ap world history - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

NAME: ____________________________
The Industrial Revolution in Russia and Japan
Part I: Due Wednesday February 26th
Read Stearns, Chapter 27, pg. 617-625
Key Vocabulary: Holy Alliance; Decembrist Uprising; Trans-Siberian Railroad; Anarchists;
Bolsheviks; Russo-Japanese War; Duma
1. How did Russian leaders respond to Western influences both during and after the French
Revolution and Napoleonic invasion? How did this influence the stability of Russia during the long
19th century?
2. Describe Russian expansion in the 19th century. Which areas were incorporated into the Russian
empire? How did Russia interact with the Ottomans?
3. Which event forced Russian leaders to reevaluate the role of serfdom and feudalism in 19th century
Russia? What were the results of the emancipation of Russian serfs?
4. How did the trans-Siberian railroad facilitate industrialization in 19th century Russia? How did
Russia modernize its economy thanks to this development and the work of economic reformers?
5. Which groups organized and led social and political revolts and protests in late 19th and early 20th
century Russia? Why?
6. Who was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov and why is he significant in Russian history?
7. Who were the Bolsheviks?
8. What were the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution of 1905?
9. What was the relationship like between Russia and Eastern Europe in this time period?
Part II: Due Thursday, February 27th
Read Chapter 27, pg. 625-633
Key Vocabulary: Matthew Perry; Sino-Japanese War
1. Describe the state of Tokugawa Japan through the mid-19th century.
2. Who was Commodore Matthew Perry? Why is he significant in Japanese history? How did he
contribute to the challenge to Japanese isolationism?
3. What were some of the major reforms and actions of the Meiji government that followed the
collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate?
4. What were the major characteristics of the Japanese industrial revolution? How does it compare to
the industrial revolutions of the West?
5. What were the major consequences of industrializations in 19th century Japan?
6. What problems did Japan face during its attempt to promote modernization?
7. How did the Age of Revolutions (or the long 19th century) promote globalization? Which aspects
of society (political, social, cultural, etc) were impacted by this new trend of globalization and
Compare & Contrast: How did the process of industrialization differ in Japan and Russia compared to
Britain, or Western Europe?