Biology B: Genetics Unit Part 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 4 Dec 5 FIRST DAY OF TRI B! -Introductions -Syllabus -Safety Contract -Hand out books -turn in safety form/All About Me -Tri A Crossword Puzzle -Mitosis Lecture -Mitosis Foldable - 9.1 and 9.2 HW QUIZ! -Mitosis Review Packet HW: All About Me! HW: Notes Section 9.1 (“Cellular Growth”) HW: Notes Section 9.2 (“Mitosis&Cytokinesis”) Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 12 -sorting stages of Mitosis with table partner -Mitosis slides (microscopes) -Cancer Internet Investigation -Cancer lecture -Review mitosis……. -Meiosis Lecture -Meiosis Foldable -9.3 and 10.1 HW QUIZ! -Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis worksheet HW: Finish Mitosis Lab sheet HW: Notes Section 9.3 (“Cell Cycle Regulation) HW: Notes Section 10.1 (“Meiosis”) HW: finish any missing work!!! HW: NONE Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 -Human Traits Class Survey -Mendel Genetics Lecture -Smiley Face Genetics -Monohybrid Crosses (1-Trait Punnett Squares) -Dihybrid Crosses (2-Trait Punnett Squares) -Practice Problem s Packet -Sex-Linked Genes -Incomplete Dominance -Codominance -Blood Typing Genetics Unit Part 1 Test! HW: Notes Section 10.2 (“Mendelian Genetics”) HW: Punnett Squares Guided Practice HW: Studyguide for Test HW: Key Concepts HW: Have a great winter break!!! NO SCHOOL Section I can……. HW: NONE Vocabulary 9.1 Cellular Growth -Describe the 3 stages of the cell cycle (interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis) (see picture pg. 246) 9.2 Mitosis/Cytokinesis -Explain how a centromere is related to a sister chromatid -Explain the difference between chromosomes and chromatin -Tell how sister chromatids are related to each other -Explain the function of spindle fibers -Describe what happens in each of the 4 stages of mitosis -Differentiate between cytokinesis in a plant and animal cell 9.3 Cell Cycle Regulation -Summarize the role of cyclin proteins in controlling the cell cycle -Explain how cancer relates to the cell cycle -Describe the role of apoptosis. 10.1 Meiosis -Explain the relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes. -Explain the reduction in chromosome number that occurs during meiosis. -Recognize the types of cells meiosis occurs in. -Summarize the stages of meiosis. -Analyze the important of crossing over in creating genetic diversity. -Interphase -Mitosis -Cytokinesis -Chromosomes -Chromatin -Sister Chromatid -Centromere -Spindle -Prophase -Metaphase -Anaphase -Telophase -Cyclin -Cancer -Carcinogen -Apoptosis -Stem cells -Gene -Homologous chromosomes -Gamete -Haploid -Diploid -Meiosis -Crossing over -Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between meiosis and mitosis. -Explain benefits of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. 10.2 Mendelian Genetics -Explain the significance of Mendel’s experiments to the study of genetics. -Understand the difference between P, F1, and F2 generations. -Summarize the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment. -Analyze genotype ratios and phenotype ratios of offspring from a 1-trait cross Punnett Square. -Analyze phenotype ratios of offspring from a 2-trait cross Punnett Square. -Understand how dominant phenotypes can result from homozygous or heterozygous genotype, while recessive phenotypes can only result from homozygous genotypes. -Allele -Dominant -Recessive -Homozygous -Heterozygous -Genotype -Phenotype -Hybrid -Law of segregation -Law of independent assortment