MALAD CPE STUDY CIRCLE CA. KISHOR PARIKH (U.K) M No. 09820375766 LIST OF IND AS, IFRS AND AS Ind AS IFRS AS Ind AS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements AS 1 Disclosures of Accounting Principles and Policies Ind AS 2 Inventories IAS 2 Inventories AS 2 Valuation of Inventories Ind AS 7 Statement of Cash Flows IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows AS 3 Cash Flow Statements Ind AS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors IAS 8 Accounting AS 4 Contingencies and Policies, Changes in Events occurring after Accounting Estimates and Balance Sheet Date Errors Ind AS 10 Events after the Reporting Period Ind AS 10 Appendix A IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period IFRIC 17 Distribution of Non-cash Assets to owners AS 5 Net Profit or Loss for the period, Prior Items and Changes in Accounting Policies Ind AS 11 Construction Contracts Ind AS 11 Appendix A (deferred) Ind AS 11 Appendix B (deferred) IAS 11 Construction Contracts IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements SIC 29 Disclosure – Service Concession Arrangements AS 7 Construction Contracts Ind AS 12 Income Taxes Ind AS 12 Appendix A IAS 12 Income Taxes SIC 21 Income Taxes – Recovery of Revalued NonDepreciable Assets SIC 25 Income Taxes – Changes in the Tax Status of an Enterprise or its Shareholders AS 22 Accounting for Taxes on Income IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment AS 10 Accounting for Fixed Assets AS 6 Depreciation Accounting Ind AS 12 Appendix B Ind AS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment Ind AS 16 Appendix A IFRIC 1 Changes in Existing Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar Liabilities Ind AS 17 Leases Ind AS 17 Appendix A IAS 17 Leases AS 19 Leases SIC 15 Operating Leases – Incentives SIC 27 Evaluating the Substance of Transaction involving the Legal Form of a Lease IFRIC 4 Determining Whether an Arrangement contains a Lease Ind AS 17 Appendix B Ind AS 17 Appendix C (Deferred) Ind AS 18 Revenue Ind AS 18 Appendix A Ind AS 18 Appendix B Ind AS 18 Appendix C IAS 18 Revenue AS 9 Revenue Recognition SIC 31 Revenue – Barter Transactions Involving Advertising IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes IFRIC 18 Transfer of Assets from Customers Ind AS 19 Employee Benefits Ind AS 19 Appendix A Ind AS 19 Employee Benefits Ind AS 19 Appendix A AS 15 Employee Benefits Ind AS 20 Accounting For Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance Appendix A Government Assistance – No Specific Relation in Operating Activities Ind AS 20 Accounting For Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance Appendix A Government Assistance – No Specific Relation in Operating Activities AS 12 Accounting for Government Grants Ind AS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates Ind AS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates AS 11 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates Ind AS 23 Borrowing Costs Ind AS 23 Borrowing Costs AS 16 Borrowing Costs Ind AS 24 Related Party Disclosure IAS 24 Related Party Disclosure AS 18 Related Party Disclosures No Near Final Draft IAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Reporting by Retirement Benefits Plans No standard Ind AS 27 Consolidated and Separated Financial Statements Ind AS 27 Appendix A IAS 27 Consolidated Separated and Financial Statements AS 21 Consolidated Financial Statements SIC 12 Consolidation – Special Purpose Entities Ind AS 28 Investment IAS 28 Investment in Associates in Associates AS 23 Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements Ind AS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies Ind AS 29 Appendix A No standard IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies IFRIC 7 Applying the Restatement Approach under IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies Ind AS 31 Interest in Joint Ventures Ind AS 31 Appendix A IAS 31 Interest in Joint Ventures Ind AS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation Ind AS 32 Appendix B IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation AS 31 Financial Instruments : Presentation Ind AS 33 Earning Per Share IAS 33 Earning Per Share AS 20 Earnings per Share Ind AS 34 Interim Financial Reporting Ind AS 34 Appendix A IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting AS 25 Interim Financial Reporting SIC 13 Jointly Controlled Entities – Non-Monetary Contributions by Venturers AS 27 Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment. Ind AS 36 Impairment Of Assets IAS 36 Impairment Of Assets AS 28 Impairment of Assets Ind AS 38 Intangible Assets Ind As 38 Appendix A IAS 38 Intangible Assets AS 26 Intangible Assets SIC 32 Intangible Assets – Website Costs Ind AS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets Ind AS 37 Appendix A Ind AS 37 Appendix B Ind AS 39 Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement Ind AsS39 Appendix C Ind AS 39 Appendix D Ind AS 39 Appendix E IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets AS 29 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets IFRIC 5 Rights to Interest Arising from Decommissioning, Restoration and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds IFRIC 6 Liabilities Arising from Participating in a Specific Market – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment IAS 39 Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives IFRIC 16 Hedges of a net Investment in Foreign Operation IFRIC 19 Extinguishing Financial liabilities with Equity instruments AS 30 Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement Ind AS 40 Investment Property IAS 40 Investment Property No standard No near Final Draft IAS 41 Agriculture No standard Ind AS 101 First Time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards IFRS 1 First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards No standard Ind AS 102 Share Based Payment IFRS 2 Share Based Payment No standard Ind AS 103 Business Combination IFRS 3 Business Combination No standard Ind AS 39 Insurance Contracts IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts No standard Ind AS 105 Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinuing operations IFRS 5 Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinuing operations No standard Ind AS 106 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources No standard Ind AS 107 Financial Instruments : Disclosures IFRS 7 Financial Instruments : Disclosures No standard Ind AS 108 Operating Segments IFRS 8 Operating Segments No standard No Near Final Draft IFRS 9 Financial Instruments No standard Not covered in Ind AS It was earlier covered in Exposure Draft IFRIC 2 Members’ Share in Co-operative Entities and Similar Instruments No standard Not covered in Ind AS It was earlier covered in Exposure Draft Now covered in Ind AS 11 IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate No standard Not covered in Ind AS Not Relevant in India SIC 7 Introduction of Euro No standard KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN IND AS AND AS. IND AS-1 Presentatio n& Disclosures IND AS Indian GAAP (AS) •IND AS–1 prescribes minimum structure of financial statements and contains guidance on disclosures. •Allows only single statement approach. •It requires only nature wise classification of expenses. •It requires a Statement of Changes in Equity to be shown as part of the Balance Sheet. •In AS 1 there is no separate standard for disclosure. For Companies, format and disclosure requirements are set out under Schedule VI of the Companies Act. •Revised Schedule VI is in accordance with requirements of IND AS 1. •IND AS–1 requires disclosure of •No such requirement under Indian critical judgments made by GAAP. management in applying accounting policies. •AS-5 specifically requires •IND AS-1 prohibits any items to be disclose of certain items as Extradisclosed as extra-ordinary items. ordinary items. IND AS 1,Presentation of financial statementsclassification of financial liabilities under refinancing arrangements. Non-Current if the agreement to refinance or reschedule payments on a long-term basis is completed before the end of the reporting period. There is no guidance under the IGAAP. Generally, not disclosed as payable within twelve months after the balance sheet date if the agreement to refinance or reschedule payments is completed after the balance sheet date and before the date of approval of financial statements. IND AS 1,Presentation of financial statementsclassification of financial liabilities upon violation of covenants. Non-current if the lender has agreed before the end of the reporting period to provide a period of grace of minimum twelve months after the reporting period within which the breach can be rectified and the lender cannot demand immediate payment There is no guidance under the IGAAP. Generally, not disclosed as payable within twelve months of the balance sheet date if the lender has agreed after the balance sheet date and before the approval of financial statements not to demand immediate payments. IND AS-2 Inventories IND AS–2 prescribes same cost formula to be used for all inventories having a similar nature and use to the entity. AS–2 requires that the formula used in determining the cost of an item of inventory needs to be selected with a view to providing the fairest possible approximation to the cost incurred in bringing the item to its present location and condition. However, there is no stipulation for use of same cost formula in AS–2 as compared to IFRS. There are certain additional requirement in IND AS– 2 which are not contained in AS–2 which are as under: No such guidance 1. IND AS 2 does not apply to inventories held by commodity brokers-traders who measures their inventory at fair value less cost to sells are recognized in profit or loss in the period of change. 2.Purchase of inventory on deferred settlement terms – excess over normal price is to be accounted as interest over the period of financing. 3. Exchange differences are not includible in inventory valuation. IND AS-7 Cash Flow Statements IND AS 7 No exemption. AS 3 Exemption for SME’s. Bank overdrafts are to be treated as a component of cash/cash equivalents under IND AS–7. Bank Overdraft are considered as financing activity. IND AS–7 prohibits separate disclosure of extraordinary items in Cash Flow Statements. AS–3 requires disclosure of extraordinary items. IND AS–7 deals with cash flows of consolidated financial statements. AS–3 does not deal with cash flows relating to consolidated financial statements. IND AS-8 Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies IND AS 8 AS 5 In case of change in accounting policy, No specific guidance given except for IND AS–8 requires retrospective effect to change in method of depreciation be given by adjusting opening retained should be considered as change in earnings. accounting policy and is accounted retrospectively. The effect of changes in accounting policies are reflected in the current year P&L. The definition of prior period items is AS–5 covers only incomes and broader under IND AS–8 as compared to expenses in the definition of prior AS–5 since IND AS–8 covers all the period items. items in the financial statements including balance sheet items. IND AS–8 requires retrospective AS–5 requires prior period items to be restatement of prior period figures by included in the determination of restatement of opening balances of net profit or loss for the current assets, liabilities and equity for the period earliest period practicable. New accounting pronouncements that have Not required. been issued but are not yet effective as at the end of the reporting period are disclosed. Known or reasonably estimable information relevant to assessing the possible impact of the new accounting pronouncements on the financial statements on initial application is disclosed. IND AS- IND AS–10 provides that proposed 10 dividend should not be shown as liability. Events after the reporting period. AS-4 specifically requires such disclosure as the same is mandated by statutory requirement. IND AS Revenue Recognition for real estate AS 7 11 developer included in scope of IND AS 11. No such guideline. accounti ng of real estate IND AS-12 Income Taxes . Deferred taxes are computed for temporary differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the statement of financial position and its tax base Deferred taxes are computed for timing differences in respect of recognition of items of profit or loss for the purposes of financial reporting and for income taxes. Deferred tax asset is recognised for carry forward unused tax losses and unused tax credits to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses and tax credits can be utilised. Deferred tax asset for unused tax losses and unabsorbed depreciation is recognised only to the extent that there is virtual certainty supported by convincing evidence that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised. Recovery of Revalued NonDepreciable Assets Measurement of deferred tax liability or asset arising from revaluation is based on the tax consequences from the sale of asset rather than through use. No specific guidance Changes in Tax Status of an Entity or its Shareholders Current and deferred tax consequences are No specific guidance included in the profit or loss of the period of change unless the consequences relate to transactions or events recognised outside profit or loss either in other comprehensive income or directly in equity in the same or a different period. IND AS16 Property, Plant & Equipme nts. IND AS–16 accounting. mandates component AS–10 recommends but does not force component accounting. Depreciation is based on useful life. Depreciation is based on higher of useful life or Schedule XIV rates. In practice, more companies use Schedule XIV rates. Major repairs and overhaul expenditure Major repairs and overhaul expenditure are expensed. are capitalized as if it is a separate AS–10 provides that only that expenditure which component. increases the future benefits from the existing asset beyond its previously assessed standard of Under IND AS–16, if subsequent costs performance is included in the gross book value, e.g. are incurred for replacement of a part of an increase in capacity. an item of fixed assets, such costs are required to be capitalized and simultaneously the replaced part has to be de-capitalized. In case of change in method of depreciation, IND AS–16 requires effect to be given prospectively. Change in method of depreciation is treated as change in accounting estimate under IND AS–16. AS–6 requires retrospectively recomputation of depreciation and any excess or deficit on such recomputation is required to be adjusted in the period in which such change is effected. AS–6 considers this as change in accounting policy. Estimates of residual value needs to Estimates of residual value are not be updated. updated. Revaluation is an allowed No need to update revaluation regularly. alternative treatment; however, revaluation will have to be done regularly. Depreciation on revaluation portion Depreciation on revaluation portion can cannot be recouped out of be recouped out of revaluation reserve. revaluation reserve and will have to be charged to the P&L account and transfers from revaluation to retained earnings are made directly and not through profit or loss Provision on site–restoration and No guidance in the standard. However, dismantling is mandatory. guidance note on oil and gas issued by ICAI requires capitalization of site restoration cost. IND AS-17, Leases. IND AS 17 – Leases AS 19 - Leases Determining Whether an Arrangement Contains a Lease (Notification deferred) No guidance. Service Concession Arrangements (Notification deferred) No guidance. IND AS Recognised as operating lease (i.e. 17, Prepayment) Leases interest in leasehol d land Leasehold land is recorded and classified as fixed assets. IND AS 17, Leases initial direct costs of lessors for assets under a finance lease For finance leases other than those involving manufacturer or dealer lessors, initial direct costs are included in the measurement of the finance lease receivable and reduce the amount of income recognised over the lease term. Initial direct costs are either recognised immediately in the statement of profit and loss or allocated against the finance income over the lease term. Initial lease costs incurred by Initial lease costs incurred by manufacturer manufacturer or dealer lessors are or dealer lessors are recognised as expense recognised as expense when selling at the inception of the lease. profit is recognised. IND AS 17, Leases initial direct costs of lessors for assets under operating leases Initial direct costs incurred by lessors are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognised as an expense over the lease term on the same basis as lease income. Initial direct costs incurred by lessors are either deferred and allocated to income over the lease term in proportion to the recognition of rent income, or are recognised as an expense in the statement of profit and loss in the period in which they are incurred. Lease incentives Lease incentives (such as rent- No specific guidance. free period) are recognised by both the lessor and the lessee as a reduction of rental income and expense, respectively, over the lease term. Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving the Legal Form of a Lease. If a series of transactions involves No specific guidance. the legal form of a lease and can only be understood with reference to the series as a whole, then the series is accounted for as a single transaction. IND AS-18, Revenue Recognition IND AS 18 – Revenue AS 9 - Revenue Recognition IND AS–18 requires effective interest AS–9 requires interest income to be method to be followed for interest recognized on a time proportion basis. income recognition. Under IND AS–18, payments received AS–9 permits recognition when the in advance for goods yet to be goods are manufactured, identified and manufactured or third party sales cannot ready for delivery in such cases. be recognized as revenue until such goods are delivered to the buyer. Transfer of Assets from Customers In the utilities industry, an entity may receive from its customers items of property, plant and equipment that must be used to connect those customers to a network and provide them with ongoing access to a supply of commodities such as electricity, gas or water. Alternatively, an entity may receive cash from customers for the acquisition or construction of such items of property, plant and equipment. Typically, customers are required to pay additional amounts for the purchase of goods or services based on usage. No guidance IND AS 18, Revenue services rendered. Barter transaction s involving advertising services Customer Loyalty Programs Requires recognition using percentage of completion method. Revenues from installation fees and production commission are recognised with reference to stages of completion, unless the installation is incidental to sale. Completed service contract method or proportionate completion method permitted. Revenues from installation fees and production commission are recognised when installation and production is completed, unless the installation is incidental to sale. Fair value of services provided is measured with reference to non-barter similar transactions that occur frequently, represent a substantial number of the transactions, consideration involves cash or other securities that has a reliable measure of fair value and do not involve transaction with the same counterparty to the barter transaction. No specific guidance in AS 9. However the guidance note on Accounting for Dot-com companies provides similar guidance for advertising barter transactions. Award credits are accounted for as a No specific guidance. separate identifiable component of a sales transaction, with the consideration allocated between the awards credit and the other components of sale. IND AS19, Employee Benefits. IND AS 19 - Employee Benefits AS 15 (Revised 2005) - Employee Benefits Accounting for actuarial gains and losses All actuarial gains and losses for postemployment defined benefit plans and other-long term employment benefit plans are recognised in OCI. All actuarial gains and losses for post-employment defined benefit plans and other-long term employment benefit plans are recognised in Profit and Loss Account Under IND AS–19, the liability for termination Termination benefits are dealt with benefits has to be recognized based on constructive under AS–29, which are required to be obligation for e.g. Announcement of a formal plan. recognized based on legal obligation rather than constructive obligation. Under IND AS there is no concept of deferral. VRS expenditure can be deferred under Indian GAAP over 3-5 years. The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction. Addresses when refunds or reductions are regarded as available for recognition of an asset; how funding requirements in future may effect the availability of reductions in future contributions and when minimum funding requirement may give rise to a liability. No specific guidance requires IND AS-20, In case of non- monetary assets acquired AS-12 Governme at nominal/concessional rate, IND AS–20 acquisition cost. permits accounting either at fair value. nt Grants Grants relating to assets Requires presentation of such grants in balance sheet only by setting up the grant as deferred income. Thus, the option to present such grants by deduction of the grant in arriving at the carrying amount of the asset is not available under Ind AS 20. at Requires presentation either on reduction of assets method or deferred income method. IND AS–20 requires separate disclosure of AS-12 has unfulfilled conditions and other requirement contingencies if grant has been recognized. IND AS 20, Prohibited to be classified as an Governme extraordinary item. nt Grants repayment accounting no such disclosure Classified as an extraordinary item. IND AS-21, Foreign Exchange. IND AS 21 - The Effects of Changes in AS 11 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Foreign Exchange Rates Exchange Rates IND AS 21, Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates - functional and presentation currency Functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates. Foreign currency is a currency other than the functional currency. Presentation currency is the currency in which the financial statements are presented. Foreign currency is a currency other than the reporting currency which is the currency in which financial statements are presented. There is no concept of functional currency. IND AS 21, Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates exchange differences IND AS 21, Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates - change in functional Currency Exchange differences arising on translation or settlement of foreign currency long term monetary items are recognised in equity in the period in which they arise. Similar to IFRS, except that exchange differences on translation of monetary foreign currency liabilities incurred upto the end of the accounting periods commencing on or before 31 March 2004 towards acquisition of fixed assets are capitalised in the carrying amount of these assets. Exchange differences on monetary items, that in substance, form part of net investment in a foreign operation, are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they arise in the separate financial statements and in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements. Exchange differences on monetary items, that in substance, form part of net investment in a foreign operation, are recognised in Foreign Currency Translation Reserve both in the separate and consolidated financial statements. Change in functional currency is Change in reporting currency is not dealt applied prospectively. with in AS 11, though reason for change is required to be disclosed. IND AS 21, Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates translation in the consolidate d financial statements Assets and liabilities should be translated from functional currency to presentation currency at the closing rate at the date of the statement of financial position; income and expenses at actual/average rates for the period; exchange differences are recognised in other comprehensive income and recycled to profit or loss on disposal of the operation. Translation of financial statements to the reporting currency of the parent/investee depends on the classification of that operation as integral or non integral. In the case of an integral operation, monetary assets are translated at closing rate; non-monetary items are translated at historical rate if they are valued at cost and at closing rate if they are valued on other valuation basis and income and expense items are translated at historical/average rate. Exchange differences are taken to the statement of profit and loss. For non-integral operations, closing rate method should be followed (i.e. all assets and liabilities are to be translated at closing rate while profit and loss account items are translated at actual/average rates). The resulting exchange difference is taken to reserve and is recycled to profit and loss on the disposal of the non-integral foreign operation. Accounted for as a • Forward contracts not intended for trading or speculation IND AS derivative. purposes: 21, (i) Any premium or discount arising at the inception of a Effects of forward exchange contract is amortised as expense or income Changes over the life of the contract. in (ii) Exchange differences on such a contract are recognised in Foreign the statement of profit and loss in the reporting period in Exchange which the exchange rates change. Exchange difference on a Rates forward exchange contract is the difference between forward (a) the foreign currency amount of the contract translated at contracts the exchange rate at the reporting date, or the settlement date where the transaction is settled during the reporting period, and (b) the same foreign currency amount translated at the latter of the date of inception of the forward exchange contract and the last reporting date. • Forward exchange contract intended for trading or speculation purposes: The premium or discount on the contract is ignored and at each balance sheet date, the value of the contract is marked to its current market value and the gain or loss on the contract is recognised. IND AS-23, Borrowing Costs IND AS–23 prescribes borrowing AS–16 mandates capitalization of costs to be recognized as expense as borrowing costs, where the relevant benchmark treatment. It allows conditions are fulfilled. capitalization as an allowed alternative. IND AS–23 requires disclosure of AS-16 does capitalization rate used to determine disclosure. the amount of borrowing. not require such IND AS-24, Related Party Disclosures The definition of related party under IND AS–24, includes post employment benefit plans (e.g. gratuity fund, pension fund) of the enterprise or of any other entity, which is related party of the enterprise. AS–18 does not include this relationship. The definition of key management persons (KPMs) under IND AS–24 includes any director whether executive or otherwise i.e. Non – executive directors are also related party. Further , under ins–24 , if any person has indirect authority and responsibility for planning , directing & controlling the activities of the enterprise , he will be treated as a key Management Person (KPMs) AS–18 read with ASI–18 exclude non– executive directors from the definition of key management persons. AS–18 does not specially cover indirect authority & responsibility. Father, mother, brother and sister relatives as specified under the meaning of relative under the Companies Act, 1956 are added in the definition of the ‘close members of the family of a person AS–18 covers relatives of KPMs. IND AS–24 requires compensation to KPMs to be disclosed category wise including share based payments. AS–18 read with ASI–23 requires disclosure of remuneration paid to key management persons but does not mandate category wise disclosures. IND AS–24 mandates that no disclosure should be made to the effect that related party transactions were made on arms length basis unless terms of the party transaction can be substantiated. AS–18 contains no such stipulations. No concession is provided under IND AS-24 where AS-18 provides exemption disclosure of information would conflict with the duties disclosure in such cases of confidentiality in terms statute or regulating authority. Under IND AS-24, the definition of “control” is restrictive as it requires power to govern the financial and operating policies of the management of the enterprise. from Under AS-18, the definition is wider as it refers to power to govern the financial and/or operating policies of the management. AS-18 includes control over The definition of “control” under IND AS-24 is composition of Board of Directors in restrictive on the count that it does not include control the definition of “control”. over the composition of board of directors. No such disclosure requirement is IND AS-24 requires disclosure of terms and conditions contained in AS-18. of outstanding items pertaining to related parties. AS-18 Prescribe presumption of IND AS-24 does not prescribe a significant rebuttable significant influence if 20% or more presumption of influence. of the voting power held by any party. No exemption. Transactions between state controlled enterprises are not required to be disclosed under AS-18 IND AS27, Consolid ated and separate Financial Statemen ts. Under IND AS-27, it is mandatory to prepare CFS and an entity should prepare separate financial statements in addition to CFS only if local regulations so require. Under AS-21, it is not mandatory to prepare CFS. However, listed companies are mandatorily required by the terms of listing agreement of SEBI to prepare and present consolidated financial statements. Under IND AS-27, a subsidiary cannot Under AS-21 .a subsidiary can be excluded from be excluded from consolidation under consolidation if (1) the subsidiary is acquired and held any circumstances. with an intention to dispose ;(2) the subsidiary operates under severe long term restrictions impairing its ability to transfer funds to parent. Under IND AS -27 while determining AS-21 is silent. whether entity has power to govern financial and operating policies of other entity, potential voting rights currently exercisable should be considered. Under IND AS -27 the definition of “control” requires power to govern the financial and operating policies of the management of the enterprise. Control means the ownership directly or indirectly through subsidiary (ies), of more than one-half of the voting power of an enterprise; or control over composition of board of directors for obtaining economic benefits. Use of uniform accounting policies for like AS-21,gives exemption from following uniform transactions while preparing CFS is accounting policies if the same is not Mandatory under IND AS-27. practicable. Under IND AS-27, minority interests has to Under AS-21, minority interest has to be be disclosed within equity but separate from separately disclosed from liability and equity of parent shareholders equity. parent shareholder. Under IND AS 103, goodwill/capital reserve Under AS-21, goodwill/capital reserve on on consolidation is computed on fair values consolidation is computed on the basis of of assets/liabilities. carrying value of assets/liabilities. Under IND AS-27, 3 months’ time gap is Under AS-21, six months time gap is allowed. permitted between balance sheet dates of financial statements of Subsidiary and parent. IND AS-27, prescribes that deferred tax adjustment as per IND AS-12 should be No deferred tax is to be created on unrealized made in respect of timing difference arising profit. out of elimination of unrealized profit. Acquisition accounting requires drawing up of financial statements as on the date of acquisition for computing parent’s portion of equity in a subsidiary. IND AS–27 does not require additional disclosure of list of all subsidiaries including the name, country of incorporation, proportion of ownership interest and if different, proportion of voting power held. Under AS–21, for computing parent’s portion of equity in a subsidiary at the date on which investment is made, the financial statements of immediately preceding period can be used as a basis of consolidation if it is impracticable to draw financial statement of the subsidiary as on the date of investment. AS–21 requires additional disclosure of list of all subsidiaries including the name, country of incorporation, proportion of ownership interest and if different, proportion of ownership interest and if different, proportion of voting power held. Requires consolidation of SPV’s when No such guidance under AS–21. certain criteria’s are met. IND AS-28, Under IND AS-28, potential voting currently Investments exercisable are to be considered in assessing Significant influence in Associates. Under ASI-28 potential voting rights are not considered for determining voting power in Assessing significant influence. As per IND AS-28, difference between Under AS-23, no period is Specified. balance sheet date of investor and associate Only consistency is mandated. Cannot be more than three months. In case uniform accounting Policies are not followed by Investor & investee, necessary adjustments have to be made While preparing consolidated Financial statements of investor. Under AS-23, if it is not Practicable to make such Adjustments, exemption is given; but appropriate disclosures are made. While recognizing losses of Associates/joint ventures under IND AS-28, carrying amount of investment in equity & other long term interests to be considered. Under AS-23, losses are to be recognized to the extent of Investment plus incurred Obligations plus payments made Towards guaranteed obligations. Under IND AS-28, it is necessary to subject If decline in value of investment in an the investments in associates/joint ventures associate is permanent, Provision for to the test of impairment. diminution to be Made. Impairment testing is Not required under AS-23. IND AS-31, Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures Under IND AS–31, when the investments There is no such provision under AS– are made by venture capital organization, 27 and there is no separate standard on mutual funds, unit trusts and similar entities financial instruments. then those investments are classified as held for trading and accounted for as per IND AS–39. IND AS–31 not to apply if parent is exempt There is no such specific provision from preparing CFS under IND AS–27. under AS–27. Similar exemption for investor satisfying same conditions as parent. IND AS–31 permits both proportionate AS–27 permits only proportionate consolidation method and equity method consolidation method. for recognizing interest in a jointly controlled equity in CFS. Equity method prescribed in IND AS–31 is similar to that prescribed in IND AS–28. Accounting for subsidiary where joint control is established through contractual agreement should be done as joint venture, i.e. either proportionate consolidation or equity accounting as the case may be. Accounting for subsidiary where joint control is established through contractual agreement should be done as subsidiary – i.e. Full consolidation. IND AS-32, Financial Instruments IND AS–32, IND AS–39 and IFRS-7 deal with financial instruments and entity’s own equity in detail including matters relating to hedging. AS–30 and AS–31 corresponding to IND AS–39 and IND AS–32 respectively have been issued. It is recommendatory in 2009 and mandatory from 2011. It may however be noted that these standards have not yet been incorporated in the Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules. IND AS33, Earning Per Share IND AS-33 deals with computation of EPS in case of Shared – based payment transactions. IND AS-33 prescribes treatment of written put options & forward purchase contracts in computing EPS. IND AS-33 requires changes in accounting policy to be given retrospective effect for computing EPS, which means EPS to be adjusted for prior period presented. IND AS-23 does not require disclosure of EPS with and without extra – ordinary item. AS-20 does not contain any such provision. The Guidance note issued by ICAI on “Employee Share-based Payments” deals with the same. AS-20 is silent on this aspect. AS-20 does not permit such treatment. AS-20 requires EPS/DEPS with and without extra – ordinary items to be disclosed separately. IND AS-33 does not deal with treatment of application money held pending allotment. Under AS-20 application money held pending allotment should be included in the computation of diluted EPS. IND AS -33 requires disclosure of anti dilutive instruments even though they are ignored for the purpose of computing dilutive EPS AS-20 does not mandate such disclosure. IND AS-33 does not require disclosure of face value of share. Disclosure of face value is required under AS20. IND AS-34, Interim Financial Reporting Primary Literature IND AS 34 - Interim Financial AS 25 - Interim Financial Reporting Reporting AS 25 is similar to IND AS 34 and there are no material differences between the two standards IND AS 34, Interim Financial Reporting Accounting policies Same accounting policies as Similar to IFRS used in annual financial statements are used in the preparation of interim financial statements. If there is a change in accounting policy in the interim period, previously reported interim periods are restated. IND AS-36, Impairment of Assets Ind AS 36 AS 28 Impairment losses on goodwill are not Impairment losses on goodwill are subsequently reversed. subsequently reversed only if the external event that caused impairment of goodwill no longer exists and is not expected to recur. Goodwill acquired on business Goodwill is allocated to CGU’s combination is allocated to each CGU based on bottom-up and top-down based on the benefit it would enjoy tests. from the synergies of the combination. IND AS-37, Provisions, Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities IND AS-37 requires discounting of AS–29 prohibits discounting. Provisions. IND AS–37 requires provisioning on AS–29 requires recognition based on legal the basis of constructive obligation on obligation. restructuring costs. IND AS–37 requires disclosure of AS–29 prohibits it. Contingent Assets in Financial Statements. IND AS–37 provides certain basis and AS–29 does not contain any such guidance statistical methods to be followed for and relies on judgment of management. arriving at the best estimate of the expenditure for which provision is recognized. AS–29 defines present obligation and IND AS–37 defines obligation but does possible obligation as well. not make a distinction between present obligation and possible obligation. IND AS 37 gives an exception to this AS 29 states that future operating losses principle ie. Losses related to onerous upto the date of restructuring are not contract. included in a provision. IND AS-38, There is no presumption under IND AS– Under AS–26, there is a rebuttable Intangible 38 as regards useful life of an intangible presumption that the useful life of asset. intangible assets will not exceed 10 years. Assets Under IND AS–38, intangible assets having “Indefinite useful life” cannot be amortized. Indefinite useful life means where, based on analysis, there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the asset is expected to generate net cash inflow for the entity. Indefinite is not equal to infinite. Such assets should be tested for impairment at each balance-sheet date & separately disclosed. There is no concept of indefinite useful life in AS–26. Theoretically, even for such assets, amortization would be mandatory, though the threshold period could exceed beyond 10 years. IND AS – 38 does not require any AS – 26 requires test of impairment to be impairment testing if there are no applied even if there is no indication of that indications of impairment. asset being impaired for following assets:*Intangible asset not yet available for use *Intangible asset amortized over > 10 years. Under IND AS–38, if Intangible There is no such stipulation under AS–26. Asset is ‘held for sale’ then amortization should be stopped. Under IND AS – 38, R&D AS–26 is silent on this. expenditure that relates to an inprocess R&D project acquired separately or in a business combination shall be accounted as Intangible Asset. Under IND AS–38, Revaluation AS–26 does not permit revaluation model. Model is allowed for accounting Intangible Asset provided active market exists. Web site costs shall be recognised separately. No guidance. IND AS-40, Investment Property – Primary Literature IND AS 40 - Investment Property There is no equivalent standard on investment property. At present, covered by AS 13 - Accounting for Investments. Investment Property – measurement Investment properties can be Classified as long-term investments measured using the cost model. and measured at cost less impairment. IND AS102, Share based payment Primary literature IND AS 102 - Share-based Payment (covers share-based payments both for employees and non-employees and transactions involving receipt of goods and services). There is no equivalent standard. However ICAI has issued a guidance note on Accounting for Employee Share-based Payments. This guidance note deals only with employee share-based payments. The SEBI has also issued the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999. Sharebased payment recognition Recognise as an expense over the No guidance. vesting period. Goods and services in a sharebased payment transaction are recognised when goods are received or as services are rendered. A corresponding increase in equity is recognised if goods and services were received in an equitysettled share-based payment transaction or a liability if these were acquired in a cash-settled share-based payment transaction. Share based payment measurem ent For equity settled share-based transactions, goods and services received and the corresponding increase in equity is measured at the fair value of the goods and services received. If the fair value of the goods and services cannot be estimated reliably, then the value is measured with reference to the fair value of the equity instruments granted. Both the guidance note and the SEBI guidelines permit the use of either the intrinsic value method or the fair value method for determining the costs of benefits arising from employee sharebased compensation plans. The guidance note recommends the use of the fair value method. Different valuation techniques may The fair value is estimated using an be Under the intrinsic value method, option-pricing model (for example, the the cost applied. Black-Scholes or a binomial model) Where an enterprise uses the intrinsic value method, it should also disclose the impact on the net results and EPS - both basic and diluted – for the accounting period, had the fair value method been used. IND AS 103, Business Combinations Business combinations are dealt with under IND AS 103. Business combinations are dealt with under various standards such as AS-14, AS-21, AS23, AS-27 and AS-10. IND AS 103 allows only purchase method. Option of pooling method given under IND AS– 22 has been withdrawn. AS-14, allows both Pooling of interest method and Purchase method. Pooling method is allowed subject to certain conditions. IND AS 103 requires valuation of assets and liabilities at fair value Even contingent liabilities are fair valued. AS–14 requires valuation at carrying value in the case of pooling method. In the case of purchase method either carrying value or fair value may be used. Contingent liabilities are not fair valued. Under AS–21, AS–23, and AS–28, goodwill is determined based on book values rather than fair values. IND AS 103 requires Goodwill to be tested for impairment. AS–14 requires amortization of goodwill. AS– 21, AS–23, and AS–27 are silent. AS–10 also recommends amortization of goodwill. AS–28 requires impairment testing. Under IND AS 103, provisional values can be used provided they are updated retrospectively within 12 months with actual values. Specific guidance provided in Appendix C – pooling of interest method required to be followed in case of business combinations of entitites under common control AS–14 contains no such similar provision. No such guidance. IND AS-105, Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations - Primary literature IND AS 105 - Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that either has been disposed or is classified as held for sale. AS 24 – Discontinuing Operations AS 10 - Accounting for Fixed Assets There is no concept of discontinued operation but it deals with discontinuing operations. IND AS 105, Noncurrent assets held for sale and discontinued operations recognition Non-current assets to be disposed of are classified as held for sale when the asset is available for immediate sale and the sale is highly probable. There is no standard dealing with non-current assets held for sale though AS 10 deals with assets held for disposal. Items of fixed assets that have been retired from active use and are held for disposal are stated at the lower of their net book value and net realizable value and are shown separately in the financial statements. Any expected loss is recognised immediately in the statement of profit and loss. Depreciation ceases on the date when the assets are classified as held for sale. Non-current assets classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of its carrying value and fair value less costs to sell. IND AS 105, Noncurrent assets held for sale and discontinued operations classification An operation is classified as discontinued when it has either been disposed of or is classified as held for sale. An operation is classified as discontinuing at the earlier of (a) binding sale agreement for sale of the operation and (b) on approval by the board of directors of a detailed formal plan and announcement of the plan. The sale should be expected to The existing AS 24 does not specify qualify for recognition as a any time period in this regard as it completed sale within one year relates to discontinuing operations. from the date of classification with certain exceptions. IND AS-108, Segment Reporting IND AS 108, Operating Segments determination of segments IND AS 108 - Operating AS 17 - Segment Reporting Segments (effective 1 January 2009 and replaces IND AS 14, Segment Reporting) Operating segments are identified based on the financial information that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. AS 17 requires an enterprise to identify two sets of segments (business and geographical), using a risks and rewards approach, with the enterprise’s system of internal financial reporting to key management personnel serving only as the starting point for the identification of such segments. Prescribes treatment of revenue, expense, AS–17 is silent on the aspect of profit/loss, assets and liabilities in relation to treatment is consolidated financial Associates & Joint Ventures in consolidated statement. financial statements. Encourages reporting of vertically integrated activities as separate segments but does not AS–17 does not make any distinction mandate the disclosure. between vertically integrated segment and other segment. Provides that a business segment only if, inter alia, majority of its revenue is earned from sales to AS–17 does not contain any such external customers. stipulation. If a reportable segment ceases to meet threshold requirements, then also it remains reportable for Under AS–17, this is mandatory one year if the management judges the segment to irrespective of the judgment of be of continuing significance. management. In the case of change in identification of segments, IFRS-8 requires restatement of prior period segment information. In case it is not practicable, IFRS–8 requires disclosure of data for both the old and new bases of segmentation. AS–17 requires only disclosure of the nature of the change and financial effect of the change, if reasonably determinable. . IND AS 101 First Time Adoption Detail first time adoption rules No first time adoption rules. exist. Ind AS 104 - Insurance Contracts Detailed rules exist. No guidance Ind AS 106 – Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources Detailed rules exist. No guidance IAS 26 - Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans No IND AS has been finalised. IAS 41 - Agriculture No IND AS has been finalised. IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments No IND AS has been finalised. KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN IND AS AND IFRS. Major Carve Outs Revenue recognition for real estate developers included in scope of IAS 11. Consequently, IFRIC 15 has not been adopted Accounting for FCCB as a compound financial instrument with the conversion feature attributed as equity component Recognition of gain on day one accounting for a business combination in capital reserve as opposed to income statement under IFRS 3 Government bond rate as discount rate for measurement of employee benefit obligations as opposed to a highly rated corporate bond rate under IAS 19 Fair value of financial liabilities designated as at FVTPL at inception to ignore own credit risk – no such exemption available under IAS 39 Ind AS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 1. Single statement approach Ind AS 1 allows only the single statement approach. With regard to preparation of Statement of profit and loss, IAS 1 provides an option either to follow the single statement approach or to follow the two statement approach. 2. Presentation of statement of changes in equity Ind AS 1 requires the statement of changes in equity to be shown as a part of the balance sheet. IAS 1 requires preparation of a Statement of changes in equity as a separate statement. 3. Classification of expenses based on nature Ind AS 1 requires only nature-wise classification of expenses. Paragraph 99 of IAS 1 requires an entity to present an analysis of expenses recognised in profit or loss using a classification based on either their nature or their function within the entity. 4. Option for 52 weeks period Ind AS 1 does not permit 52 weeks period. Paragraph 37 of IAS 1 permits the periodicity, for example, of 52 weeks for preparation of financial statements. 5. Implementation guidance Ind AS 1 does not include implementation guidance because various enactments have prescribed formats, e.g., Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. IAS 1 contains implementation guidance. Ind AS 2 Inventories SR No. 1. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement Recognition of inventories based on function wise classification Paragraph 38 of IAS 2 dealing with recognition of inventories as an expense based on function-wise classification, has been deleted keeping in view the fact that option provided in IAS 1 to present an analysis of expenses recognised in profit or loss using a classification based on their function within the equity has been removed and Ind AS 1 requires only nature -wise classification of expenses. IAS 2 allows recognition of inventories as an expense based on function-wise classification. Ind AS 7 Statement of Cash Flows SR No. 1. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement Classification of interest and dividends received and paid Ind AS 7 does not provide the option to classify them as operating activities. It requires interest and dividend received to be classified as investing activity and interest and dividend paid as financing. In case of other than financial entities, IAS 7 gives an option to classify the interest paid and interest and dividends received and paid as item of operating cash flows. Ind AS 11 Construction Contracts SR No. 1. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement Real Estate Developers included in scope of IAS 11 This has been dealt with under Ind AS 11, since it has been kept out of the scope t of Ind AS 18, Revenue. IAS 11 does not deal with accounting for construction contracts in respect of real estate developers. IND AS 17 – Leases SR No. 1. Particulars Ind AS requirement Land & Building – As Relevant paragraphs of IAS 17 Investment dealing with measurement of the Property land and buildings elements when the lessee’s interest in both land and buildings is classified as an investment property in accordance with Ind AS 40 Investment Property if the fair value model is adopted and paragraph 19 of IAS 17 dealing with property interest held under an operating Lease as an investment property, if the definition of investment property is otherwise met and fair value model is applied, have been deleted, since Ind AS 40, Investment Property, prohibits the use of fair value model. IFRS Requirement Both cost and fair value option are prescribed for investment property under Ind AS 40, for which corresponding guidance is given under IAS 17. Ind AS 19 Employee Benefits SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 1. Accounting for actuarial gains and losses Actuarial gains and losses to be recognised in other comprehensive income, both for post -employment defined benefit plans and other longterm employment benefit plans. The actuarial gains recognised in other comprehensive income should be recognised immediately in retained earnings and should not be reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent period. IAS 19 permits various options for treatment of actuarial gains and losses for post-employment defined benefit plans 2. Discount rate to be used Rate to be used to discount post – employment benefit obligation shall be determined by reference to the market yields on government bonds, Rate of government bonds can be used only where there is no deep market of high quality corporate bonds. 3. Frequency of actuarial valuation Detailed actuarial valuation of defined benefit obligations may be made at intervals not exceeding three years. No such periodic requirement. IND AS 20 – Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance SR No. Particulars IND AS Requirement IFRS Requirement 1. Non-Monetary Govt. Grants Measurement Options Requires measurement of such grants only at their fair value. IAS 20 gives an option to measure non -monetary government grants either at their fair value or at nominal value. 2. Grants related to assets - Presentation Requires presentation of such grants in balance sheet only by setting up the grant as deferred income. Thus, the option to present such grants by deduction of the grant in arriving at the carrying amount of the asset is not available under Ind AS 20. IAS 20 gives an option to present the grants related to assets, including non monetary grants at fair value in the balance sheet either by setting up the grant as deferred income or by deducting the grant in arriving at the carrying amount of the asset. Further, requirements regarding presentation of grants related to income in the separate income statement, where separate in come statement is presented under IAS 20 have been deleted. Ind AS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange SR No. 1. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement Option to recognise exchange differences on certain long term monetary items Ind AS 21 permits an option to recognise exchange differences arising on translation of certain long-term monetary items from foreign currency to functional currency directly in equity. In this situation, Ind AS 21 requires the accumulated exchange differences to be transferred to profit or loss over the period of maturity of such long -term monetary items in an appropriate manner. For above purpose, a monetary asset/liability shall be treated as long-term, if that asset/liability has a maturity period of twelve months or more from the date of the initial recognition of that asset/liability. IAS 21 requires exchange differences arising on restatement of foreign currency monetary items, both long term and short terms, to be recognized in profit or loss for the period. Option as per para 29A of Ind AS 21 – (i) Unrealized exchange differences arising on long -term monetary assets/liabilities denominated in a foreign currency shall be recognised directly in equity and accumulated in a separate component of equity. The amount so accumulated shall be transferred to profit or loss over the period of maturity of such long -term monetary items in an appropriate manner. The separate component of equity shall be distinguished from any other component of equity representing any other exchange difference recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity. (ii) The option provided in paragraph 29A(i) is not available for the long-term monetary assets and long-term monetary liabilities during the period they are classified as at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with Ind AS 39, either because they are held for trading or because of their designation as at fair value through profit or loss. (iii) The option provided in paragraph 29A(i) shall be exercised for the first time when the exchange difference arising on a long -term monetary asset or a long-term monetary liability mentioned in paragraph 29A(i) is recognised. The option, once exercised, shall be irrevocable and shall be exercised in respect of all the long-term monetary assets and long-term monetary liabilities mentioned in paragraph 29A(i). IND AS 23 – Borrowing Costs SR No. 1. Particulars IND AS Requirement Guidance for Provides additional guidance on Exchange Difference foreign exchange difference Treatment inclusion in the borrowing cost . IFRS Requirement No such guidance is there in the IAS 23. As per para 6(e) of Ind AS 23 – Borrowing costs include exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs. Additional guidance under Ind AS 23 As per para 6A of Ind AS 23, manner of arriving adjustments stated above shall be as follows : a) the adjustment should be of an amount which is equivalent to the extent to which the exchange loss does not exceed the difference between the cost of borrowing in rupees when compared to the cost of borrowing in a foreign currency. b) where there is an unrealized exchange loss which is treated as an adjustment to interest and subsequently there is a realized or unrealized gain in respect of the settlement or translation of the same borrowing, the gain to the extent of the loss previously recognized as an adjustment should also be recognized as an adjustment to interest. Ind AS 24 Related Party Disclosures SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 1. Disclosures not required if prohibited by statue Disclosures which conflict with confidentiality requirements of statute/regulations are not required to be made since Accounting Standards can not override legal/regulatory requirements. No such exclusion is given under IAS 24. 2. Definition of close members Father, mother, brother and sister relatives as specified under the meaning of relative under the Companies Act, 1956 are added in the definition of the ‘close members of the family of a person This provision not included in the definition of close members of the family of a person in IAS 24. 3. Additional guidance on aggregation of transactions for disclosure Disclosure of details of particular transactions with individual related parties would frequently be too voluminous to be easily understood. Accordingly, items of a similar nature may be disclosed in aggregate by type of related party. However, this is not done in such a way as to obscure the importance of significant transactions. Hence, purchases or sales of goods are not aggregated with purchases or sales of fixed assets. Nor a material related party transaction with an individual party is clubbed in an aggregated disclosure No such guidance. Ind AS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements SR No. 1. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement Exemption not provided in Ind AS 27 Exclusion from preparing consolidated financial statements given under para 10 of IAS 27, have been deleted under Ind AS 27. Other reference paragraphs related to para 10 have been suitably amended. As per para 10 of IAS 27, subject to certain conditions an entity may not be required to prepare consolidated financial statements. Refer para 10 of IAS 27 below. Option as per para 10 of IAS 27 – A parent need not present consolidated financial statements if and only if: (a )the parent is itself a wholly-owned subsidiary, or is a partially-owned subsidiary of another entity and its other owners, including those not otherwise entitled to vote, have been informed about, and do not object to, the parent not presenting consolidated financial statements; (b) the parent's debt or equity instruments are not traded in a public market (a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter market, including local and regional markets); (c) the parent did not file, nor is it in the process of filing, its financial statements with a securities commission or other regulatory organization for the purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a public market; and (d) the ultimate or any intermediate parent of the parent produces consolidated financial statements available for public use that comply with International Financial Reporting Standards. Ind AS 28 Investments in Associates SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 1. Difference in periods for consolidation Impracticability exemption if the difference in the financial statements of the associate is more than 3 months and for not following uniform accounting policies No such exemption 2. Scope exclusion Paragraph 1(b) of IAS 28 has been deleted in Ind AS 28 as the Companies Act, 1956, is not applicable to mutual funds, unit trusts and similar entities including investment linked insurance funds and, thus, this standard would not be applicable to such entities. Mutual funds, unit trusts and similar entities including investment-linked insurance funds are included in the scope of IAS 28. 3. Exemption not provided in Ind AS 28 Paragraphs 5, 13(b) and 13(c) have been deleted as the applicability or exemptions to the Indian Accounting Standards is governed by the Companies Act and the Rules made there under. Exemption from applying equity method accounting is given under para 5, 13(b) and 13(c) of IAS 28. Exemption similar to para 10 of IAS 27. 4. Transfer to capital reserve Paragraph 23 (b) of Ind AS 28, has been modified on the lines of Ind AS 103 to transfer excess of the investor’s share of the associate’s identifiable assets and liabilities over the cost of investment in capital reserve. In IAS 28, such excess is recognised in profit or loss. Ind AS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies SR No. Particulars 1. Additional disclosure under Ind AS 29 Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement Additional disclosure for the duration of the hyperinflationary situation existing in the economy is required under para 39 of Ind AS 29. No disclosure for duration required under IAS 29. Ind AS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 1. Scope exclusion Paragraph 1(b) of IAS 31 has been deleted in Ind AS 31 as the Companies Act,1956, is not applicable to mutual funds, unit trusts and similar entities including investment linked insurance funds and, thus, this standard would not be applicable to such entities. Mutual funds, unit trusts and similar entities including investment-linked insurance funds are included in the scope of IAS 31. 2. Exemption not provided in Ind AS 31 Sub-Paragraphs 2(b) and (c) and paragraph 6 have been deleted as the applicability or exemptions to the Indian Accounting Standards is governed by the Companies Act and the Rules made there under. Exemptions similar to those under para 10 of IAS 27. Exemption from applying proportionate consolidation/equity method accounting is given under para 2(c) and 6 of IAS 31. Exemption similar to para 10 of IAS 27. Ind AS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 1. Exception to definition of financial liability As an exception to the definition of ‘financial liability’ in paragraph 11 (b) (ii), Ind AS 32 considers the equity conversion option embedded in a convertible bond denominated in foreign currency to acquire a fixed number of entity’s own equity instruments is considered an equity instrument if the exercise price is fixed in any currency. No such exception is given under IAS 32. 2. Presentation of dividend classified as expense Requirements regarding presentation of dividends classified as an expense in the separate income statement, where separate income stateme nt is presented, have been deleted. This change is consequential to the removal of option regarding two statement approach in Ind AS 1 . Ind AS 1 requires that the components of profit or loss and components of other comprehensive income shall be presented as a part of the statement of profit and loss. Dividends classified as an expense may be presented in the statement of comprehensive income or separate income statement (if presented) either with interest on other liabilities or as a separate item. IND AS 33 – Earnings per Share SR No. Particulars IND AS Requirement IFRS Requirement 1. EPS Disclosure in Standalone & Consolidated Financials Ind AS 33 requires EPS related information to be disclosed both in consolidated financial statements and separate financial statements. IAS 33 provides that when an entity presents both consolidated financial statements and separate financial statements, it may give EPS related information in consolidated financial statements only. 2. Applicability of Standard (Para 2) The applicability para has been deleted in the Ind AS as the same is governed by the Companies Act and the Rules made there under in India. It applies while preparing the standalone or consolidated financial statements of the following companies : Listed or In process of Listing 3. Additional Specifications Where any item of income or expense which is otherwise required to be recognized in profit or loss in accordance with accounting standards is debited or credited to securities premium account/other reserves, the amount in respect thereof shall be deducted from profit or loss from continuing operations for the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share. No such specification made in IAS 33. IND AS 33 – Earnings per Share SR No. Particulars IND AS Requirement IFRS Requirement 4. EPS Disclosure in Standalone & Consolidated Financials Under IND AS 33, an entity should not present the EPS which is based on consolidated financial statements in its separate financial statements. No such requirement 5. Certain disclosures deleted Disclosure of amounts per share using a reported component, basic and diluted earnings per share and basic and diluted earnings per share for discontinued operations in the separate income statement, These are required to be disclosed IND AS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting SR No. Particulars IND AS Requirement IFRS Requirement 1. Preparation Approach for Profit & Loss It allows only single statement approach on the lines of Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements. For preparation of statement of profit and loss, International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, provides option either to follow single statement approach or to follow two statement approaches. 2. Statement of Changes in Equity Ind AS 34 requires the statement of changes in equity to be shown as a part of the balance sheet on the lines of Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements. IAS 34 requires preparation of a Statement of Changes in Equity as a separate statement. IND AS 36 – Impairment of Assets SR No. Particulars 1. IND AS Requirement Investment Property Ind AS 36 does not specify such - Impairment requirement, as Ind AS 40 permits the cost model only. IFRS Requirement Paragraph 2(f) of IAS 36 states that the standard shall not be applied for accounting for the impairment of the investment property that is measured at fair value. IND AS 38 – Intangible Assets SR No. Particulars 1. Intangible through Govt. Grant Recognition IND AS Requirement IFRS Requirement Allows only fair value for recognising the intangible asset and grant in accordance with Ind AS 20. With regard to the acquisition of an intangible asset by way of a government grant, IAS 38, Intangible Assets, provides the option to an entity to recognise both asset and grant initially at fair value or at a nominal amount plus any expenditure that is directly attributable to preparing the asset for its intended use. IND AS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement SR No. Particulars 1. Fair Value for Financial Liabilities IND AS Requirement IFRS Requirement A provisio has been added in Ind AS 39 that in determining the fair value of the financial liabilities which upon initial recognition are designated at fair value through profit or loss, any change in fair value consequent to changes in the entity’s own credit risk shall be ignored. IAS 39 requires all changes in fair values in such liabilities to be recognised in profit & loss account. IND AS 40 – Investment Property SR No Particulars IND AS Requirement IFRS Requirement 1. Measurement Principles Ind AS 40 permits only the cost model for measurement of investment properties after initial recognition . IAS 40 permits both cost model and fair value model (except in some situations) for measurement of investment properties after initial recognition . 2. Operating Lease Treatment Ind AS 40 prohibits the use of fair value model, accordingly the treatment specified under IAS 40 is prohibited in Ind AS 40 IAS 40 permits treatment of property interest held in an operating lease as investment property, if the definition of investment property is otherwise met and fair value model is applied. In such cases, the operating lease would be accounted as if it were a finance lease. Ind AS 101 First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 1. Option for transition date under Ind AS Ind-AS 101, however, provides that the date of transition is the beginning of the current period and in addition provides an option to present comparative financial statements in accordance with Ind-AS on a memorandum basis. IFRS 1 defines transitional date as beginning of the earliest period for which an entity presents full comparative information under IFRS. It is this date which is the starting point for IFRS and it is on this date the cumulative impact of transition is recorded based on assessment of conditions at that date by applying the standards retrospectively except to the extent specifically provided in this standard as optional exemptions and mandatory exceptions. 2. Adoption of previously filed IFRS financial statements. Paragraph 2A of Ind AS 101 states that the entities that have filed financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS with regulatory authorities can adopt, for the purpose of Ind AS 101, the balance sheet so filed as at the end of the immediately preceding financial year as the opening Ind AS balance sheet after making adjustments for differences between Ind-ASs and IFRSs. IFRS 1 does not have such a specific requirement. Ind AS 101 First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards contd. SR No Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 3. Elimination of effective dates prior to transition date for optional exemptions For Ind-AS 101 purposes, all these dates have been changed to coincide with the transition date elected by the entity adopting these converged standards. Paragraph B2 of IFRS 1 provides that, an entity would have had to adopt the derecgonition requirements for transactions entered after 1 January, 2004. 4. Deletion of certain exemptions not relevant for India – Corridor approach exemption In India, since corridor approach is not elected, the resultant first time transition provision has been deleted. Paragraph D10 of IFRS 1 provides an entity that adopted the corridor approach for recording actuarial gain and losses arising from accounting for employee obligations with an option to recognize the entire such gain or loss to retained earnings, at the date of transition, rather than requiring them to split such gains and losses as recognized and unrecognized gains and losses. 5. Deletion of certain exemptions not relevant for India – Borrowing costs exemption However, this is not relevant in Indian situation as Ind AS 23 AS 16 always required an entity to capitalize borrowing costs as compared to IAS 23 where it provided an option to expense out such borrowing cost . Paragraph D23 of IFRS 1 provides for transitional adjustment requiring companies to apply the provisions of IAS 23 to be applied prospectively after the transition date. Ind AS 101 First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards contd. SR No Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 6. Inclusion/modi fication of existing exemptions – PPE, Investment property at cost and Intangile assets Additional option apart from fair value Paragraph D7A provides an entity option to use carrying values of all such assets on or before April 1, 2007 in accordance with previous GAAP as an acceptable starting point under Ind-AS. Paragraph 27B has been included in Ind AS 101 which requires the disclosure of the fact and accounting policy if an entity adopts for first time exemption the option provided in accordance with paragraph D7A. This disclosure is required until such time that significant block of such assets is fully depreciated or derecognized from the entity’s Balance Sheet. For detailed guidance refer slide at the end. Subsequent to an entity taking this option, the entity will capitalize and amortize the assets as per Ind AS 16. Fair value option – As per para D5 of IFRS 1, an entity may elect to measure an item of property, plant and equipment at the date of transition to IFRSs at its fair value and use that fair value as its deemed cost at that date. 7. Inclusion/modi fication of existing exemptions – IFRIC 4 A first-time adopter may apply paragraphs 6-9 of the Appendix C of Ind AS 17 “Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease” to determine whether an arrangement existing at the date of transition to Ind-ASs contains a lease on the basis of facts and circumstances existing at the date of transition to Ind AS except where the effect is expected to be not material. A first-time adopter may apply the transitional provisions in IFRIC 4 “Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease”. Therefore, a first-time adopter may determine whether an arrangement existing at the date of transition to IFRSs contains a lease on the basis of facts and circumstances existing at that date. Ind AS 101 First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards contd. SR No Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 8. Inclusion/modifi cation of existing exemptions – Actuarial gains/losses Paragraph D11A has been added to provide the transitional relief from the retrospective application of Ind AS 19 that a first-time adopter may elect to recognise all cumulative actuarial gains and losses subsequent to the date of transition to Ind-AS in other comprehensive income as Ind AS 19 requires recognition of actuarial gains and losses for post employment defined benefit plans and other longterm employment benefit plans in other comprehensive income immediately and are not reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent period. As per para D10 of IFRS 1, in accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits, an entity may elect to use a 'corridor' approach that leaves some actuarial gains and losses unrecognised. However, a firsttime adopter may elect to recognise all cumulative actuarial gains and losses at the date of transition to IFRSs, even if it uses the corridor approach for later actuarial gains and losses. 9. Inclusion/modifi cation of existing exemptions – Exchange differences On the date of transition, if there are long -term monetary assets or long term monetary liabilities mentioned in paragraph 29A of Ind AS 21, an entity may exercise the option mentioned in that paragraph either retrospectively or prospectively. If this option is exercised prospectively, the accumulated exchange differences in respect of those items are deemed to be zero on the date of transition No such provision in IFRS 1 Ind AS 101 First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards contd. SR No Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement 10. Inclusion/modificat ion of existing exemptions – Impracticability for financial instruments Para D19A - Financial instruments carried at amortised cost should be measured in accordance with Ind-AS 39 from the date of recognition of financial instruments unless it is impracticable (as defined in Ind AS 8) for an entity to apply retrospectively the effective interest method or the impairment requirements No such provision in IFRS 1. 11. Inclusion/modificat ion of existing exemptions – Fair value category Financial instruments D19B has been added to provide that financial instruments measured at fair value shall be measured at fair value as on the date of transition to Ind -AS. No such provision in IFRS 1 12. Inclusion/modificat ion of existing exemptions – Non current assets held for sale Paragraph D-26 has been added to provide for transitional relief while applying Ind AS 105 - Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations .Paragraph D26 provides an entity to use the transitional date circumstances to measure such assets or operations at the lower of carrying value and fair value less cost to sell No such provision in IFRS 1 Ind AS 103 Business Combinations SR No. Particulars Ind AS requirement IFRS requirement Ind AS 103 requires the same to be recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity as capital reserve, unless there is no clear evidence for the underlying reason f or classification of the business combination as a bargain purchase, in which case, it shall be recognised directly in equity as capital reserve. IFRS 3 requires bargain purchase gain arising on business combination to be reconised in profit or loss. 1. Bargain purchase gain on business combinations 2. Business Specific guidance provided in Appendix combinations of C – pooling of interest method entities under required to be followed in such cases common control Excluded from the scope of IFRS 3 Para D7A and D8B of Ind AS 101 – Deemed cost – additional option under Ind AS 101 Additional option for deemed cost as per para D7A of Ind AS 101 – A first-time adopter may elect to continue with the carrying value as at the date of transition to IndAS, for all of its PPE as recognised in the financial statements as at the end of the financial year ending as at March 31, 2007 or relevant date immediately preceding date where it has a different financial year, e.g., December 31, 2006 and which were measured as per the previous GAAP and use that as its deemed cost as at the date of transition to Ind-AS after making adjustments on the date of transition in accordance with paragraph D21 and D21A for decommissioning liability exemption of this standard. In the consolidated financial statements of an entity where PPE of subsidiary/joint venture/associate have been measured as per the previous GAAP for the purpose of consolidation then the amounts so used for the purpose of consolidation should be considered for the aforesaid optional exemption. If an entity is preparing its consolidated financial statements for the first time and if any of its subsidiary/jointly controlled entity/associate has not measured PPE in accordance with the previous GAAP, then to that extent the first time adopter should re-compute carrying values of the property, plant and equipment in accordance with the principles of Ind AS 16: PPE as on the date of transition to Ind-AS after considering the first time adoption exemption available in this standard for that subsidiary/jointly controlled entity/associate. Thank You CA. KISHOR PARIKH (U.K.) 09820375766 Mumbai, India