Organic Molecules and Water

Organic Molecules and Water
• Organic chemistry involves the study of
carbon-containing compounds associated with
General Description of Organic
• biomolecules, are made up of carbon bonded
with other elements, such as hydrogen,
nitrogen, and oxygen.
• Carbon atoms have four electrons in their
outer shells
Structure and Shape of Organic
• complex molecules can be long chains, ringshaped molecules, or a combination of the
Complex Organic Molecules
• A group of atoms that is held together by
covalent bonds is known as a molecule.
– When bonding occurs between two or more
carbon atoms, the group is known as an organic
Complex Organic Molecules
• A group of atoms that is held together by
covalent bonds is known as a molecule.
– When bonding occurs between two or more
carbon atoms, the group is known as an organic
Biological Molecules
• The subunits, or building blocks, are called
• Polymers are the complex molecules formed
from the repeating monomers.
• There are four basic classes of complex
organic molecules, or macromolecules, that
compose cells: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
and nucleic acids
• excellent source of energy. (The energy is
released when these bonds are broken.)
• The building blocks of carbohydrates are the
simple sugars known as monosaccharides
• Monosaccharides can be combined to form
more complex carbohydrates known as
– Glycogen, starch, and cellulose are all examples
1 carbon atom : 2 hydrogen atoms : 1 oxygen atom
• Lipids are organic macromolecules that are
insoluble in water
• often found in biological membranes and
other waterproof coverings
• Triglycerides are a type of fat that contain one
glycerol molecule and three fatty acids
• The fatty acids in saturated fats do not contain
any double bonds between the CH2 units
– butter, cheese, chocolate, beef, and coconut oil
• unsaturated fats contain some carbon-carbon
double bonds.
– olives and olive oil, peanuts and peanut oil, fish,
and mayonnaise
• Proteins are organic macromolecules that are
composed of amino acid monomers
• carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (some
• Water is the most abundant molecule in the
body, but proteins are the second most
abundant type of molecule
Nucleic Acids
• Nucleic acids are formed from nucleotide
• They consist of a five-carbon sugar, a
nitrogenous base, and one or more
phosphate groups.
• ribonucleic acids (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic
acids (DNA)
• Adenine (A), cytosine (C), and guanine (G) are
found in both DNA and RNA. Thymine (T) is
only found in DNA, and uracil (U) is only found
in RNA.
Importance & Properties of Water
• Water has many unique properties that make
it essential for life on Earth.
Molecular Shape and Properties
• A water molecule is composed of two
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O)
• The oxygen end of the molecule carries a
negative charge and the hydrogen end of the
molecule carries a positive charge
• This causes water molecules to be attracted to
other water molecules (cohesion).
• These charges also cause water to be
attracted to other materials that carry an
electrical charge (adhesion).
Water is a polar molecule
• universal solvent because it dissolves such a
large number of substances
– due to its polar nature.
Surface Tension
• Surface tension is a force acting on the
surface of a liquid that tends to make the
surface curved
• solid water (ice) is less dense than liquid
Water and Life
• Water is the most abundant molecule found
in living organisms
• Most plants and animals are made up of more
than 60% water by mass
• Mammals (including humans) are composed
of approximately 70% water by mass
• is it also known as the solvent of life