Chapter 2 review and reasons for revolution

Chapter 2/3
This Power Point contains the following:
 Middle Passage Review
 Reasons for immigration Review
 Laws established/English Laws Review
 Great Awakening/Enlightenment Review
 7 Reasons for American Revolution
 American Revolution battles
 Federalists/Anti-Federalists
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Points to remember:
African slaves used in the Americas because:
1. Native American slaves die from exhaustion
or disease. There still remained a desperate
need for labor.
2. African Slaves were used to agricultural
work, resisted many diseases and were not as
likely to run away as Native Americans.
The Atlantic Slave Trade
African slaves were trade in
Africa for guns, supplies and
The Triangular Trade existed
between Africa, The
Americas and Europe.
1st leg: from Europe to Africa
2nd leg: Africa to Americans
3rd leg: Americas to Europe
The Middle Passage
The 2nd leg of the trip-sailing
across the Atlantic Ocean.
Captive Africans chained together,
forced into dark, cramped quarters
below ship’s decks.
Journey lasted three to six weeks,
ten to twenty percent did not
The English Colonies-Virginia
Who came and why?
English Catholics came because they were persecuted by
those practicing under King Henry’s Church of England.
(or Anglican Church)
The Puritans: A Protestant group that wanted to “purify”
or reform(improve) the Anglican Church.
The Pilgrims (a separatist group) left England to escape
The Pilgrims were “immigrants” or people who leave the
country of their birth to live in another country.
New Colony Laws
The Toleration Act of 1649:
Catholics and Protestants started to
fight over religion. Maryland passed
a law making it a crime to restrict
religious rights of Christians.
Slave Codes: Most southern
colonies passed laws to control
slaves. ex. Slaves could hold no
meetings or own weapons. Some
states refused to free slaves.
New Colony Laws
Mayflower Compact: Nov. 21,
1620. 41 pilgrims of the
Mayflower created a legal
document in which they agreed to
have fair laws to protect the
general good.
This was one of the first attempts
to a self-government (no king!) in
the English settlement.
In late 1620 the Mayflower landed
in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Life in the English Colonies
The English Colonies each has their own
government, but the English Monarch
(king) had ultimate authority.
Some colonies elected representatives to
help make laws and set policy.
In New England the center of politics was
the town meeting-here people met and
decided on local issues.
Changes in English Laws
1215 The Magna Carta was
issued to limit the power of the
English King John. John was a
tyrant who abused his power. The
Magna Carta ensured no unfair
imprisonment/ trial by jury.
1689 English Bill of Rights-Again,
reduced the power of the King.
(King James wanted more power
over colonists)
New Ideas-The Great Awakening
Population growth in the colonies led religious
leaders to try and spread religious feelings
throughout the colonies.
Many colonists experienced “a great awakening”
in their religious lives.
The Great Awakening was a religious movement
throughout the colonies in the 1730’s and 1740’s.
Preachers promoted spiritual equality which
began people to think about political equality.
“Everyone is equal in the eyes of the Lord”
“Everyone is Equal
in the Eyes of the
Lord!” First true
George Whitefield
Whitefield was an educated man
and believed everyone needed to
experience a re-birth in Jesus
Christ. Spoke to crowds of 10,000
plus with no microphone!
1600s Europeans began to re-examine the their
world. Scientist began to understand natural
laws. It changed the way people thought of the
Colonists were also influenced by the
Enlightenment. This movement spread the idea
that reason and logic could improve society.
(And how government could work!)
Enlightened thinker John Locke believed people
should have natural rights such as equality and
liberty. (freedom)
Events that led to the beginning of
our Nation (1750’s- 1791)
(a.k.a. 7 YEAR WAR & the First World War)
France and their
Indian allies vs.
Britain and their
Indian allies
Fought for the Ohio
Valley territory.
France = fur trade,
Britain = Farming
Britain wins ending
with the Treaty of
Bloody battle
France no longer a threat
to Britain.
Colonists gained military
England warned
colonists not to expand
England now had a
Sugar Act
Raise Money by tax!
Prime Minister
George Granville
asked Parliament to
tax sugar and
molasses imported
to the colony.
Smugglers were also
searched for!
King George ordered high
tariffs on newspapers,
legal documents, playing
Colonist rebelled created
the “Sons of Liberty”.
Protests, riots, and boycotts
broke out amongst the
“No taxation without
representation” became the
rally cry.
Repelled in 1766
Response to the Stamp Act
 Members of the
legislature met with
9 other colonies
and issued a
declaration that the
Stamp Act was a
violation of rights
and liberties!
English Parliament
was angry their
authority was
They issued the
Declaratory Act,
stating they had all
the power to make
laws in the colonies!
Townsend Acts
1761 Parliament
passed Townsend Acts
to tax glass, lead,
paints, paper and tea.
British Officials could
also search for
smuggled goods
Samuel Adams ship
The Liberty was seized
for smuggling Rum.
Angered Colonists!
Colonist Response?
Boycotting English
Women (daughters
of liberty) drove the
Colonists attacked
the houses of
custom officials and
British soldiers were
The British sent in troops (4000) into
Boston. Troops were not welcomed
as they competed for jobs and
represented the King’s interests.
There were many angry encounters
between soldiers and colonists.
March 5th 1770: Ice, snow and
rocks thrown at soldiers, someone
yelled “fire” and soldiers killed 5
Samuel Adams called
the event “The Boston
Massacre.” to fuel
 Soldiers were put on trial
and most were
acquitted, 2 convicted of
manslaughter. Most
agreed they were
probably provoked into
the attack.
 Townshend Acts were
repealed, British troops
withdrew from the city.
A period of calm followed
the massacre.
“Sons of Liberty” were
looking for issues to keep
the “fire” going.
1773 British only let the
East India Tea Co. sell tea
to America.
150 colonist dressed as
Native American Indians
boarded the tea ships
and dumped the goods
overboard. Other parties
took place in other colonies.
Unfair pricing!
British Parliament
stiffened their rule
and passed the
Coercive acts (a.k.a.
Intolerable acts)
shut down Boston
 Quartering acts
 No Town
Meetings allowed!
1st Continental 
Conference 1774
Patrick Henry, “ The
distinctions between
Virginians, Pennsylvanians,
New Yorkers and New
Englanders are no more, I
am not a Virginian, I am an
In September 1774The
Continental Congress met with 56
delegates from 12 colonies
(Georgia stayed home)
 56 men meant 56 different
opinions and very long debates!
 They prepared a list of grievances
to be taken to the King and British
 The delegates 1. stopped trade
with England and 2.alerted the
colonial militia to prepare for
 A 2nd meeting would be called if
the king did not hear their
complaints or if any attack took
 Neither side really wanted war, but neither side
was willing to back down.
 King George thought a show of force would
improve his standing stating, “The New England
Colonies are in a state of rebellion… Blows must
decide whether they are to be subject to this
country or independent!”
 The King’s General Thomas Gage was told to
prepare for war! Frightened because he knew
fighting would be fierce, Gage asked for
additional militia.
Conflict at Lexington and
•British General Gage learns
of hidden weapons in
•Two lanterns hung in
church tower to warn the
British coming by “sea”
(Charles River)
“One if by land, two if by sea!”
•Paul Revere and William
Dawes make midnight ride to
warn Minutemen of
approaching British soldiers
The Shot Heard Around the World
Lexington, Massachusetts
 The Redcoats were coming! April
19, 1775 The British neared
Lexington and prepared for war.
 About 80 minutemen saw the large
number of British and were about to
retreat when a shot rang out!
 A short battle began with the
British killing 8 men and destroying
weapons they found.
 Only one Redcoat was injured in
this battle.
Battle at Concord, Massachusetts
 Angered by British actions,
Minutemen (men ready at a
minute’s notice) were in place to
attack as British Redcoats
returned to Boston.
 As the British retreated from
Concord Minutemen shot at
troops from behind trees,
fences, and buildings, killing
over 250 Redcoats.
 War had officially begun!
1775 Second Continental Congress
 Delegates from 12 colonies
met in Philadelphia following
“shots” at Lexington/Concord
 Some called for peace,
others war! Another try with
King George III.
 George Washington was
named Commander in Chief
of the Continental Army
 Debate begins over
Battle of Bunker Hill
 May, 10 1775 Patriots attacked British
at Fort Ticonderoga on to seize a large
supply of weapons.
Colonial forces fortified Breed’s Hill to
prevent British from escaping Boston.
An army of 2,400 Redcoats vs. 1,600
Americans at Battle of Bunker of Hill.
The British had to fight crossing the
Boston Harbor in boats exposing them
as an easy target.
Eventually Americans forced to retreat,
but only after 1000 British casualties
and proof that the colonists could take
the British!
Ethan Allen
 May 10, 1775—The capture of
Fort Ticonderoga by Ethan Allen
and the Green Mountain Boys
was a major victory for America
during the early part of the
American Revolution.
 Allen sent a spy dressed as a a
beggar, was allowed into the fort
and discovered all of the British
 He overtook the fort with 80 men.
6’6” tall
with a
Battle of Bunker Hill Video
by Thomas Paine
A 47 page pamphlet.
Paine urged a
separation from
Argued that citizens
not kings should make
Argued for economic
freedom and the right
to military self-defense
*Read across the
No tyranny!
No abuse
Declaration of Independence
Many colonial leaders agreed with
Thomas Paine’s ideas.
Congress created a committee in
June 1776 to write a document
declaring independence.
Thomas Jefferson was the main
The Declaration of Independence
was sent to England and officially
approved on July 7, 1776.
Declaration of Independence
July 4th 1776
Stated the grievances
against the King of
Gave reasons as to
why the colonies
should be free.
Gave people the right
to abolish their own
Colonists had different reactions to
Declaration of Independence
Patriots: Chose to fight for independence.
About 40-50% of Americans were Patriots.
Loyalists: Sometimes called Tories, remained
loyal to Britain. About 20-30% of Americans
were Loyalists.
Neutral: About 25% of Americans remained
Once the Declaration was
signed, Loyalists and Patriots
became opponents.
Patriots Gain New Home
During the war 230,000 served in the Continental Army.
Most young men endured poor living conditions, bad food,
no $.
African Americans joined the patriots. At first they were
denied, but Britain promised freedom to slaves for service
so Army changed its mind.
Native Americans aided Patriots, but also assisted British
Molly Ludwig Hays
brought water to troops,
but when husband injured
she loaded cannons.
Ran farms and businesses
while men gone.
They raised money for
supplies and clothing.
Served as messengers,
nurses and spies-some
General Thomas Gageordered troops into
I took
Early Defeats
Canada: Patriots wanted Canada to be 14th
US forces under Gen, Montgomery and
Benedict Arnold attacked Quebec.
NYC : Became the 1st major battle ground .
British Gen. William Howe led 32,000 better
equipped militia vs. Washington’s 23,000.
Months of fighting. British captured Patriots,
took supplies, and burned NY.
Early Defeats
Howe pushed Washington across the
Hudson River and was pleased with his
Connecticut Nathan Hale went behind
the British lines to attain secret
Hale was caught with the documents
hidden in his shoe and ordered to be
Before his execution he stated, “I regret
I have only one life to lose for my
Battle of Saratoga, New York
2 defeats stun the British.
British General John Burgoyne
planned to capture Hudson River
valley and cut off New England
from other colonies.
British Burgoyne planned to invade
Canada traveling through dense
Patriots were ready with obstacles.
Militiamen outnumbered the
Redcoats and scored a major
victory. General Horatio Gates
crushed British attempts to
Battle of Saratoga, New York
Colonial General Benedict
Arnold led a charge that forced
the British to retreat.
The British were surrounded
and Burgoyne surrendered to
General Gates.
Saratoga was the greatest
victory yet for American
forces! The win convinced
foreign allies to help.
Help for Americans
France: Signed treaty of support. French
Nobleman Marquis de Lafayette volunteered
to serve and gave $200,000 for soldier aid.
Prussia: Baron Friedrich von Steuben trained
Continental Army into a tough force!
Spain: Bitter enemies of Britain! Governor
Bernardo de Galvez seized British ports.
Valley Forge-winter 1777-1778
General Washington and
1200+ men wintered at
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
Soldiers suffered because of
low supplies, shortage of
food, clothing, shelter and
2000 men died from disease
& malnutrition.
War at Sea and in the West
John Paul Jones leads attacks on
hundreds of British ships.
(The tiny fleet was no match for the
huge British fleet)
George Rogers Clark gathered
soldiers from small towns,
captured British villages and
convinced Indians to remain
I have just
begun to
War in the South
Following Saratoga war was not
going well for the British so they
decided to move war to the south
where they had many loyalists in
Georgia, the Carolinas and
They even offered freedom for
slaves who took up arms against
the Patriots.
Brutal fighting began.
War in the South
Patriots fought the Loyalists but lost
Georgia in 1778 and Charleston, South
Carolina in 1780.
Some southern Patriots worked to build
Bands of guerrilla fighters. Partisans
fought against the British.
One Southern Patriot was Francis
Marion (a.k.a The Swamp Fox)
Marion was successful using guerilla
warfare against the British.
The Swamp Fox
48 year old, weak and in poor
health. He created a “phantom”
army that frustrated British
General Cornwallis.
Surprise attacks from Marion and
others disrupted communication
and supply lines the British
counted on for success!
The Battle of Yorktown
1781 British General Cornwallis moved British
forces from Charleston to Yorktown, Virginia.
Washington saw a chance to trap Cornwallis.
He ordered Lafayette to block Cornwallis’s escape
by land.
He then combined his 2500 troops with 4000
French troops led by Comte de Rochambeau.
The Patriots surrounded Cornwallis and French
Naval Ships stopped British ships from saving
The Battle of Yorktown
On October 19, 1781 Cornwallis sent a
drummer and soldier with a white flag to
This was the last major battle of the
American Revolution.
With no more money to spend on war
Britain entered into peace talks with
America led by Benjamin Franklin.
It took 2 years to come to a Peace
Agreement but Great Britain finally
recognized the United States independence
at the Treaty of Paris in 1783.
American Revolution 1776-1783
 175,000 white males
fought in the war.
 50,000 as loyalists to
the King.
 Thousands of homes
were burned and
looted as the war
raged on, it forced
people to take sides.
 War was won by a
bunch of rag-tag
farmers using guerilla
Articles of Confederation
Could not levy taxes –
huge war debt
Could not regulate
trade- Froze trade,
paralyzed the
Difficult to pass new
laws, 9 of 13 colonies
must agree
Congress could not
enforce any laws
United States Constitution
Constitutional Convention 1787
Maybe the greatest document ever written?
Because of its fluidity! Has withstood civil wars,
internal abuses, and neglect.
Federal Constitution
Federalist (Alexander Hamilton)
• Strong federal government
• Gov’t should be run by the best
Only property owners should
Loose interpretation of
Gov’t favors business
Powerful national bank
Restrictions of free press and
(Thomas Jefferson)
Strong state government
 Gov’t should be run by all people
 All people can vote
 Strict interpretation of constitution
 No special favors for business
 Promotion of state banks
 Relatively free speech and press
Bill of Rights
Series of essays
(Federalist papers)
were published trying
to gather support for
their cause.
The Bill of rights were
a concession between
the Federalist and the
Anti- federalist agreed
to ratify the
constitution if they
guaranteed people’s
basic rights.
Bill of Rights
• 1st Amendment- separation of church
and state , freedom of worship,
speech, press, and assembly.
• 2nd Amendment- Right to bear arms
and establish a well regulated militia.
• 3rd Amendment- Soldiers cannot be
housed in private homes.
• 4th Amendment- Right to unlawful
search and entry.
• 5th Amendment- do not have to testify
against yourself.
First 10 Amendments
6th guarantees the right to a speedy trial
7th right to trial by jury
8th prohibits cruel and unusual punishment
9th states that because certain right are
not mentioned does not mean they do not
10th any powers no specified to the federal
government, then it rests with the states