Fields of Psychology

Warm Up
Please restate the question in your answer. Make sure you are writing in
complete sentences.
1- What makes approaches to studying psychology different?
2-What were the THREE historical approaches?
3-Please briefly describe the above three. Use 1-2 key words that will help
you better remember/associate to each of the varying approaches.
Please continue working on Present
Day Approaches
Remember you are pulling out key names, key terms, and key ideas!!
Psychoanalytic Psychology-
Behavioral Psychology-
Behavioral psychology
-Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, B.F. Skinner
-Study of observable behavior, and responses to events
in individuals environment
-Focus on conditioning, stimulus, reinforcement
Humanistic psychology
-Response to behavioral psychology
-Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers
-Human nature is evolving and self-directed
-Humans are NOT controlled by their environments/events
-Believe each individual has potential to develop fully (personal growth)
Cognitive psychology
-Jean Piaget, Noam Chomsky
- Study how we process, store, retrieve, and use information
-Also how this information influences our thinking/language/problem
-Focus on perceptions, memories, expectations
Biological psychology
-Focuses on the impact of biology on behavior
- Psychobiologists: study how brain, nervous system, hormones, and
genetics influence our behavior
-”Behavior is the result of our physiological makeup”
Sociocultural psychology
-Focus on how our knowledge and ways of thinking/feeling/behaving
depend on the culture you are a member of
-Cultural Perspectives plays a huge role!
-Gender, socioeconomic status may also play a role in how you
Let’s examine…
Consider the following scenarios:
SCENARIO 1: You are attempting to figure out a way to teach your dog, Muffin,
how to turn off the lights. Each time Muffin turns off the lights, you give her a
treat as reinforcement.
-What type of approach would this be using?
SCENARIO 2: You are studying the genetics of your family to figure out what
makes your mom and sister react the way they do to certain situations.
-What type of approach would this be using?
SCENARIO 3: You are examining different culture values and beliefs to discover
what makes French citizens behave differently than American citizens.
-What type of approach would this be using?
SOOO… who actually uses these approaches?!
Psychologist- individuals who have been trained to observe, analyze and
evaluate behavior.
Psychiatrist- Treat individuals with disturbed behavior. Psychiatrist CAN
prescribe medicine.
Field of Psychology
Let‘s pull out the 7 types of psychologists which we are going to examine
Please open your book to page 25.
Field of Psychology
Please copy down and complete the following organizer…