240 Vocabulary Lessons grade 4
A True Book Series by Children’s Press
A World of Poetry
ABC Mouse
Aesops fables
All About Reading
All About Spelling
All Things Fun and Fascinating Level A
American Adventures –book
American Education Publishing Total Reading 5th Reading
American Heritage Student Dictionary
Analytical Grammar
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Ann of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Auguatine Came to Kent by Willard
Ballad of the White Horse by G.K. Chesterson
Barton Reading & Spelling Program
Benson Handwriting
Beyond Five in a Row
Beyond the Code
Blast Off to Reading
Bob book Series
Brain Quest
Building Spelling Skills
Building Spelling Skills –
Building Thinking Skills
Caesar's English
Caesar's English II
Calvert Language Arts Daily Reading Comprehension (Evan Moor)
Center for Literacy
Chonicles of Narnia
Classic Literature Unit Study Mega Pack
Complete Writer level 3
Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills (American Education Publishing)
Costco Bright Start Learn and Grow Workbook
Cover Story Writing
Creative Writer Workbook
Critical Thinking: Mind Benders/Word Roots/Reading Detective/Editor-in-Chief, etc.
Cursive Connections
Daily 6-Trait Writing –
Daily Grams
Daily Language Review
Delightful Handwriting by Lanaya Gore
Digging into Diagramming
Digging into Grammar,
DK First encyclopedia
D'Nealian Handwriting Workbook
Draw – Write – Now
Drops in the Bucket for Reading
Easy Grammar
Easy Grammar Systems
Editor in Chief –
Elson Readers
English for the Thoughtful Child
English from the roots up,
Essentials of the English Language text
Evan Moor's Daily Series (any)
Excellence in Writing Student Writing Intensive level B
Exercises in English
Explode the Code
EyeQ by Infinite Mind
First Language Lessons of the Well Trained Mind
Five in a Row by Jane C Lambert(Volume 4 not approved)
Flash Kids Harcourt Family Learning
Fun Tales
Getting Started with Latin, Beginning Latin for Homeschooling and Self-Taught Students of
Any Age
Getty-Dubay, italic handwriting series
Glencoe Speech
Grammar and Writing
Grammar Daily Skill Builders from Carson Dellosa
Grammar Island
Grammar Revolution
Grammar Voyage
Grammatically Correct
Growing with Grammar
Gum Drops (any level)
Handwriting Practice Jokes and Riddles (Findley)
Handwriting without tears
Hooked on Phonics
Hooked on Reading
Horizons Reading and Phonics
Houghton Mifflin Grade 4 "Reading-Traditions"
How to Spell http://freerice.com/#/english-vocabulary/1430 http://www.handwritingworksheets.com/ http://www.learnthat.org/ http://www.readinga-z.com/ http://www.spellingcity.com/ http://www.tickettoread.com/
I can read it! Books
I Can Write Cursive
I Like To Write
I Spy: An Alphabet in Art
IEW – Institute for Excellence in Writing
IEW Level B Rockets, Robotics
IEW Student Writing Intensive
Ignite your Writing
In the Think of Things – GUM (grammar, usage, mechanics)drops
Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl
Italic Handwriting Series
Junior Analytical Grammar by Robin Finley
Junior Great Books
Just Write
K12 Language Arts (any level)
Khan Academy
Language Arts
Language Lessons for Elementary Students
Language Lessons for Little Ones
Language Smarts D
Language Smarts level C grade 2
Language Smarts Level D
Latin Alive
Latin for Americans (McGraw Hill/Glencoe)
Latin for Children 1 (Classical Academic Press)
Learning to Spell Through Copywork
Learning to Spell through Copywork
Learning with a Difference learnthat.org (Learn That Word subscription)
Life of Fred Series
Logic of English Foundations
Lost Tools Of Writing: Rediscover The Craft of Composition
Magic Lens
Magna Charta by Daugherty
Main Idea
Mastering First Grade Skills by Jodene Smith
McGraw-Hill Language Arts
McGuffey Speller
McRuffy's SE Phonics and Reading Curriculum
Mind Benders (Critical Thinking Co)
Miss Rhonda's Readers
More Greek and Latin Roots by Creative Teaching Press
More New Friends (Pathway Publishers)
Moving Beyond the Page
My 1st Grade Learning Book by Bright Start - Dalmatian Press
My First Picture Dictionary (Random House)
National Geographic Explorer by National Geographic Learning
National Novel Writing Month website and writing curriculum.
Native American Animal Stories by Joseph Bruchac
Natural Speller
New American Cursive workbook
New American Standard (handwriting)
New York Times
Oak Meadow School www.oakmeadowbookstore.com
Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading by Jessie Wise
Oxford University Press
Paragraph Writing (Evan Moor)
Passport to Genre: a Literature Enrichment Guide by Debbie Connolly & Laurie Danly
Pentime Cursive
Pentime Transition
Phonetic Pathways (Jossey-Bass)
Phonetic Zoo A
Phonics: I Can Read It
Pictures in Cursive from Queen Homeschool
Plaid Phonics (Modern Curriculum Press)
Poetry and Humanity
Poetry patterns and Themes by Evan Moor
Practice Voyage
Premium Education Reading grade 4
Prentice Hall Literature
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar
Prescripts Cursive- Cursive Words and Drawing
Primary Art of Language (excellenceinwriting.com)
Primary Language Lessons
Primary Phonics
Printing Power
Reading A-Z
Reading Detective A1
Reading Eggs (online)
Reading Skill Sharpeners grade 3 (Evan Moor)
Reading Street
Ready-Set-Learn: Word Games
Reproducible Kindergarten Writing Journal
Roots and Fruits by Jill Dixon
Sadlier-Oxford Phonics
Saxon Grammar and Writing
Saxon Phonics
Scholastic Success With
Sequential Spelling
Shurley English and Grammar
Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers by Lynn Quitman Troyka
Simple Solutions Writing and Grammar (www.simplesolutions.org)
Simply Charlotte Mason – handwriting only
Simply Grammar
Sing, Spell Read Write
Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary
Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary -
Spectrum Curriculum Package
Spectrum Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Vocab, etc.)
Spectrum Writing
Spell to Write and Read" and "The Wise Guide to Spelling
Spell Well
Spelling book- Words Most Needed Plus Phonics by Edward Fry PhD
Spelling City (www.spellingcity.com)
Spelling Plus text -
Spelling Plus/Dictation Resource Book
Spelling Power
Spelling Workout
Spelling Zoo by Excellence in Writing
Spellwell books by Nancy Hall
Sterling Biographies
Story of the World
Super Reading Success Sylvan Learning
Teach your Child to read in 100 easy lessons
Teaching Writing, Stucture, Style
Test Ready Language Arts
The American Odyssey: A History of the US
The Complete Writer: Writing with Ease
The Grammar Ace (Avyx, Inc)
The Great Saltmine and Hifwip
The Logic of English Essentials Curriculum
The Lost Tools of Writing
The Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading
The Primary Arts of Language (PAL) Reading and Writing programs
The Teaching Companies Great Courses
The Uglies series -
The Wise Guide to Spelling
The Writing Road to Reading Phoneme cards
Top Readers Nonfiction Reading Comprehension
Total Reading
Traditional Handwriting: Beginning Cursive (Carson Dellosa)
Trail Guide to Learning Paths of Exploration
Typing Instructor for Kids
Typing Instructor Platinum
Usborne Books
Usborne First Thousand Words in English by Heather Amery
Victory Drill Book: A Phonetic Approach to Reading With an Emphasis on Speed,
Vocabulary Cartoons Elementary Edition/SAT Word Power
Vocabulary Connections
Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Vocabulary From Classical Roots, -
Vocabulary SpellingCity.com
Wacky Sentences Handwriting Workbook
Winning with Writing
Winning With Writing from Growing with Grammar –
Winston Grammar
Word Roots
Word Study
Word Within Word
WordBuild Vocabulary Combo Pack : Foundations and Elements by Dynamic Literacy
Wordly Wise
Words are Categorical series
Wordsmith Apprentice
Write About My World
Write at Home – online writing course
Write Away
Write Shop-Junior
Write Shop-Primary
Write Source –
Write this Book: A Do-it-Yourself Mystery - Pseudononymus
Write with the Best(Diagnostic Prescriptive Services)
Writers Inc- Write Source- Houghton Mifflin
Writing and Grammar (Prentice Hall)
Writing Prompts with Graphic Organizers (Scholastic)
Writing Road to Reading –
Writing Trails with . . .
Writing with Ease
Writing, Lucy Calkins by Firsthand Heinemann www.handwritingworksheets.com www.nanowrimo.com
Zaner Bloser Handwriting only