught course in advance of making their direct submission.
CPLD offers one development course, the NTU Academic Practice Development Programme, and the School of Education offers the
PGCHE. Staff should explore these options in advance of the PDCR meeting so that an informed decision about the most appropriate
route/professional development to take will be made.
Examples of PDCR objectives for learning and teaching (format extracted from current PDCR form)
Personal Objective
(The individual’s
1. Attain
recognition for
learning and
teaching practice
2. Develop broader
range of small
group teaching
techniques and
apply these in
Output Measure(s)
(How you will know that the objective has been achieved?)
Fellowship of the HEA will have been achieved through
application via the NTU scheme.
End January
Knowledge of different approaches will have been
Techniques have been tried, as appropriate, in the
Peer review process has been used to observe and feed
back on changes to practice.
Student feedback on tutorials is improved
a. and c.
achieved by
December 2013
By End February
2014 to meet
Research Council
3. Submit at least
two research
grant applications
Research grant applications submitted
Quality of applications is high, resulting in positive
feedback and/or funding award
Review Comments
In order for this to be achieved some
professional development is required –
see Part 3.
c. and d. by
March 2014
Development needed – see below.
Centre for Professional Learning and Development April 2013
Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR
Examples of development planning (format extracted from current PDCR form)
Development Need
(Skill / Knowledge /
Enhance awareness and
application of small group
teaching techniques to inform
Required Outcome
(How it will benefit performance or
Classroom practice and student
feedback will be improved
(Approach or method to be used)
Writing research grant
Increased success in grant funding
Identify two expert colleagues to
observe and peer review, to inform
own practice
Access online materials regarding small
group teaching
Attend seminar (if required) to review
cross-disciplinary approaches
[The individual]
Meet with representative from Grant
Capture Team to review and
understand support available.
Seek and work with a mentor to
provide advice and guidance on grant
application writing.
Make contact with Research Support
Team Leader to ascertain any
seminars/workshops available
[The individual]
Review: Please note down any amendments to the above plan or any additional learning undertaken.
Centre for Professional Learning and Development April 2013
Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR
If you have any further questions relating to PDCR, please contact your local HR Manager in the first instance.
HR Manager BLSS: Angie Bailey
HR Manager CAS: Rashmi Patel/Susie Shelton
HR Manager CADBE: Claire Robbins
Learning and Teaching CPD Framework School Leads
Soc Sci
Les Arthur
Christine Hardy
David O’Hare
Jon Tepper
Gill Scott, Carol Posnett and Det Voice
Lloyd Pettiford
James Leinster
Ann Liggett
Centre for Professional Learning and Development April 2013
Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR
Checklist for Academic PDCR
Item for discussion
Discussed and agreed on
PDCR form ()
1. Review of achievements against last year’s
objectives and professional development
Schools may wish to include some specific School-wide objectives
within this guidance and in the checklist below.
2. Review of individual’s HEA Fellowship status to
determine whether individual needs to gain
professional recognition for their learning and
teaching practice
All staff need to be able to demonstrate achievement of professional
recognition by July 2015. New staff starting after Sept 2012 have 3
years from their start date to gain this. See information on the CPLD
website, or in the NOW Learning Room ‘HEA Professional Recognition:
Information for staff’ about how this can be achieved.
Framework can be accessed here
Development tool can be accessed here
3. Review of individual’s learning and teaching
practice against the NTU learning and teaching
CPD framework, to identify and plan for
development needs
4. Review of individual’s learning and teaching
practice against the NTU Research Development
Framework, to identify and plan for
development needs.
Use prompts on Page 2 above to inform/determine professional
development needs
Framework can be accessed here
Use prompts on Page 2 above to inform professional development
Summary of useful documents available to all staff to help prepare:
 Learning and Teaching Professional Development Framework & CPD Tool (here)
 NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development policy (Sept 2012) (here)
 Guide to NTU Professional Standards for Teaching and supporting Learning in HE (here)
 FAQs about applying for HEA professional recognition (here) and in NOW Learning Room ‘HEA Professional Recognition: Information for Staff’
 Applicant Handbook for those applying for HEA recognition via NTU’s accredited route (here)
 Researcher Development Framework & CPD Tool (here)
Centre for Professional Learning and Development April 2013
Guidance on use of CPD Frameworks in academic PDCR
Centre for Professional Learning and Development April 2013