REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE GOVERNORS March 2015 Paper Title: Finance report Sponsoring Director: Action required by the Council: Steve Bolam, Director of Finance, Performance & Informatics; Deputy CEO Steve Bolam, Director of Finance, Performance & Informatics; Deputy CEO To provide a report to the Council on performance against key financial targets For information Document previously considered by: Finance & Performance Committee & Trust Board Author: Purpose: Executive summary Key points in the report and recommendation to the board 1. Key messages This report is the first finance report to be provided to the Council of Governors. The report highlights the following As at Month 11, the Trust is showing a deficit YTD of £9.5m which is £14.75m adverse to the YTD target of £5.25m surplus. This is an adverse movement in month of £3.2m. The month 11 results have seen a worsening of the position as a result of under delivery of SLA inpatient income targets and excess costs of continuing operational pressures during February. In response, the Executive has taken further exceptional action to reduce expenditure in the fourth quarter. A detailed review of all budgets and costs centres was under taken led by a team of Senior Finance and Corporate Managers to identify areas where expenditure can be stopped. The detailed actions identified were reviewed by the Chief Nurse and Medical Director to remove any measures that represent a material risk to patient or staff safety. The Trust has now seen three months of trading deficits of >£3m mainly due to lower than planned SLA income, increasing pay costs, costs of exporting activity and expected cost reduction not happening. Following the m10 results the divisional best case forecasts were reviewed and the expected gains from seasonality removed to give a likely forecast outturn of £13m The current forecasts stand as a best case of £13.0m and a likely case of £13.7m The likely case has been shared with monitor as part of our m11 return The m11 reported forecasts from divisions have been triangulated against a top down approach which ties back to the £13.7m likely case. Key risks identified: Key financial risks include: Trading losses are reducing liquidity and will force the Trust to take immediate remedial action to a) control expenditure and b) protect liquidity by restricting capital Trading at a deficit puts risk the ability to generate loan finance to support the important service developments and changes we need to make Related Corporate Objective: Financial sustainability Reference to corporate objective that this paper refers to. Related CQC Standard: Reference to CQC standard that this paper refers to. Are services well led? Commentary on performance in key financial indicators Overall position As at Month 11, the Trust is showing a year to date (ytd) deficit of £9.5m which is £14.75m adverse to the ytd target of £5.25m surplus. This is an adverse movement in month of £3.2m. The month 11 results have seen a further worsening of the ytd position as a result of under delivery of SLA inpatient income targets and excess costs of continuing operational pressures during February. In response, the Executive has taken further exceptional action to reduce expenditure in the fourth quarter. A detailed review of all budgets and costs centres was under taken led by a team of Senior Finance and Corporate Managers to identify areas where expenditure can be stopped. The detailed actions identified were reviewed by the Chief Nurse and Medical Director to remove any measures that represent a material risk to patient or staff safety. The impact of these measures began filtering through towards the end of February. Income remains ahead of plan offset by overspends in Medical, Nursing and non pay. The Trust position continues to suffer from a combination of the following factors : Increases in emergency demand and the acuity of admitted patients combined with a shortage of beds leading to the displacement of elective activity and reductions in income, increases in emergency activity being funded at only 30% marginal rate and staffing pressures as we open all available escalation areas all the time and invest in further bed capacity Pressures arising from increasing turnover and as a result increases in vacancies set against difficulties in recruiting and the requirements of safe staffing meaning expenditure on agency and temporary staff continues to escalate and pay costs overall continue to rise month on month without any corresponding increases in income to offset Losses of income compared to planned levels in specific areas such as Project Diamond funding to compensate for the underfunding of complex activity, education funding as we move to education tariffs and reductions in doctors in training numbers also reduce income Delays in the commissioning of new capacity leading to shortfalls in cost improvement plans (CIPs) and lower than planned levels of contribution as well as a shortfall on CIP achievement as Divisions have been unable to develop plans to fully meet the £45m target The finance team are building a bridge to explain how these issues have contributed to the deterioration in our financial performance over the course of the year to share with the Board and Monitor and Governors will also be briefed on the same. The current forecasts for the final year end position stand as a best case of £13.0m and a likely case of £13.7m. The likely case has been shared with monitor as part of our m11 return. The m11 reported forecasts from divisions have been triangulated against a top down approach which ties back to the £13.7m likely case. Activity and income The position includes additional income from commissioners for Systems resilience and additional waiting list reduction work but to date the Trust costs are greater than this funding. Divisions have improved marginally in their performance against in month SLA targets. There are under performances in Surgical, Neuro and Cardiac Elective inpatients due to significant cancellations from lack of beds and theatre capacity. Emergency inpatients have overperformed but income for that activity has been heavily impacted by the Non Elective emergency threshold which is set at 2012/13 levels meaning that activity over that level is paid at 30% of tariff not 100%. The annual value of this discount to commissioners is worth £5m and as we see more emergency activity displacing elective activity which is paid at 100% of tariff this has a seriously detrimental impact. Critical Care bed day activity has underperformed in month due to lower case mix of emergency medical patients compared to elective surgical patients and Paediatric activity is failing to achieve the higher seasonal targets. Within other income, private patient has improved but is underperforming overall. The Trust has been notified of a reduction of £2.5m YTD in its Project Diamond, HCAS and Educational funding. Activity charts to end Feb SLA A&E SLA Elective 1800 12000 1600 11000 1400 3500 10000 1200 3000 9000 1000 2500 8000 800 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar SLA Daycase 4500 13000 4000 2000 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep SLA Daycase Actual 13/14 A&E Actual 13/14 A&E Target 14/15 A&E Actual 14/15 Elective Actual 13/14 Elective Target 14/15 Elective Actual 14/15 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Feb Mar SLA Daycase Actual 14/15 Emergency SLA Other Non Elective Oct SLA Daycase Target 14/15 SLA Outpatients 5000 60000 230 50000 210 190 3000 40000 170 150 30000 130 110 1000 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Other Non Elective Actual 13/14 Other Non Elective Actual 14/15 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Other Non Elective Target 14/15 Mar 20000 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Emergency Actual 13/14 Emergency Actual 14/15 Oct Nov Dec Jan Emergency Target 14/15 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Outpatients Actual 13/14 Oct Nov Dec Jan Outpatients Target 14/15 Outpatients Actual 14/15 Expenditure Pay costs are overspending for the year to date primarily due to premium costs of Medical Junior Doctors cover especially in ED, Paediatrics and Surgery. Nursing budgets were increased to match the safe staffing review levels in the summer of 2014 but nursing costs are now overspending in month due to agency/bank nursing cover for staffing escalation areas and maintaining safe staffing levels, covering vacancies and use of nurse specials still high. Divisions have struggled to meet CIP targets in pay. Non pay is overspent in drugs but the vast majority of this is high cost drugs which are largely reclaimable from commissioners. There are pressures in other non pay costs especially the use of private facilities for additional capacity and the roll out of the IT upgrade programme around eprescribing and clinical documentation to build an electronic patient record. Cash The cash balance was £10.8m at M11 (M10: £19.5m), a reduction of £8.7m in month. The Trust took a loan in 2014 to fund the energy centre project financed by LEEF. We drew this loan down early ahead of the anticipated expenditure profile having negotiated with LEEF to do so at zero cost. The majority of this spend will happen in 2015/16 financial year. There was a trading loss in February of £3.3m (IFRS) and debtors increased following the considerable reduction last month – caused to a large extent by the receipt of long-standing debts and also the Q4 LDA education monies in one payment in January. Some long term CCG debts have been settled in March. The cash position will remain under severe pressure given the current income and expenditure performance and highly challenging trading outlook for 2015/16 and as a consequence the Trust is continuing to exert tight management of payments. The Trust will draw down the agreed £15m working capital loan on 23rd March Capital Actual capital expenditure in month 11 was £3.4m. and YTD expenditure is £34.1m against the budget of £52.6m – an under spend of £18.6m. The IMT over spend is unchanged from M10 and the Chief Information Officer has implemented measures to ensure IMT capital spend for the year is contained within the control total of £10.656m. The updated forecast indicates the Trust will generate an under spend in terms of overall capital expenditure of £16.35m. However, the majority of this is slippage against externally financed programmes such as major medical equipment and service developments. For cash funded capital the Trust took action to control expenditure and manage risks in year and now the potential overspend on cash funded capital has been mitigated the Trust funded capital position will be in surplus compared to budget by approx. £2m at year end.