MGMT-CC-12-40-ACCT 30900-pattern-chg

Curriculum Proposal
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Department: Accounting
School Document Number: MGMT-CC-12-40
Author (Contact): Dr. Gail Hoover King
School Approval Date: 12/12/2012
Date: 10/22/2012
CEP Review Date:
Effective Term: Fall 2013
Senate Approval Date:
Type of Proposal
(place an X in the proper box)
Course: X
revision X
Proposal Subject: (One sentence overview of the proposal. Examples: change in title, prerequisite and description of NUR XYZ. Create new plan of
study in XYZ department, etc.)
Request revision of the pattern of ACCT 30900: Accounting Information Systems to include lab component.
Justification: (Explain the rationale for the proposed change.)
Increasingly ACCT 30900: Accounting Information Systems has been offered in a laboratory environment. The requested new pattern
will more accurately reflect the delivery of the course. The associated lab fees will allow for the maintaining the currency of the
software and the upkeep of the lab.
Current: (If proposal is for a course change, enter current course
Proposed: (If proposal is a for a course change or new course,
information here. Include title, credits, pattern, etc. If proposal is for a
change in plan of study, enter name here, and include current bingo
sheet as an attached document, labelled CURRENT.)
enter new course information here. Include title, credits, pattern, etc.
If proposal is for a change in plan of study, or new plan, enter name
here and include proposed bingo sheet as an attached document,
labelled PROPOSED.)
ACCT 30900: Accounting Information Systems
Pattern Lecture 3, Lab 0, Credit 3
Prerequisite: ACCT 20100
The course emphasizes accounting information systems,
transaction cycles, and communication of financial
information for management decisions within the context of
business. Topics may include ERP systems, e-business and
electronic commerce, systems documentation, database
management, internal control, management reporting, and
projects using business software.
ACCT 30900: Accounting Information Systems
Pattern Lecture 2, Lab 1, Credit 3
Prerequisite: ACCT 20100
The course emphasizes accounting information systems,
transaction cycles, and communication of financial
information for management decisions within the context of
business. Topics may include ERP systems, e-business and
electronic commerce, systems documentation, database
management, internal control, management reporting, and
projects using business software.
Impact on Students: (Explain how students will be affected by the proposal. Benefits to students should be listed.)
The course is computer-based and utilizes up-to-date software. A laboratory environment allows for supervised, hands-on work for
the students. The lab fee would represent an additional expense, but will allow for the maintenance of the lab and software.
Impact On Other Departments: (Explain how other academic departments may be affected by the proposal, and summarize any discussions with
other departments about the proposal. If adding or deleting a course, explain how other departments may be affected.)
Laboratory space is limited so the course will be scheduled with other users in mind. The course has been taught in a lab environment
recently and no issues have arisen.
Curriculum Proposal 1
Impact on University Resources: (Curriculum changes affect university resources. Explain here how instructional, lab, computer or library
resources may be affected by the proposal. It is especially important to address the possible need for additional faculty.)
Lab fees allow for the upkeep and maintenance of the lab and needed software.
Impact on General Education Requirements: (If the proposal fulfills or changes general education requirements in your department, explain this
Curriculum Proposal 2