Transcript: Steps to enrolling online The online enrolment process is a quick and easy way of enrolling at CDU, and gives you instant confirmation of your enrolment. It also allows you to update your email and contact details at any time. The first time you enrol in your course, you will need to complete each step, however after this, you can usually go directly to the step you wish to action. For example, when you wish to enrol for future semesters, you can go directly to the last step – adding and withdrawing units. For your first enrolment we suggest you watch the Enrolment Steps video, but we have also included individual videos for each step, so if you forget how to do that step, just go to the relevant video for a reminder. Enrolment declaration For this example, we will be enrolling as an external student commencing in Semester 2, studying the Bachelor of Commerce, with a full-time load of four units. If you are a TEP or international student you will notice that you will have less enrolment steps to complete. Before you commence your online enrolment, please go through the following checklist: Make sure you have activated your student computer account. If you have been enrolled at CDU previously, your account may have already been activated. If you cannot log in you may need to call the ITMS Help Desk on 8946 6600. Have a copy of your study plan showing the units you wish to enrol in. You will need the unit code of each of your units. For example, CUC100 is the unit code for Academic Literacies. You can enrol for just this semester, or for the whole year. If you’ll be studying part-time, or have gained advanced standing for some of your units, you should use the study plan table as a guide to design your own study plan. If you’re going to do this, you should try to study your units in the same basic order as outlined in the full-time study plan. Remember that some units are only offered in certain semesters. Also, make sure you check the assumed knowledge and prerequisites for each unit, as some 200 and 300 level units require you to have completed one or more foundation units first. If you have any problems with your study plan, or need assistance designing your own, the Academic Liaison Unit can assist you. You can contact them through the Information Centre on 1800 061 963. If you are eligible for HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP and wish to defer your fees to tax, you will need your tax file number. If you need help at any time during the enrolment process, contact the Information Centre on 1800 061 963. To commence your online enrolment, go to the CDU home page (, hover over “Current” and select “My Student Info”. Enter your student number and password. Select “My Enrolment” from the left-hand menu. You can now see your enrolment steps. You will need to work your way through each step answering all questions as you go. If you leave a question out, you may not be able to proceed to the next step. Unless this area is greyed out, the Enrolment Declaration is a mandatory step in your online enrolment process. If you don’t accept the declaration, you won’t be able to submit an enrolment online. Acceptance of the declaration is only required once per year, therefore you can skip this step if you need to make a change to your enrolment or your payment option. When you have read the declaration, click “Accept”. You will receive a thank you notice. Then proceed to the next step to update your email address. Update my email address “Update my email address allows” you to add an alternate email address. This means that every time CDU emails your student email address, we will also send a copy to the address you have listed here. Once updated, select “Save My Changes”. Once you have received the confirmation, you can then proceed to the next step to change your contact details. Change my contact details This step allows you to add or update your contact details including your postal, home and semester addresses along with your phone numbers. You can also include emergency contacts under your home address. Some address lines are mandatory. My StudentInfo will display an error if you attempt to submit your new address without inserting mandatory details. If you do not specify a start date, today's date will automatically be inserted. When you’re done, you can proceed to the next step to conform your course enrolment. Confirm my course enrolment If you’re an international student, you won’t see this step; however, “Confirm my course enrolment” is mandatory for new domestic students and shows the course that you have been given an offer to enrol in at CDU. To accept the offer, choose the “Confirm” button. You can then proceed to the next step to update your personal statistics. Update my personal statistics “Update my personal statistics” is where we gather data required by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education. This page often causes problems for students. The following hints may assist you with this step: Regardless of which option you select for Question 2, you must select option (a) for Question 3. For Questions 4 and 5, you only need to complete one of the options, that is either the Australian Postcode or the Overseas Country. Question 6 - if you have ticked “Born in Australia”, you must also tick “Never arrived in Australia”. You only need to complete Question 8 if you have completed Year 12 studies in Australia. When you have finished select the Submit button. You can now proceed to the next step – “My Commonwealth Assistance form”. My Commonwealth Assistance form If you’re a TEP or international student, you won’t see this step. You must complete the Commonwealth Assistance Form if: You are a new student enrolling in the course for the first time; or You are a continuing student, currently paying your fees upfront and wish to defer your fees to tax; or You are a continuing student and are currently deferring your fees to tax and wish to pay them upfront You will need to provide your tax file number. Please read through each section carefully and answer appropriately. Some of the information on this form is pre-populated with your details. When you have finished, save your changes by clicking the “Submit” button. Note: You can only make one change to your Commonwealth Assistance Form per day up until Census day for any given teaching period. Any changes after the Census day will only affect future semesters. Then proceed to the next step – “SA-HELP form”. SA-HELP form If you’re a TEP or international student, you won’t see this step. You need to complete this form if you wish to defer your Student Services and Amenities fees to tax by using an SA-HELP assistance loan. Most of the information on this form is pre-populated with your details. Please read through the form carefully and click “Submit” if you wish to proceed with the SA-HELP assistance loan. Then proceed to the next step – “Add or withdraw units”. Add/withdraw units This is where you add, change or delete your units. There are closing dates for each of these, so make sure you are aware of those dates which can be found under “Important Dates” on the CDU website ( Before you start this step, make sure you have your study plan or unit codes ready. For this example, we will be a Bachelor of Commerce student, enrolling for their first semester of external study, with a full-time load of four units commencing in Semester 2. The study plan advises to enrol in the following units: CUC107 Cultural Intelligence and Capability CUC106 Design and Innovation: Communicating Technology BCO104 Fundamentals of Economics BCO105 Problem Solving We will enrol in one unit at a time. The first unit code is CUC106. Enter the unit code and click “Search”. The results page will list a number of options. For each entry, the “Period” lists the year and semester that you wish to take the unit. For example here, the year 2013, Semester 2. The “Campus” lists where this unit will be studied. The “Mode” is how you will study the unit – either internally or externally. We’re choosing to do this unit externally. Use the checkbox to select the correct listing. Click “Add to selection”. The unit will now appear in your unit selections with an orange background. Our next unit is CUC107. Enter the unit code again and click “Search”. A number of selections are listed. Again, we are choosing to study this unit in Semester 2, 2013 as an external student. If wanted to study this unit at Alice Springs, Batchelor or Casuarina, we would have chosen the relevant unit. If we wanted to study this unit over the Summer Semester, we could have chosen the last unit. Select the checkbox, then choose “Add to selection”. This unit now appears in your unit selections. Continue adding all your units in the same way until they all appear in your unit selections with an orange background. Now that you have added all your units, the next step is to confirm them. Select the “Confirm” button. The final step is to finalise your enrolment. Unless you click this button, your enrolment changes will not occur. This confirms that you are now enrolled in these units. You can choose to print a receipt of your enrolment from this link. Troubleshooting Overload of units If you have exceeded the allowable amount of units per semester, you will receive a breach. The limit for undergraduate study per semester is 40 credit points. Most units are worth 10 credit points. If you wish to enrol in more than 40 credit points, you will need to complete an “Overload Enrolment Application” form which can be found under “Forms and guides” on the CDU website ( Cannot find unit listing Not all units are offered every semester. The unit catalogue lists when each unit is being offered. If your unit is not available for the semester you are enrolling in, you will need to choose another. The unit selection screen “jammed” If you run into difficulty with the unit selection screen – if it seems to be jammed – this sometimes happens if you go forwards and backwards a number of times in this step. The best way to proceed is to select the “Clear” button, then the “Confirm” button. This will probably clear anything you have added, but it should allow you to continue. Just re-enter the units and you should be able to complete the enrolment process. Nursing placement units If you are a nursing student and trying to enrol in a placement unit, e.g. NUR244, the system will not allow you until you have been through the placement process and received notification that your placement has been confirmed. For more information, please refer to Health Placements website ( If you need help at any time during the enrolment process, contact the Information Centre on 1800 061 963.