Marriage and Family A man will leave his father and Mother and be united with His wife and the two will Become ONE BODY (The bible) What God has joined Let no man separate (The Bible) GCSE Revision Adultery a sexual act between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner • civil partnership a legal ceremony giving a homosexual couple the same legal rights as a husband and wife • cohabitation living together without being married • contraception intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring • faithfulness staying with your marriage partner, having sex only with them • homosexuality sexual attraction to the same sex • nuclear family mother, father and children living as a unit • pre-marital sex sex before marriage • procreation making a new life • promiscuity having sex with a number of partners without commitment • re-constituted family where two sets of children (stepbrothers and stepsisters) become one family when their divorced parents marry each other • re-marriage • marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage Changing attitudes to marriage and family life Safer contraception More sex before marriage & more COHABITING couples People are not as religious More single parent & reconstituted families Easier & Cheaper More DIVORCES People take vows less seriously Women less prepared to put up with bad treatment More divorces Medical research Has shown that Homosexuality is natural Changes in the law Media coverage of Gay celebrities More civil Partnerships (this is a legal Ceremony giving Homosexual Couples the Same rights as Husband and wife) Gay rights campaigns Sex Outside Marriage The Christian attitude to cohabitation is similar to that for premarital sex PREMARITAL Sex Church has to modernise Bible Most Christians “IT’S WRONG” Liberal Protestants ACCEPT IF it the Couple intend to MARRY Jesus said love most important thing There shouldn’t be a Hint of sexual Immorality among you -ST PAUL Church Leaders condemn Breaks 7th command ment Against Marriage Vows The husband and wife Promise to FORSAKE ALL OTHERS ADULTERY (when a married person has sex with someone other than their spouse) ALWAYS WRONG Weddings and Marriage Comfort & Companionship Live together in Love Catholics see Marriage as a SACRAMENT (an outward sign of God’s blessing) Promises before witnesses to stay together ‘til death Purpose Have children and create a Christian Family Enjoy Sex in God’s intended way Exchange Rings Outward sign of eternal love Exchange Vows Wedding features Prayers and Bible Readings God is an important part of the marriage Divorce – LEGALLY dissolving a marriage, so the couple can REMARRY ROMAN CATHOLICS Not Allowed ANNULMENT allowed e.g. where one partner not baptised A COVENANT (agreement) with God CANNOT be broken Jesus banned it (In Mark – the bible) God FORGIVES people and allows them a NEW START Jesus allows divorce for ADULTERY in Matthew PROTESTANTS Disapprove but Allowed Family Life Types Extended Basis of Society Where children taught right from wrong Nuclear Parents CARE for children’s physical needs (food etc.) Reconstituted Parents set good CHRISTIAN EXAMPLE (Pray together, go to church etc.) Why family important to Christians A major purpose of marriage Children OBEY and RESPECT parents Christian Family Children LOOK AFTER parents when old Created by God Baptisms/Dedications – parents promise a loving Christian home How CHURCHES assist family life Sunday School, Family Services Cubs, Brownies, Girls’ and Boys’ Brigade Family Guidance Counselling Christianity and Homosexuality • Liberal Protestants – Homosexuals should be respected, but they should restrict their sex to one lifelong partner. • Because: – The parts of the Bible that condemn homosexuality are from the culture of the time not from God. – Jesus never condemned homosexuals and said love is the most important thing. • Evangelical Protestants – It’s a sin and homosexuals should pray to be changed. • Because: – The Bible says homosexuality is wrong. – The Holy Spirit can change people. • Roman Catholics – Being a homosexual is not a sin but having homosexual sex is. • Because – The bible says things against homosexuality. – The Pope and church traditionally say it’s wrong – Sex should be about creating a new life and this can’t be done in a homosexual relationship. Christian attitudes to contraception Contraception – intentionally preventing pregnancy. The Roman Catholic Attitude They don’t allow it because… • Marriage is to have children • May encourage adultery • There should always be the possibility of children • The Pope says it is wrong The Non-Catholic Attitude They allow it because… • Contraception improves women’s health • God made sex for enjoyment not just to have babies • There’s nothing in the bible that forbids contraception • Contraception stops STI’s and unwanted pregnancy How an issue from Marriage and the Family has been presented in one form of the media Media: Issue: • TV Programme Simpsons “Homer the Heretic” • Family Life Why this was • It shows the important and why problems associated the producers with bringing up a family in the focused on this Christian faith when parents issue disagree. It was chosen due to the influence of other religions in a increasingly Secular (non-religious) Society. Outline of how the issue was presented • Homer splits his trousers and refuses to go to church. • Marge insists on taking the children without him and they have a miserable time at church (cold, boring, they get locked in the church) • Homer has his best day ever and decides to start a new religion of his own. • Marge tries to convince Homer to come back to church and explains how important it is that the children are brought up in her faith. • Homer accidently sets his house on fire. • All the people of the county, of different religions, come together to save his house. Homer starts to go back to church. Was the issue presented fairly? Yes: It showed... No: It... • that there’s a struggle • gave the impression that between faith and Secular all people are theists but society don’t to church due to boredom • how the actions of a father sets examples for his • showed children being children (Bart agreeing with forced to share a religion Homer and wanting to stay because of parent and home) not choice (Marge forcing the children to go to • the common arguments for church) people who still believe in God (theists) but choose • implied that going to not to go to church “why church was more should I go to church when I important than family life can worship you as Marge said she would everywhere in my own way” choose ‘God’ over Homer Was it fair to religious beliefs? Yes: It showed... No: It... • how strongly people hold their faith • that God is ‘good’ as it was said that He had nothing to do with the fire, but was working in the hearts of all who helped. This shows the key ideas of compassion and tolerance in all religions, as the people were from different faiths • had ‘God’ agreeing with Homer about how going to a place of worship and keeping one day Holy was unnecessary • gave the impression that there is a belief that God will punish anyone who doesn’t go to church (Homer refused to go and his house caught fire) Was it fair to religious people? Yes: It showed... • all religions working together to help someone who didn’t share their faith • Marge committed to bringing up her children in the way she promised • People committed to their faith as a family (the church was cold, but the Simpsons and Millhouse’s family still went to church) No: It showed... • Homer refusing to help a different religion (Krusty collecting for ‘Jewish Clowns’) • Rev Lovejoy and the church as boring and cold • Christians (Ned) disregarding tolerance and risking safety (of his family & others) to convert Homer • A Christian holding his religion higher than any other (referring to Apu’s religion of Hinduism as ‘miscellaneous’)