NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 100 Elderly Services 101 103 107 109 111 113 115 117 DEFINITION This code is used in reports to indicate that services have been provided to participants but the type and units have not been recorded. Chore Provision of assistance to persons experiencing difficulties with such activities as heavy housework, yard work, sidewalk maintenance, and minor home repairs. Companion Service intended to provide company to a participant in a protective and supervisory capacity. It may include such home management activities as cooking and light housekeeping. Adult Day Care Provision of personal care for dependent adults in a supervised, protective, congregate setting during some portion of a twenty-four hour day. Services offered in conjunction with adult day care frequently include social and recreational activities, training, counseling, and meals for adult day care participants while at facility. Services such as rehabilitation, medications assistance, and personal care assistance, are also provided by some adult day care programs. Employment Service designed to help participants locate and qualify for Assistance gainful employment. Energy Related Service designed to furnish fuel and/or utilities to participants Assistance who are unable to purchase them at market price. Special arrangements are made with fuel and utility suppliers to reimburse them for the delivery of fuel or the provision of utilities at prices negotiated at or below the market price. The elderly participants or their families are expected to share costs at levels determined by their economic circumstances. Assisted Provision of assistance, including escort, to a person who has Transportation difficulties (physical or cognitive) using regular vehicular transportation. This definition replaces the service designation “ESCORT” formerly in use. Adult Foster Service designed to provide a family atmosphere in a Care substitute family setting to safeguard the individual and avoid inappropriate institutional placement. Friendly Visiting A service in which volunteers visit on a regularly scheduled basis the homes of participants who live alone and are socially isolated and/or geographically isolated. It provides protection and socialization for the participants. The visitor helps the elderly participant maintain contact with the outside world by providing such service activities as letter writing and reading. B-2.1 UNIT None Specified One Hour One Hour One Hour One Contact One Contact One OneWay Trip One Day One Hour NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE 119 SERVICE Homemaker 123 Home Repair & Renovation 124 Information & Assistance 125 Language Translation 127 Legal Assistance DEFINITION A service designed to maintain, strengthen, and safeguard household functioning and independent living for participants who need either temporary assistance due to illness or longterm assistance due to chronic disabling conditions. Homemakers perform home management functions. These functions may include cooking, cleaning, laundry, mending and other light household chores. Although similar to companion, the primary emphasis in homemaker service is on the performance of home management functions while the primary emphasis in companion service is on the provision of supervision and companionship. Service designed to help participants make essential repairs to their homes either to restore them to their original condition or to make them safe by removing health hazards. Includes renovations designed to remove architectural barriers and provide structural improvements that will enable participants suffering from chronic disabling conditions to remain in their own homes. A service for older individuals that (A) provides the individuals with current information on opportunities and services available to the individuals in their communities, including information related to assistive technology; (B) assesses the problem and capacities of the individuals; (C) links the individuals to the opportunities and services that are available; (D) to the maximum extent practicable, ensures that the individuals receive the services needed by the individuals, and are aware of the opportunities available to the individuals, by establishing adequate follow-up procedures. Service may be reported for individual participants where possible or by using group identifiers where individual reporting is not practicable. Service designed to reduce barriers in communication so that the social functioning of participants who do not speak English can be assisted. Provision of legal advice, counseling, and representation by an attorney or other person acting under the supervision of an attorney. This code is to be used to indicate generic legal assistance. Specialized codes indicating the nature of the legal problem necessitating service are found in the 900 block of codes. B-2.2 UNIT One Hour One Hour One Contact One Contact One Hour NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE DEFINITION UNIT 131 Outreach Interventions initiated by an agency or organization for the purpose of identifying individuals with unmet assistance needs and encouraging their use of existing services and benefits. This service includes both the initial contact and any follow-up contacts required to link the participant to appropriate services. This code is to be used both for Outreach, and the service definition “Outreach Follow-up” (147) formerly in use. One Contact 133 Recreation One Hour 135 Case Management 137 Personal Emergency Response Shopping Services Service designed to promote health and social well being by providing activities for social interaction and development of the participant in a group setting. Assistance either in the form of access or care coordination in circumstances where the older person and/or their caregivers are experiencing diminished functioning capacities, personal conditions, or other characteristics which require provision of services by formal providers. Activities of case management include assessing needs, developing care plans, authorizing services, arranging services, coordinating the provision of services among providers, follow-up and reassessment , as required. This service replaces the service definition “SAFEGUARDING” formerly in use. In home, twenty-four hour electronic alarm system which enables a high risk to secure help in a medical, physical, emotional, or environmental emergency. Service helps participants to obtain food and other basic necessities in the interest of safety and convenience. This service could involve taking the participant shopping if he/she is able to leave home, or doing the shopping for participants who are not able to get out. Deference should be given to the participant’s preferred merchants and to convenience. Service provides telephone or personal contact at a prearranged time for participants who live alone. It ensures their health and safety, assures them that help is available if and when needed, and provides community contact over a sustained period of time. This service includes a mechanism to investigate if the participant does not answer the telephone or does not otherwise respond at the prearranged time. One Contact 139 141 Personal Reassurance B-2.3 One Hour One Month One Hour NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 143 Training 145 Weatherization 149 Senior Center Participation 151 Social Support Services 153 Volunteer Opportunities DEFINITION Service enhances the effectiveness of those who are volunteering their service on behalf of a provider agency and ensures quality care and services. Training includes educational programs for participants seeking paid employment. Service aids low-income participants by reducing the cost of heating or cooling their homes and/or by assuring them of adequate heat during the winter months. It utilizes various energy-saving techniques such as insulating and installing storm windows. A service designed to create socialization opportunities and others that are difficult to differentiate or describe. These services are delivered on an as-needed basis by the center director, other professional or volunteer staff, or, in some instances, other participants. This category has been UNIT One Session One Hour One Half Day introduced to cover those services available to Senior Citizen Center members on an informal or unstructured basis. These services are not provided during specific time periods, in specially arranged sessions, or by specifically designated personnel. Services which assist participant in adjusting to problems in One Hour their personal lives or living environment. They include guidance and assistance in such areas as personal adjustment; marital problems; alcohol or drug dependency, family relations and adjustment counseling. This service includes active intervention in the participant’s social environment in order to assist the participant in producing an appropriate adjustment. This category covers generic or psychosocial adjustment counseling. This category is included to allow the system to record work One Hour done by volunteers in projects covered by the system as well as to record the efforts of those specifically developed to offer participants the chance to experience meaningful social involvement through voluntary community service. This category can be used to record the number of hours of volunteer work contributed by the Area Agency and Nutrition Project Board members. B-2.4 NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 154 Personal Assistance Credits 155 Housing Alternatives 163 Home Share Match 164 Home Share Enrollment 167 Medical Visit 247 Benefits Counseling 248 Caregiver Counseling 249 Employment Counseling 251 Housing Counseling 252 Health Counseling DEFINITION Volunteers provide personal assistance service such as transportation, grocery shopping, respite care and friendly visiting to older persons requiring this assistance to remain in the community. In return these volunteers are given credits, which may be used for similar services should they be required by the volunteers at some time in the future. This category refers to new and creative efforts in the field of alternative living arrangements that cannot be classified as Foster Care, Day Care, or Home Share Match. This category refers to one elderly participant moving into a home that provides for the financial, emotional, physical and/or social well being of both parties. This category refers to any individual who has submitted an application/registration form for the Connecticut Home Share Program and/or has registered as a potential home sharer and seeks a home share match. The applicant has completed the housing counseling stage and has been given information about the Home Share Program. Medical visits provide physician or nurse practitioner care either in the home or in a clinic setting. This service helps the elderly in determining their eligibility for income maintenance or public assistance, assists in processing or filling out forms such as insurance, and teaches about local, state and federal tax benefits or credits. This service helps participants caring for an older person and/or children in a individual setting make decisions and solve problems relating to their caregiving roles such as providing advice and instruction. This service assists the elderly in their adjustment to retirement through pre-retirement programs or a more crisisoriented service for retirees. This service may also include advice about employment and enhancement of employability. This service is designed to assist the participant in obtaining housing. It also provides suggestions for the improvement of present living conditions. Service designed to provide individuals with an awareness of preventative, remedial and/or rehabilitative self-health care focused on the particular needs of participating individuals. B-2.5 UNIT One Hour One Day One Match One Enrollment One Visit One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE 253 254 255 357 359 361 363 SERVICE DEFINITION Mental Health Counseling This service is designed to provide psychiatric care and counseling to persons in danger of institutionalization or who may have suffered significant losses, dementia, depressions, etc. Pharmaceutical therapy is available in addition to counseling when needed. A psychiatrist is available for home visits. Home Mental This service is designed to provide psychiatric care and Health counseling in the home to persons in danger of Counseling institutionalization or who may have suffered significant losses, dementia, depression, etc. Pharmaceutical therapy is available in addition to counseling when needed. Money This service provides assistance to persons whose ability to Management manage their own financial affairs is restricted by either impairment or lack of previous experience. This service can be provided by professionals or volunteers working under the supervision of qualified professionals. Hospice This category refers to family and home oriented palliative care which focuses on emotional and psychological support for an understanding of the 60+ incurable disease victim. This care includes pharmaceutical services, bereavement counseling, volunteer visits, training and visits by social workers, counselors, and ancillary medical personnel. Health Service designed to develop an individualized profile of Assessments participants’ current health and the services required to maintain or improve their functioning. Service may be provided by a medical doctor or a diagnostically trained nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. Health Service is designed to promote and maintain community Screening/ Clinic health by providing testing services for the assessment of a participant’s health status and the determination of need for Home Health Aide UNIT One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Visit One Visit further health care. Providing personal assistance, stand-by assistance, One Hour supervision or cues for persons having difficulties with one or more of the following activities of daily living: eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, and transferring in and out of bed. B-2.6 NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE 364 SERVICE DEFINITION Home health aide services that are provided on a live-in (day and night) basis. Services include personal assistance, standby assistance, supervision or cues for persons having difficulties with one or more of the activities of daily living: eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, and transferring. Aides are trained by licensed home health agencies and perform personal care functions under the supervision of a licensed health care practitioner. This service is intended to be used with the state funded Alzheimer’s respite program. If this service is funded under the Older Americans Act the service must be converted to hours for compatibility with Administration on Aging reporting requirements. Temporary This service provides short-term inpatient respite care in an Inpatient Care – institutional setting. The service is usually provided in a Institutional nursing home and includes a room, meals, substantial assistance with personal care and daily living, protective supervision and recreational activities. Nursing services may also be provided. Temporary This service is similar to service code 365 with the exception Inpatient Care – that it provides respite care in non-institutional settings such Non-Institutional as residential care homes, assisted living communities, etc. The service includes a room, meals, substantial assistance with personal care and daily living, protective supervision and recreational activities. Nursing services may also be provided. Respite Service designed to provide temporary care to a participant requiring personal care assistance so that his or her at-home caregiver (usually a family member) can have a break. Respite can be provided in the home, long term care facility, or a day care facility. Nursing Visits Service designed to provide part-time preventative, restorative and rehabilitative nursing care, including health education and counseling to participants who can be cared for at home. One Day 377 Therapeutic Activity One Hour 385 477 Dental Clinics Transportation 365 366 367 369 Live-In Home Health Aide UNIT Service designed to provide participants with organized activities intended to improve their physical or emotional health. Clinic programs that offer dental screening and/or treatment. Provision of a means of transportation for a person who requires help in going from one location to another, using a B-2.7 One Day One Day One Hour ¼ Hour One Visit One OneWay Trip NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 478 Medical Transportation 583 Home Delivered Meals DEFINITION UNIT vehicle. Does not include any other activity. This definition has been expanded to include the designations “Demand Transportation for the Non Ambulatory” (478) and “Fixed Route Transportation” (479) formerly in use. Specialized service to provide participants with transportation One Oneto and from destinations that provide medical services. May Way Trip include assistive technologies for persons with mobility limitations. Provision, to an eligible participant or other eligible recipient One Meal in the participant’s place of residence, a meal which: (a) complies with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (published by the Secretaries of the Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture); (b) provides, if one meal is served, a minimum of 33 and 1/3 percent of the current daily Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) as established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences; (c) provides, if two meals are served, a minimum of 66 and 2/3 percent of the current daily RDA; although there is no requirement regarding the percentage of the current daily RDA which and individual meal must provide, a second meal shall be balanced and proportional in calories and nutrients; and, (d) provides, if three meals are served, together, 100 percent of the current daily RDA; although there is no requirement as to the percentage of the current daily RDA which an individual meal must provide, a second and third meal shall be balanced and proportional in calories and nutrients. B-2.8 NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE 585 SERVICE Congregate Meals DEFINITION Provision, to an eligible participant or other eligible recipient in a nutrition site, senior center, or some other congregate setting, a meal which: UNIT One Meal (a) complies with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (published by the Secretaries of the Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture); (b) provides, if one meal is served, a minimum of 33 and 1/3 percent of the current daily Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) as established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences; 587 Food Buying Club 588 Food Pantry 589 Nutrition Assessment (c) provides, if two meals are served, a minimum of 66 and 2/3 percent of the current daily RDA; although there is no requirement regarding the percentage of the current daily RDA which and individual meal must provide, a second meal shall be balanced and proportional in calories and nutrients; and, (d) provides, if three meals are served, together, 100 percent of the current daily RDA; although there is no requirement as to the percentage of the current daily RDA which an individual meal must provide, a second and third meal shall be balanced and proportional in calories and nutrients. A service that provides reduced costs in purchasing food through a group buying process. Pre-orders are taken, bulk purchase is made, packaging is performed by volunteers and distribution is made to participants. A service that distributes contributed food to seniors at no cost to the participant. Participants may come to the pantry or the pantry may bring food to the participant. Service Designed to develop and individualized profile of participants’ current nutritional status and the measures required to overcome any deficiencies uncovered. Service must be provided by a dietitian registered with the American Dietetics Association or other health care professional with comparable training. B-2.9 One Contact One Distribution One Contact NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 591 Nutrition Counseling 671 Caregiver Support Groups 673 Caregiver Training 675 Child Respite 685 Health Education 687 Continuing Education 695 Congregate Nutrition Education 696 Home Nutrition Education DEFINITION Provision of individualized advice and guidance to individuals, who are at nutritional risk, because of their health or nutritional history, dietary intake, medications use or chronic illness, about options and methods for improving their nutritional status, performed by a health professional in accordance with state law and policy. This service assists participants in adjusting to problems in their lives as they care for an older individual or child. They include guidance and assistance in such areas as personal adjustment, family relations, and guardianship. This service includes active group intervention in order to assist the participant in solving problems and making decisions. This service enhances the skills of those who are caring for older individuals and/or grandparents/relatives caring for children. Training sessions may include, but are not limited to: medication management, child health, and instructions regarding how to assist with activities of daily living such as bathing and dressing. Service designed to provide temporary care to a child 18 years of age and younger so that his or her at-home caregiver (grandparent or elderly relative) can have a short-term break. Respite can be provided in the home, campy or a daycare facility. Service designed to provide individuals or groups of participants with an awareness of preventative, remedial and/or rehabilitative self-health care depending on the health needs of that particular individual/group. Service designed to provide the elderly with an opportunity to acquire and/or improve their knowledge and skills through a formal or informal mechanism of meetings, training sessions, seminars and workshops. A program to promote better health by providing accurate and culturally sensitive nutrition, physical fitness, or health (as it relates to nutrition education) to participants in a group setting overseen by a dietitian or individual of comparable expertise. Personal contact with client or caretaker to provide instruction and encouragement for sound dietary practices. B-2.10 UNIT One Hour One Session One Session One Hour One Session One Session One Session One Contact NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE 697 699 710 712 714 800 SERVICE DEFINITION Family Life Education This category is provided to cover those education or training programs that deal with family and individual adjustment. It provides participants with the skills required to cope with the psychological and societal problems spawned by advancing years. Benefits This category covers those educational programs designed to Education make the participants aware of government or nongovernment programs available to assist them in meeting their needs and solving their problems. These programs address the details of the services provided, eligibility requirements, and the places where the services are delivered. Congregate The congregate meals served to persons under the age of 60 Meals – Nonwho are not spouses of participants who are 60 years of age or Participant older or otherwise eligible for the program, and meals served to staff and guests. Congregate Meals served to participants for whom the site does not have Meals – Eligible, an identifier. This category would include, for example, No ID meals served to eligible participants who come for a special event but are not expected to eat at the site again. Volunteers under 60 years of age, could be included if permitted by AAA policy. Wasted Meals This is the number showing the difference between the meals ordered and the meals served. Personal Care Assists the client with bathing, shampooing and drying hair, Aide [CHSP] dressing and dental hygiene. A free initial assessment is included to determine the client’s need and appropriateness for services. 801 Foot Care [CHSP] 802 Foot Care [Nurse-CHSP] 807 State Alzheimer’s Adult Day Care UNIT One Session One Session One Meal One Meal One Meal One Visit Routine foot care provided by a licensed cosmetologist in a One Visit client’s home which includes soaking and lotioning of feet and trimming, filing and cleaning of toenails. Routine foot care provided by a registered nurse in a client’s One Visit home which includes soaking and lotioning of feet and trimming, filing and cleaning of toenails when there is a diagnosis of diabetes, vascular disease or when the client is on a blood thinner. A written physician’s order is obtained and renewed every six months. State funded day care provides personal care, assistance in One Hour activities of daily living, and therapeutic services in a protective group setting to State-Funded Alzheimer’s participants. These services may prevent the institutionalization of individuals with cognitive or physical impairments. B-2.11 NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 853 Direct Volunteer Services 861 863 901 902 903 904 909 911 912 913 914 919 DEFINITION UNIT This code was established to record the total number of contacts between volunteers and elderly service participants in the community for a given period on a consolidated or group basis. It is used in those instances where the nature of the service provided by the volunteer is of such a diverse nature that it cannot be otherwise identified. Public Education This category is included to cover activities undertaken to increase public awareness of problems or concerns facing the older populations and solutions to these problems. These activities may include public service announcements in the media, preparation of pamphlets, reports, presentations, seminars and newsletters. The target audience of these activities is the general population, and it is usually not possible to specify the number of participants with any degree of precision. Website Contact Contact or “hit” on an Internet WEB site maintained by the Department of Social Services or a Department of Social Services contractor or grantee to provided the public with information on services or issues of concern to the older population. Medicaid (Title Legal assistance on Medicaid related problems. XIX) Medicare/Medig Legal assistance on problems related to Medicare or Medicare ap supplement (Medigap) insurance. QMB/SLMB Legal assistance with problems related to the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) or Specified Low-income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) programs. Nursing Home Legal assistance with matters associated with nursing home Issues placement or treatment. Other Legal assistance with all other problems associated with Health/LTC Health Care Directives Wills Probate Powers of Attorney Other Autonomy/ Planning health care or long-term care. Legal assistance with advanced directives, living wills, and related issues. Legal assistance with wills. Legal assistance with matters related to probate court. Legal assistance with matters related to powers of attorney. Legal assistance with all other matters related to personal autonomy, elder rights, and planning for future crisis. B-2.12 One Contact One Activity One Contact One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 921 Social Security/SSI State Supplement Veterans/Railroa d Retirement Legal assistance with problems related to Social Security or One Hour SSI eligibility or benefits. Legal assistance with problems related to State Supplement One Hour eligibility or benefits. Legal assistance with problems related to veterans, Railroad One Hour Retirement system, or other public retirement systems benefit. 924 Food Stamps 925 926 General Assistance Unemployment 929 Other Benefits 931 Protective/ Restraining Orders Abuse/ Neglect Legal assistance with problems related to Food Stamp eligibility or benefits. Legal assistance related to General Assistance eligibility or benefits. Legal assistance related to Unemployment eligibility or benefits. Legal assistance related to problems with eligibility or benefits from other public programs. Legal assistance with restraining orders and other protective measures. 922 923 932 933 939 941 942 943 944 945 959 961 962 969 979 Financial Exploitation Other Protective Services Landlord/Tenant Public Housing Utilities Energy Assistance Other Housing/ Utilities Discrimination Grandparent’s Rights Divorce/Separati on Other Family Issues Consumer Issues DEFINITION UNIT One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour Legal assistance with problems relating to abuse or neglect by One Hour others. Legal assistance with programs relating to financial One Hour exploitation. Legal assistance with other protective service related issues. One Hour Legal assistance with disputes between landlords and tenants. Legal assistance with problems involving public housing. Legal assistance with problems involving utilities. Legal assistance with problems related to heating and cooling costs or assistance. Legal assistance with other problems involving housing or shelter costs. Legal assistance with problems involving discrimination. Legal assistance with problems related to grandparent’s rights. Legal assistance with divorce, annulment, or separation. One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour Legal assistance with all other family related problems. One Hour Legal assistance with problems related to consumer complaints or other related issues. One Hour B-2.13 One Hour One Hour One Hour One Hour NAPIS SERVICE CODES & DEFINITIONS CODE SERVICE 998 Supplemental Services 999 Unspecified Social Services DEFINITION UNIT Services provided to eligible family caregivers to sustain or One Dollar enhance their ability to provide care for older family members and/or dependent children. It is to be reported in terms of the dollar value of the services provided. AoA-PI01-02 defines this category as “other services, as defined by states, to support the needs of caregivers.” This code is used in target forms and certain reports to None identify participants of services funded under Title III-B, D, Specified and F of the Older Americans Act without specifying the particular service they received. B-2.14