11/5/2007 - The Bridge Network of Churches

Roy Smith
OCT, 2008
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NABA Media Resource List (not exhaustive)
Nooma 01 Rain: (#204) Things don’t always work out the way we want them to, or the way we think
they will. Sometimes we don’t even see it coming. We get hit with some form of pain out of nowhere
leaving us feeling desperate and helpless. That’s the way life is. Still, it makes us wonder how God can let
these things happen to us. How God can just stand by and watch us suffer. Where is God when it really
hurts? Maybe God is actually closer to us than we think. Maybe it’s when we’re in these situations,
where everything seems to be falling apart, that God gets an opportunity to remind us of how much he
really loves us.
Nooma 02 Flame: (#205) I love those shoes. Really? The same way I love my wife? What’s up with the
word “love”? It doesn’t have much meaning when we use it so loosely. Maybe we don’t really get it.
Maybe we don’t understand what real love is. What it involves to really love somebody. What it means
to give yourself to someone else. We mistake things like friendship, commitment, or lust for love, but
God wired us a certain way to experience all that love was really meant to be. Not to hold us back or to
make us miss out on the best that life has to offer. God created love, and wants us to feel it all in the
way it’s meant to be felt.
Nooma 03 Trees (206) We want to know why we are here. If our lives really matter. How our religion is
relevant to this life. Today. We want to understand what significance this minute, hour, week, month,
and year has to our lives. To our world. We need a God who cares about this life, in this world, right
now. We want to understand why everything we think, everything we say, and everything we do
matters. We don’t want to just sit back and wait for something to happen or someday to come. We
want to know if all the choices we make now will shape our world and lives for eternity. Because we
want our lives to have meaning today, and our lives today to have meaning forever.
Nooma 04 Sunday: (#207) Why do we do the things we do? Why do we go to church or give money
away? Because we’re supposed to or because we think God needs it? Do we honestly put on our best
clothes for an hour once a week, stand and sit at all the right times, and sing all the appropriate songs
for God’s sake, or because it’ll make us look better to the world around us? We’re tired of all the empty
rituals and routines. And so is God. God hates it when we call ourselves Christians but ignore all the
things he really cares about. He hates it when we go through hollow religious routines out of some
feeling of duty or obligation. God doesn’t want the meaningless rituals. God wants our hearts.
Nooma 05 Noise: (#208)Why is silence so hard to deal with? Why is it so much easier for us to live our
lives with a lot of things going on all the time than to just be in silence? We’re constantly surrounded
with “voices” that are influencing us on how to think, feel, and behave. Movies, music, TV, Internet, cell
phones, and a never-ending barrage of advertising. There’s always something going on. Always noise in
our lives. But maybe there’s a connection between the amount of noise in our lives and our inability to
hear God. If God sometimes feels distant to us, maybe it’s not because he’s not talking to us, but simply
because we aren’t really listening.
Nooma 06 Kickball: (#234)We always think we know what’s missing from our lives in order to really
make us happy, don’t we? If only I had that car, or that job, or if only I could lose those 15 lbs, then I’d
be happy. Really? How often do we want something only to find out that it wasn’t that great after all?
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Sometimes we ask God for things and if he doesn’t deliver right away, we start questioning whether God
really understands or even cares. Do we really trust God? Do we trust that God is good and sees a bigger
picture than we ever could? It’s easy to want what’s right in front of us, but maybe God knows what’s
better for us, and sometimes we just can’t see it.
Nooma 07 Luggage: (#210) Maybe a friend turned their back on you. Maybe someone you loved
betrayed you. We all have wounds and we end up carrying around these things that people have done
to us for weeks, months, and sometimes even years. It isn’t always easy to forgive these people and
after a while these hurts can get really heavy. So the only way to feel better seems to be somehow
getting back at the people that hurt us, to get revenge. But does revenge ever truly satisfy? Maybe
forgiving isn’t something you do for someone else to let them off the hook. Maybe forgiveness is about
you. God didn’t create you to carry these wounds around. God created you to be free.
Nooma 08 Dust: (#211) Believing in God is important, but what about God believing in us? Believing that
we can actually be the kind of people we were meant to be. People of love, compassion, peace,
forgiveness, and hope. People who try to do the right thing all of the time. Who act on the endless
opportunities around us every day for good, beauty, and truth. It’s easy for us to sometimes get down
on ourselves. To feel “not good enough” or feel like we don’t have what it takes. But maybe if we had
more insight into the culture that Jesus grew up in and some of the radical things he did, we’d
understand the faith that God has in all of us.
Nooma 09 Bullhorn: (#212)God loves everyone, so a Christian should, too. In fact, Jesus said that the
most important thing in life is to love God with everything we’ve got and love others the same way. But
it’s not always easy to love everyone around us, is it? Sometimes we strongly disagree with other
people’s political views, religious beliefs, behaviors, or something else, and it makes it hard to love them
when we feel like we’re right and they’re very wrong. But Jesus doesn’t separate loving God and loving
others. So maybe the best way for us to show our love for God is actually by loving other people no
matter how hard it sometimes is. Maybe it’s the only way.
Nooma 10 Lump: (#213) A lot of us have done things in our lives that we’re ashamed of. Some are small
things, and some of us have really big and devastating things. Some of us even have things that people
close to us don’t know about. Personal junk that we keep to ourselves so we don’t have to deal with it.
Because we don’t know how to deal with it, do we? We’re afraid that if we try it’s just going to make
everything worse. But no matter how big our junk is, no matter how much what we’ve done has
impacted the way other people feel about us or how we feel about ourselves, it hasn’t changed how
God feels about us. God loves us, he always has and always will, and there’s nothing we can do to
change that.
Nooma 11 Rhythm: (#214) What does it mean to have a relationship with God? What does it look like?
For a lot of us it’s a hard thing to fully understand. If God is an infinite spirit with no shape or form, how
can we possibly relate to that? And what about Jesus? He said he came to give everyone life in its fullest.
He came to show us how to live. Maybe it’s through trusting Jesus and living the kind of life he taught us
to live – a life of truth, love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice – that we have a relationship
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with God. Maybe the way we live every day, every single choice we make, determines how in tune with
God we are.
Nooma 12 Matthew: (#215) Suffering the loss of someone we love can be the most difficult thing in life
to deal with. One moment we have them and the next they’re gone. What are we supposed to do? How
are we supposed to feel? The truth is, there’s no certain way we’re “supposed” to feel. Whatever we’re
feeling, it’s okay. It’s okay to feel shock, anger, denial or whatever we may feel. It’s okay. And if we don’t
feel anything at all, that’s okay too. It’s okay to have no answers and no explanations. Because
sometimes all the reasoning and comforting words in the world just isn’t what we need. What might
help us however is to understand how Jesus dealt with this kind of loss.
Nooma 13 Rich: (#216) There’s a popular bumper sticker that reads “God Bless America,” but hasn’t
America already been blessed? It’s easy for us to fall into a mindset of viewing “our” world as “the”
world, because it’s all we generally see. We’re constantly bombarded with images of the latest styles
and models of everything, and it can easily leave us feeling like what we have isn’t enough because we
see people that have even more than us. But how does what we have compare to what most people in
the world have? Maybe what we have is enough; maybe it’s more than enough. Maybe God has blessed
us with everything we have so we can bless and give to others.
Nooma 14 Breathe: (#266) With everything that we’ve got going on every day, how many of us ever
think about our breathing, about the meaning of breathing? Yet, for thousands of years, people have
understood that our physical breath is a picture of a deeper spiritual reality. In the Bible, the word for
“breath” is the same as the word for “spirit.” There’s an inherent dilemma at the core of what makes us
human. We’ve all been created in the image of God and possess immense power and strength. And at
the same time our lives are incredibly vulnerable and fragile. Maybe if we had more insight into the
meaning of breathing, we would better understand how God created us as human beings.
Nooma 15 You: (#261) Some of the central claims of the Christian faith are the source of many
discussions and heated debates. But are we always debating the right things? Maybe some of our
discussions would change significantly if we had more insight into the actual circumstances that
surrounded the first people of the Christian movement – if we had a better understanding of the things
they did in the context of the world they lived in. Maybe some of the claims of the Christian faith that
we typically perceive to be unique aren’t really that special at all. And at the same time maybe we don’t
always put enough emphasis on the things that truly should matter in our lives.
Nooma 16 Store: (#260) We all get angry about things from time to time – some of us more often than
others. For some of us, it feels like we’re constantly on the brink of losing it, where it doesn’t take much
to get angry about anything. And this kind of anger can be seen everywhere we go – at work, in traffic,
at the store, at home. But what is really at its root? Anger is often looked at as a bad thing, but are there
things actually worth getting angry about? Maybe if we had a better understanding of our anger and
where it comes from, we could learn how to channel it towards something constructive – something
that’s bigger than ourselves.
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Nooma 17 Today: (#286) How much time and energy do we spend wishing things were how they used
to be? We often think about times in our past when things were different and want our lives to be like
that again. Some of us have even come to believe that our best days may actually be behind us. But if
we’re in some way hung up on the past, what does that mean for our lives now? How are we and those
around us affected if we’re not fully present? If we’re longing for the way things used to be, what does
that really say about our understanding and appreciation of our lives today? Maybe we need to learn to
embrace our past for what it is, in order to live our lives to the fullest, right here, right now.
Nooma 18 Name: (#359) We all compare ourselves to others. We spend our lives wondering what
others think and say about us. Some of us even wish we were someone else. We question why we are
the way we are and not the way we wish we could be. Some of us have let the expectations of others
dictate who we’ve become. We act a certain way to be accepted but know that we’re being untrue. But
why are we so concerned with what other people think, say, or look like? What does it say about us if
we are unable to accept who we are? Maybe if we really knew our true selves, we wouldn’t give so
much attention to other peoples’ lives and live more in tune with the life God wants for us.
Nooma 19 Open: (#480) Many of us have experienced situations where we’ve prayed and it felt like
God wasn’t listening. And yet other times we’ve prayed or known someone that prayed and the
situation changed. Does God answer prayer? Sometimes, but not all the time? Or does God always
answer prayer and it’s just that sometimes God says no? Some of us are angry with God for not
answering the prayers we’ve prayed for years. Why did he answer their prayer but not ours? What if
there’s more to prayer than just God listening and answering? Maybe if we understood how Jesus
prayed, our concepts and expectations of prayer would change.
Nooma 20 Shells: (#544) Do you often find yourself saying, “I’m so busy” or “I just have so much to do”?
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with appointments, gatherings, to-do lists. But what are we really doing
with our time? Many of us are running from place to place and it seems like life is just passing us by.
We’re doing so many things, a little bit of everything, and yet it doesn’t feel like much of a life. But most
of us find it hard to say no. We feel obligated. There are so many good things to do. So many good
causes to join. But while we’re busy doing all these good things, are we missing out on something
great? Maybe saying no would be easier if we knew what it meant to say yes.
Nooma 21 She: (#543) We didn’t have anything to do with our birth. We are all here because some
woman somewhere gave us life. Her pain, her effort, for our life. And when a mother gives like that to a
child, she is showing us what God is like. But sometimes this part of God’s nature is overlooked. A lot of
us are comfortable with make imagery for God. But what about female imagery for God? Is God limited
to a gender? Or does God transcend and yet include what we know as male and female? Maybe if we
were more aware of the feminine imagery for God we would have a better understanding of who God is
and what God is like.
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Nooma 22 Tomato:
We all get consumed with ourselves; sometimes we’re not even aware of it. We learn from a young age
that life is about winning and impressing. We pick up that our worth and value come from how good,
how smart, and how skilled we are. So, we twist things in our favor, making us look like we have it all
together. Every day we have the choice to prop up these false ideas about ourselves or to let go of
them. Jesus invites these parts of us to die, the parts of us that tell us our worth comes from the things
we say and do. Maybe it’s only when we let these things die, that we truly begin to live.
Nooma 23 Corner:
Why is it that often when we get what we want, we still feel empty? We work so hard to succeed, but
our lives just end up becoming more about us. Can success turn on us? Can we get caught up in a
smaller world where our lives are all about the things that we want? Or is there another way to live?
Where life is about more than just us. Where we see people in need and we do something about it.
Where our world is expanding because we are sharing our success. And maybe in attempting to save
someone else from their suffering, we find out that we are actually the ones being saved.
NOOMA 24 Whirlwind
A lot of us have gone through times in our lives that are difficult. Some have been small and hard to
understand and some have been big and overwhelming. During these times we want answers, don’t
we? We want to know why. Why do we have to suffer? Why do bad things happen to good people?
We just want someone to make sense of it all. But we don’t always get the answers, do we? Sometimes
we are left wondering. And those can be some of the most difficult times. Maybe there are times we
need to be released from having to have all the answers. And maybe it’s when we’re released that we
are able to see there may be more going on here than we realize.
Igniter Videos, Vol. 1
1. Are You Amazed? Inspirational (4:58) It is clear from the gospels that wherever Jesus went, the
people were amazed. Whether rich or poor, young or old, for Him or against Him, they were all
amazed. Music by Philips, Craig & Dean. Footage from the movie Jesus of Nazareth.
2. The Crowd Or The Cross. Contemplative (3:02) This video takes a look at the difference between
what the world believes and what Christ taught. Music by the Robbie Seay Band.
3. That’s My King! Inspirational (3:32) The late S.M. Lockridge once presented an incredible
message, describing God and who He is. Though God can’t be described with just words, this is
as close as you can get this side of heaven.
4. The Gospel According to Blaine. Contemplative/Humor (3:17) This video shares the gospel using
the story of Blaine and his love of running. The gospel is presented in text and goes parallel to
Blaine becoming a runner.
5. Psalm 139. Adoration (2:01) Who can hear this Psalm and not believe that God is deeply in love
with each of us? This video is a reminder of how well He knows us, and how much He loves us.
Igniter Vides, Vol. 2
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1. Never Been Unloved. Contemplative (3:47) The Scriptures declare, and life reminds us, that we
all fall short of the glory of God. But despite our sin, Jesus radically pursues us to show that we
have always been loved. Music by Michael W. Smith.
2. Together (Team Hoyt). Inspirational (4:12) Together, Dick and Rick Hoyt have run in marathons,
competed in triathlons and once even trekked 3,700 miles across America. Together, what they
have accomplished is simply amazing, even more so when you consider Rick cannot walk or talk.
3. The Last Painting. Contemplative (3:05) The prophets foretold that the Messiah would suffer
excruciatingly to save mankind. And the gospels confirm the final days that Jesus endured. While
some look at these days and see tragedy, Christ sees completion. Painting by Mike Lewis. Music
from The Passion of The Christ.
4. Everywhere. Adoration (3:20) God’s indelible mark and handiwork is seen throughout creation.
And His sustaining presence is felt throughout our lives. He is everywhere. Music by Rich
5. Real Christians of Genius. Humor (1:04) For the sake of spreading the gospel, the Apostle Paul
challenged Christians to relate to others. This video is a humorous reminder of Paul’s charge to
share our faith with people in both a relevant and understanding manner.
Igniter Videos, Vol. 3
1. I Believe. Inspirational (2:50) The Bible is not just a story. It is THE Story. It is OUR Story. In it, we
find the greatest Hero providing the greatest hope and demanding the greatest response.
Original Recording by Cary Pierce. Lyrics by Wes King and Rich Mullins.
2. Lonely People. Inspirational (2:40) The true stories highlighted in this vignette confirm that this
world is not as it should be. Jesus declared that we would encounter struggles and pain. But He
also urged us to never despair for He has overcome this world. Recorded by Jars of Clay.
3. What Does God Look Like? Contemplative (3:00) For generations, man has wondered what God
looks like. We wrestle with understanding God’s nature, settling for the best ideas conceived by
man. But to know what God looks like we need look no further than Jesus. Images from Jesus of
4. The Greatest Promise. Adoration (1:40) We know John 3:16, but do we realize how much truth
is packed into those twenty-five words? We must learn to fully appreciate this verse—one word
at a time. Music my MuteMath.
5. meChurch. Humorous (1:25) While it is essential to find a church that is fully committed to
God’s world, it is easy to start thinking that church is about us and our comfort. This video takes
a humorous look at the idea of ‘shopping’ for the perfect church that will serve us.
Igniter Videos, Vol. 4
1. Sunday’s Comin’ Inspirational (3:35) The story of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion is one of betrayal,
brutality, despair, and pain. Yet we know even before His death that redemption was promised
to be coming soon. WE know that the story does not end at the cross. We know that many did
not realize – that Sunday’s comin’.
2. Chaos. Contemplative (3:40) Is God really in control? Look around. There is war, hate,
destruction and brokenness. How can a good God allow this pain to happen? Music by Tim
3. An Ant Parable. Humorous/Contemplative. (3:52) We know that God patterned us after His
image. But that does not mean that we are exactly like God. His thoughts are not our thoughts.
His ways are not our ways. In fact, God will often make about as much sense to us as we would
to an ant.
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4. The March of the Unqualified. Inspirational (1:45) God can’t use me or at least shouldn’t use
me. We’ve probably all thought it at some point. However, studying the Bible shows us that
many flawed people were used by God in powerful ways. They were just as unqualified as you.
So now what’s your excuse?
5. Get In Here Ministries. Humorous (7:32) There are many ways to communicate the Gospel and
its truths to a watching world. Some are effective, others not so much. Johnny and Chachi have
a few new ideas that they think work, but you be the judge.
Igniter Videos, Vol. 5
1. Smart. Humorous/Contemplative (2:40) Man has always thought he was smart enough to know
everything about this world. Whether it was the earth’s shape or the computer’s potential, man
always develops a theory. We just seem to be consistently wrong.
2. 99 Balloons. Inspirational (6:00) Eliot was born with an undeveloped lung, a heart with a hole in
it and faulty DNA. However, that could not stop God from proclaiming Himself though this boy
who never uttered a word. I memory of Eliot Mooney.
3. Boys And Grills. Humorous (4:30) Whether chefs or not, most guys know how to grill. Many of
those same guys love to “cook” occasionally to give their spouse a much needed “night off.” This
video finally reveals who really doles the work.
4. Proof. Contemplative (2:45) Most of us have thought how much easier it would be to follow God
is we could just see Him once. The truth, though, is that He is all around us. We just fail to see
the evidence.
5. Teamwork. Humorous (2:18) The Get in Here Ministries duo of Johnny and Chachi unite again to
teach the value of teamwork through an interesting melody. Sit back and enjoy teamwork
communicated in a most unusual manner.
Igniter Videos, Vol. 6
1. The Bible contains/Inspirational (1.52) The bible is an essential tool in the Christian
faith. It is here that we read about what God has done, is doing, and will do. It is here
that we find the greatest love story, the greatest sacrifice, and the greatest call to
2. It’s Not Over (Inspirational 3:27) We’ve all been there – caught in a moment, a
struggle, a relationship that seemed utterly hopeless. However, these four stories
remind us that nothing is beyond God’s repair. With God, nothing is over even when
It seems like it’s over.
3. Cruise Ship vs. Battleship (Contemplative 2:09) How do you typically “church-shop?”
Are you mostly interested in finding a church that accommodates your needs and
gives you a comfortable experience? Or are you looking for a church that equips you
to serve and deploys your gifts?
4. Boys and Groups (Humorous 3:46) Community helps believers walk firmly in their
faith. As this video humorously illustrates, we are quite vulnerable when we are
5. The Don’t Song (Humorous 3:34) Johnny and Chachi, co-founders of Get in Here
Ministries, return with a song every married couple should hear. This entertaining
duo challenges men everywhere with things they should not do in their marriage.
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1.REGRETS (Contemplative)2:33 Whether it’s trials we encounter, the disappointments we
endure, or the unhealthy habits we foster, we all have lingering regrets. Often burdened by
our pain, scars, and shame, we forget that Christ came to set us free.
2. YOU DO THE MATH (Contemplative) 3:27 Faith versus works is a debate that still continues.
Can we work our way to heaven? Can we obtain salvation simply through faith regardless of
how we live? This video investigates how the truth really adds up.
3. IT WOULDN’T HAVE MATTERED (Contemplative) 3:17 Though Christ’s life may have been
remarkable, if he is still dead, then His life up to and through the cross is meaningless.
4. KILLER PRAYER TIPS (Humorous) 3:34 Prayer can be a confusing topic. Pray without
ceasing, unspoken requests, and prayer positions are just a few examples of prayer’s
complexities. Enter Johnny and Chachi with their tips for a better prayer life.
1. PLASTIC JESUS (Contemplative 1:33 Life throws many opportunities and trials our way.
Through both success and failure, the authenticity of our faith is being tested. It’s not just our
words that matter. It’s our genuine responses and actions that also speak of our faith.
2. I’LL NEED YOU (Contemplative) 1:27 There are many influences that often steer our kids
from Christ. Many of their actions will feel natural to them yet will leave them empty and
alone. Though many don’t realize it yet, kids need us to help model Christ’s example for
3. JON ABEL’S STORY (Inspirational/Contemplative) 1:54 We each carry around many hurts,
burdens and struggles. Some seem to be insignificant on the surface while others feel
impossible to shake. Added up, these struggles can suffocate the joy intended for our lives.
1. COME AWAKE (Contemplative /Inspirational) 3:50 We all have burdens and struggles
that sometimes prevent us from living the life God intended. Christ’s sacrifice,
though, reminds us that he defeated every last thing that might encumber His people.
2. WE ARE HERE (Inspirational) 1:56 This call to worship helps connect your audience to
the heart behind church. It reminds them to reflect on why we come to worship our
3. I AM SIN COLLECTION (Contemplative) 6 separate videos Awareness of sin and its
consequences is integral to a strong relationship with Christ. These six mini-movies
portray the destructive effects of sin in a dramatic way. This collection is good for
church services as well as small groups.
4. THANK YOU GOD (Contemplative) 1:31 Scripture is clear that the lives of believers
should be characterized by joy, contentment, and gratitude. Though we do encounter
difficult trials consistently, we must be disciplined to thank God and know that He will
sustain us.
5. KILLER COMMUNITY TIPS (Humorous) 3:40 Community groups are an important part
of every church in helping develop fully devoted followers of Christ. Johnny and
Chachi return to offer invaluable “advice” on how to experience community at its
Igniter Bumpers 01
With Igniter Bumpers you will never have to settle for tired animations and transitions
again. It is now easier than ever before to add quality video and still backgrounds to
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your presentation using your presentation software. We’ve done the hard part, now
you just add your text.
Vertigo DVD
It’s amazing how this is negative as read down, but reading up becomes very positive.
This video was used during the Granger Church Christmas series When Love Comes to
Town. It demonstrates how things are not always what they seem and the order of
God's priorities doesn't match up with the world's.
God’s Pie Video, Stewardship emphasis in humorous form.
Amplified Impact, The Longing. Communicating Truth Through Story +Song. Gifted ministers deliver
core spiritual truths in 2-5 minutes, followed by a concept video with a song from The Longing.
1. Message: Why Lloyd Shadrach, Teaching Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church, Nashville, TN.
2. Song: To God Be The Glory (4:07)
3. Message: Skipping Mike Breaux, Teaching Pastor, Willow Creek Community Church, South
Barrington, IL.
4. Song: Unleashed (4:08)
5. Message: Seeing The Squirrel, Ed Litton, Senior Pastor, First Baptist North Mobile, Mobile, AL
6. Song: Heal This Land (4:32)
7. Message: A Permanent Cure, Tony Nolan, Communicator, TNT Ministries, Woodstock, GA.
8. Song: Salvation Songs (3:51)
9. Message: Free Heart Surgery, Scotty Smith, Founding Pastor/Author, Christ Community
Church, Franklin, TN
10. Song: Here’s My Heart (4:47)
11. Message: Drowning, Harold Velasquez, Vice President Creative Services, Promise Keepers,
Denver, CO
12. Song: My Offering (3:47)
13. Message: Go, Chip Ingram, Pastor/Author/:President, Walk Thru The Bible, Atlanta, GA
14. Song: We’ll Tell The World (3:57)
Simply Invite Video Series
1. Simply Invite Men
2. Simply Invite Women
3. Simply Invite Family
4. Simply Invite Student
Unspoken Plea Video
The Prayer of Jesus Teaching Kit
Just Walk Across the Room Teaching Kit
Share Jesus Without Fear Teaching Kit
3:16, Max Lucado Teaching Kit
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Financial Peace University Home Study by Dave Ramsey Teaching Kit
DVDs, CDs, with facilitator’s guide to 13 week study that includes 91 days to beat debt…and
build wealth! This provide your coach to a total money makeover!
The Treasure Principal Workshop (6-week session)
Teaches the joy of giving. Some Bible studies use guilt as a motivation for giving; this one
doesn’t. In a dramatic teaching style, this video workshop literally inspires those who watch to
learn the principles of giving in a way that causes lasting change.
When God’s People Pray, Jim Cymbala Teaching Kit
Alabaster, (48) Movie
Dinner With A Perfect Stranger, (1:10) Movie
Teaching Moments, Vol. 1
1- A Sister’s Sacrifice (1:47) While her brother lays near death on the hospital bed, one sister
makes a choice that surprises her parents and the doctors.
2- The Story Behind The Song: It Is Well With My Soul (3:21) In 1873, Horatio Spafford wrote the
words to the hymn “It is Well with My Soul” after the tragic death of his four daughters.
3- A Majestic God – Psalm 8 (1:40) “Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” This Psalm
expresses the awesomeness and creativity of our God.
4- A Daughter Killed By A Drunk Driver (4:36) Wayne and Tonya share about the grief and strife
they experienced when their daughter tragically died in a car accident.
5- Famous Failures (1:16) Abraham Lincoln…Lucille Ball…Michael Jordan. These success stories
began with utter failures.
6- The Big Bang (0:55) Some believe the earth was created by random series of chance events.
What if that theory was applied to other things in everyday life?
Teaching Moments, Vol. 2
1- Sports Sunday: The Big Show (2:24) What if a Sunday morning worship service was treated like
a major televised sporting event?
2- Charles Goodyear’s Extraordinary Passion (1:54) His passion to vulcanize rubber was also a
spiritual journey. Goodyear followed his passion in order to glorify God.
3- Challenge The Ordinary (1:05) Tiger Woods…Neil Armstrong…Bono. Our culture idolizes these
extraordinary individuals, yet who inspires us to be extraordinary Christians?
4- The Offering Plate (1:17) From Guilt to denial to worship, one little plate can trigger a lot of
5- Confessions Of A Shop-A-Holic (1:31) A working woman, Rebecca, shares her struggles with
consumerism and shopping.
6- Take a Shot (1:45) In the final seconds of a basketball game, a player is called upon to score the
winning basket. Will he be ready?
Teaching Moments, Vol. 3
1- Jonah: More Than A Kid’s Story (1:44) Young Kids recall the Jonah story to set the stage for
adults to learn the spiritual principles of obedience and faith from this Biblical passage.
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2- Moth And Rust (1:55) Every day we are faced with choices. Do we invest in the temporary or the
3- The Church Saved My Life (3:07) Gabriel shares how his life of guns and gangs was radically
redirected by the love of one church.
4- One Fan (1:50) The hockey crowd had become indifferent until one fan steps up. His passion and
excitement ignites the entire arena.
5- Homeless Beggar (1:43) A driver pulls up to an intersection and is confronted with his conviction
and guilt about donating money to a homeless man.
6- What Are We Missing? (1:10) We begin our lives dreaming about the things we are going to do,
but often, along the way, we lose sight of those dreams.
Teaching Moments, Vol. 4
1- An Overview of God’s World (1:57) A fast paced tour around the world reveals overwhelming
physical and spiritual needs.
2- Olympic Dreams Shattered (1:36) When Greg’s years of training for the 2004 Olympics failed, he
was faced with a choice about his future and his faith.
3- Noah: More Than A Kid’s Story (1:34) Young kids recall the Noah story to set the stage for
adults to learn the spiritual principles of redemption and grace from this Biblical passage.
4- Motivational Speech (1:49) In an attempt to motivate his “troops,” a soldier uses lines from
famous movies and songs. His humorous speech inspires the group.
5- Engage The World (1:38) Are we the same person Monday through Saturday that we are on
Sunday? Do we let our faith engage those around us, or do we hide it?
6- Parenting 101 (0:45) In a humorous attempt to connect with their kids, these parents grab a
megaphone to get their point across.
High Definition Living: 6 sessions:
Live Life in High Definition; High Definition Service; High Definition Finances; High Definition
Relationship; High Definition Dreams; Resource CD includes complete sermon transcripts,
postcard design, powerpoint backgrounds, message notes, worship orders & scripture
memory card.
The Creed; Living Life With Passion; 7 CD’s
Living What you Believe, Living With God as Father, Living With Jesus as Savior, Living With
the Holy Spirit, Living With God’s People; Living With Eternity in Mind, Resource CD: includes
sermon transcripts, message notes, graphics, presentation backgrounds, postcard, worship
orders, commitment cards and memory verse card.
Leadership Skills for a Growing Church (The six secret skills every church leader can develop)
How to keep growing as a leader; How to manage your ever increasing time demands; How to
maximize your staff and volunteers; How to anticipate the future; How to reproduce other
leaders. Plus more. (3 CD Set)
T.G.I. Monday (6 CD set plus a resource CD) (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
Discovering Gods Power; Determining My Career; Dealing with Difficult People; Developing a
Balanced Life; Defending My Faith; Defining True Success.
God on Film, discover the meaning behind the movie (9 CD set incld. Resource CD) Nelson Searcy &
Kerrick Thomas.
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The Da Vinci Code part 1; The Da Vinci Code part 2; Cars; Click; Superman Returns; The Devil
Wears Prada; Pirates of the Caribbean; You, Me and Dupree.
God on Film, lesson from the 2004 summer blockbusters.
Harry Potter (discovering the supernatural); Dodgeball (dodging temptation); The Notebook
(discovering a marriage that lasts); Terminal (discovering friends for life); Spider Man
(discovering my gifts); I, Robot (discovering a transformed life); Catwoman (discovering my
true identity) plus Resource CD.
God on Film, 2005 Summer blockbusters.
Prequel (looking for god on film); Hitchikers Guide (what’s the purpose of life); Mr & Mrs
Smith (surviving marriage); Batman Begins (you can begin again); Star Wars III (overcoming my
dark side); Fantastic Four (working together to change the world); War of the Worlds (facing
the future with faith); Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (how to get the most out of life);
Church Resource CD.
Stewardship Sermons (5 messages from the life of The Journey Church) (Nelson Searcy)
The Power of Positive Giving; High Definition Finances; The Tithe: Bringing God What is God’s;
Financial Freedom: Tools to Avoid Debt; How do I manage my Money; plus Resource CD.
The Stewardship Seminar. (2 copies available) (Nelson Searcy)
Discover the principles for turning your first time givers into faithful givers in this innovative
Stewardship Seminar. 2 CD’s plus resource CD.
Debt Free Pastor. Free yourself to lead your church. (Nelson Searcy) (2 copies available)
How to gather the facts; A step by step approach to eliminating debt; How to prioritize your
personal finances so God can bless your churches finances; How to automate your financial
processes to stay on track and out of debt; Motivation to get started.
Funding Your Church Plant (Nelson Searcy)
The reality of money & church planting; Ideas for how to fund your new church; How to find
individual & church partners; Types and levels of partnerships; What potential partners want
from you; How to conduct a partners meeting; Fundraising bibliography and ideas; A budget
worksheet; A sample church plant proposal.
40 Days Of Faith, Facing Life’s Fears with Faith. (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
Kick off Sunday: Expecting The Best; Future Faith: Growing my Faith by Taking Risks; Active
Faith: Growing My Faith by Giving it Away; Intimate Faith: Growing My Faith Through
Friendship with God; Testing Faith: Growing My Faith Through Life’s Challenges; Hopeful Faith:
Growing My Faith by not Giving Up; plus Resource CD.
The Evangelism Seminar – 2 copies (Attracting a Crowd to Worship) (3 CD’s + Resource CD) Nelson
You will learn: How to raise the evangelistic temperature of Your church; How to influence
your leaders to reach out to the community; How to maximize your church’s publicity; How to
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teach and challenge your congregation to bring their friends to church; How to pray for the
unchurched in your community.
Reaching your Community Through Servant Evangelism (Nelson Searcy)
What Is Servant Evangelism; Why Servant Evangelism Works; How do you get started doing
Servant Evangelism; Principles for Effective Servant Evangelism; 10 Servant Evangelism Ideas;
Sample graphics promotion materials & cards.
The Strategy Seminar (3 CD Set)
A Strategy is simply a logical plan to get you from where you are to where God wants you to
be. Recorded live, this 3 hour seminar on strategy walks you through the practical steps of
developing a specific strategy for church growth.
The Assimilation Seminar (From first time guests to long time members) 3 CD set.
It’s not enough to just attract first time guests – you must learn how to keep them. Recorded
live, this 3-hour seminar on assimilation discusses practical steps that will help you create an
inviting environment for your first-time guests; one that they will want to come back to time
and time again.
Breaking the 250 Barrier (Nelson Searcy) (for churches with a weekly attendance of 125-249)
This CD resource contains teaching, motivation and ideas for breaking the 250 attendance
Breaking the 125 Barrier (Nelson Searcy) (for churches with a weekly attendance of 65-124)
This CD resource contains teaching, motivation and ideas for breaking the 125 attendance
Breaking the 65 Barrier (Nelson Searcy) For churches with a weekly attendance of 1-64.)
This CD resource contains teaching, motivation and ideas for breaking the 65 attendance
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
Why fast for spiritual breakthrough; What is fasting; The primary purpose of fasting; The
spiritual benefits of fasting; Guidelines for beginning a fast; Types of fasting; The nuts and
bolts of fasting; Examples of how God has used fasting.
Starting a Second Service (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
The benefits of a second worship service; When to start a second worship service; When not
to start a second worship service; How to adjust your service times; Practical steps for
successfully adding the service; How to shut down a service if it’s not working.
Breaking Growth Barriers Workshop (Nelson Searcy)
In this live recording of the popular 6-hour workshop, Nelson Searcy leads you to identify and
break the nine most common growth barriers that all churches face(and keep on facing)
regardless of size.
Looking For a Great Church? (5 CD’s) Nelson Searcy
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A place to connect with God; A place to Discover Significance; A Place to Make a Difference; A
place to call Home; plus a resource CD.
Celebrate What’s Right with the World. (Dewitt Jones)
Provides practical guidelines for applying the key concepts, even in the face of critics and
challenges. Stunning photography and powerful dialogue also help viewers see how to
approach their lives with celebration, confidence, and grace.
Planning a One Year preaching Calendar (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
Ways to maximize your effectiveness and reduce your stress as pastors. How do you plan
effectively? How do you maximize key times of the year for spiritual growth and numerical
growth? What is the role of the spirit in planning your preaching? This CD examines those
The Worship Planning Seminar (Nelson Searcy) 3 CD set
It may be difficult to believe, but through prayerful, careful planning of your weekend worship
services you can double you effectiveness and cut your stress in half.
The Small Groups Seminar (Building a Church of Small Groups)
100% Participation in small groups is possible – this seminar shows you how! Recorded live
this 3 hour seminar on Small Groups discusses practical steps that will help you develop a
small groups system where people will want to get involved; a system that makes it easy for
people to join and for people to grow.
Starting a worship arts ministry from scratch (Jason Hatley & Nelson Searcy)
The toughest question any Lead Pastor or Worship Pastor faces is how to get a worship arts
ministry started in your church. Taken from the lessons learned at The Journey as we built our
Worship Arts Team from scratch.
Prayer Walking Your Community
A resource for church planting and evangelism. Prayerwalking is one of the most
effective ways to prepare your community for a new church plant or evangelism. This
teaching DVD will take you step by step through key issues such as: What is
prayerwalking; Why Prayerwalk; How to prayerwalk; maximizing a prayerwalk.
The Big Day (A proven tool to break the next growth barrier) (Nelson Searcy &Roy Mansfield)
In 75 min. practical resource they will walk you through every step necessary to plan,
implement and preserve the fruit of a successful Big Day.
The Grinch: Enlarging My Heart. (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
A four part teaching series based on the ‘heart’ verses of the Old Testament with
particular emphasis on Proverbs 4:23.
Relationship Rescue (Finding the Lifeline of Hope) Nelson Searcy and others
Back to the basics; Dating Dilemmas; Marriage Maintenance; Dealing with Divorce;
Church resource CD.
Roommates, Bad Dates & Great Mates (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
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Sex, Marriage, Dating, Temptation, Purity & Resources(include. Graphics, sermon
transcripts, sermon outlines, series postcard, worship orders & more.
Christmas in Narnia (Exploring the supernatural) (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
Narnia: Understanding the supernatural; The Lion: Discovering supernatural Strength;
The Witch: overcoming supernatural evil; The wardrobe: experiencing the
supernatural in the ordinary & resource CD.
Vertical Communicating with God. (Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas)
Why Pray; How to pray for myself; How to listen to God; How to pray for others;
Desperate Sex Lives (love, dating & happily ever after…) Nelson S. & Kerrick T.
The power of Love; One: The Loneliest Number; Temptation: Start Me Up; Dating: I
want To hold your hand: Marriage: Light my fire; Dirty Laundry; Church Resource.
Walk Thru The Bible Seminars
Bible Survey; Teacher Training; Marriage & Family; Personal Development
Chase the Lion (stepping confidently into the unknown) (Mark Batterson)
By utilizing audio, video, and written tolls contained in this kit you can help others
identify the lions in their lives and engage them rather run in fear. Stop running away
from what scares you the most, and start chasing the God-ordained opportunities that
cross your path.
Meeting Needs Sharing Christ (Ministry Evangelism in Today’s New Testament Church KIT)
How your church can share God’s love through caring, creative ministry.
When God’s People Pray (Jim Cymbala) Six session DVD
God’s Heart for us; The Amazing Power of Prayer; Obedience in Prayer; The word of
God and prayer; Why prayer matters; Creating a Prayer Ministry in your church.
Catalyst Reverb (4 DVD’s) 2007
Catalyst Together (5 CD’s) 2008
Causing Heaven to Celebrate - 21 – C (Courageous Churches for a New Millennium)
The Assimilation Intensive Workshop (8 CD’s, includes a resource CD)
The Starter Kit For Mobilizing Ministry (Leadership Training Network)
How to Turn Around Your Church (George Barna)
Overcoming Barriers To Growth and Bringing New Life to Your Church.
Warning signs of collapse, steps to take to turn around your church, key issues to
address, care principles to bring a church back to life and growth.
The Jesus I never Knew (14 session study on the life of Christ)
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Discover a more accurate, dynamic and biblical portrait of Jesus; Strip away layers of
tradition, stereotypes, and clichés; gain new confidence in the person of Christ.
The Net (evangelism for the 21st century)
The NET is designed to assist churches in training believers to effectively do
evangelism in our changing culture. To communicate the gospel in this postmodern
world, The NET equips Christians to tell their story in a very natural and biblical way.
The NET works for churches of all sizes and is adaptable to any ministry style.
NOW, Discover your Strengths
The revolutionary program that shows you how to develop your unique talents and strengths
and those of the people you manage.
Principle-Centered Leadership (Stephen Covey)
No matter what level of success we have achieved, none of us can be content to stay
where we are. In order to harness this drive, this innate desire for progress in all
areas, we must learn to center our lives according to a set of certain basic principles.
The Habits of Highly Effective Churches ( 9 habits that will transform your ministry) George Barna
Using his extensive nationwide research among churches of all sizes, denominations
and regions, George Barna provides a tour de force of insight into what makes a
church highly effective in America. This presentation focuses upon nine key emphases
of the most effective churches in the country.
The Power of Vision (How finding God’s vision can transform your ministry) George Barna
Looks at visionary leaders throughout history and shows how you can discern God’s
vision for your life and ministry.
Turning Vision Into Action (Defining and Putting into Practice the unique vision God ha for your
ministry) George Barna
Here is a powerful, easy-to-follow presentation that shows the benefit of knowing
God’s vision for your ministry and how you can bring it to life.
Preschool Leadership Training (The Baptist Sunday School Board) teaching 2 & 3 yr olds in SS.
Mirrow Image (Liquid Five Episodes, One Story)(Jeff Pries)
Liquid is a revolutionary new way to study the Bible. Translating ancient stories into
the language of today’s culture, we give you entertaining episodes and ask relevant
questions to help you discover truth. Jesus was the master storyteller, teaching truths
so that people would investigate, think, and learn. It’s how he did it, so its why we do
it. Each DVD experience features five 10-min. episodes, and includes a reflection
guide and a leader’s guide to help you get the most out of this slice of God’s word.
Live At Five (Liquid Five Episodes, One Story) by Jeff Pries
Fresh out of college, Natgalie Neff is struggling to discover her purpose and direction
in life. Faced with daunting challenges, both personally and professionally, Natalie
has some choices to make – and they won’t be easy. Based on the book of James, Live
At Five teaches us to live the Christian life, and how to live it practically.
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Fork in the Road (Liquid five episodes, One Story) Jeff Pries)
Which Way will you go? It’s at these moments that crucial decisions are made. Fork in
the Road tells the modern-day story of David, the legendary giant-slayer who
experienced some devastating moral defeats in his life. Through his story, we learn
that the choices we make in our own lives are important, even life-changing. Because
aren’t we all like David - living lives of both victory and defeat?
Crossing (Liquid Five Episodes, One Story)
Along the way, we reach points in our lives where we must decide whether to step out
in faith and let God take control, or whether to let fear and insecurity paralyze us and
keep us from crossing over. Making a crossing always calls for uncommon courage,
faith, and obedience. Based on the book of Joshua, Crossing explores the
extraordinary things that can happen when we trust God and let him lead the way.
40 Days of Purpose (Rick Warren)
Small Group 7 Sunday School video curriculum.
Becoming a Contagious Christian ( Willow Creek) Bill Hybels and others. (video & leader’s guide)
Becoming a contagious Christian is a proven course designed to equip believers for
effective evangelism in today’s world. It avoids stereotyped approaches that feel
intimidating to many Christians. Instead, it shows ordinary believers how they can
share the Gospel in a natural and powerful way while being the person God made
them to be.
The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership (Willow Creek) from the leadership summit 2004
Lead Like Jesus Revolution (Ken Blanchard & Erwin McManus)
3 Discs with topics as: What is Lead like Jesus all about? ; Jesus, CEO; The Greatest
Management Tool of all time.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (A video presentation)
Using examples from his own career and his consulting experience, Lencioni explains
the obstacles that prevent teamwork from taking hold in so many organizations and
provides practical advice for overcoming them.
Intersect Culture (Faith and Culture Meet)
Taking your group to a place where they can see people’s needs in a new way, where
they can understand their calling, where they will learn how their faith can shape
You can Double Your Class in Two Years of Less (on DVD in 10 sessions)
Josh Hunt has a winner! You can double Your Class in Two Years or less has enormous
potential for your church and Sunday school. Highly recommend this to pastors,
Minister of Education and to Sunday School directors who truly wish to reach new
people for Christ.
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Crayons, Computers & Kids (Leader Training Pack)
Help Children’s workers learn more effectively, this leader training pack contains a 16
page conference outline, worksheets, assignment cards, posters, a videotape, two
audiocassettes; Compuserve Starter Kit, Windows and a SBCNet information Leaflet.
Love, Laughter & Learning (Leader Training Pack for Preschoolers)
Help you train your preschool leaders to become better teachers through
understanding how preschoolers learn, effective teaching methods, and learning
Reach Every One You Teach (David C. Cook)
A complete teacher-training program for use with Bible-in-Life Curriculum.
The ABC’s of Teaching Children & Preschoolers
Your ticket to the wonderful, rewarding world of working with Kids at church.
Educate potential workers; train new workers; develop the skills of experienced
teachers; train and develop church weekday education workers; educate church staff
about preschool and children’s ministry; communicate with parents about what’s
happening at church; help parents understand their children better.
Children and Worship (An Administrative Guide)
Worship is; Settings for Children and worship; Scriptural Guidelines for worship; a
word to the pastor & a word to the church.
Share Jesus Without Fear (William Fay & Ralph Hodge)
This kit presents a unique, natural, and non-threatening way to share the gospel that
eliminates the pressure, the argument, and the fear of failure!
Faith Evangelism (Discipline For Evangelism and Ministry)
This is a 12-week discipleship process that teaches Christians a clear, simple approach
for sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. The Faith outline gives
believers a versatile, biblical tool for demonstrating God’s love for all people and for
explaining why each person needs to turn from sin and accept the salvation of His Son,
Jesus Christ. It also teaches believers how to discuss spiritual matters with lost people
in a natural way, share the difference Jesus has made in their lives, and lead others
into a personal relationship with him.
Parenting, The Early Years (Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott)
Who you are matters more than what you do. When your kids are all grown up, how
will they remember you? In these 6 sessions, Drs. Les 7 Leslie parrott will take you
through a parenting approach you won’t find in any other parenting resource.
The Organic God (6-session video-driven Bible Study (Margaret Feinberg)
In our ever-changing world, simplicity is a craving. Imagine what it would look like to
have an organic relationship with God, one that is stripped of all pollutants, additives,
and other distractions that can cloud this ultimate relationship. The Organic God
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removes the unhealthy fillers and purifies our relationship with the God of the
MCN (Multiplying Church Network)
A Group of representatives from different churches that meet regularly for the
purpose of praying, sharing, sharpening, planning, and learning. Together they
strategize how to lead their congregations to start healthy, growing, and reproducing
My Purpose His Plan (Sharpening Your Skills for His Mission)
Learn from real-life practitioners-missionaries and volunteers – the foundational skills
and strategies that are vital to an on mission lifestyle. Their practical examples of
principles and techniques for sharing Christ will be both helpful and challenging as you
commit to share Christ with people in the mission fields of your life.
Purpose-Filled, Mission-Skilled (Igniting Your Youth to Be on Mission)
Oftentimes teen-agers have the notion that to be a missionary you must pack your
bags, turn your back on all that you know, and head off to a country on the other side
of the world. But that’s rarely the case. We are all called to be missionaries in
whatever “field” God has placed us.
Conversational Spanish For Christian Workers (includes 2 Introductory study cassettes and 4
We Can Do More Together Than We Can Alone (1 DVD)
Mission To Kashmir (Video)
One Man’s vision and passion to carry the gospel through the grassfire in Kashmir.
A Journey of Faith and Sacrifice (American Mission Board)
See God at Work in this contemporary Video portrayal of Lottie Moon’s life as told by
Dr. Jerry Rankin, President of the Int’l Mission Bd.
Virtual Missionary Speaker (video)
Missionaries introduce you to some of your fellow Southern Baptists who serve
through the IMB. Hear about their challenges, hardships and victories. And learn how
your gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering make their ministries possible – and
lead to changed lives overseas.
Radical Obedience (Beyond 9/11)
A Righteous Task – Indonesia (5:35); A Portrait of Answered Prayers-Afghanistan
(3:50); Radical Faith – North Africa (6:45).
Mission Soro (HIS 1040) Paul Ignacio
The Sora people are innocent and illiterate and the existing government medical
services often do not reach them. Even so, they must travel very far to the nearest
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facility and transportation is always a problem. Therefore they depend on witchcraft
and black medicine.
End of the Spear
Worlds collide and tragedy strikes as a missionary group journeys to the heart of the
Amazon Jungle in search of the Waodani, a tribe of fierce warriors completely isolated
from civilization. When five of the missionaries are killed by tribesmen, their families
are left husbandless and fatherless.
Jesus Fact or Fiction (Experience an Interactive Personal Journey.)
Does God Exist? ; Would a Loving God Allow Bad Things to happen to good people?; Is
there Life after death?; Does God have a purpose for my life?; Is there historical
evidence for Jesus?
21-C conference (2007) with Rick Warren and others. (3 CD’s)
His Heart Our Hands (Foreword by Franklin Graham)
A ministry Evangelism Toolkit will help your church to: Discover lost and hurting
people; Develop Witnessing relationships; Create opportunities to contagiously
communicate the gospel; Be known in you community as “The Caring Place”; Mentor
and unleash the multitudes in your pews; Help God’s people catch a vision for God’s
Revolution (George Barna) 1 CD
MOST (A breathtaking modern-day parable)
This is both heart-wrenching and glorious story that portrays the greatest measure of
love, sacrifice, hope and forgiveness known to man. It’s inspirational story has
touched millions.
The Measure of A Man (Featuring Dr. Gene Getz) 3 DVD’s
20 Attributes of a Godly Man
Healing From The Pain of Your Husband’s Secret Sin (Dr. Mark & Deb Lasser)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
The Struggle of Forgiveness (Ruth Graham)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
The Addictions, Breaking The Ties That Bind (Sara Dorman)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
Testimony (Ruth Graham)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
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No More Shame (Lysa Terkeurst)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
The Treasure of Darkness (Jan Dravecky)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
When You Are Alone, Divorce, Being Single, and (Ruth Graham)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
Triumph Over Tragedy (Lysa Terkeurst)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
What To Say When The Unthinkable Happens (Nancy Heche)
Conf. from Ruth Graham and Friends when they appeared at London Bridge in April
Distortions (DVD/small group experience)
A DVD Driven small-group study, has been created to paint the story God is telling
through you on the life-canvas that’s before you. This experience draws from the
most profound truths of Scripture, harnesses the power of community, and
dramatically incorporates visual arts to guide you on a journey into your deepest
places. Your story not only reveals your truest identity in Christ, but also leads you to
the heart of God.
Ministering to the Family (George Barne)
George will describe the research he has conducted among churches that have
developed successful ministries to families. His findings will surprise you. He
contends that the most common family-ministry strategies are “well-intended but
actually cripple most families.”
The Seven Decisions (Andy Andrews)
Using wit, wisdom, and remarkable true stories. Andy proves that everything you do
matters, not just for you and your family today but for generations to come. In this
riveting, thought-provoking-and often very funny-live performance, you will learn how
one man’s resolute courage shaped the history of the world. How the life of one baby
saved over 2 billion people and counting. How when you persist without exception,
miracles occur. Why you never have to live any part of your life in fear. And so much
The Barna Leadership Seminar Volume 1
Barna addresses the need for churches to help congregations develop a biblical
worldview and how to strategically accomplish this goal.
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Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Live (God Is Working)
This is more than a video, it’s an experience. It contains 4 powerful testimonies that
display the amazing power of a loving God. Also included are songs that range from
beautiful, soulful. Ballads like “More Than Enough”, To the upbeat, Faith-filled Son
“Nothing is Impossible”.
Operation Christmas Child (Project of Samaritan’s Purse with Franklin Graham, President.
2 DVD’s available. See how you can be a part of this worthwhile project each year.
Everyone’s A Coach (Don Shula & Ken Blanchard)
You can enjoy the same success Shula has on the football field and the business world,
and tells you how to apply each secret in your own leadership situations. In addition,
you will be given a self-test for measuring your personal coaching effectiveness. After
listening to Everyone’s A Coach you too will know how to unleash excellence in
We Are The Ones (A short film by Paul Hopkins)Inspirational and compelling short program from Star
Thrower Dist. Embracing the concept of looking to ourselves for leadership and positive change, We
are the Ones combines amazing film footage of the Southwest with a powerful message that will
convince viewers to work together to face the future.
Billy Graham School of Evangelism (CD’s from Training done here in Norfolk Sept. 2006 prior
to Crusade.
The On Mission Church Planning Resource (Kit) Danny Sinquefield)
This kit will guide you through the purpose, process and plan for mobilizing your
entire congregation to brace the Great Commission. There are materials to help you
customize an On Mission experience for your church.
9 Things you Simply Must Do (To succeed in Love and Life) 5 CD’s (Dr. Henry Cloud)
Many years of counseling have enabled Dr. Cloud to observe people trying to work out
the most important issues of life – issues like relationships, career, fulfillment,
meaning, pain, hurt, despair & addictions. (Book also available)
You Matter More Than You Think (Dr. Leslie Parrott) KIT
In this Poignant & vulnerable series, Leslie Parrott shows you how each hodgepodge
piece of your life, no matter how haphazard, represents a part of what you do and
who you are.
Chasing Daylight (KIT) Erwin McManus
He uses the biblical account of Israel’s war with the Philistines and the characters of
Jonathan and Saul to demonstrate the difference between living a life of purpose and
adventure, and living one of apathy and missed opportunity.
The Longing (4 DVD’s available) (run from 3+min to 4:47 min)
Why; To God be the Glory; Skipping; Unleashed; Seeing the Squirrel; Heal this Land; A
Permanent Cure; Salvation Songs; Free Heart Surgery; Here’s my heart’ Drowning; My
Offering; Go & We’ll Tell The World.
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CRAVE (Video) a set of 3 DVD’S
Nameless Moments-Crave Meaning; Pop Star-Crave Intimacy; Midnight Clear-Crave
Destiny. Crave uses the visual storytelling med. Of film to reveal the hidden mysteries
of the human soul-mysteries that unveil the unmistakable fingerprint of God in all of
us. These stunning short films can be used in any context to communicate spiritual
truths in a revolutionary new way.
How to Get a Date Worth Keeping (Dr. Henry Cloud)
Based on over ten years of personally coaching singles on dating, Dr. Cloud shares his
proven, very doable, step-by-step approach to overcoming your sticking points and
getting all the dates you could want.
Christian Women’s Job Corps: From Dependency to Self-Sufficiency
In CWJC a mentor encourages a woman to acquire the skills she needs and connects
her to the resources that help her break out of poverty into self-sufficiency. The
emphasis is on self-esteem and confidence. In this video you will hear from clients and
mentors who have achieved success.
When Will We Cry? (video – 2 available)
In the US and overseas, over 800 million people are crying out in hunger and despair.
Gifts to the World Hunger Fund provide for hundreds of ministries that are touching
New Churches Needed, Our Church Can Help (NAMB) KIT
Educate and lead pastors, key church staff, and lay church leaders in developing a
customized local strategy for reaching unchurched people groups through intentional
church planting with the New Churches Needed.
The 5 Sex Needs of Men and Women (Dr. Gary and Barbara Rosberg)
We don’t talk about it. That was the amazing discovery when the Roseberg’s polled
seven hundred couples. How much better could a relationship be if the subject were
not taboo and couples shared their needs with each other? That is what this DVD
series will help you answer.
Adult Sunday School Guide (VBMB) DVD
10 chapters of how to teach, build relationships, plans, do outreach and follow up
with your class.
Teens VS. Parents Mark Matlock (a 4-part video-driven bible study for youth groups.)
In these four sessions, Mark will give practical and biblical instruction to help teens
repair and build healthy relationships with their parents.
I AM getting to know God. Bluefish TV (4-part video-driven bible study for youth groups)
In these 4 sessions David Nasser will offer hope and encouragement to teens from
Scripture on their winding journey of faith.
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SEX. DATING. (Bluefish TV) Michael & Hayley Dimarco (4-part video-driven bible study for
youth groups)
In these 4 sessions, the Dimarco’s use practical & biblical guidelines to help teens
figure out how to build healthy relationships with the opposite sex.
Surviving School (Bluefish TV)
4 Powerful Videos illustrations about the choices students struggle with. Topics: Not
Alone (2:19); The Test (1:50); Don’t Be A Statistic (1:06); Gossip (1:12),
MOOOOOO !! Bluefish TV(6 udderly Hilarious videos for your youth group)
Topics: Prayer-Live Richly (0.58); Mr. Plays Worship Music (1:12); Truth VS Deception
(0.55); Pew (0.42); The Oval (1:07); Witnessola (1:07)
MOO TOO (Bluefish TV (6 more hilarious videos for your youth group)
Christian Movie Reviewers; Butterfly Man; Wow! That’s Worship?; Biblical Phatheads;
High School Musical 4 Square; Handbell Hero. (1 - 3.50 min in length)
Just Walk Across The Room (! Four-week Church Experience) (Bill Hybels w/Ashley Wiersma)
Simple steps leading people toward faith. He brings personal evangelism into the
twenty-first century with a natural and empowering approach modeled after Jesus
The Prayer Of Jesus (Living The Lord’s Prayer) Book + 3 videos/Ken Hemphill
He challenges us to discover in the Lord’s Prayer all we need to know for an enriching
prayer life and for the intimacy with God that all believers long for.
Making Prayer Your Second Language (A 4-week Sermon Campaign) Based on the ACTS Model
of Prayer.
It will help develop your congregation’s skill in speaking with God in four vital ways.
(Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving & Supplication) You Church will learn to
incorporate each attitude of prayer into their daily lives.
Character Matters ( A compelling look on instilling integrity into our children & youth) (138)
With the pressures that our children and teens are facing today, the issue of character
is more important than ever. Kids learn how to make their decisions through their
experiences in the home.
Covenant Marriage (Partnership &Commitment) Couple’s guide & Leaders Guide) 2 sets
A Journey In Faith (Sunday School Evangelism Strategy)This resource KIT provides session
content and teaching suggestions for the first 16 sessions of FAITH training. One copy is in
this Pack.
Word on the Street (video discussion starters & meeting openers for youth groups)
Cue up the segment you want in Word on the Street and roll it for your schoolers.
These are the best segments from the video magazine Edge TV.
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40 Days of Purpose (small group and Sunday school video curriculum) (Rick Warren)
JESUS VOL.1 (Jesus Is) DVD
This DVD includes the “Jesus Is” Sermon Illustration, the “I Am” Countdown and Sermon
Illustration, two loopable worship backgrounds and five graded still backgrounds for text.
PRAYER VOL. 1 (Pray Where You Are) DVD
This DVD includes the “Pray Where You Are” Sermon Illustration, the “Prayer” Countdown
and Sermon Illustration, two loopable Worship Backgrounds and five graded Still Backgrounds
for text.
The Prayer of Jabez (4 sessions) Bruce Wilkinson
The adventure before you is one more chapter in a spiritual phenomenon. Jabez’s prayer
continues to spark quiet revolutions in the lives of ordinary people like you and me. Even if
you have already set out on the Jabez journey, this new video course will take you deeper into
the prayer, wider into the blessings and further than ever into expanding your ministry for
Secrets of The Vine (4 sessions)
The adventure of living the abundant life continues beyond our study of The Prayer Of Jabez
to this course entitled, Secrets of the Vine. God longs to see your basket of fruit filled to
overflowing! Are you ready to discover the secrets He has revealed to you in His Word?
CCN (May 2005 Broadcasts): When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer; Worship In the Emerging
CCN (June 2005 broadcasts):
Mentoring Future Leaders; Launching Seeker Small Groups in Your Church w/George Barna &
CCN (March 2006 Broadcast):
The Intentional Church; Mobilizing High Capacity Lay Leaders; Groups That Grow: Starting At
the End; Attitudes and Aptitudes: The Art of Getting Leaders to Work Together; The DaVinci
Code Evangelism Training Event.
CCN (April 2006 Broadcast):
Ministry and Marriage: When leaders Live Together; Groups That Grow: Building the
guardrails; The Character of a Leader.
CCN (May 2006 Broadcast)
Every Young Woman’s Battle; Reaching Emerging Generations: They Love Jesus But not the
Church; Multiplying Ministry; Groups that Grow, Part 4: What do we all do now?
CCN (June 2006 Broadcast)
Leading From The Second Chair with Mike Boem, Roger Patterson, Kim Miller, Dave Davis,
Warren Schuh & Harry Craig; The Family Life of Leaders with George Burns.
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CCN (September 2006 Broadcast)
Trends of Consequence; The Emotionally Healthy Church; Faith Under Fire: Dealing with
Doubt; Groups that Grow: Dealing with Difficult People; Energizing Your Family’s Spiritual
Life;Faith Under Fire:Dealing With Doubt.
CCN ( Nov/Dec 2006 Broadcast)
Off-Road Disciplines: Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders; Young People’s Attraction to
the Dark Side; Groups that Grow: A Place to Belong; How to Grow a High-Impact Church: The
Law of Structure; Non-Commercial Thoughts on Christian Spirituality.
CCN (January 2007 Broadcast)
Permission to Breath: Reclaiming your best self; Shaped by God’s ;Heart: The passion and
practices of Missional churches; Groups that Grow: Going Deeper; How to Grow a HighImpact Church: The Law of Inspiration; Exploring Judaism; Ultimate Leadership: A Growth
plan for leaders.
CCN (February 2007 Broadcast)
What’s Realty Holding you back?; Conversations that change lives: The Art of Engaging in
Spiritual Conversations; Groups that Grow: Sharing the Leadership Load; How to Grow a
High-Impact Church: The Law of Focus; Preventing and Treating Childhood Obesity; Ultimate
Leadership: A Leader who confronts successfully.
CCN (March 2007 Broadcast)
Seismic Shifts; Creating Innovative Outreach Events; Groups that Grow: A time to laugh; How
to grow a High-impact Church: The Law of Community; Ultimate Leadership: The worst
Sickness a Leader Can have; The Myths and Management of ADHD.
CCN (April 2007 Broadcast)
Revolutionary Parenting; Turn your life Around; Why Not you? Building Authentic Confidence,
Part I; Groups that Grow: Coaching Life-Changing Leaders; Ultimate Leadership: Good
outcomes require the right kind of time; How to Grow a High-impact church: The Law of
CCN (May 2007 Broadcast)
The Be-With Factor; Ultimate Leadership: Overcoming Obstacles and Winning; How to Grow a
High-Impact Church: The Law of Love; The ABCD’s of Parenting.
CCN (June 2007 Broadcast)
Knowing the Truth in the Shadow of Doubt; New Life after Divorce; New Life After Divorce;
Lose it for Life: What I eat and What’s eating me; How parenting Styles affect Children;
Ultimate Leadership: Making Failure Your Friend; How to Grow a High-Impact Church: The
Law of the Kingdom; Why not you? Part 2.
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CCN (July 2007 Broadcast)
Growing Your Heart for Lost People; Clinging to Faith; Ultimate Leadership: A Leader’s
Accountability Needs; High-Impact Church: Beyond Survival Mode-Pastor’s Forum; Exploring
CCN (Aug. 2007 Broadcast) Dr. Walt Larimore, Dr. Donal O’Mathuna, Dave Ferguson, Eric Bramlett, Jon
Ferguson, Shaunti Feldhahn, Jeff Feldhahn, Dr. John Townsend, David Staal, Kerri Mahla, Rick
Introduction to Alternative Medicine: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly; The Big Idea, A
Straightforward Guide to Understanding Women: For Men Only; Ultimate Leadership:
Leading from Your Values, Not Your Reactions,;Children’s ministry: What Matters MostBuilding the Heart of a Children’s Ministry and Building an Early Childhood Ministry; The
Worship Service Makeover.
CCN (Nov/Dec. 2007 Broadcast) with/Jim Burns, Bill Donahue, John Burke & others
Creative Communication: Being Yourself in the Pulpit; For Women only: Helping Your
Husband understand you; Drug Proof Your Kids; Groups that Grow: Group Success:
Evaluating progress and embracing change; Ultimate Leadership: The fears that limit leaders;
Children’s ministry teaching skills: Early childhood; No perfect people Allowed; Ultimate
Leadership: Leaders create alliances that work.
CCN (January 2008 Broadcast) with/Walt Larimore, Bill Donahue, Gary Rosberg & others.
Children’s Ministry Teaching Skills: Secrets to Leading A Great Small Group; Church 2K:
Leading the Church Forward; Going Public with Your Faith, Part 1; Groups that grow:
Confrontation: Facing the Truth about God, Self, and others; Sex needs of Men & Women, Part
IV; Lose it for Life: What I eat and What’s Eating Me (small group training)
CCN (February 2008 Broadcast) with/David Staal, George Barna, Erwin McManus & others.
Children’s Ministry Teaching Skills: Leading A Great Children’s Ministry Hour; Trends In the
Media and Ministry; Going Public With Your Faith, Part 2; Groups that Grow: Crisis
Management: What to do when bad Stuff Happens; Soul Cravings; Finding Intimacy Through
CCN (March 2008 Broadcasts)
The 4 Essentials for a Strong Men’s Ministry; Groups that Grow: Developing A Healthy
Spiritual Life: Chasing Daylight; Getting Your Kids to Plan on Your Team.
CCN (April 2008 Broadcasts) with/Bill Donahue, Erwin McManus & others.
Timeless Truths for Truthless Times; Choosing Your Faith; Bringing Change to an Established
Church; Groups that Grow: Using the Bible Effectively in Groups; The Barbarian Way; The
Promise of the Second Wind.
CCN (May 2008 Broadcasts) with/George Barna, Bill Donahue, Erwin Mcmanus & others.
What Does it Mean to be Human?; What Kids and Famililes Really Need; Disordered Eating:
Hope and Healing for a Hidden Struggle; Groups that Grow: Providing a Safe place for Spiritual
Seekers; Kids and Sexuality; Uprising
CCN (June 2008 Broadcasts) with/Kevin Mannoia, Gary Habermas, Bill Donahue & Erwin McManus.
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The Effective Pastor, PartIII; Dealing With Doubt;The Truth about the Resurrection; Groups
that Grow:Crafting Creative & Effective Meetings.
CCN (July 2008 Broadcasts) with Lorraine Bosse-smith, Thelma Wells, Kevin Mannoia, Kenny Luck &
Erwin McManus.
Leveraging Your Leadership Style; BEE a Mentor; The effective Pastor, Part IV; Core Man & An
Unstoppable Force, Part II.
CCN (August 2008 Broadcasts) with Kevin Mannoia, Kenny Luck, Alex McFarland, Ron Hutchcraft &
other top presenters. The Effective Pastor; Love Talk, Part I; Core Conflicts; Groups that Grow:
Leveraging Your Leadership Style; Standing Strong in the Faith; Ultimate Leadership: The
Leader’s Internal Value System; A Life that Matters, Part I: Makaing the Greatest Possible
Difference with the Rest of your life.
CCN (September 2008 Broadcasts) with Ron Hutchcraft, Liz Swanson, Teresa McBean, Matthew
Russell, Mark Batterson, Les & Leslie Parrott, Bill Donahue, Dr. Jim Burns, Mark Mittelberg,
Dinesh D’Souza & Dr. John Townsend. A Life that Matters, Part II: The Most Important Thing
You’ll Ever Be; Developing a Recovery Ministry for your Church; Right Brain Leadership: What
They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary; Love Talk, Part II: How to Make Bad Relationships Better
& Good Relationships Great; Groups that Grow: The Power of Speaking the Truth;
HomeWord: The Lesson of Discipline and Grace: Creating a Grace-Filled Home; what’s So
Great About Christianity & Ultimate Leadership: The Thought Life of a Successful Leader.
CCN (October 2008 Broadcasts) with Dave Staal, Don cousin, Shaunti Feldhahn, Lisa Rice, Margaret
Feinberg, Bill Donahue, Henry Cloud, Dr. Jim Burns, Dr. John Townsend. Children’s Ministry
Series: Words Kids Need to Hear; Experiencing Leadershift: Letting Go of Leadership Heresies;
Understanding Guys: For Young Women Only; NexGen Trend Watch: A Practical Guide to
Understanding the Emerging Generation; Groups that Grow: Battlilng Burnout; HomeWord:
Teaching Your Kids the Purity Code; Ultimate Leadership: The Emotional Life of the Successful
CCN (November-December 2008) With Ashley Cornelius, Francis Chan, Dr. Jim Burns, Dr. Henry Cloud,
Dr. Earl Creps, Dr. Bill Donahue & Steve Russo.
Children”s Ministry Series: Energizing Volunteers, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless
God, HomeWord: Perseverance in Parenting, Ultimate Leadership: The One-Life Solution,
Part I: Time and Energy, Reverse Mentoring, Groups that Grow: Reading the Bible Together:
Guidelines & Code Word: TAG.
CCN (January-February 2009) with Mark Batterson, Constance Rhodes & Walt Larimore, Dr. Bill
Donahue, Gary Thomas, Dr. Henry Cloud, Bill Dallas, Dr. Bill Donahue & Dr. Henry Cloud.
The Five Greatest Leadership Challenges; Diet Wars; Groups that Grow: Reading the Bible
Together-Unpacking a Parable; Sacred Marriage; Ultimate Leadership: The One-Life Solution,
Part 2-A Leader’s Boundaries; Lessons from San Quentin: Everything Needed to Know About
Life I Learned in Prison; Groups that Grow: Reading The Bible together-Understanding
Hebrew Poetry; Ultimate Leadership: The One-Life Solution, Part 3-Ending Chaos.
CCN (March-April 2009) with Margaret Feinberg, Erwin McManus, Michael Slaughter, Bill Donahue, &
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others. Next/Gen Trend Watch: Raising Up the Next Generation No Matter What; Unleashing
the Power of Rubber Bands; Groups that Grow: Reading the Bible Together – The Power of
the Prophets; The Awaken Conference,Awaken to Leadership, Part I; HomeWord: In
Relationships, Attitude is Everything; Darfur: Not on Our Watch; A New Earth, an Old
Deception; Changes and Trends in Christian Media; Groups that Grow: Sticking Points;
HomeWord: Finding Replenishment for Overcrowded Lives; The Awaken conference: Awaken
to Leadership, Part 2.
CCN (May-June 2009) with Nancy Ortberg, Wayne Cordeiro, Thelma Wells, Kevin Harney & other top
Looking for God: An Unexpected Journey through Tattoos, Tofu & Pronouns; Groups that
Grow: A New Beginning; The AWAKEN Confernce,Part 3; HomeWord: Creating a Media Safe
Home; Ready to Win; Leadership from the Inside Out, Part 1: Bearing the Yoke of Jesus; Sacred
Pathways; Groups that Grow: Becoming an “Oters-Focused” Group; HomeWord: The Power
of D.A.I.L.Y ; The Awaken Conference: Awaken to Evangelism.
CCN (July-Aug. 2009) Children’s Ministry: DVD’s - Preparing Your Heart for Children’s Ministry (Dave
Staal) ; HomeWord: Growing Spiritually as a Couple (Dr. Jim Burns); Leadership from the inside
out, Part 2: Understanding and Harnessing Our Sexual Desires…The Leader’s Libido (Kevin
Harney); Groups that Grow: Creating Life-changing Moments: Turning Common Practices into
Holy Moments (Dr. Bill Donahue & Dr. John Townsend) The AWAKEN Conference: Awaken to
Creativity (Erwin McManus, Nancy Beach, Paul Richardson, Emmanuel Katongole); Children’s
Ministry: Engaging Practices for Effective Communication, Part I (Deanna Armentrout);
Momentum for Life (Rev. Michael Slaughter); Groups that Grow: Seizing Life-changing
Opportunities: The Art and Practice of Discernment in Groups (Dr. Bill Donahue & Dr. John
CCN (Sept.-Oct 2009) Children’s Ministry: Engaging Pratices for Effective Communication, Part II. By
Deanna Armentrout. Equipping & Unleashing Gen Y by Dr. Tim Elmore. The Value of Money
by Dr. Susan McCarthy. HomeWord: Closer: Principles for Drawing Couples Closer Together
by Dr. Jim Burns. Pastor to Pastor: How to Avoid Becoming Another Ministry Statistic by Dave
Stone and H.B. London. The Beautiful Fight by Gary Thomas. Groups that Grow: Marking
Moments: Celebrating Life-Change in Community by Dr Bill Donahue & Dr. John Townsend.
Annual Fishing License DVD (Bluefish TV) For Youth Staff and Volunteer youth leaders.
This brief video will introduce all of your Bible study teachers, small group leaders, and
pastors to the annual Bluefish TV Fishing License. Just like downloading to an iPod, you can
select from hundreds of video illustrations and download them directly to you computer.
Identity (4 powerful video illustrations about the search for self)
The Internet, Text messaging, portable media: Channels of communication have opened up
like never before. As teens search for identity, millions of voices call to them, telling them
how they should look, how they should live, who they should be. (Never Too Early 1:50); TMIToo much info 1:25); (I AM 1:30); (Who are You? 0.53).
Connect The Dot (6 sessions, CD, Leader’s Guide, Music) SUGGESTED FOR SINGLES
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Discovering God’s Will for Your Life is about a Lot More Than finding the answers to the “Big
Three”: Marriage, Career, and Residency. In fact, discovering God’s will for your life is more
about answering His questions than Him answering yours.
The Tough Sayings of Jesus (4 session, DVD, Leader’s guide, Music) SUGGESTED FOR SINGLES
This study examines a few of those puzzling conversations and statements: a talk with a rich
young ruler (Mark 10), a statement made to a contradiction of who He is (Matthew 10, Luke
12). This leader kit allows you to lead your group in thoroughly examing these sayings and
delving into the historical and cultural context of Scripture.
What do you do with your Wait?(6 sessions)CD with Leader Guide, music and promotional tools, DVD)
(Suggested for singles)
This study traces the lives of Joseph, David, and Jesus as they waited, sometimes painfully, to
see God’s promises come to pass. What was true for those men is true for young adults
today-there is great purpose in the waiting. This leader kit will help you in leading your group
to focus on how God builds into us during these times of waiting.
(The next group of DVD’s are in the Entertainment section of our library)
Champion (DVD)
Former Champion Boxer Orlando Leone (Carman) is “The Preacher” at an inner-city youth
center. Wanting to give something
Alabaster (DVD)
This is a story of a man walking the road to forgiveness. Ethan, a smalltime criminal with no
family or friends, wakes up one day to find a mysterious invitation. For reasons unknown to
even himself, he starts on the long path to Alabaster.
Love Comes Softly (# 1 in series) DVD
Based on Janette Oke’s best-selling book series, and directed by Michael Landon Jr., Love
Comes Softly is inspired story-telling for the whole family.
Love’s Enduring Promise (# 2 in series) DVD
Based on Janette Oke’s bestselling novel, this poignant sequel to Loves Comes Softly will draw
you in from beginning to end.
Love’s Long Journey (# 3 in series) DVD
Directed by Michael Landon, Jr., this third installment in Janette Oke’s beloved “Love Comes
Softly” series.
Love’s Abiding Joy (# 4 in series) DVD
Directed by Michael Landon, Jr., this fourth installment in Janette Oke’s beloved “Love Comes
Softly” series.
Love’s Unending Legacy (# 5 in series) DVD
Directed by Michael Landon, Jr., this fifth installment in Janette Oke’s beloved “Love Comes
Softly” series
Love”s Unfolding Dream (#6 in series) DVD
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This is # 6 of the series from “Love Comes Softly”. Very good family movie.
Love Takes Wing (#7 in series) DVD
This is the 7th of the series from “Love Comes Softly”. Great family movies.
Chonda Pierce (Having a Girls’ Nite Out) Christian Comedian DVD
This is a DVD that captures Hilarity and Inspiration, Music and comedy for women of all ages
in all walks of life.
Chonda Pierce (A Piece Of My Mind) Christian Comedian DVD
Suppose you could take a peek in to the mind of Chonda Pierce – Comedy’s “Queen of Clean”!
Chances are you’d get a glimpse of the stuff most other women think about too-shopping,
dieting, raising kids, breast feeding and menopause. If you think you can handle it, Chonda is
ready and willing to give you a piece of her mind.
Chonda Pierce (Stayin’ Alive…Laughing!) Christian comedian DVD
This time Chonda dances her way through topics from the empty nest to group therapy, from
two-steppin’ to twelve stepping, and shows us a side of Adam and Eve we’ve never seen
Thou Shalt Laugh – Hosted by Sinbad (DVD) Christian comedy series. Featuring Sinbad, Taylor Mason,
Thor Ramsey, Leanne Morgan, Horace Sanders & Lisa Alvarado.
The Ultimate Gift (From the best-selling novel by Jim Stovall) DVD
With an All-star cast that includes Academy Award nominee Abigail Breslin, Academy Award
nominee James Garner and Brian Dennehy, this engaging, heartwarming drama won the 2006
Heartland Film Festival’s Crystal Heart Award and received the Dove Foundation’s seal of
The Andy Griffith Show (16 Hilarious Episodes) + a second DVD with 8 more episodes. (DVD’s)
Apostles of Comedy (Jeff Allen; Brad Stine; Anthony Griffith & Ron Pearson.
Inspire your family with a message of laughter and hope.
Welcome back to Mayberry! Pull yourself up a rockin’ chair and get ready to enjoy a visit back
in time to America’s favorite hometown of Mayberry, NC. Join Andy and all of his friends and
family for down-home wholesome humor.
The Nativity Story DVD (The Journey of a Lifetime, a Story fro All Time.) Book Available also.
Powerful, timeless and visually magnificent, The Nativity Story, is “a beautiful telling of one of
the world’s most familiar stories”.
Facing The Giants (DVD) and also the soundtrack on CD.
After six consecutive losing seasons, high school football coach Grant Taylor believes things
can’t get any worse. He’s wrong. With fear and failure defeating him in football and in life,
the downtrodden coach and husband turns to God in desperation. Trusting that God can
somehow do the impossible, Coach Taylor and his Shiloh Christian Eagles soon discover how
faith plays out on the field… and off.
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The Perfect Stranger (DVD)
Nikki Cominksy is a successful attorney-troubled by the fact that her life isn’t perfect. One
day, a mysterious invitation shows up on her desk that reads. “You are invited to Dinner with
Jesus of Nazareth.” Thinking it’s a prank, she shows up – only to find herself in the middle of a
whirlwind evening of debate and revelation – with the most unforgettable man she would
ever meet.
The Perfect Stranger & Another Perfect Stranger (2 DVD’s) Put out by EMI
Above you will notice The Perfect Stranger came out first and now we have the sequel in a 2pack with both. Another Perfect Stranger: The Sequel takes up the story or the Cominsky family ten
years later. Nikki’s daughter Sarah, now 19 and heading West for college, is at her own spiritual
Fireproof (DVD) Kirk Cameron & Erin Bethea
This gripping story follows one man’s desire to transform his life and marriage through the
healing power of faith and fully embrace the fireman’s code: Never Leave Your Partner
Go Put Your Strengths to Work (6 CD’s)
Why your strengths aren’t “what you are good at” and your weaknesses aren’t “what you are
bad at.”; How to use the four telltale signs to identify your strengths.; Simple steps you can
take each week to push your time at work toward those activities that strengthen you, and
how to cut out those that don’t; How to talk to your boss and your colleagues about your
strengths without sounding like you’re bragging, and your weaknesses without sounding like
you’re whining; The fifteen-minute weekly ritual that will keep you on your strengths path for
your entire career.
Dreams (Seize Your Divine Moments) small grp study, 8 min. DVD & discussion guide.
Teaching from Erwin McManus; Life is: Creative clip highlighting many elements of our
temporary lives.; Real-life story: Different people describe how their everyday lives differ from
their dreams. & Discussion guide.
Impact (Leave A Mark) small grp. Study, 10 min.
Teaching from Erwin McManus; Real-life story. Dale and Vicki use their love of kids and sports
to start a weekly activity for kids in their neighborhood; Engage the World: Relective clip
shows the reservations going through a woman’s head as she encounters different people &
discussion guide.
Choices (Choose To Live) small grp. Study 9 Min.
Teaching from Erwin McManus; Value of Time: Fast-moving slip shows the significance of
choosing actions; Real-life story: Mark & Micheele speak candidly of their move to Honduras
& discussion guide.
Advance (Go Unless You Get a No) small grp. Study 11 min.
(Teaching from Erwin McManus; What Would you Do?: powerful Clip high-lighting the
indecision of a driver stopped by a homeless man; Real-life story: Scott reveals the hard life of
living his faith as an actor in New York & discussion guide.
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In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day (Mark Batterson) 4 CD’s
What if the life you really want, and the future God wants for you, is hiding right now in your
biggest problem, your worst failure…your greatest fear?
Paul In Rome (Bluefish TV) David Nasser (Includes 2 DVDs & Leader’s guide & printable handouts.
Four Video-driven sessions with insightful topics. 1.Culture & Faith in Conflict; 2. Not Good
Enough; 3. Keep the Faith; 4. A Picture of Your Life. David is a part speaker, author, visionary
and all minister. His greatest passion is to connect people to the living God.
Friends (Bluefish TV)DVD) Sean McDowell (4-session video-driven bible study with leaders guide)
1. Loneliness; 2. Peer Pressure; 3. Comparisons; 4. Identity. In these 4 power-packed sessions,
Sean offers biblical insight into the most common issues students are facing in their
Choose (Bluefish TV)DVD) Marcus Goodloe 4-session video-driven bible study with leaders
guide.Marcus introduces biblical priciples to help students make wise choices in a chaotic
culture: 1. Choosing Faith; 2. Consequences; 3. Choose Your Reaction; 4. What is your
Christianity Explored (for youth leaders to use) Leaders guide and student book sample included.
Evangelistic course for young people in the21st century. Seven dynamic and innovative
sessions present the gospel powerfully and effectively to your youth group and their friends.
Ripple Effect (Bluefish TV DVD) Pwerful DVD illustrates the big impact small things can make. Small
Things; Lodine; Abraham Lincoln; Wake.
Catalyst – Together Labs (27 DVDs from Catalyst Conference 2008
Systems Liberating Your Organization DVD (Andy Stanley) In this DVD Andy explains the ways in
which many systems are flawed; how to attain the behaviors you desire through a system; the
components of an effective system; and biblical principles that should be integrated into every
system. Bonus feature is an interview with Andy’s staff where he is pastor of North Point.
Go Fish- Because of what’s on the line. (#2) (Andy Stanley DVD) 6-part DVD explores the motivation
behind sharing your faith and how it can become a natural part of your life. Sessions include:
We were all fish once; Why fish? Fish guts; Fishing buddies; Muddy water; & The one that got
away. (Two Go Fish available – This one is designed more for group settings)
Go Fish – Because of what’s on the line. (#1) Andy Stanley-DVD) Same messages as the one above.
This one is designed for individuals to use.
The Life You’ve Always Wanted (John Ortbert) Kit includes: Leaders guid; Participants guide; copy of
the book & Video both in VHS & DVD formats.
If you are tired of the status quo – if you suspect there’s more to Christianity than what you’ve
experienced-John Ortberg invites you and your small group to join him on a road to
transformation and spiritual vigor that anyone can take. Designed to help you make the
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journey together, The Life You’ve Always Wanted ZondervanGroupware guides you down the
ancient path of the spiritual disciplines.
Whale Done ! (Ken Blanchard) 3 CD’s;
In Whale Done, Ken Blanchard shows how positive reinforcement and redirection can help
increase productivity. These techniques are remarkably easy to mater & can be applied
equally well at home, allowing listeners to become better parents and more committed
spouses and have happier personal lives.
The One Minute Manager (Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson) 5 CD’s;
They teach you strategies of one-minute management to save time and increase your
productivity whether it is in your business, your home, or even managing your children.
Boundaries (Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend) CD’s Have You ever found yourself wondering:
Can I set limits and still be a loving person; /What are my legitimate boundaries?; How do I
answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money?; Why do I feel guilty when I
consider setting boundaries?
He Is Here (Amena Brown) DVD Four powerful spoken word videos create a unique worship
experience: He is Here; Masterpiece; Psalm 139; Resurrection.
Society Room – Knowing Through Doing (Charles Colson & Others)
Society Rooms are a new, yet historical way to explore issues of faith and culture in the
context of a group-learning environment. The Society Rooms of the late 1600’s and the
Clapham Circle of the early 1800’s are riveting examples of small gatherings of leaders that
would convene, dialogue, learn and work together to renew their culture.
On Location (Andy Stanley) DVD Messages include: 1. Head Count 2. Being There 3. Shine 4. Road
Facing The Unknown (Mark Batterson) DVD & Discussion Guide
In these four sessions, viewers will experience cinematic short films that show Abraham living
in the 21st century. What might he think and feel with the incredible steps of faith God asked
him to take? After each short film, Mark will teach on the biblical principles fro Abraham’s
story that apply to us today.
A Passonate Life (Kit) DVD, leaders guide & book. Small group resource by Mike Breen & Walt
Expect your group to be radically transformed, the lives of the people in your group, their
relationships, and communities, becase you will be living passionate lives just as Jesus did.
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Easter It’s Tough Being A Woman (kit) Beth Moore 10 session on 6-week DVD study
Join Beth Moore in an indepth and very personal examination of this great story of threat &
deliverance. I you’ve ever felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed
overpowering, this is the study for you. Just as it was tough being a woman in Esther’s day,
it’s rough today.
Stepping Up a Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent (kit) Beth Moore 6-week study.
A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent explores Psalms 120-134. Traveling pilgrims sang
these psalms both on the way to the great festivals of the Jews and as key eleents of the
worship at those festivals.
He Speaks To Me by Priscilla Shirer (kit) 7 week session study.
Priscilla’s desire is to see women not only know the uncompromising truths of Scripture
intellectually but experience them practically.
Anointed Transformed Redeemed, kit by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer & Kay Arthur (6-week sessions)
At Deeper Still: The event, three women explored their lives and the life of David. You’ll
laugh with them, cry with them, and learn to love God with them. Lead women in a six week
in depth Bible study on the life of King David.
Can We Talk? Soul-stirring conversations with God. 6 session study for women.
Priscilla Shirer teaches how to make our time in God’s Word a two-way conversation with the
Father. She’ll mentor your women as they develop their own conversations with God through
Leading Congregational Change (by Jim Herrington, Mike Bonem, James Furr) Book & Workbook
included. (#601)
For pastors and church leaders who answer no to this vital challenge, Leading Congregational
Change provides practical, refreshing, and highly effective tools and processes for generating
deep transformation.
Becoming a Great Staff (DVD & Introduction sheet included) by Andy Stanley.(# 597)
In this DVD, Andy unpacks this powerful dynamic and explains how to build your
organization’s culture around it. Using real-life examples, he uncovers several best practices
(and several not-so-great practices) for becoming a great staff.
Chaplain Training (Mark Cress & Chris Hobgood) KIT with extra workbooks available at the NABA.
Pertinent topics include confidentiality, addictions, suicide, legal matters, relationship issues,
and many more. Our purpose in creating this text is to contribute to the expansion of the
chaplaincy movement, not only in the US but throughout the world.
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Christianity Explored (Barry Cooper & Others) Kit with DVD, leaders guide & study guide
A ten-week course that introduces people to Jesus Christ. Week by week, as course
participants explore Mark’s Gospel, they address three questions that cut to the heart of
Christianity: Who is Jesus? Why did he come? What does it mean to follow him?
Life Shapers (8 DVD’s) by Mike Breen
Uprising (A Revolution of the Soul) KIT with book, DVD, workbook sample and teachers guide. By
Erwin R. McManus. 6-sessions: Life Without Limit; Transformation; Humble Courage; A Generous
Heart; Perseverance & Path of Servanthood.
Uprising is a thoughtful and restless look at what the church needs to do and be if it is to
touch the soul.
Life@Work – The Art Of Balance (John Maxwell, Richard Swenson & Bill Hybels) 6-session guide book
available to check out and review for possible study with a group or individually. Called VS.
Driven; Juggling Life; Finding Life’s Rhythum; The Quest For Significance & Chick-Fil-A Brings
rest to the Restaurant Business Plus Life @ The Intersection. Small Group Study Questions,
Practical Toolbox applications and more.
Identity (by Christian Fellowship Resources) 2 Disc (for small groups in 4 sessions)
Welome, You are His Child, You are the Priest, You are the Bride (disc 1)
You are His Servant, You are God’s Friend, You are an Alien & You are His Ambassador (disc 2)
Grief Share – Your Journey From Mourning to Joy (14 videos) When Your Dreams Fall Apart; The
Seasons Of Grief; Emotions Of Grief(1); Emotions OF Grief (2); When Your Spouse Dies; Your Family
And Grief; Where Is God?; Your Greatest Resource; Stuck In Grief Or Moving On? Growing Through
Grief; Grief Recovery Toolkit; God’s Spiritual Hospital; Longing For Heaven; & the leaders video –
Leading GriefShare Effectively. And a leaders guide book as well and a student workbook if these are
done in small group sessions.
Divorce Care – (14 videos dealing with divorce) What’s Happening To Me?; The Road To
Healing/Finding Help; Facing Your Anger; Facing Your Depression; Facing Your Loneliness; What Does
The Owner’s Manual Say?; New Relationships; Moving On, Growing Closer To God; Reconciliation;
Forgiveness; KidCare 1; KidCare 2; & Financial Survival. Also has Leaders Video to lead the sessions if
done in small groups.
You Are Gifted – DVD + book by Ken Hemphill (13 sessions)
The YOU ARE GIFTED DVDE is a tremendous help for facilitators of small groups studying You
Are Gifted: You Spiritual Gifts and the Kingdom of God. It helps prepare viewers to delve into
the interactive content of the You Are Gifted workbook while harvesting the best possible
learning from hearing the heartbeat of God in the comments and questions of others.
Eternal Impact – DVD by Ken Hemphill (6 sessions)
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The Eternal Impact DVDE is a tremendous help for facilitators of small groups studying Eternal
Impact, The Passion of Kingdom-Centered Communities. It helps prepare viewers to delve
into the interactive content of the Eternal Impact workbook while harvesting the best possible
learning from hearing the heartbeat of God in the comments and questions of others.
JUMPSTART – Training Sunday School Leaders for all ages. Kit with leaders guide, sample participants
book, 2 DVD’s.There are 5 kits available – Adult (Jeff Young), Young Adult (Jack FIscus),
Students (Phil Newberry), Children (Tommy Sanders) & Preschool (Shelly Taylor).
LET STORY GUIDE YOU – Life is a Story. Make yours count. Donald Miller (DVD)
Donald shares the important principles good storytellers use to make a story meaningful. He
shows the power of storytelling being used in the Bible to teach significance and purpose. He
challenges viewers to become the heroes of their own story and make their lives count.
The Net is designed to assist churches in training believers to effectively do evangelism in our
changing culture. To communicate the gospel in this postmodern world. The NET equips
Christians to tell their story in a very natural and biblical way. The NET works for churches of
all sizes and is adaptable to any ministry style. It was developed by a team of pastors, state
evangelism leaders, seminary professors, field test churches, and North American Mission
Board staff.
Friendship First-Church Leader Kit – Joani & Thom Schultz
Friendship First gives your church: Six weeks of engaging Sermons, Deeper Relationships with
Jesus, A Genuine Culture of Community, Practical Friendship Skills, Daily Challenges for Loving
Others, A fun approach centered on Food, Easy Formats to any ministry need or setting.
Friendship First-Youth Ministry Kit - Joani & Thom Schultz
Friendship First for youth gives: Deeper Relationships with Jesus, A Genuine culture of
community, practical friendship skills, Daily challenges for loving others, A fun approach
centered on food, Easy formats to fit any ministry need or setting.
Friendship First-Children’s Ministry Kit – Joani & Thom Schultz
Help Children build friendships with one another and God. Flexible for large and small groups,
13 get-togethers, each lasts about 1 hour, works for K-5th graders, children share experiences
outside of class, fun and delicious snack ideas included, packed with music, affirmations, and
Friendship First – Adult Ministry Kit – Joani & Thom Schultz
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Friendship first gives: Deeper relationships with Jesus, a genuine culture of community,
practical friendship skills, daily challenges for loving others, a fun approach centered on food,
easy formats to fit any ministry need or setting.
Making Change – KIT 7-sessions – Ken Hemphill (two kits available)
Transforming your money and your life will transform the way you use money as well as the
way you think about money. In fact, it will change the way you think about yourself, your
relationship with your creator, and your resources. It will also help you manage your money
and teach you to live without worrying about your possessions.
EKG – Empowering Kingdom Growth (KIT-6 sessions) – Ken Hemphill (two kits are available)
This kit is a map to an interactive experience that explores God’s Word about His Kingdom and
helps you hear God’s heartbeat. Great for small groups, congregations & individuals to focus
on one thing, God’s kingdom.
What Would You Do? Youth (by Bluefish) 4 videos illustrating how character is revealed in difficult
These open-ended video illustrations are designed to jump start discussions in your small or
large group setting. The sessions are: Facebook Girls (2 min); A Good Samaritan? (2 min.);
Money for the Movies (2 min); Prom Scheme (2min).
PRAYER Youth (by Bluefish) 4 video illustrations highlighting our unique relationship with God
through prayer.
The 4 videos are: ThyPhone Prayer (2 min); When We Pray (2 min); Amena Brown: The Place
of Prayer (2min); PrayerMasters (2min).
How Great Is Our God (DVD) by Louie Giglio
Your life is a miracle, and the Creator of the universe knows you by name. And HE cares about
you and promises to carry you through. Very inspiring video !!
For Tomorrow (The Toms Shoes Story) DVD
Toms Shoes Was founded in 2006 when an American traveler, Blake Mycoskie, befriended the
children of an Argentine village and found that they had o shoes to protect their feet.
Wanting to help, the created a company that would match every pair of shoes sold with a pair
given to a child in need. One for One. Along with a group of family, friends and staff, Blake
returned within a year to that same village in Argentina with 10,000 pairs of shoes to match
purchases fro caring TOMS customers. This is their story.
Am I Happy? The Search for Something More. Sean McDowell (Bluefish TV)
In these 4 powerful sessions, students share the trials and struggles they face in their search
for happiness. Sean McDowell offers biblical insight into the fleeting nature of happiness and
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the true meaning of joy. Searching for Happiness: In Relationships; In Accomplishments; In
Appearances; & Despite Circumstances.
Why Jesus? Answering Tough Questions About our Savior - David Nasser (Bluefish TV)
In these four powerful sessions, David Nasser addresses the tough questions that students
have about Jesus and points them back to the scriptural truths about our Savior. Sessions:
What’s the Big Deal About Jesus?; Was Jesus God, or Just a Good Man?; Were Jesus’ miracles
just an illusion?; Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?
Conflict Overcoming Stress In Your Relationships. Doug Fields (Bluefish TV)
In these four powerful seesions students candidly share real-life stories about the conflict they
experience in their lives. Doug offers biblical insight into the most common areas of conflict
and teaches students how to reach peace and forgiveness in the relationships that mean the
most to them. Four sessions include: Conflict with Family, with Friends, With Authority &
With God.
Catalyst 2009 – ON YOUR MARK (WITH: Andy Stanley, Jessica Jackley, Malcolm Gladwell, Shane
Hipps, Rob Bell, Tony Dungy, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Priscilla Shirer, Dave Ramsey, Chuck
Swindoll, Louie Giglio.
The Heart of Passion (Louie Giglio) 4 full length Talks
Indescribable – The heavens are telling the glory of God, and their expance declares the work
of His hands. Indescribable takes us on an image-rich journey through the cosmos, allowing us
to peer into God’s universe to discover the amazing magnitude of His greatness and grace.
How Great Is Our God – Our life is a miracle, and the Creator of the universe knows each of us
by name. He’s big enough to breathe out stars, yet intricate enough to fashion together the
trillions of cells that make up every facet of who we are. And He cares about each of us and
promises to carry us through. He will hold onto you and hold you together, giving strength to
those who hope in His unfailing love.
Hope: When Life Hurts Most – Life isn’t easy. We experience problems and setbacks every
day. But during the hardest parts of life, when the bottom seems to fall out, where do we
turn for peace? God offers Himself and His cross as an anchor of hope no matter what we face
in life. The hope we find in Him allows us to leverage our darkest moments for His fame.
Fruitcake And Ice Cream – Sometimes the best things in life are those we’re not even sure
we’re looking for at the time, but those we realize we can’t live without in the end. Fruitcake
and Ice Cream is a story that breathes hope for the spiritually searching while providing a
massive kick-start for those within the church who carry the unrivaled story of God’s grace
and truth in a darkened world.
Check It Out (KIT) by: Andy & Joy Clark, Claire Parry & Dennis Pethers.
The Check it Out discovery course has been developed out of their experience of
communicating the gospel to youong people outside of church and will help you to reach
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young people who are not ‘churched’. Sessions: Who am I/, Who are they?, What’s my
choice?, What do I believe?, Where do we go?, What Now?.
Catalyst Conference 2009 – Andy Stanley and Others – Several pieces from the Catalyst
The Purpose Driven Life kit (DVD & study guide) – Rick Warren: Six week session video based study
where you are going to discover the answer to life’s most fundamental question: “What on earth am I
here for?”
The Love Languages of God Kit (8 sessions) by Gary Chapman
Identify your own primary love language, the love languages of those closest to you, and the
love language in which you express love for God and receive love from God. In doing so, you
will be able to feel God’s love more personally, express love for God in more meaningful ways,
and better understand others’ expressions of love for God.
Fireproof Your Marriage kit (Jennifer Dion) 6 sessions. This is founded on Biblical principles
for strong, God-centered, lifelong marriages. Engage in a 6-session study, using video clips
from Fireproof, along with thought-provoking discussion questions and individual and
couples’ devotionals.
On Your Mark (Andy Stanley and others) 3 DVD’s from Catalyst Conference 2009.
Catalyst leaders realize that being courageous in calling is a defining element of their ability to
impact their community. Now is your opportunity to lead the change in our world; giving
more, doing more, and living more on purpose. ON Your Mark!
Dare To Be Uncommon Kit (seven sessions) by Tony Dungy
This super bowl winning coach has spent his life shaping young men. Now he is ready to share
core truths he wants every man to understand, live by, and pass on to others. Through
Scripture, discussions, and activities plus character-building insights and candid “pep talks” from
Tony, men will be challenged to examine their lives and aspire to a life of true significance. A life
of renewed integrity…influence…and faith.
Road To Financial Freedom DVD & CD(Your Personal Journey) BY Crown Financial Ministries
4-week churchwide outreach program will teach people how to handle money God’s way. Using
the sermon series coordinated with supporting student materials for Bible study, Sunday School,
or small groups, your church can effectively and economically teach God’s financial principles to
small or large groups of people at one time.
The Case For Christ (Lee Strobel & Garry Poole) KIT 6-week session
Using this guide with the six-session DVD study, you will follow Strobel on a quest for the truth
about Jesus. Rejecting easy answers, you will sift through fascinating historical evidence as you
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weigh expert testimony. In the end, you may very well see Jesus in a compelling new way-and,
like Strobel, find your life transformed.
iMarriage – Transforming Your Expectations Kit by Andy Stanley 6 sessions
In this six session companion study guide to the DVD, Andy Stanley explains that you must learn
to transform your expectations and look to God if you are to experience marriage as it was
designed. Has leaders guide to take you through this study.
INTERRUPTED – An Adventure in Relearning the Essentials of Faith (Five Sessions) by Jen
This leader kit uses audio clips, video, biblical articles, music, and other tools to help you
facilitate a small group that engages Scripture in a fresh and surprising way. This experience will
ask you to step into what may be uncomfortable and will challenge your sensibilities. But it’s
also a chance to connect with the mission of God to take Christ-followers out and down,
engaging the problems of the world for the kingdom of God.
FEARLESS by Max Lucado six 5- to 10- minute lessons on DVD. KIT includes discussion guide,
DVD & Data CD.
Max Lucado addresses some of your biggest fears and shows you how the solution may be
easier than you think. This timely study will guide you and your small group on a journey to the
day when you can trust more and fear less.
SACRED ROADS – Exploring The Historic Paths OF Discipleship (Kit) by Heather Zempel (5sessions) Great for small groups/Evangelism. Especially good for young adults and could be done for
youth but would have to be altered slightly.
In this study the author will guide you down those various roads, examining the historical and
biblical basis for each one. You’ll find that for centuries, people with the goal of becoming true
followers of Christ have approached the adventure of following Him in different ways. So can
you. Sacred Roads is a chance to engage your spiritual heritage, and in the process, broaden
your definition of what it means to be a Christian.
CHASE THE GOOSE (KIT) BY Mark Batterson. 6-sessions
This leader kit has everything you need for your group’s Wild Goose chase. Using the leader
guide, audio segments, video, biblical articles, and music contained inside, you can help your
group follow hard after the Holy Spirit and break out of the cages of their daily lives. So if you’re
ready, it’s time to begin the Wild Goose chase; God only knows where it will end.
ONE IN A MILLION (KIT) BY PRISCILLA SHIRER. 7-SESSIONS. Good for Women’s ministries (754)
Every week millions of believers fill the pews of the church and hear about the greatness and
power of God. They are told that they can experience it, yet few ever do. If you hunger to
experience His power, hear His voice, and live in the abundance promised to you, then this book
is for you.
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BLEMISHED by Jason Hayes – How The Message of Malachi Confronts Empty Religion (KIT)
five sessions.
This leader kit uses audio teaching, video, biblical articles, music, and other tools to help you
facilitate a small group experience where you can learn what went wrong in the days of Malachi
and lead others to avoid those same pitfalls. A Blemished small group can motivate Christfollowers to remember that God desires a deep level of obedience from His people who are still
called to bring unblemished sacrifices before Him.
In these six sessions of Marriage: Built To LaSt, 24 couples share real-life stories about stories
about their honest questions and struggles as they seek to build a marriage that will last a
lifetime. 1. Why don’t we ever have enough money? 2. What am I doing that makes him so
unhappy? 3. Why doesn’t she appreciate me like the people at my office do? 4. Why do I feel
like I;m walking on eggshells all the time? 5. Is this how God intended our marriage to be?
FIVE PRACTICES OF WORSHIP BY Robert Schnase & Terry B. Carty (KIT)
The Five Practices Leader Manual & Media offers leaders a comprehensive but flexible way to
make the Five Practices a congregation-wide focus. Includes a leader manual and DVD to help
plan the initiative, sermon outlines, projection slides. IMAGINE five weeks of daily devotions
and prayers for the entire congregation; LEADERSHIP TEAMS and small groups stimulated to
take on new initiatives; SERMONS AND WORSHIP focusing on each of these practices.
Imagine sitting with a battle-tested spiritual father who openly shares his heart, perspective
and wisdom on issues important to you and to the church-at-large. Now, picture five or six of
these seasoned fathers gathered around a fireplace to counsel with one another with you
eavesdropping on their conversation. Comprising more than 300 years of ministry and
leadership experience, Conversations With Fathers of the Faith is a 6-session journey that
gleans from a representation of a generation of spiritual fathers, including Henry Blackaby,
Loren Cunningham, Jack Hayford, Lloyd Ogilvie, John Perkins & Winkie Pratney.
TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT (Andy Stanley) Kit – Good for all age groups.
He explains that the secret to getting more out of life is not doing more, but doing less. We
must learn to create margin to live the life God intended for us. This study guide is complete
with a Leader’s guide and six lessons, including conversation-starting exercises, discussion
questions, and application steps.
DVD’s and member book sample included. Great for a Mom’s small group.
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The six-session group experience will help you discover God’s take on critical issues. Learn
from Vicki and other moms who’ve been there. From growing up too fast to online chat
room, Vicki covers the hot-botton issues you’re sure to face and gives you tools to navigate
the land mines with confidence.
To Save A Family Church Kit (Outreach)
This is a solid biblical teaching, thought-provoking discussion questions, and movie clips from
the film To Save A Life. The Study Guide includes special wording for teenagers and pre-teens,
so you can use the lessons in your adult groups- and then share them with your children! The
kit includes: DVD Movie clips for each of the six-sessions., CD –Includes a completion certificate,
as well as games & activities for each session, Study Guide: Integrates Bible verses, real-life
stories, & discussion questions., Leader’s guide: With tips on how to lead successful small groups
& notes on each of the six-session, 6 memory verse sticker sheets.
RightNow-The Mission Of The Church Matters (KIT) 6-sessions with Francis Chan, AMatt Chandler,
Mark Batterson, Tim Ross, Alan Danielson & George Barna.
This leadership kit is designed to help church leaders make followers of Christ who are willing to
trade in their time, money, and comfort for a world that needs Christ. Kit contains Six
leadership development DVDs, Four sermon Illustration DVDs, One Comprehensive Facilitator’s
RightNow-Lead Beyond Our Walls (Kit) by Max Lucado and many others. DVD’s and many tools to
work with in this kit.
People live their lives outside the wallsof the church. As church leaders, how can we lead
people towards transforming their work, neighborhood and the world? This kit can rally every
leader in your church to Lead Beyond The Walls.
Freedom begins here (kit) w/Gary Smalley (DVD & Devotional Journal)
Freedom Begins Here is a challenging Christians everywhere to join a bold movement to break
the chains of pornography in our culture. You may not be struggling, but you know someone
who is. Join the movement. Experience this 30-day journey of hope, direction and change.
Men’s Fraternity - The Great Adventure (Kit) by Robert Lewis The kit contains 20 sessions on DVD, 2
Leaders workshop DVDs & one leader’s guide CD-ROM.
Life should be an adventure, but too; often it seems tiring, even boring. The Great Adventure
challenges you to break free from the bondage of boredom and begin on the great adventure
that God has uniquely designed for you. Included In this study is your Unique Design, an online
personality assessment that will help you understand your natural strengths and the
environments in which you thrive.
Men’s Fraternity – The Quest For Authentic Manhood (Kit) by Robert Lewis, The kit contains 24
sessions on DVD, 2 Leaders workshop DVDs & one leader’s guide CD-ROM.
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The Quest for Authentic Manhhood is the original curriculum in the Men’s Fraternity series. A
captivating journey composed of 24 sessions, this series helps men understand their masculine
identity and shows them how to make the pursuit of authentic manhood a lifelong priority that
is incrporated into the fabric of their everyday lives. It offers a clear definition of what a man is
and challenges each man to develop his own personalized manhood plan.
Essential for Leaders; Program & Management, Part 1 & 2; Vision & Relationships, Part 1-3; &
Leaders guide.
Dr. Borden has an established reputation as church pastor, denominational leader and as a
gifted communicator and teacher. He has a passion for teaching fellow pastors how to be
effective communicators of God’s Word and is highly sought after both nationally and
DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE (kit) by John Piper (includes DVD’s,book & guide)
Disc 1: Book Study Edition DVD with ten 15 minute teaching sessions; Discs 2-3: Don’t Waste
Your Life conference edition DVDs with four new hour-long messages. Eash Presentation
maximizes Piper’s timely, biblical message for making one’s life count for eternity. Use this
valuable tool to guide any gathering of believers to treasure Christ above all.
24,2010) This was Paul Spoke at King’s Grant Baptist.
More To Life – Engaging Through Story (kit) Dennie Pethers
More To Life-Engaging Through Story teaches a simple, four-story approach to help believers
share their faith and an understanding of the gospel. Through six sessions, participants will
learn how easy it is to include their faith stories in everyday conversations. The teaching
video led by Dennis Pethers, is designed to enable easy facilitation by anyone as the group
leader. This training gives believers the opportunity to compose their own gospel
presentation from scripture and highlights the use of the companion resources More To Life
DVDE and Discover more to Life as effective tools for evangelism.
Leaders guide, samples of Ministry devotional & Participant’s guide.
The Easter Experience is, as its name implies, a truly spiritual experience. This unique, DVDdriven study brings the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling
and challenging teaching done in a highly cinematic style. This powerful cinematic resource
kit combines small group curriculum & worship support to bring the entire Easter season to a
powerful pinnacle of appreciation of the eternal meaning of Easter.
CHURCH TAX INFO – BY Richard Hammar (kit) 3 CD’s
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Church & Clergy Tax Guide 2010; Church Treasurer Update; (Legal & Tax developments for
Church treasurers) Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches & Income & Expenses. (How
to complete your congregation’s 2009 federal tax forms)
MAKING PEACH WITH YOUR PAST – BY TIM SLEDGE with book and facilitators guide.
This study offers practical, biblically based guidance to lead you and other adults to identify,
understand, and come to terms with the feelings and problems of growing up in a
dysfunctional family.
Personal evangelism is the foundation for all church growth. As the culture and landscape of
America shift, people are looking for spiritual answers to life’s significant questions. In the
increasingly crowded marketplace of spiritual ideas, however, people are looking to the
church less and less. The author addresses this problem at the heart of the solution. If the
Kingdom of God is to expand, individual Christians will have to learn to communicate their
faith in a way that is engaging, personal, and relevant.
THE HOLE IN OUR GOSPEL (kit)– SIX WEEK QUEST by Richard Stearns (6-sessions (DVD’s)
This radical, eye-opening series challenges churches to involve their members in 42 days of
action-oriented awareness and one soul-searching question on poverty and injustice from
World Vision U.S. President Richard Stearns, “What does God expect of us?” This is a story of
how a CEO faced his own struggle to obey God, whatever the cost,, and his passionate call for
Christians to charge the world by actively living out their faith. Believing that the “good news”
is more than a private transaction between God and us. The series includes fast-paced and
hard-hitting documentary DVD “shorts” and real life pack a punch stories and insights on
poverty and injustice. Probing and pondering the 2,000 verses in the Bible that address
poverty and injustice.
BRINGING UP BOYS BY (KIT) Dr. James Dobson (6 session DVD series)
These warm, humorous, and commonsense DVDs are based on Dr. Dobson’s best-selling book
Bringing Up Boys and were recorded in from a live audience at Focus on the Family. You’ll
benefit from Dr. Dobson’s decades of expertise as he shares secrets of raising boys and
answers such important questions as: What role does competition play in a boy’s
development?; How is a father’s contribution to the parenting process different from a
mother’s?; what’s the best way to educate boys?; What causes homosexuality? Can it be
prevented?; What special advice is there for single mothers with sons?; How should I show
affection for my son? You can gain practical understanding and dynamic biblical principles,
and steer the boys you parent, teach, coach, or counsel toward confident, responsible
manhood through the convenience of a home video series.
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This resource was developed to help leaders in the local church apply the principles outlined
by David Francis. Great Expectations: Planting the Seeds for Sunday School Growth. The
Administration Guide, CD-Rom, and posters included in this kit are designed to help you plan
for and conduct a Sunday School Launch Weekend for your church and to help focus on
becoming a Great Expectations Sunday School.
TRANSFORMATIONAL CHURCH (2 DVD’s + CD-Rom) by Ed Stetzer & Thom S. Rainer. (2 copies of this
TC is the result of a unique research process involving interviews with over 7,000 churches &
15,000 church members all seeking to answer the same question: How is God working in and
through the church right now? From those interviews comes the hopeful message of TC.
Through a combination of theory & practical application, Ed Stetzer, Thom Rainer, and other
church practitioners with decades of experience will help you discover how your church can
be biblically based, culturally engaged, and world-changing.
Four Video-Driven Sessions: The Truth About Sex (25 min); The Truth About Guys & Girls (24
min.); The Truth About Boundaries (25 min); The Truth About Forgiveness (24 min). Every day,
students are bombarded with hundreds of messages about sex: at school, on TV, the
internet…sex is everywhere they look. It’s hard to know what messages are really true.
They’re learning about sex from the culture around them. In these 4 powerful sessions,
students share authentic stories about the struggles they face regarding sex, Doug Fields
offers Biblical insight into how all teens can make right decisions, live within boundaries, and
seek God’s forgiveness when needed.
MADE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE by Max Lucado and daughter Jenna L. Bishop (DVD’S, LEADERS GUIDE,
Deep down, everyone wants to make a difference. But it is difficult for students to get past
their own issues, problems and distractions to see that their lives can count right now. In
these 4 challenging sessions, Max Lucado offers Biblical insight into how Go0d has uniquely
created students with certain passions, talents, and interests to impact the world for Christ.
Students share real-life stories on how they’ve spoken up, stepped out and made a difference
around them.
Many students fear what people would think if they stand up for Truth. It is tempting for
students to blend in with the crowd and keep silent. The risk of being rejected or alone for
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speaking up seems far too great. In these 4 inspiring sessios, Francis Chan opens up the
Scriptures and shows students how their faith in Christ can give them the ability to live lives
defined by courage. Students share real-life stories regarding their struggles and successes in
the face of adversity.
TEAMBUILDING GAMES (Notebook) Consist of 7 Games + more to help build teams. Can be used with
all ages. Youth love it as well as adults.
BASIC – FEAR GOD (# 1) BY Francis Chan (DVD) 14 min. Reflection guide available in kit.
One of the recurring themes we see in the Bible is the idea of fearing God. When it
comes to fearing God, though, it seems like so many in the church today want to reduce this
fear to some sort of reverence, or respect, or awe. It’s almost like we want to apologize to our
culture for having a God who tells us to fear Him. Is the fear that God talks about in the Bible
really much more than we want to admit? Could it be that when the Bible says we’re to fear
God, its not just respect…that it really means we’re to be terrified of Him? Could it be that a
healthy fear - or terror – or a hold God really is the beginning of wisdom? Could it be that
this fear of God is what will ultimately lead us to the life that we were created to live?
STORM – BY Kyle Idleman (DVD) 10 DVDs small group study
There are few things as frightening as being caught in a STORM with no shelter from the
elements and feeling like you are the lightening rod. That is exactly how many of us feel when
boldly discussing our Christian faith; we are faced with a sudden downpour of those inevitably
tough questions. STORM is a tool designed exactly for these types of situations. Addresses
questions: Where does God come from? Do I have freewill? Evolution contradicts the Bible.,
Evidence of archaeology, Is Jesus really the Son of God?, Is Jesus the only way to Heaven? Why
does God allow suffering? An uncaring attitude., Destroy us with pain and suffering, How
could a loving God send people to hell? Being honest about doubts, and many more.
The Joseph Calling by Os Hillman (DVD)
IF GOD IS GOOD by Randy Alcorn (book and study guide)
In this captivating new book, Randy challenges the logic of disbelief and brings a fresh,
realistic, and thoroughly biblical perspective to the issues these important questions raise.
ESSENTIALS FOR EXCELLENCE (BY Carrie Beth Tonks) Connecting Preschool Sunday School to Life
REIMAGINING EVANEGELISM BY: Rick Richardson (DVD and Participant guide)
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Sharing our faith in Christ is much more difficult than it was in the past. We now live in a postChristian and pluralistic culture that does not respond well to traditional evangelistic efforts.
But sharing the good news is not optional. Through this DVD, which is designed to be used
with the Reimagining Evangelism Participant’s Guide and Rick’s book Reimagining Evangelism,
you will gain insight into and develop skills for sharing Christ with your twenty-first century
THE TENSION IS GOOD (BY Andy Stanley and others) 10 DVD’s all from the Catalyst Conference 2010.
The size of the vision God will give you is directly related to the amount of pain and
discomfort you are willing to endure.
THE WHOLE GOSPEL – Revisiting Our Message to the World hosted by Gabe Lyons, Featuring: Charles
Colson, Jamie Tworkwski, Tim Keel & Ron Martoia.
Modeled after the “Society Rooms” of the late 1600s and the Clapham Circle of the ealy
1800s, Q Society Rooms are designed to convene small groups of people to dialogue, learn,
and work together helping you navigate the tensions of following Jesus in a post-Christian
culture. A Leader DVD and a participant’s Guide for each group member will guide your group
through five gatherings that conclude with your participation in a culture shaping project that
puts your faith into action.
TOM’S SHOES BY Blake Mycoskie DVD:
In 2006 American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in a village in Argentina and
found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a
company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a
child in need. One for One.
One of the recurring themes we see in the Bible is the idea of fearing God. When it comes
fearing God, though, it seems like so many in the church today want to reduce this fear to
some sort of reverence, or respect, or awe. It’s almost like we want to apologize to our
culture for having a God who tells us to fear Him.
THE POWER OF MOMENTUM – A video teaching series (4 DVD’s) 1. Gaining & Sustaining Momentum
2. Creating A Culture of Continual Improvement 3. Busting Barriers with Mindset changes & 4.
Creating Personal Spiritual Momentum.
Momentum. What is it? Why is it Important? How do you get it? & Once you have it, how do
you keep it.
MORE TO LIFE (Engaging Through Story) KIT by Dennis Pethers includes 3 DVD’s and a leader’s guide.
(3 kits available)
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More to Life teaches a simple, four-story approach to help believers share their faith and an
understanding of the gospel. Through 6 sessions, participants will learn how easy it is to include their
faith stories in everyday conversations. The teaching video, led by Dennis Pethers, is designed to
enable easy facilitation by anyone as the group leader. This training gives believers the opportunity to
compose their own gospel presentation from Scripture and highlights the use of the companion
resources More to Life DVD and Discover More to Life as effective tools for evangelism.
OUT LIVE YOUR LIFE BY MAX lUCADO Kit includes DVD with 4 (15 min) sessions, participants guide,
leaders guide & CD-ROM with materials for promoting your group study, sermon series or churchwide
Discover how you can outlive your life, not just in heaven but here on earth. You’ll begin by
following the real life stories of people like you who are making an impact in their communities
and around the world. The Outlive Your Life program will take you through daily readings,
reflections, and action plans so that each day you’ll take another step toward making your time,
your skills, and your passions all add up to something bigger than you.
FEARLESS – Imagine Your Life Without Fear by Max Lucado: includes 3 audio cd’s, book and discussion
The Fearless Small Grp. Discussion Guide will be your partner as you watch the six compelling
episodes in the DVD study. The lessons outlined here will help you remember what you see and express
how you feel as you journey to the day when you can trust more and fear less.
Nine In Depth Teaching Sessions On Becoming A Change Agent In Culture.
THE BARNABAS PROJECT – MEN AT THE CROSS (24 video lessons to equip your “Pauls” 24 emails to
encourage them)
In this series you will learn how to detox your brain and rid yourself of all those toxix
thoughts, and the harmful emotions and stress levels they generate.
I WAS BROKE NOW I’M NOT BY Joseph Sangl (DVD, leaders guide & study guide.
He shares his story of how he and Jenn became debt-free in just fourteen months and teaches
the tools that they used to win with money. You will learn how to plan your spending,
calculate your debt freedom date, and calculate how much money you will need for
retirement. You will also discover the power of compound interest and how investing
captures that power allowing you to achieve financial freedom.
THE TENSION IS GOOD (by Andy Stanley and others from the Catalyst conference) 2010
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BGAV CONNECT: 2010 with Reggie McNeal (2 disc) 1st session: People of Blessing 2nd session What are
you looking at? 3rd session Get off your Donkey. plus reports from convention and message from John
PASS IT ON (Youth ministry nuts & bolts) 3 DVD’s by Doug Fields & Jim Burns
Sessions include: Personal preparation for youth ministry; Building a Youth Ministry foundation;
Empowering student leaders; creating a strong youth ministry team; developing an evangelistic
environment; Pursuing Health…Increasing Attendance/Participation & bonus: How to Lead great
LIFE CHOICES (Trusting God in Life’s Decisions and Challenges) by Jim Britts
Critical issues like peer pressure, sexual temptation, family conflicts & lukewarm faith can
detour even those with the best intentions. Help your teens make good decisions with Life
TAKING DOWN GOLIATH by Johnny Hunt (kit) DVD’S-7 sessions (30 min. lessons)
Sessions include: The Giant of sex, The Giant of money, The Giant of Habits, The Giant of
Temptation, The Giant of failure, The Giant of Fear & The Giant of Relationships.
PRIMAL (A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity by Mark Batterson (DVD) 5 video segments with onscreen discussion questions, Printable conversation guide & more.
The Primal DVD based study takes you on a five-week journey back to the purest faith possible.
With creative video segments corresponding to the sections of the book, this DVD offers Mark’s
personal presentation of key insights about primal faith. Eash segment ends with thought
provoking questions that will help you or your group interact with the truths of Primal and apply
them to life.
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS (For Men Only) by Johnny Hunt (DVD’s) 11 (8-10 min.) micro messages on
DVD & CD’s with reproducible discussion guide.
Use for accountability groups, men’s breakfasts, retreats, or individual study, timely & on-target!
Build stronger men & stronger families with these eleven personal & practical micro messages!
Jesus by Jennifer Hooks & Scott Oas. Many resources in this kit to help present it.
Journey to the Cross is perfect for any size church looking for an inspirational Easter event that
engages families with the spiritual truth that Jesus came so he could have a close, joyful,
relationship with each of us. This kit makes it easy to organize your journey with step-by-step
instructions. Volunteer recruiting ideas, sound-effects CDs for each station, and more.
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THE SKIT GUYS (DVD) For Youth & Students by Eddie & Tommy
The Skit Guys are known for their “performance comedy” which is a unique blend of comedy,
drama, and improvisation couple with a modern-day take on Scripture that is both real and noncompromised.
THE LIFE OF NOAH with Chris Seay (DVD) 4 short segments
The Bible is full of stories that rival any Hollywood blockbuster. Yet, sometimes it is difficult to
communicate these scriptural experiences to our media-saturated culture. These brief video
illustrations will help any teacher who is communicating the Bible to a 21st. century audience.
The segments are: “A World Full of Evil”; “The First Step”; “Storm of Storms”; & “God’s
THE LIFE OF MARY with Margaret Feinberg (DVD) 4 short segments
The Bible is full of stories that rival any Hollywood blockbuster. Yet, sometimes it is difficult to
communicate these scriptural experiences to our media-saturated culture. These brief video
illustrations will help any teacher who is communicating the Bible to a 21st. century audience.
The segments are: “Unexpected”; Unscripted”; “Unfamiliar”, & “Unfulfilled/Fulfilled”.
THE TOUCH (DVD) What happens When Someone Actually Cares? Directed by Jimmy Huckaby
This DVD is an inspiration inspired by the true experiences of the First Baptist church in Lake
County, Florida. The church reached out to a young woman in trouble.
WHY JESUS (ADULT KIT) by David Nasser – 4-session bible study (DVD’s) & Leader’s guide. Includes 3
video-driven sermon illustrations, Printed promotional materials.
Sessions include: What’s the Big Deal about Jesus? (22 min); Was Jesus God, or Just a Good
Man? (14 min); Were Jesus’ Miracles Just an Illusion? (17 min); Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?
(21 Min).
THE MAN I WANT TO BE (BY Neal Jeffrey) 6-(40 min) sessions. Kit includes DVD’s, Audio CD kit,
sample of Workbook, Leader’s guide, Promotion Kit for advertising.
Six powerful lessons Men Need to experience. A Man Who Believes; A man who Builds; A Man
who is brave; A Man who is Blessed; A man Who Behaves & A man Who is Beloved. Neal is a
former all-American quarterback at Baylor U. and NFL quarterback for the San Diego Chargers, is
one of the most effective speakers in America.
LOVED BY GOD BY LIZ CURTIS HIGGS (KIT) includes 7 (30 min lessons); facilitators guide & workbook
Sessions include: Sibling Rivalry; Running From God; A Dream Come True; Blinded by Love; A
Deceiver Deceived & A Heart For God. Liz is gifted with deep spiritual insights and a generous
helping of humor, Liz provides a refreshing experience in personal bible study for women.
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EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY SPIRITUALITY by Peter Scazzero (DVD & sample of workbook)
The DVD is a recommended companion to the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Workbook. The 8
sessions are: The Problem of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality; Know Yourself that You May
Know God; Going Back in Order to Go Forward; Journey Through the Wall; Enlarge Your Soul
Through Grief & Loss; Discover the Rhythms of the Daily Office & Sabbath; Grow into an
Emotionally Healthy Adult & Go the Next Step to Develop a “Rule of Life”.
EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY SPIRITUALITY (Church-Wide Initiative) by Peter Scazzero (Complete kit
including book.
Peter learned the hard way: you can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally
immature. God awakened him to a biblical integration of emotional health, his relationship with
Jesus and the classic practices of contemplative spirituality. And it created nothing short of a
spiritual revolution. A revolution that reached so far beneath the surface that he and the church
he pastors, New Life Fellowship were utterly transformed. This kit will give you the tools to
bring this revolution to your church.
IGNITER SEASONAL (01) 4-disc DVD set. By Igniter Media Group
This set contains all of the seasonal content created by igniter Media Group from Dec. 2005
through July 2007. This collection contains mini-movies, countdowns, looping backgrounds, and
still backgrounds geared for various holidays, including Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving,
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day & US Patriotic days. All content is in both standard definition and
high definition formats.
IGNITER SEASONAL (02 & 03) Same as above but different mini movies to use.
Kit includes 1 DVD & 7 Study guides. This kit help Christians get back to the things that really
count. The five sessions focus on: Making Room for Life; Making Room for Family; Making
Room fo Neighbors; Making Room to Chill; Making Room for Service.
Based on Soul Surfer, the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm
in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, inspiring
millions worldwide through the love of her family, her sheer determination, and unwavering
I-BEAM OF MESSAGE BUILDING DVD & WORKBOOK (Creating Messages That are Faithful to the text
and Functional for today.
From Morris Proctor, authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software and the creator of the
renowned Camp Logos training series, comes a new approach to expository preaching. Based
on almost 30 years of experience as a pastor-teacher, Morris created the I-Beam of Message
building, a comprehensive training seminar designed to assist biblical teachers in
communicating the Word.
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CAMP LOGOS L I V E (DVD’S) BY Morris Proctor; 7-hours of hands-on training, screen highlights and
callouts make it easy to follow instructions; Interactive menu allows you to jump to specific sections.
For over thirteen yrs., tens of thousands of students have all attested to one thing: Camp Logos
Works. From basic features to advanced tools, Camp Logos will help you hone your use of Logos
Bible Software, taking your bible study to a whole new level. This two-disc DVD-ROM takes
Morris Proctor’s highly effective training from the classroom to your computer, allowing you to
make use of this powerful seminar from anywhere-with just the click of a mouse.
JONAH (Navigating A Life Interrupted) 7 sessions (2 DVD’s + sample workbook)
They shock us; they shake us; they compel us to change. You can’t escape life’s interruptions,
but you can change your perspective on them. Dive into the study of Jonah and discover that
what you see as an interruption may truly be God’s divine invitation to a life so much bigger
than you can imagine.
TRANSFORMATIONAL CLASS (TransformationaL Church Goes To Sunday School) KIT includes Class CDRom, Posters, Emphasis Adm. Guide, CD for class. Developed o help SS leaders in the local church
apply the principles outlined by David Francis in Transformational Class: Transformational Church
Goes to SS.
MAKING VISION STICK BY Andy Stanley (DVD) 8 sessions.
In this DVD series, Andy first shows you why vision doesn’t stick. Then, sharing vivid firsthand
examples, he walks you through five simple but powerful ways to make your vision infiltrate the
hearts and minds of those you lead. In addition, the series features behind-the-scenes
interviews with two key leaders at North Point-Jeff Henderson and Bill Willits-giving viewers
practical examples on just how to do this.
SIMPLIFYING THE CHALLENGE by Henry Cloud (DVD) Topics include: The Wake; Fig Tree; Wise, Fools, &
Evil; & Pruning.
Dr. Cloud gives practical advice to help you & your team gain focus and to aid in the execution of
some of the most perplexing situations with people and strategies. Our hope is that this
resource will help you and your team simplify the complicated, and encourage you to see the
positive results of entering into these difficult places.
OPERATION INASMUCH (Serving the Community as one) DVD Training video, DVD-ROM included, 2
books and other materials for training.
Operation Inasmuch is being used by about 1500 congregations of all denominations and races
in 17 states and 2 foreign countries to impact their community for Christ. It is also being utilized
by colleges and student groups as well as new church plants as a primary strategy for reaching
people for Christ.
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The Greatness of George Washington (by Dr. John Maxwell) DVD
In this month’s lesson, John looks back at the founding our our country and its first president,
George Washington. Washington’s leadership set a benchmark of trust and greatness that few
presidents since have been able to match in the eyes of the people. John will look at what
differentiated Washington’s leadership from others and how we can learn from the greatness of
George Washington, to become great influencers in our own circles.
LOGOS (Learn to Use Biblical Greek & Hebrew with Logos) DVD
SURRENDER (By Francis Chan) KIT for YOUTH. 4 sessions
Sessions include: 1) Surrender Stuff 2) Surrender Status 3) Surrender Sin 4)Surrender Self (Each
one is 20 to 23 min. in length) In these four challenging sessions, students share real-life stories
about their own struggles and triumphs in surrendering to Christ. Francis Chan examines
Scripture to show students that it is only through surrendering to God that they can become
who God wants them to be.
The Grant Writing Workship presented by: Bob J. Vickers (4 DVD’s)
Once you go through the workshop, I believe you will agree that you can instantly begin to write
grant proposals. There is nothing hard about the process or finding those that will fund you.
The key is how you develop the relationship. In fact, actually writing the proposal is the smallest
and easiest part.
The Welsh Revivals 1859 & 1904 (DVD) by Gary Wilkinson 30 min. in length
Throughout history there have been times when the light of the Gospel has shone especially
bright. The revivals of 1859 & 1904 in Wales stand as powerful examples. Marked by a
commitment to prayer and bold preaching for repentance inside and outside of the church, the
Welsh revivals “ran through the (Welsh) mountains like fire through thatch”, as one
commentator describes it.
Servant of Christ (DVD) by Robert Jarmain Thomas & the Korean revivals. Runs 27 min.
Gary Wilkinson is an independent Christian television producer who has a passion for bringing
the Good News to people through the medium of television. H embarked on this project
believing the importance of looking back at some of the lives and events that have impacted the
church of Jesus in the world today, to take encouragement from what others have achieved
through faith and the empowering of the Holy Spirit to the establishing of the church of Jesus
A Dairy of Revival ( The story of the 1904 Welsh Awakening) DVD (62 min)
Over the course of Christian history there have been times of revival when the Holy Spirit is
powerfully manifested among the people of God. One of the most far-reaching revivals ever
took place in 1904 in Wales, In this program you will see how the revival broke out and how it
changed lives and impacted the entire society.
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The Azusa Street Project by Clay Banks (DVD) runs 54 min.
In 1906, William J. Seymour, a one-eyed black pastor from Louisiana, son of a slave, journeyed
by train from Houston to Los Angeles, only to be locked out of the church that sent for him. He
turned to prayer and God’s answer was Thye Azusa Street Revival. It shook the foundations of
the church, spawned numerous denominations and changed the lives of six hundred million
people forever.
Outpouring of The Holy Spirit by Gary Wilkinson (DVD) has 3 segments each running about 26-28 min.
Based on Acts 1:8 these 3 will give one of the segments. Sunderland 1907, Smith Wigglesworth
& Stephen & George Jeffreys.
HEAVEN BY RANDY ALCORN (KIT) 7 sessions – small group curriculm.
What will Heaven really be like? What will we look like? What will we do? Will there be
marriage? Will Heaven get boring after a while? We all have questions about Heaven, and now
after 25 yrs. Of research Dr. Randy Alcorn has answers based on Biblical Truths. The kit includes:
7 video sessions, small grp. Leader tips, Worship songs by Terry Clark & Bonus footage featuring
Bishop George McKinney & Raul Ries.
A Journey to Freedom (CD by Black Coffee Productions)
This program was created for you to better understand the issue of homosexuality. It contains
six 5 minute stories of young men and women finding hope and freedom from their unwanted
same-sex desires; answers to commonly asked questions; and a lesson plan for you to walk
It’s time to order your life from the inside out! In this two-pack DVD set, you will learn how
disorder is a clog in your spiritual and natural life. Disorganization is more than messes; it’s a
bondage that prevents us from living in harmony with God, ourselves, and others! In 3+ hours of
teaching, you’ll get aligned with God’s plan, transform your thinking, and bring peace to your
HOMOSEXUALITY 101: Where does it come from, Is change possible< and How should Christians
Are people to born gay?, Is homosexuality a choice?, Who would choose to be gay?, What can a
parent do? Hear what Dr. Julie Harren has to say on these issues along with 5 other speakers
that have gone through the struggles of homosexuality in their lives or the life of their family.
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A RIPPLE ON A POND BY Bob Blackford (his story) VHS runs 66 min.
The real-life story of a man and his family assaulted by the terrible intrusion of AIDS into their
lives. In the mid-1980’s, Bob Blackford, a family man working in Christian ministry, became
involved in a homosexual relationship and contracted HIV & then AIDS. Walk alongside Bob &
his family, witness their pain and struggle, and ultimately enter with them into a place of hope,
faith, love and acceptance.
THE BEST OF ANDY STANELY (From the Catalyst conference) 6 DVD’s
The sessions include: The Context of Leadership; When Opportunity Knocks; Reframing Your
Appetite; The Most Powerful Person in the Room; The Courage to Lead & Challenging the
TAKE COURAGE (From the Catalyst Conf. several speakers) 6 DVD’s
The sessions include: Take Courage; When Less is More; Just Courage; Live the Risky Life;
Lessons on Leadership from the Life of Joseph; Partially Fulfilled Promises; Ministry from
Intimacy & True Courage. Straight from the Catalyst Stage, this collection of talks will challenge
and encourage you to push through your fears and pursue your God-given calling in faith &
READ THE BIBLE FOR LIFE (Listen, Understand, Respond) KIT by George H. Guthrie includes 9-session
DVD’s, Workbook & Study Guide.
This study feature author George Guthrie teaching principles for grasping the grand story of
Scripture. As viewers explore the dynamics of listening to, understanding, and responding to
God’s Word, they will learn to consistently read the Bible, utilize practical guidelines to read
with greater understanding, and faithfully apply the Word to their lives.
40 DAYS IN THE WORD WITH RICK WARREN KIT includes, a 6-session video based study for small
groups, Campaign success guide, Resource disc., Workbook & Leader’s guide.
The DVD contains six powerful small group lessons taught by Rick Warren. Eacs 25 minute
lesson, combined with the materials from the 40 Days in the Word Workbook, will inspire every
member of your small group to Love the Word, Learn the Word and Live the Word. 40 Days in
the Word is a journey of eternal significance, as you and your church will learn how to be not
only “hearers” of the Word, but also “doers” of God’s Word. Each session is geared toward
teaching your small group or Sunday school the devotional method of Bible study.
THE BIBLE IN 90 DAYS (KIT) includes Workbook, book & DVD’s, sample participant guide, promotional
resources. This is a 14 week study for ages 16 and up.
That’s all it takes for your church or group to read the Bible in 90 days. What some people
spend years just thinking about, your church or group can accomplish in 14 short weeks – with
benefits that will multiply for the rest of your lives. And the rewards are outstanding.
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BE PRESENT (6 DVD’s) from the Catalyst group 2011 session. These include: Andy Stanley, Jim Collins,
Joel Houston, Katie Davis, Dave Ramsey, Francis Chan, Judah Smith, Derreck Kayongo, David
Kinnaman, Priscilla Shirer & Bonus Material.
Stop. Pay attention. Focus. Where are You? Where is your heart? Where is your soul? In a
million different places. Mind on a million different things. Distressed. What needs to be
done? Will you finish that Project? And more – Be still and Know That I am God!!
THE CIRCLE MAKER by Mark Batterson. (DVD) 4 sessions on Prayer
This dynamic video curriculum helps participants understand what it means to dream God-sized
dreams, pray with boldness, and think long-term. Four video sessions combine a teaching
element from Mark Batterson with a creative element to draw you into the circle. Each session
wraps up with a practical application giving participants the opportunity to put your prayer
principles into practice. Session titles include: 1. Becoming a Circle Maker, 2. Little People, Big
Risks, and Huge Circles, 3. Praying Hard and Praying Through, 4. Praying is Like Planting.
PRIMAL by Mark Batterson (DVD Based bible study) Five Video segments
This study takes you on a five-week journey back to the purest faith possible. With creative
video segments corresponding to the sections of the book, this DVD offers Mark’s personal
presentation of key insights about primal faith. Each segment ends with thought provoking
questions that will help you or your group interact with the truths of Primal and apply them to
JOURNEY TO THE CROSS (Kit) An Easter Experience for Families – A Step-by-step with Jesus.
Guide people along the path that Jesus walked during his last days on earth. Experiences
focused on Jesus’ love and forgiveness demonstrate the real meaning of Easter. Our risen
Christ’s victory over death! Designed specifically for parents and their children to experience
together, this event teaches about the life-changing message of the cross in a way that everyone
can understand and no one will forget.
THE CIRCLE MAKER by Mark Batterson (DVD only) 4 sessions for Small groups. It does have a
participant’s guide that can be purchased probably at Lifeway or Amazone.
This dynamic video curriculum helps participants understand what it means to dream God sized
dreams, pray with boldness, and think long term. Four vided sessions combine a teaching
element from Mark Batterson with a creative element to draw you into the circle. Each session
wraps up with a practical application giving participants the opportunity to put your prayer
principles into practice.
FLYWHEEL (In Every Man’s Life There’s a Turning Point) DVD only) Runs approx. 114 min. From the
Creators of Facing the Giants.
This is a great story with a First-Rate message, Created with the same faith-filled warmth and
humor of Facing The Giants. Flywheel will have you cheering (and crying) once again.
Roy Smith
OCT, 2008
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NABA Media Resource List (not exhaustive)
THE COURAGEEOUS BIBLE STUDY (KIT) This is an 8-session study. Teaching clips DVD, the Full length
movie DVD, CD-Rom with leader extras. The Resolution for Men, The Resolution for Women, info on
obtaining a movie-event license, and an Honor Begins at Home. & sample of member book.
God’s Word calls us to be strong and courageous for the sake of our faith and our
families. This walk starts first at home. Through inspiring movie clips and insightful activities,
Honor Begins at Home provides a challenging small-group Bible study experience to help men
and women of all ages prepare to leave a strong legacy of faithfulness for their children and
generations to come.
Roy Smith
OCT, 2008
Page 59
NABA Media Resource List (not exhaustive)
Roy Smith
OCT, 2008
Page 60
NABA Media Resource List (not exhaustive)