EAP 1520 Intermediate Reading

EAP 1520 Intermediate Reading
FYI-You are responsible for printing a copy of and reading the EAP
1520C Syllabus. It is also your responsibility to understand and learn
its contents and to follow and abide by the policies and guidelines
contained herein.
Dr. O’Connor
Valencia College
Spring 2014
West Campus
EAP 01520
High Intermediate Reading for Non-Native Speakers of English
Syllabus Spring-2014
Course Information
Days, Times:
CRN 24186 – Section - W07 – EAP1520C - Term 201420
Monday and Wednesday 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM.
West Campus-Building 1-149
Instructor Information
E-mail Address:
Office Hours:
Dr. O’Connor
By appointment only.
Skype: Drmoanamcara
Cell: 407-414-9896
Required Text/Materials:
Reading for Results, 12/e
Aplia access code
Vocabulary Power 3, Chapters 1-15
Great Expectations, Oxford Bookworms
standard 8½x11 college-ruled paper (for class assignments)
a spiral notebook or loose-leaf binder (for class notes)
blue or black ink pens, pencils, and a highlighter pen
a stapler
Longman Dictionary
Prerequisite: Demonstration of required level of English proficiency OR minimum grade of “C”
in EAP 0420.
Co requisite: None.
Course Description/Objective: Students develop ability to comprehend longer texts of limited
length and difficulty on a variety of academically related topics.
Competencies: (1) improving English vocabulary, (2) locating key concepts, (3) reading and
understanding, (4) understanding and using information resources, and (5) reading for personal
enrichment. Required lab work is a homework component of this course. In order to pass the
course, students must earn a “C” or above in the course work and a passing score on the
Comprehensive Departmental Final Exam. Credit does not apply to any associate degree.
Other objectives: In addition to specific EAP objectives, the course will reinforce the following
competencies wholly or partially:
Valencia Community College Competencies:
1. Think – Think clearly, critically, and creatively. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and
evaluate in many domains of human inquiry.
2. Communicate – Communicate with different audiences using varied means.
3. Value – Make reasoned value judgment and responsible commitments.
4. Act – Act purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly.
The college catalog outlines these competencies. The activities in this course will further develop
your mastery of the four core competencies.
CLAST Competencies:
IA. Read with literal comprehension.
Classroom Policies
Attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to arrive on time. Class begins when I’m taking
roll call. According to college policy, after three absences, students will receive an excessive
absence warning.
After four absences, the student will be withdrawn from the course. Being late three times
fifteen minutes or more will count as an absence. It is your responsibility to tell the professor if
you were late for class, so you can be marked late.
All students arriving late to class or leaving early disrupt the classroom routine and learning
process for everyone else in the class. Early departures will be documented, with three such
cases counting as an absence.
Attendance and participation = 100 points
6 points are deducted for each day absent
This course requires preparation for each session. If for some reason you’re not able to
attend a session, it is your responsibility to complete the work assigned.
All homework will be posted on Blackboard. Check your Blackboard daily.
All homework has a deadline. Once the homework deadline is past due, the system
will not accept your work.
Plan your time wisely, so you can deliver your work on time. Late work will not be accepted.
Even if you talk to me about not doing your homework or if you send me an email, homework is
expected on time. If you had an emergency and missed homework, I suggest you
Assignment and Homework Submission
Assignments and homework need to be submitted through Blackboard. This is the only way your
assignments and homework will be corrected. If you email your work, it will not be graded.
If you experience any problem submitting your work, you can contact the Online Courses Help
Desk through email at onlinehelp@valenciacollege.edu or by calling 407-582-5600.
For tutorial and getting you started with Blackboard,
access the following link:
It is required to seek assistance in the Writing Center, located on building 5-155, for ALL writing
assignments. Make your appointments on time for the semester to assure you will be given time
to work with an instructor.
In Class Assignments:
All assignments completed in class must follow the criteria below or an assignment may lose
points, be returned ungraded, or earn a grade of zero. Assignments must
 be your individual and original work- not copied from another person or allowed to be
copied by another person
 be completed in blue or black ink pen and double-spaced (skip lines) or typed Page 6 of 9
 be completed on standard 8½x11 college-ruled loose-leaf paper (with side edging
removed from spiral notebook paper)
 include your first name and last name (in that order), the course name, the assignment
chapter and exercise number, and the
 assignment due date in the UPPER RIGHT-HAND CORNER
 be fully completed
 be clean (no editing marks, no food or drink stains, no drawings) and be legible and neat
 be stapled together in the UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER (if more than one page)
 be ready to hand in at the beginning of class
 have all pages in order
Example Assignment
Your Name |First name Last name
Course Name |EAP 1520C
Assignment Name |Chapter 1
Due Date
|January 8, 2014
(title line)
When completing an assignment for class, write the heading information
above the title
line in the upper right hand corner. Double space your writing - write on every
other line.
Write on only one side of the paper and complete your work in blue or black
ink pen. Also,
do not write into the margins.
Important: Students get a “0” (“F”) for every assignment that is not turned in.
Required Lab:
Lab is required in EAP 1520C. Lab work will be completed online at http://www.aplia.com/. To
earn full credit for the lab, you must complete all lab assignments at 80% or higher. Partial credit
will be earned for incomplete lab assignments or for those with scores less than 80%. There are
no makeup labs or extensions. Any lab not completed will earn a zero and may not be made up
unless due to illness or emergency with documentation (see Syllabus, page 10, How to access
your Aplia course).
Vocabulary Assignments:
You will be completing a selection of assignments from chapters in Vocabulary Power 3 in the
Communications Center, 5-155. These assignments will make up a portion of your homework
grade. Partial credit will be earned for incomplete assignments. There will be no makeup
exercises or extensions. Any assignment not completed will earn a zero and may not be made up
unless due to illness or emergency with documentation.
Periodic quizzes may be given. If you are absent on the day of a quiz, that quiz will earn a grade
of zero. There are no makeup quizzes (unless due to illness or emergency with official
Academic Honesty
Neither plagiarism nor misrepresentation is tolerated. Academic dishonesty may result in
withdrawal from the course and can produce other punitive consequences as well. Copying work
from another source, i.e. internet, book, etc, is an example of academic dishonesty. Please refer
to the Grounds for Discipline section under Student Conduct of the Valencia Student Personal
Planner/Handbook which will be strictly enforced in this class.
Personal Concerns
Any question that involves a personal matter should be discussed privately with me, not while a
lesson is delivered. Every decision made to solve a particular matter will be handed through
email. You email me your concern, and I will respond in writing.
It is essential that you come to class prepared. Participation includes taking notes, actively
engaging in class activities, and not talking out of turn. You need to keep evidence of all notes
taken. This is part of your participation grade.
Cell phone/Electronic Device Policy
All cell phones must be must be turn to silent or vibrate. Students using the cell phone during
class will be asked to leave the classroom. Do not text during class. Computer use (Web Surfing,
Email) is only allowed when instructed by the professor.
The computers are only used for academic purposes and are an additional learning tool to
accomplish all course objectives. If any electronic device is used for any other purpose than
learning, you will not be able to use any electronic device in the classroom.
When taking a quiz or a test, all your belongings need to be left near the door. All cell phones or
any other electronic device should also be left with your belongings. Any student that takes a test
with a cell phone near her/his desk will not be able to take the test. In other words, the test will
be taken away, and a zero will be given.
Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a Notification
to Instructor (NTI) form from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss
specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for
Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of
Withdrawal Policy
Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and
Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a
particular term will receive a grade of “W. A student is not permitted to withdraw after the
withdrawal deadline of March 21, 2014. A faculty member will withdraw a student up to the
beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is
withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”.
Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in
the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” If you do not intend to complete the course, you
must withdraw yourself prior to the withdrawal date. Review the complete policy at
Evaluation and Grading Scale: EAP courses use a ten-point scale, with a “C” as the minimum
passing and advancement grade for each course.
Determination of final course grade:
Grades that satisfy the EAP course requirement
A= 90 – 100
B= 80 – 89
C= 70 – 79
Grades that NOT satisfy the EAP course requirement
D= 60 – 69
F= below 60
Midterm Exam: The midterm exam is due during the 8th week of the semester.
The Final Exam: The final exam is a college-wide departmental exam. The comprehensive
final exam will be given on the scheduled final exam date for the course and is worth 25% of
your final grade. There is no retest. The Exam must be taken at the time and date scheduled.
Your Final Grade will be calculated like this:
Participation in class:
10% (includes in class assignments, homework, attendance,
participation, discipline, etc.)
Newspaper Presentation 3x: 10%
Group Presentation of a Text: 5%
Book Report: 10%
Lab: 10%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Quizzes: 15%
Final Test: 20%
*Students who miss the final exam: According to college policy, students who miss the
final exam will fail the course.
Atlas e-mail: You should check your atlas e-mail regularly. Important information will be sent
to you, and it is your responsibility to remain informed.
Email to a Professor:
Email your professor from your Atlas email account.
Include the course number in the subject line, e.g. "Question about EAP 1560C," for example.
Choose an appropriate greeting, e.g. "Mr. Einstein," "Ms. Monroe" or "Professor Hawking".
End your email with your full name, course number, and meeting day and time:
Michael Smith
EAP 1520C, TR 5:30-6:45 p.m.
Proofread what you have written. Use formal spelling, grammar and punctuation. If an email to
your professor is not worth writing correctly, it is probably not worth writing.
Do not use all capital letters in your email. That is considered SCREAMING at the person you
are emailing.
It is important to understand that a professor (or potential employer) will judge you not only by
your work but also by how you communicate with him or her. Below is an example of what a
proper email to your professor should look like:
Subject: EAP 1520C Website
Professor Jones,
I have been trying to locate the website you recommended to complete Chapter 1 for Thursday.
you please email the link to me at your earliest convenience?
Thank you.
Michael Smith
EAP 1520C, TR 5:30-6:45 p.m.
Late work and makeup work: Missed work because of excused absences (doctor’s excuse or a
note from a court, for example) will be made up according to the instructor’s discretion.
Academic Honesty: All work submitted must be your own, original work. Cheating in any
aspect of the course will result in failure.
Important Dates:
Spring Term: January 6, 2014 – April 27, 2014
Withdrawal deadline to receive a “W”: Friday, March 21, 2014, by 11:59 pm.
College closed: Monday, January 20 MLK Observed
Spring Break-College closed March 3-7, 2014
Faculty Work Day East Campus (Credit Classes Do Not Meet): Thursday, October 11
Final Exam Week: April 21-25
Final Exam: Wednesday, April 21, 2014
Disclaimer: Instructor reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus at any time during the
course. Students are responsible for keeping up with the changes.
Please Read:
Behavioral Health Assistance
Valencia College is interested in making sure all our students have a rewarding and successful
college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help with issues
dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time
management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. BayCare
Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all Valencia students
and available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 878-5470. Free face-to-face counseling is also
Disclaimer: A revised syllabus may be provided at the discretion of the instructor during any
time of the course work to suit any academic need if required.
How to access your Aplia course
EAP 1520C - MW 7:00 PM-8:15PM – Spring-2014
Instructor: Dr. B. O’Connor
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Key: TBA
Aplia is part of CengageBrain, which allows you to sign in to a single site to access your
materials and courses.
1. Connect to http://aplia.com or http://login.cengagebrain.com/
2. If you already have an account with Aplia or CengageBrain, sign in. From your
Dashboard, enter the course key (T8ZJ-5VX9-GVV3) in the box provided, and click the
Register button.
3. If you don't already have an account, click the Create an Account button, and enter the
course key (8SMM-MSGH-89X3) when prompted. Continue to follow the on-screen
Bookstore: Get access to Aplia by purchasing the Aplia access code card at the Valencia
College, West Campus, bookstore.
Online: You can also purchase access to your course from the CengageBrain website.
Student Resources & Links
The Writing Center
Links (all these links are available under Current Studenthttp://valenciacollege.edu/students.cfm)
College Catalog- http://valenciacollege.edu/catalog/
Policy Manual- http://valenciacollege.edu/generalcounsel/
Student-Handbook – http://valenciacollege.edu/studentdev/CampusInformationServices.cfm
EAP Lab- http://valenciacollege.edu/east/academicsuccess/eap/
Contact information of classmates you can call for support
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________________
E-mail address: __________________________________________________________
The best time to call: ______________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________________
E-mail address: __________________________________________________________
The best time to call: ______________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________________
E-mail address: __________________________________________________________
The best time to call: ______________________________________________________
My learning goals for this course are:
In order for me to accomplish these goals, I will:
I have read and discuss the syllabus, and what is required to academically succeed in this
Date: _______________
EAP 1520 Spring-2014 Tentative Class Schedule
Changes in the schedule may be made at any time at the discretion of the instructor. Changes will
be announced in class and students will be responsible for keeping up with the changes.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Newspaper Presentation
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Newspaper Presentation
Chapter 4
Group 1-Story Presentation
Newspaper Presentation
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Newspaper Presentation
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Group 2 –Story Presentation
Newspaper Presentation
Midterm Exam
Chapter 7
Newspaper Presentation
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Group 3-Story Presentation
Newspaper Presentation
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Newspaper Presentation
Chapter 9
Group 4-Story Presentation
Chapter 10
Newspaper Presentation
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 3-Quiz 1 (reading
Vocabulary 4- Quiz 2
(vocabulary 1 and 2)
Vocabulary 5- Quiz 3 (reading
Vocabulary 6-Quiz 4
(vocabulary 3 and 4)
Vocabulary 7
Quiz 5 (reading
Vocabulary 8
Quiz 6 (Vocabulary 1-6)
Vocabulary 9
Vocabulary 10-Quiz 7
(reading comprehension)
Week 12
Chapter 10
Week 13
Book Report due
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Lab Due
Final Exam Review
Final Exam
Quiz 8 (vocabulary 1-8)
Final Exam: The final exam is a college-wide departmental exam. The comprehensive final
exam will be given on the
scheduled final exam date for the course and is worth 25% of your final grade. There is no retest.
Quizzes, tests, and class activities cannot be made up.
**Disclaimer: A revised syllabus may be provided at the discretion of the instructor during any
time of the course work to suit any academic need if required.